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Definitions and Doctrines in Political Law these questions have been vested by the Constitution

in the Executive and Legislative Departments.

It is that branch of Public Law which deals with the CONSTITUTION
organization and operations of the governmental The Constitution is the basic and paramount law to
organs of the state and defines its relations with the which all other laws must conform and to which all
inhabitants of its territory. (People v. Perfecto GR persons, including the highest officials, must defer.
L18463 October 4, 1922) Three (3) parts of a written Constitution
1. Constitution of Sovereignty (Article XVII –
POLITICAL LAW IS A PUBLIC LAW Amendments and Revisions)
Hence, it is abrogated (abolished) by the change of 2. Constitution of Liberty (Article III – Bill of Rights)
sovereignty UNLESS it is expressly redeemed or 3. Constitution of Government (Article VI, VII, VIII, IX)
subsequently reenacted. People v. Perfecto 43 Phil.
887 It should be interpreted:
1. Verba Legis – ordinary meaning of the words used
It is a general principle of the public law that on 2. Ratio legis et anima – intent of the framers
acquisition of territory the previous political relations of 3. Ut magis valeat quam pereat – as a whole
the ceded region are totally abrogated. "Political" is (Francisco vs HR GR160261 11.10.03)
here used to denominate the laws regulating the
relations sustained by the inhabitants to the sovereign. THE 1987 PHILIPPINE CONSTITUTION
xxx Every nation acquiring territory, by treaty or It is classified as written, enacted and rigid.
otherwise, must hold it subject to the Constitution and Effectivity - The ConCom completed their task on 12
laws of its own government, and not according to those October 1986 and presented the draft constitution to
of the government ceding it. Macariola v. Asuncion 114 President Aquino on October 15, 1986. After a period
SCRA 77 of nationwide information campaign, a plebiscite for its
ratification was held on FEBRUARY 2, 1987. More
Upon the transfer of sovereignty from Spain to the US than three-fourths of all votes cast, 76.37% (or
and later to RP, the provisions of the Code of 17,059,495 voters) favored ratification as against
Commerce must be deemed to have been abrogated 22.65% (or 5,058,714 voters) who voted against
because where there is a change of sovereignty, the ratification. On February 11, 1987, the new constitution
political laws of the former sovereign, whether was proclaimed ratified and took effect. De Leon v.
compatible or not with those of the new sovereign, are Esguerra - The 1987 Constitution was ratified in a
automatically abrogated, UNLESS they are expressly plebiscite on February 2, 1987. By that date, therefore,
re-enacted by affirmative act of the new sovereign. the Provisional Constitution must be deemed to have
been superseded.
That which pertains solely to the citizens and POLITICAL QUESTION of Constitutionality: In Re:
inhabitants of a State. Deals with the CONDUCT or Puno June 29, 1992 - It was through the February
STATUS of Individuals, Corporations, and other 1986 revolution, a relatively peaceful one, and more
“PRIVATE” entities within a particular State. popularly known as the “people power revolution” that
the Filipino people tore themselves away from an
JUSTICIABLE QUESTION existing regime. This revolution also saw the
Implies a given right, legally demandable and unprecedented rise to power of the Aquino
enforceable, an act or omission violative of such right, government. It has been said that “the locus of positive
and a remedy granted and sanctioned by law for said law-making power lies with the people of the state” and
breach of right. (Casibang vs. Aquino, 92 SCRA 642) from there is derived “the right of the people to abolish,
to reform and to alter any existing form of government
POLITICAL QUESTION DOCTRINE without regard to the existing constitution.”
A ‘political question’ is one the resolution of which has
been vested by the Constitution exclusively in either JUSTICIABLE QUESTION on EDSA I vs. EDSA II:
the people, in the exercise of their sovereign capacity, Estrada v. Arroyo GR 146738 - The Court also
or in which full discretionary authority has been distinguished between EDSA People Power I and
delegated to a co-equal branch of the Government. EDSA People Power II. EDSA I involves the exercise
Thus, while courts can determine questions of legality of the people power of revolution which overthrew the
with respect to governmental action, they cannot whole government. EDSA II is an exercise of people
review government policy and the wisdom thereof, for power of freedom of speech and freedom of assembly
to petition the government for redress of grievances and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality,
which only affected the office of the President. EDSA I and peace, do ordain and promulgate this Constitution.
is extra constitutional and the legitimacy of the new
government that resulted from it cannot be the subject Origin – or authorship is the Will of the “Sovereign
of judicial review, but EDSA II is intra constitutional and Filipino People”
the resignation of the sitting President that it caused
and the succession of the Vice President as President Scope and Purpose – To build a just and human
are subject to judicial review. EDSA I presented society and to establish a government that shall
political question; EDSA II involves legal questions. embody our ideals and aspirations, promote the
common good, conserve and develop our patrimony,
PEOPLE POWER IS RECOGNIZED IN THE and secure to ourselves and our posterity the blessings
CONSTITUTION of independence and democracy under the rule of law
1. Article III Section 4 – guarantees the right of the and a regime of truth, justice, freedom, love, equality
people to peaceably to assemble and petition the and peace. (Bernas)
government for redress of grievances;
2. Article VI Section 32 – requires congress to pass a TERRITORY
law allowing the people to directly propose of reject any Is a fixed portion of the surface of the Earth inhabited
act or law or part of it passed by congress of a local by the people of the State. As an element of the state,
legislative body it is an area over which a state has Effective Control.
3. Article XIII Section 16 – provides that the right of the
people and their organizations to participate in all The PHILIPPINE TERRITORY
levels of social, political, and economic decisions The Philippine Archipelago consists of Terrestrial
making shall not be abridged and that the Senate shall, domain, Fluvial domain, Aerial domain (Sovereignty
by law, facilitate the establishment of adequate over airspace extends only until where outer space
consultation mechanisms; begins. 50-100 miles from earth) including its Territorial
4. Article XVII, Section 2 – provides that subject to the Sea, Seabed, Subsoil, Insular Shelves, other
enactment of an implementing law, the people my Submarine areas All other territories over which the
directly propose amendments to the Constitution Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction.
through initiative.
