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According to which theory do societies get stronger when everyone acknowledges the importance and
commitment to certain values?
a. Extensiveness
b. Social Contract
c. Hobbesian
d. None of the answers are correct

2. It holds that social order of maintained by domination and power, rather than by consensus and
a. Consensus Theory
b. Structural functionalism theory
c. Conflict theory
d. None of the answers are correct

3. Which of the following about Conflict Theory is not true?

a. Conflict theory focuses on the competition among groups within society over limited resources
b. Conflict theory views social and economic institutions as tools of the struggle among groups or classes, used to
maintain inequality and the dominance of the ruling class.
c. Marxist conflict theory sees society as divided along lines of economic class between the proletarian working class
and bourgeois ruling class
d. It gives the society a chance to have equilibrium

4. Functionalism is a sociological theory that views society as:

a. Genetic
b. Symbolic
c. Chaotic
d. Stable

5. This system copes with the integration function by controlling its component parts
a. Action System
b. Personality system
c. Social system
d. Cultural system

6. When a society’s parts work together to maintain stability, functionalist refer to this as:
a. Equilibrium
b. Social solidarity
c. Anomie
d. Latent function
7. This family type consists of two parents and children
a. Nuclear family
b. Extend-family
c. Grandparent-family
d. Not in the options

8. This family included many relatives living together and working toward common goals, such as raising the
children and keeping up with the household duties.
a. Nuclear family
b. Extended family
c. Single-parent family
d. Not in the options

9. One or two parents with one or more adoptive children (can have biological children too)
a. Nuclear family
b. Extended family
c. Adoptive family
d. Not in the options

10. What is a family?

a. A group of people living in the same house
b. A group of people related by blood living in the same house
c. A group of people related by blood living in different homes
d. Not in the options.
11. A set of norms surrounding a necessary function of society is referred to as a:
a. Marriage
b. Institution
c. Authoritarianism
d. Government
12. Which of the following is NOT a requirement of the government?
a. To make and enforce the rules of society
b. To regulate relations with other societies
c. To have a leader whose power is recognized by the people
d. To promote the health of the public

13. A month before the wedding, Carla and Marco bought a wedding ring. As they stare on it, Carla asked her fiancé
what does the ring signifies. Marco told her that wedding ring is a sign of commitment, and she added that it could
also mean a representation of love and forever. What sociological perspective do think is being described in the
A. Rational Choice Theory
b. Symbolic Interactionism
c. Marxism
d. Psychoanalysis
14. One of the founders of Social Psychology, an influential figure in symbolic Interactionism who developed a
theory of “social self”?
a. Karl Marx
b. Sigmund Freud
c. George Herbert Mead
d. D. Herbert Blumer


15. "Learning to be" as another pillar of learning is applied when schools ______.
I. facilitate the students' personality development
II. empower people to learn more about themselves
III. encourage students to become immersed in their culture
a. I, II and III
b. II and III
c. I and II
d. I and III

16. Which is an offshoot of the fourth pillar of learning "learning to live together"?
a. Schools teach respect for diversity.
b. Schools show concern what happens to children after they leave school.
c. Schools celebrate United Nations Week.
d. Schools teach care for the environment.

17. The specialization required of every professional teacher for him/her to be competent is in line with which pillar
of learning?
a. learning to do
b. learning to know
c. learning to be
d. learning to live together

18. Teaching students and adults the art of dialogue is in accordance with which pillar of learning?
a. learning to live together
b. learning to do
c. learning to be
d. learning to know

19. Which pillar of learning is aimed at the holistic development of man and his complete fulfillment?
a. learning to live together
b. learning to do
c. learning to be
d. learning to know
20. Inculcating the spirit of empathy among learner fulfills which pillar of learning?
a. learning to live together
b. learning to do
c. learning to be
d. learning to know

21. Developing an understanding of life, the world around us and other people is the concern of which pillar of
a. learning to know
b. learning to do
c. learning to be
d. learning to live together

22. Transforming certified skills into personal competence is the concern of which pillar of learning?
a. learning to know
b. learning to do
c. learning to be
d. learning to live together

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