CONSTITUTIONAL SUPREMACY DOCTRINE The waters, around between and connecting different
Under this doctrine, if a law or contract violates ANY islands of the Archipelago, regardless of their breadth
norm of the Constitution, that law or contract, whether or dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the
promulgated by the legislative or by the executive Philippines. (Article I 2nd Sentence.) Integration of a
branch or entered into by private persons for private group of islands to the sea and their oneness so that
purposes, is null and void and without any force or together they can constitute one unit, one country, and
effect. Thus, since the Constitution is the fundamental, one state. An imaginary single baseline is drawn
paramount and supreme law of the nation, it is around the islands by joining appropriate points of the
DEEMED written in every statute and contract. (Manila outermost islands of the archipelago with straight lines
Prince Hotel v. GSIS GR 122156 02.03.97) and all islands and waters enclosed within the baseline
form part of the territory. Purpose: [1] Territorial
LEX POSTERIOR DEROGATE PRIORI Integrity, [2] National Security, [3] Economic Reasons.
In states where the constitution is the highest law of the
land, both statutes and treaties may be invalidated if DOCTRINE OF EFFECTIVE OCCUPATION
they are in conflict with the constitution. (Secretary of Discovery alone is not enough. Mere discovery gives
Justice vs. Lantion, G.R. No. 139465, January 18, only an inchoate right to the discoverer. For title to
2000) finally vest, discovery must be followed by effective
occupation in a reasonable time and attestation of the
We, the sovereign Filipino people, imploring the aid of
Almighty God, in order to build a just and humane GROTIUS DOCTRINE OF IMMEMORIAL
society, and establish a Government that shall embody PRESCRIPTION
our ideals and aspirations, promote the common good, Speaks of uninterrupted possession going beyond
conserve and develop our patrimony, and secure to memory.
ourselves and our posterity, the blessings of
independence and democracy under the rule of law THALWEG DOCTRINE
For boundary rivers, in the absence of an agreement Political – is the sum total of all the influences in a
between the riparian states, the boundary line is laid on state, legal and non-legal, which determine the course
the middle of the main navigable channel. of law.

MIDDLE OF THE BRIDGE DOCTRINE Internal Sovereignty – refers to the power of the State
Where there is a bridge over a boundary river, the to control its domestic affairs. It is the supreme power
boundary line is the middle or center of the bridge. over everything within its territory.

DECLARATION OF PRINCIPLES AND STATE External Sovereignty – Also known as

POLICIES INDEPENDENCE, which is freedom from external
Function: control. It is the power of the State to direct its relations
It is a statement of the basic ideological principles and with other States.
policies that underlie the Constitution. As such, the
provisions shed light on the meaning of the provisions Characteristics – It is permanent, exclusive,
of the Constitution and they are the guide for all comprehensive, absolute, indivisible, inalienable, and
departments of the government in the implementation imprescriptible. BUT, in the case of Tanada v. Angara,
of the Constitution. (Bernas Comprehensive Reviewer it was held that sovereignty of a state cannot be
2011) absolute. It is subject to limitations imposed by
membership in the family of nations and limitations
Note: As a general rule, these provisions are non-self- imposed by treaties. The Constitution did not envision
executing. But a provision that is complete in itself, and a hermit-type isolation of the country from the rest of
provides sufficient rules for the exercise of rights is the world. (2000 Bar Question)
GOVERNMENT – is that institution or aggregate of
STATE institutions by which an independent society makes
It is a community of persons more or less numerous and carries out those rules of action which are
(PEOPLE), permanently occupying a definite portion of necessary to enable men to live in a social state or
TERRITORY, independent of external control which are imposed upon the people forming that
(SOVEREIGNTY), and possessing an organized society by those who possess the power or authority of
GOVERNMENT to which the great body of inhabitants prescribing them. (US v. Dorr 2 Phil 332)
render habitual obedience. Functions: [1] Constituent – compulsory because it
State v. Nation : State – is a legal concept ; Nation – is constitute the very bonds of society. [2] Ministrant –
a ethnic concept. undertaken to advance general interest of society
Classification: de jure – has rightful title but no power
PEOPLE or control, either: a] because same has been
as an element of a state, simply means a community of withdrawn from it; OR b] because same has not yet
persons sufficient in number and capable of actually entered into the exercise thereof. de facto –
maintaining the continued existence of the community actually exercises power or control but without legal
and held together by a common bond of law. It is of no title.
legal consequence if they possess diverse racial,
cultural, or economic interest. (Bernas Comprehensive It was held in Lawyers League for a Better Philippines
Reviewer 2011). People as used in the Constitution: [1] v. Corazon Aquino that “the people have made the
as Inhabitants - Article II, Section 15, 16; Article III, judgment; they have accepted the government of
Section 2; Article XIII, Section 1; [2] as Electors - President Corazon Aquino which is in effective control
Article VII, Section 4; Article XVI, Section 2; Article of the entire country so that it is not merely a de facto
XVIII, Section 25); [3] as Citizens - Article II, Section 4; government but in fact and law a de jure government.
Article III, Section 7. Moreover, the community of nations has recognized
the legitimacy of the present government.
SOVEREIGNTY – supreme and uncontrollable power
inherent in a Sate by which the state is governed. PARENS PATRIAE DOCTRINE
the government as guardian of the rights of the people
Legal – is the supreme power to affect legal interests may initiate legal actions for and in behalf of particular
either by legislative, executive or judicial action. individual. (Government of the Philippine Islands vs.
Lodged in the people but normally exercised by state Monte de Piedad, 35 SCRA 738)
Republican State is wherein all government authority Requisites: [1] Actual Case or Controversy; [2] Proper
emanates from the people and is exercised by Party (Locus Standi); [3] Earliest Opportunity; [4]
representatives chosen by the people. (Bernas Necessity of deciding constitutional questions
Comprehensive Reviewer 2011). Democratic State - In
view of the new Constitution the Philippines is not only DOCTRINE OF PURPOSEFUL HESITATION
a representative or republican state but also shares This is about the Symbolic function of the court. It
some aspect of direct democracy such as “INITIATIVE means that the court would not decide on matters
and REFERENDUM” in Article VI Section 32 and which are considered political questions. This focus on
Article XVIII Section 2. (Bernas Comprehensive the necessity of resolving Judicial Review.
Reviewer 2011) Furthermore, in questions of constitutionality, Supreme
Court will not rule right away because the Supreme
DOCTRINE OF INCORPORATION Court assumes that the Law passed the two
The rules of international law form part of the law of the departments already, thus, it went through process of
land and no legislative action is required to make them determining its constitutionality
applicable to a country. The Philippines follows this
doctrine, because Section 2. Article II of the INTER-GENERATIONAL RESPONSIBILITY
constitution states that the Philippines adopts the DOCTRINE
generally accepted principles of international law as The Supreme Court in granting the petition ruled that
part of the law of the land. However, the doctrine the children had the legal standing to file the case
dictates that rules of international law are given equal based on the concept of “intergenerational
standing with, and are not superior to, national responsibility”. Their right to a healthy environment
legislative enactments. carried with it an obligation to preserve that
environment for the succeeding generations. In this,
DOCTRINE OF AUTOLIMITATION the Court recognized legal standing to sue on behalf of
The doctrine where the Philippines adheres to future generations. Also, the Court said, the law on
principles of international law as a limitation to the non-impairment of contracts must give way to the
exercise of its sovereignty. exercise of the police power of the state in the interest
of public welfare.
The State may not be sued without its consent. (Sec 3, NON-IMPAIRMENT OF CONTRACTS Clause
Art XVI) There can be no legal right as against the When does a law impair the obligation of contracts:
authority that makes the laws on which the right 1) If it changes the terms and conditions of a legal
depends. [Kawananakoa v. Polyblank 205 US 349] contract either as to the time or mode of performance
also called the doctrine of Royal Prerogative of 2) If it imposes new conditions or dispenses with those
Dishonesty. If the State is amenable to suits, all its time expressed
would be spent defending itself from suits and this 3) If it authorizes for its satisfaction something different
would prevent it from performing it other functions. from that provided in its terms.
[Republic v. Villasor] A mere change in PROCEDURAL REMEDIES which
does not change the substance of the contract, and
JUDICIAL POWER which still leaves an efficacious remedy for
Judicial power is the authority to settle justiciable enforcement does NOT impair the obligation of
controversies or disputes involving rights that are contracts.
enforceable and demandable before the courts of A valid exercise of police power is superior to
justice or the redress of wrongs for violations of such obligation of contracts.
rights. Vested in the Supreme Court and such lower
courts as may be established by law. Since the courts SEPARATION OF POWERS DOCTRINE
are given ‘judicial power’ and nothing more, courts may This principle operated as an implicit limitation on
neither attempt to assume or be compelled to perform legislative powers as on the two other powers. In
non-judicial functions. They may not be charged with essence, separation of powers means the legislation
administrative functions except when reasonably belongs to Congress, execution to the executive,
incidental to the fulfillment of their duties. settlement of legal controversies to the judiciary. Each
is prevented from invading the domain of the others.
JUDICIAL REVIEW But the separation is not total. The system allows for
The power of the SC to declare a law, treaty, “checks and balances” the net effect of which being
ordinance and other governmental act that, in general, no one department is able to act
without the cooperation of at least one of the other and the President so states in writing, the appearance
departments. shall be conducted in executive
Purpose: To prevent concentration of powers in one session.
department and thereby to avoid tyranny. The purpose
was not to avoid friction, but by means of the inevitable DOCTRINE IN MARBURY V. MADISON
friction incident to the distribution of governmental The case of Marbury v. Madison established the
powers among the three departments, to save the doctrine of judicial review as a core legal principle in
people from autocracy. [1] To secure action; [2] To American constitutional system: “So if a law be in
forestall overaction; [3] To prevent despotism; and [4] opposition to the constitution; of both the law and the
To obtain efficiency constitution apply to a particular case, so that the court
must either decide that case conformably to the law,
PRINCIPLE OF BLENDING OF POWERS disregarding the constitution; or conformably to the
Instances when powers are not confined exclusively constitution, disregarding the law; the court must
within one department but are assigned to or shared by determine which of these conflicting rules governs the
several departments. case. This is the very essence of judicial duty.”


This allows one department to resist encroachments One who is given pardon has no demandable right to
upon its prerogative or to rectify mistakes or excesses reinstatement. He may however be reappointed.
committed by the other departments. The first and
safest criterion to determine whether a given power DOCTRINE OF OPERATIVE FACT
has been validly exercised by a particular department In Yap v. Thenamaris Ship’s Management, the
is whether or not the power has been constitutionally Operative Fact Doctrine was discussed in that:
conferred upon the department claiming its exercise— As a general rule, an unconstitutional act is not a law; it
since the conferment is usually done expressly. confers no rights; it imposes no duties; it affords no
However, even in the absence of express conferment, protection; it creates no office; it is inoperative as if it
the exercise of the power may be justified under the has not been passed at all. The general rule is
doctrine of necessary implication. The grant of express supported by Article 7 of the Civil Code, which
power carried with it all other powers that may be provides:
reasonably inferred from it. Art. 7. Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones,
and their violation or non-observance shall not be
ORIGIN OF THE REVENUE BILL excused by disuse or custom or practice to the
ART. VI Section 24. All appropriation, revenue or tariff contrary.
bills, bills authorizing increase of public debt, bills of The doctrine of operative fact serves as an exception
local application, and private bills shall originate to the aforementioned general rule. In Planters
EXCLUSIVELY in the the HOR, but the Senate may Products, Inc. v. Fertiphil Corporation, we held:
propose or concur with amendments. The doctrine of operative fact, as an exception to the
general rule, only applies as a matter of equity and fair
EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE play. It nullifies the effects of an unconstitutional law by
It is the power of the President to withhold certain recognizing that the existence of a statute prior to a
types of information from the public, the courts, and determination of unconstitutionality is an operative fact
the Congress. and may have consequences which cannot always be
ignored. The past cannot always be erased by a new
ART. VI Section 22. The heads of departments may, judicial declaration.
upon their own initiative, with the consent of the The doctrine is applicable when a declaration of
President, or upon the request of either House, as the unconstitutionality will impose an undue burden on
rules of each House shall provide, appear before and those who have relied on the invalid law. Thus, it was
be heard by such House on any matter pertaining to applied to a criminal case when a declaration of
their departments. Written questions shall be submitted unconstitutionality would put the accused in double
to the President of the Senate or the Speaker of the jeopardy or would put in limbo the acts done by a
House of Representatives at least three days before municipality in reliance upon a law creating it.
their scheduled appearance. Interpellations shall not be In that case, this Court further held that the Operative
limited to written questions, but may cover Fact Doctrine will not be applied as an exception when
matters related thereto. When the security of the State to rule otherwise would be iniquitous and would send a
or the public interest so requires wrong signal that an act may be justified when based
on an unconstitutional provision of law.
ALTER EGO DOCTRINE Where what purports to be a finding upon a question of
Acts of the Secretaries of Executive departments when fact is so involved with and dependent upon a question
performed and promulgated in the regular course of of law as to be in substance and effect a decision on
business or unless disapproved or presumptively the the latter, the court will, in order to decide the legal
acts of the Chief Executive (Villena v. Secretary of the question, examine the entire record including the
Interior). The President can assume a Cabinet post, evidence if necessary.
(because the departments are mere extensions of his
personality, according to the Doctrine of Qualified DOCTRINE OF PRIMARY JURISDICTION
Political Agency, so no objection can be validly raised The doctrine of primary jurisdiction applies where a
based on Sec. 13, Art VII.) case is within the concurrent jurisdiction of the court
and an administrative agency but the determination of
QUALIFIED POLITICAL AGENCY DOCTRINE (ALSO the case requires the technical expertise of the
ALTER EGO PRINCIPLE) administrative agency. In such a case, although the
“all the different executive and administrative matter is within the jurisdiction of the court, it must yield
organizations are mere adjuncts of the Executive to the jurisdiction of the administrative case.
Department, the heads of the various executive
departments are assistants and agents of the Chief DOCTRINE OF NON-INTERFERENCE
Executive, and, except in cases wherein the Chief Regarded as an elementary principle of higher
Executive is required by the Constitution or by the law importance in the administration of justice that the
to act in person or the exigencies of the situation judgment of a court of competent jurisdiction may not
demand that he act personally, the multifarious be opened, modified, or vacated by any court of
executive and administrative functions of the Chief concurrent jurisdiction (30-A Am Jur 605).
Executive are performed by and through the executive
departments., performed and promulgated in the DOCTRINE OF IMPLIED MUNICIPAL LIABILITY
regular course of business, are, unless disapproved or A municipality may become obligated upon an implied
reprobated by the Chief Executive, presumptively acts contract to pay
of the Chief Executive.” (Free Telephone Workers the reasonable value of the benefits accepted or
Union vs. Minister of Labor and Employment) appropriated by it as to which it has the general power
to contract (Province of Cebu vs. IAC, 147 SCRA 447).
EXHAUSTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES The doctrine applies to all cases where money or
Whenever there is an available administrative remedy property of a party is received under such
provided by law, no judicial recourse can be made until circumstances that the general law, independent of an
all such remedies have been availed of and exhausted. express contract, implies an obligation to do justice
with respect to the same.
The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies Thus, in this case, the Province of Cebu cannot set up
applies where a claim is cognizable in the first instance the plea that the contract was ultra vires and still retain
by an administrative agency alone. Judicial benefits thereunder. Having regarded the contract as
interference is withheld until the administrative process valid for purposes of reaping benefits, the Province of
has been completed. As stated in Industrial Cebu is estopped to question its validity for the
Enterprises, Inc. vs. Court of Appeals, 184 SCRA 426. purpose of denying answerability.


DOCTRINE OF PRIOR RESORT Although the act of a public officer may not be binding
Where there is competence or jurisdiction vested upon on the State because he has exercised his powers
administrative body to act upon a matter, no resort to defectively, his acts may be ratified.
courts may be made before such administrative body
shall have acted upon the matter Exceptions:
[1] Where there is a want of power in the public officer
ACTION [2] The act was absolutely void at the time. However, if
No resort to courts will be allowed unless the act is merely voidable, it can be rendered valid
administrative action has been completed and there is [3] If the principal himself could not lawfully have done
nothing left to be done in the administrative structure. the act, or if it could not have been lawfully done by
is not an appropriation or revenue “item”. (Gonzales v.
In re: Gonzales – A public officer who under the Reason for the Doctrine: The intent behind the doctrine
Constitution is required to be a member of the is to prevent the legislature from forcing the
Philippine Bar as a qualification for the office held by government to veto an entire appropriation law thereby
him cannot be charged with disbarment during his paralyzing government.
incumbency. He cannot be charged criminally before
the Sandiganbayan, or are other court, with any Inappropriate Provisions
offense which carries with it the penalty of removal - Repeal of laws. Repeal of laws should not be done in
from office. Members of the Supreme Court are appropriation act but in a separate law (PHILCONSA v.
removed only by impeachment. They are not entitled to Enriquez) (use this doctrine carefully)
immunity from liability. They must first be removed, via
the constitutional route of impeachment, and then only DOCTRINE OF AUGMENTATION
may he be held liable either criminally or Prohibition against transfer of appropriations, however
administratively (including disbarment), for any wrong. the following may, by law, be authorized to augment
any item in the general appropriations law for their
DOCTRINE OF REJECTION OF 2ND PLACER respective offices from savings in other items of their
Geronimo v Ramos – Sound policy dictates that public respective appropriations:
elective offices are filled by those who have received 1. President
the highest number of votes cast in the election for that 2. Senate President
office, and it is a fundamental idea in all republican 3. Speaker of the HoR
forms of government that no one can be declared 4. Chief Justice
elected and no measure can be declared carried 5. Heads of Constitutional Commissions.
unless he or it receives a majority or plurality of the
legal votes cast in the election. COMELEC cannot THEORY OF RELATIVE CONSTITUTIONALITY
name the 2nd placer as the winner. Follow the The constitutionality of a statute cannot, in every
hierarchy of positions instead. instance, be determined by a mere comparison of its
provisions with applicable provisions of the
DOCTRINE OF PROPER SUBMISSION Constitution, since the statute may be constitutionally
Plebiscite may be held on the same day as regular valid as applied to one set of facts and invalid in its
election (Gonzales v. COMELEC GR L28196 Nov. application to another. A statute valid at one time may
1967), provided the people are sufficiently informed of become void at another time because of altered
the amendments to be voted upon, to conscientiously circumstances. Thus, if a statute in its practical
deliberate thereon, to express their will in a genuine operation becomes arbitrary or confiscatory, its validity,
manner. Submission of piece-meal amendments is even though affirmed by a former adjudication, is open
unconstitutional. All the amendments must be to inquiry and investigation in the light of changed
submitted for ratification at one plebiscite only. The conditions (Central Bank Employee Assn, Inc. vs. BSP,
people have to be given a proper frame of reference in GR 148208, Dec. 15, 2004).
arriving at their decision. They have no idea yet of what
the rest of the amended constitution would be. OVER-BREADTH DOCTRINE
(Tolentino v. Comelec GR L34150 Oct. 16 1971) Decrees that a governmental purpose may not be
achieved by means which sweep unnecessarily
DOCTRINE OF NECESSARY IMPLICATION broadly and thereby invade the area of protected
Grant of an express power carries with it all other freedoms.
powers that may be reasonably inferred from it.
DOCTRINE OF SHIFTING MAJORITY A criminal statute that fails to give a person of ordinary
For each House of Congress to pass a bill, only the intelligence fair notice that his contemplated conduct is
votes of the majority of those present in the session, forbidden by the statute, or is so indefinite that it
there being a quorum, is required. encourages arbitrary and erratic arrests and
convictions is void for vagueness. The constitutional
DOCTRINE OF INAPPRORIATE PROVISION vice in a vague or indefinite statute is the injustice to
A provision that is constitutionally inappropriate for an the accused in placing him on trial for an offense, the
appropriation bill may be singled out for veto even if it nature of which he is given no fair warning.
A law is “vague” as not to satisfy the due process need person in his public capacity, it is not necessarily
for notice when it lacks comprehensible standards that actionable. In order that such discreditable imputation
“men of common intelligence must necessarily guess to a public official may be actionable, it must either be
as to its meaning and differ as to its application” or is a false allegation of fact or a comment based on a false
so indefinite that “it encourages arbitrary and erratic supposition. If the comment is an expression of
arrests and convictions.” opinion, based on established facts, it is immaterial that
the opinion happens to be mistaken, as long as it might
It is injustice to the accused in placing him on trial for reasonably inferred from the facts. (Borjal vs. CA, 301
an offense, the nature of which he is given no fair SCRA 1)
PLAIN VIEW DOCTRINE Privilege Not Absolute
The objects within the sight of an officer who has a : Claim of executive privilege is subject to balancing
right to be in a position to have that view are subject to against other interest. In other words, confidentiality in
seizure and may be presented as evidence (open to executive privilege is not absolutely protected by the
the eye and hand). Finds application only when the Constitution. Neither the doctrine of separation of
incriminating nature of the object is in the “plain view” powers, nor the need for confidentiality of high-level
of the police officer. communications, without more, can sustain an
~ It is clear that an object is in plain view if the object absolute, unqualified Presidential privilege of immunity
itself is plainly exposed to sight. The difficulty arises from judicial process under all circumstances.
when the object is inside a closed container. Where the A claim of executive privilege does not guard against a
object seized was inside a closed package, the object possible disclosure of a crime or wrongdoing (Neri v.
itself is not in plain view and therefore cannot be seized Senate).
without a warrant. However, if the package proclaims
its contents, whether by its distinctive configuration, its MIRANDA DOCTRINE
transparency, or if its contents are obvious to an The Miranda Doctrine or the Miranda Warning provides
observer, then the contents are in plain view and may that:
be seized. In other words, if the package is such that 1. A person in custody must be informed at the outset
an experienced observer could infer from its in clear and unequivocal terms that he has the right to
appearance that it contains the prohibited article, then remain silent and that anything he says can and will be
the article is deemed in plain view. It must be used against him in a court of law;
immediately apparent to the police that the items that 2. He or she has the right to consult with a lawyer and
they observe may be evidence of a crime, contraband to have a lawyer with him during the interrogation;
or otherwise subject to seizure. (People vs. Doria, 301 3. If he cannot afford a lawyer, like if he is an indigent,
SCRA 668) a lawyer shall be appointed by the State to represent
Requisites: 4. His right to counsel is available at any stage of the
1. Valid intrusion based on a valid warrantless arrest in interrogation, hence, even if he consents to answer
which the police are legally present in the pursuit of questions without the assistance of counsel, the
their official duties; moment he asks for a lawyer at any point of the
2. The evidence was inadvertently discovered by the investigation, the interrogation must cease until an
police who have the right to be where they are; attorney is present. If the above are not observed, the
3. The evidence must be immediately apparent; and evidence obtained therefrom shall not be admissible in
4. Plain view justified mere seizure of evidence without court.
further search.
DOCTRINE OF FAIR COMMENT / BORJAL [This doctrine though is commonly used in warrantless
DOCTRINE arrest and warrantless search and seizure cases]
Fair commentaries on matters of public interest are
privileged and constitute a valid defense in an action The ECD basically provides that the normal procedures
for libel or slander. It means that while in general every and rules of court in the admissibility of evidence may
discreditable imputation publicly made is deemed false, be disregarded in exigent circumstances like when
because every man is presumed innocent until his guilt there is a coup d’état. The rationale is the same as with
is judicially proved, and every false imputation is PSC, that is to protect public safety or national security.
deemed malicious, nevertheless, when the This doctrine was used in the 1994 case of People vs
discreditable imputation is directed against a public Rolando De Gracia (GR Nos. 102009-10). The
accused therein was subjected to a warrantless search 2. he negligently or willfully fails to require subordinate
and seizure sometime in 1989 during the height of the to conform to prescribed regulations
coup attempts against then President Cory Aquino. 3. he negligently or carelessly oversees business of
Confiscated from him were various explosives and office as to furnish subordinate an opportunity for
ammunition. De Gracia contested the warrantless default
search and seizure but the Supreme Court ruled that 4. he directed or authorized or cooperated in the wrong
the search warrant can be dispensed with due to the 5. law makes himself expressly liable
exigent circumstances attendant to the case.
POISONOUS TREE DOCTRINE Power of administrative agency to promulgate rules
Exclusionary Rule and regulations on matters of their own specialization.
- Any confession or admission obtained in violation of
this section shall be inadmissible in evidence against DOCTRINE OF RES JUDICATA
him (the accused). Therefore, any evidence obtained The doctrine of res judicata applies only to judicial or
by virtue of an illegally obtained confession is also quasi-judicial proceedings and not to the exercise of
inadmissible, being the fruit of a poisonous tree. purely administrative functions. Administrative
proceedings are non-litigious and summary in nature;
DOCTRINE OF SUPEREVENING EVENT hence, res judicata does not apply. [Nasipit Lumber
Prosecution for another offense if subsequent Co. v NLRC (1989)]. The essential requisites of res
development changes the character of the first judicata are:
indictment under which he may have already been 1. The former judgment must be final;
charged or convicted. Conviction of accused shall not 2. It must have been rendered by a court having
bar another prosecution for an offense which jurisdiction over the subject matter and the parties;
necessarily includes the offense originally charged 3. It must be a judgment on the merits; and
when: 4. There must be identity of parties, subject matter and
1. Graver offense developed due to supervening facts cause of action. [Ipekdijan Merchandising v CTA
arising from the same act or omission; (1963)]
2. Facts constituting graver offense arose or
discovered only after filing of former complaint or VARIANCE DOCTRINE
information; and A crime charged includes crime proved, convict of
3. Plea of guilty to lesser offense was made without the crime proved. Also applies when crime proved includes
consent of prosecutor or offended party. crime charged, convict of crime charged.
Cabo vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No. 169509, June 16,
2006, for double jeopardy to attach, the case against RIPENESS FOR REVIEW DOCTRINE
the accused must have been dismissed or otherwise 1. This determines the point at which courts may
terminated without his express consent by a court of review administrative action.
competent jurisdiction, upon a valid information 2. Application:
sufficient in form and substance and the accused [a] when the interest of the plaintiff is subjected to or
pleaded to the said charge. imminently threatened with substantial injury
[b] if the statute is self-executory
MELO DOCTRINE [c] when a party is immediately confronted with the
The rule of identity does not apply when the second problem of complying or violating a statute and there is
offense was not in existence at the time of the first a risk of criminal penalties
prosecution, for the simple reason that in such case, [d] when plaintiff is harmed by the vagueness of the
there is no possibility for the accused, during the first statute.
prosecution, to be convicted for an offense that was
then inexistent. Thus, where the accused was charged REGALIAN DOCTRINE
with physical injuries and after conviction, the injured All lands of the public domain, waters, minerals, coal,
person dies, the charged for homicide against the petroleum and other minerals oils, all forces of potential
same accused does not put him twice in jeopardy. energy, fisheries, forests, or timber, wildlife, flora, and
fauna and natural resources belong to the State. With
DOCTRINE OF COMMAND RESPONSIBILITY the exception of agricultural lands, all other natural
Superior officer is liable for acts of subordinate when: resources shall not be alienated. (Sec. 2 Art XII)
1. he negligently or willfully employs or retains unfit or
incompetent subordinates STEWARDSHIP DOCTRINE
Private property is supposed to be held by the Care Association of the Philippines vs. Sec. Duque III,
individual only as a trustee for the people in general, G.R. No. 173034, October 9, 2007, it was held that
who are its real owners. despite the fact that “our present Constitution
enshrines free enterprise as a policy”, it nevertheless
DOCTRINE OF TRANSFORMATION reserves to the Government the power to intervene
The generally accepted rules of international law are whenever necessary to promote the general welfare.
not per se binding upon the State but must first be Free enterprise does not call for removal of ‘protective
embodied in legislation enacted by the lawmaking body regulations’. It must be clearly explained and proven by
and so transformed into municipal law. Only when so competent evidence just exactly how such protective
transformed will they become binding upon the State regulation would result in the restraint of trade.
as part of its municipal law.
PACTA SUNT SERVANDA Precludes recognition of any government established
Treaties must be observed in good faith. If necessary, as a result of external aggression (US Sec. Of State
the State concerned must even modify its national Henry Stimson)
legislation and constitution to make them conform to
the treaty to avoid international embarrassment. DOCTRINE OF INDELIBLE ALLEGIANCE
an individual may be compelled to retain his original
REBUS SIC STANTIBUS nationality although he has already renounced it under
A contracting state’s obligations under a treaty the laws of another state whose nationality, he has
terminates when a vital or fundamental change or acquired
circumstance occurs, thus allowing a state to
unilaterally withdraw from a treaty, because of the DOCTRINE OF EFFECTIVE NATIONALITY
disappearance of the foundation upon which it rests (Art. 5, Hague Convention of 1930 on the Conflict of
Nationality Laws) – a person having more than one
WILSON DOCTRINE nationality shall be treated as if he had only one—
recognition shall not be extended to any government either the nationality of the country in which he is
established by revolution or internal violence until the habitually and principally resident or the nationality of
freely elected representatives of the people have the country with which, in the circumstances, he
organized a constitutional government. appears to be most closely connected (Frivaldo vs.
the Mexican government declared that it would, as it PROCESS OF SUGGESTION
saw fit, continue or terminate its diplomatic relations When a state or international agency wishes to plead
with any country in which a political upheaval had immunity in a foreign court, it requests the Foreign
taken place and in so doing it would not pronounce Office of the state where it is sued to convey to the
judgment on the right of the foreign state to accept, court that said defendant is entitled to immunity. the
maintain or replace its government. (Cruz, International practice is for the foreign government or the
Law, 2003 ed.) (In view of recent developments, the international organization to first secure an executive
Wilson doctrine and the Estrada doctrine are no longer endorsement of its claim of sovereign or diplomatic
in the mainstream of public international law.) immunity. But how the Philippine Foreign Office
conveys its endorsement to the courts varies. (Holy
a. Pursuit commences from internal waters, territorial FREE EXERCISE CLAUSE
sea or contiguous zone of pursuing state The Free Exercise Clause accords absolute protection
b. Continuous and unabated to individual religious convictions and beliefs and
c. Conducted by warship, military aircraft or proscribes government from questioning a person's
government ships, authorized for the purpose beliefs or imposing penalties or disabilities based solely
d. Ceases as soon as the ship being pursued enters on those beliefs. The Clause extends protection to both
the territorial sea of its own, or of a third state beliefs and unbelief. (Estrada v. Escritor)

DOCTRINE OF FREE ENTERPRISE A law or government action with a legitimate secular

Pest Management Association of the Philippines vs. purpose does not offend the Establishment Clause
Fertilizer and Pesticide Authority, G.R. No. 156041, even if it incidentally aids a particular religion. (Estrada
February 21, 2007 and Pharmaceutical and Health v. Escritor)
considering that possibility. The intention rather is to
BENEVOLENT NEUTRALITY improve specific parts of the existing constitution or to
It recognizes the religious nature of the Filipino people add to it provisions deemed essential on account of
and the elevating influence of religion in society; at the changed conditions or to suppress portions of it that
same time, it acknowledges that government must seem obsolete, or dangerous, or misleading in their
pursue its secular goals. In pursuing these goals, effect.
however, government might adopt laws or actions of
general applicability which inadvertently burden
religious exercise. Benevolent neutrality gives room for 6. BELLIGERENT OCCUPATION
accommodation of these religious exercises as · The international law of belligerent occupation must
required by the Free Exercise Clause. It allows these therefore be understood as meaning that the occupying
breaches in the wall of separation to uphold religious power exercises provisional and temporary control over
liberty, which after all is the integral purpose of the foreign territory. It follows from this that measures
religion clauses. (Estrada v. Escritor) taken by the occupying authorities should avoid far-
reaching changes in the existing order.
· The act of state doctrine is one of the methods by
which States prevent their national courts from 7. DOCTRINE OF EXHAUSTION OF
deciding disputes which relate to the internal affairs of ADMINISTRATIVE REMEDIES
another State, the other two being immunity and non- · The doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies
justiciability. states that one should avail all the means of
administrative processes provided by law before
seeking the intervention of the court. This is applied in
2. ACTUAL CASE OR CONTROVERSY the exercise of quasi-judicial power of administrative
· An actual case or controversy is one that involves a agency.
conflict of legal rights, an assertion of opposite legal
claims susceptible of judicial resolution; the case must
not be moot or academic or based on extra-legal or 8. DOCTRINE OF INCORPORATION
other similar considerations not cognizable by a court · The Doctrine of Incorporation, as expressed in
of justice. Section 2, Article II of the Constitution, provides that
the Philippines adopts the generally accepted
principles of international law and international
3. AD INTERIM APPOINTMENT jurisprudence as part of the law of the land and
· It is an appointment made by the President while adheres to the policy of peace, cooperation, and amity
Congress is not in session or during recess. with all nations.


· It refers to the rule which forbids the reopening of a · The doctrine that an individual may be compelled to
matter once judicially determined by competent retain his original nationality notwithstanding that he
authority applies as well to the judicial and quasi- has already renounced or forfeited it under the laws of
judicial facts of public, executive or administrative the 2nd state whose nationality he has acquired.
officers and boards acting within their jurisdiction as to
the judgments of courts having general judicial powers.
It has been declared that whenever final adjudication of 10. DOCTRINE OF NECESSARY IMPLICATION
persons invested with power to decide on the property · The doctrine states that what is implied in a statute is
and rights of the citizen is cognizable by the Supreme as much a part thereof as that which is expressed.
Court, upon a writ of error or a certiorari, such final Every statute is understood, by implication, to contain
adjudication may be pleaded as res judicata. all such provisions as may be necessary to effectuate
its object and purpose, or to make effective rights,
powers, privileges or jurisdiction which it grants,
5. AMENDMENT including all such collateral and subsidiary
· Amendment of the Constitution, on the other hand, consequences as may be fairly and logically inferred
envisages a change or only a few specific provisions. from its terms.
The intention of an act to amend is not to consider the
advisability of changing the entire constitution or of
· When a claim originally cognizable in the courts POISONOUS TREE)
involves issues which, under a regulatory scheme are · The Exclusionary Rule Principle mandates that
within the special competence of an administrative evidence obtained from an illegal arrest, unreasonable
agency, judicial proceedings will be suspended search or coercive investigation, or in violation of a
pending the referral of these issues to the particular law, must be excluded from the trial and will
administrative body for its view. not be admitted as evidence.


· The doctrine of qualified political agency essentially · It refers to the refusal of the President, for whatever
postulates that the heads of the various executive reason, to release funds appropriated by Congress. It
departments are the alter egos of the President, and, is the failure to spend or obligate budget authority of
thus, the actions taken by such heads in the any type.
performance of their official duties are deemed the acts
of the President unless the President himself should
disapprove such acts. 19. EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE
· The power of the government to withhold information
from the public, the courts, and the Congress.
· The doctrine requires that an international law
principle be transformed into domestic law through a 20. FACIAL CHALLENGE
constitutional mechanism, such as local legislation. · A facial challenge is a challenge to a statute in which
The transformation theory is applied in the Philippines the plaintiff alleges that the legislation is always
through treaty-making power of the President. Through unconstitutional, and therefore void. It is contrasted
this power, rules and principles embodied in a treaty in with an as-applied challenge, which alleges that a
force would be transformed into Philippine Law and particular application of a statute is unconstitutional.
shall become valid and effective upon the concurrence
of 2/3 of all members of the Senate.
· Grave abuse of discretion has been defined as a
14. DOUBLE JEOPARDY "capricious or whimsical exercise of judgment that is
· The rule on double jeopardy means that when a patent and gross as to amount to an evasion of positive
person is charged with an offense and the case is duty or a virtual refusal to perform a duty enjoined by
terminated either by conviction or acquittal, or in any law."
other manner without the consent of the accused, the
latter cannot again be charged with the same or
identical offense. 22. HEARSAY EVIDENCE
· Hearsay evidence is defined as "evidence not of what
the witness knows himself but of what he has heard
15. EMINENT DOMAIN from others." The hearsay rule bars the testimony of a
· The government has the inherent power of eminent witness who merely recites what someone else has
domain, defined as the right of a nation or sovereign told him, whether orally or in writing.
state to take or authorize the taking of private property
for public use, without the owner's consent, subject to
payment of just compensation. 23. HECKLER’S VETO
· Heckler's veto is a form of curtailment of one's
freedom of expression. In the free speech context, a
16. EQUIPOISE DOCTRINE heckler's veto is either of two situations in which a
· The "equipoise doctrine" is the rule which states that person who disagrees with a speaker's message is
when the evidence of the prosecution and the defense able to unilaterally trigger events that result in the
are so evenly balanced the appreciation of such speaker being silenced.
evidence calls for tilting of the scales in favor of the
· Under the doctrine of Hierarchy of Rights, even if the · The legislative veto, as a practical matter, allows
three areas are protected by the Constitution, Congress to prevent a countervailing attempt by the
nonetheless, not all rights are created equal. Under this executive branch to implement a law in a manner
doctrine, property rights rank lower than civil liberties contrary to the legislative intent. Congress can override
and political freedoms. the veto via a two-thirds vote with both houses voting
separately, after which the bill becomes law.
· The phrase "inquiries in aid of legislation" refers to
inquiries to aid the enactment of laws, inquiries to aid in 32. LIFEBLOOD THEORY
overseeing the implementation of laws, and even · The lifeblood theory constitutes the theory of taxation,
inquiries to expose corruption, inefficiency or waste in which provides that the existence of government is a
executive departments. necessity; that government cannot continue without
means to pay its expenses; and that for these means it
has a right to compel its citizens and property within its
26. INVERSE CONDEMNATION limits to contribute.
· A taking of property by inverse condemnation occurs
when the government acquires or appropriates private
property without following eminent domain procedures 33. LIS MOTA
and without paying just compensation. · Lis mota is a Latin term meaning the cause or
motivation of a legal action or lawsuit. The literal
translation is "litigation moved".
· Judicial power includes the duty of the courts of
justice to settle actual controversies involving rights 34. MINISTERIAL ACT
which are legally demandable and enforceable, and to · A purely ministerial act or duty is one which an officer
determine whether or not there has been a grave or tribunal performs in a given state of facts, in a
abuse of discretion amounting to lack or excess of prescribed manner, in obedience to the mandate of a
jurisdiction on the part of any branch or instrumentality legal authority, without regard to or the exercise of his
of the Government. own judgment upon the propriety or impropriety of the
act done.


· When a foreign power occupies a state and exercises 35. MOOT AND ACADEMIC QUESTIONS
the powers of government, the political laws of the said · An issue or a case becomes moot and academic
state are deemed automatically suspended but the when it ceases to present a justiciable controversy so
former government automatically comes to life and will that a determination thereof would be without practical
be in force and in effect again upon the re- use and value. In such cases, there is no actual
establishment of the former government. substantial relief to which the petitioner would be
entitled to and which would be negated by the
dismissal of the petition.
· A justiciable controversy is a definite and concrete
dispute touching on the legal relations of parties having 36. NATIONAL TERRITORY
adverse legal interests, which may be resolved by a · The national territory comprises the Philippine
court of law through the application of a law. archipelago, with all the islands and waters embraced
therein, and all other territories over which the
Philippines has sovereignty or jurisdiction, consisting of
30. LEGAL STANDING OR LOCUS STANDI its terrestrial, fluvial and aerial domains, including its
· Legal standing" or locus standi has been defined as a territorial sea, the seabed, the subsoil, the insular
personal and substantial interest in the case such that shelves, and other submarine areas. The waters
the party has sustained or will sustain direct injury as a around, between, and connecting the islands of the
result of the governmental act that is being challenged. archipelago, regardless of their breadth and
dimensions, form part of the internal waters of the
37. NATURALIZATION enforce its decisions according to the law; the function
· It is the process by which a foreigner acquires of adjudication.
voluntarily or by operation of law, the citizenship of
another state.
· It is a legal principle that holds that all natural wealth
38. OPEN COURT DOCTRINE – agricultural, forest, timber and mineral lands of the
· Civilians cannot be tried by military courts if the civil Public Domain and all other natural resources belong
courts are open and functioning. to the State.


· Parens patriae refers to the public policy power of the · Revision is the alterations of the different portions of
State to intervene against an abusive or negligent the entire document [Constitution]. It may result in the
parent, legal guardian, or informal custodian, and to act rewriting whether the whole constitution, or the greater
as the parent of any child or individual who is in need portion of it, or perhaps some of its important
of protection. On the other hand, in the juvenile justice provisions. But whatever results the revision may
legal system, parens patriae allows the State to step in produce, the factor that characterizes it as an act of
and serve as guardian for children, the mentally-ill, the revision is the original intention and plan authorized to
incompetent, the elderly or disabled persons who are be carried out. That intention and plan must
unable to care for themselves. contemplate a consideration of all the provisions of the
Constitution to determine which one should be altered
or suppressed or whether the whole document should
40. POLICE POWER be replaced with an entirely new one.
· Police power is the plenary power vested in the
legislature to make, ordain, and establish wholesome
and reasonable laws, statutes and ordinances, not 47. TAXATION
repugnant to the Constitution, for the good and welfare · The power by which the sovereign, through its law-
of the people. making body, raises revenue to defray the necessary
expenses of the government.


· Political questions refer "to those questions which, 48. THREE STRIKE RULE
under the Constitution, are to be decided by the people · A nomination or appointment which has been
in their sovereign capacity, or in regard to which full bypassed 3 times shall be reported out by the standing
discretionary authority has been delegated to the committee concerned to the commission for its
legislative or executive branch of government." appropriate action in the next plenary session. Under
this rule, nominees can only be bypassed 3 times; after
which, the Commission on Appointment should vote on
42. PRINCIPLE OF AUTO-LIMITATION the approval or rejection of the nominee. If rejected, the
· The principle of auto-limitation of sovereignty President should no longer reappoint the official.
emphasizes a situation wherein the state through the
legislature imposes self-limitation on the exercise of its
power out of respect for the relations that it created. 49. VOID-FOR-VAGUENESS DOCTRINE
· The void-for-vagueness doctrine holds that a law is
facially invalid if men of common intelligence must
43. PRIVILEGED COMMUNICATION necessarily guess at its meaning and differ as to its
· A privileged communication is one made bona fide application.
upon any subject matter in which the party
communicating has an interest, or in reference to which
he has a duty. 50. WRIT OF AMPARO
· The Petition for a Writ of Amparo is a remedy
available to any person whose right to life, liberty and
44. QUASI-JUDICIAL POWER security is violated or threatened with violation by an
· Quasi-judicial power refers to the authority to hear unlawful act or omission of a public official or
and decide on cases in the performance of duty and to employee, or of a private individual or entity.
- The right of the President and high-level executive
PROPORTIONAL REPRESENTATION branch officers to withhold information from
The constitutional standard of proportional Congress, the courts, and ultimately the public
representation is rooted in equality in voting power —
that each vote is worth the same as any other vote, not Two (2) kinds of executive privilege; one is the
more or less. Regardless of race, ethnicity, religion, presidential communications privilege and, the other is
sex, occupation, poverty, wealth or literacy, voters the deliberative process privilege. The former pertains
have an equal vote. Translated in terms of legislative to "communications, documents or other materials that
redistricting, this means equal representation for equal reflect presidential decision-making and deliberations
numbers of people or equal voting weight per and that the President believes should remain
legislative district. In constitutional parlance, this confidential." The latter includes 'advisory opinions,
means representation for every legislative district "in recommendations and deliberations comprising part of
accordance with the number of their respective a process by which governmental decisions and
inhabitants, and on the basis of a uniform and policies are formulated." (Neri v. Senate Committee on
progressive ratio" or proportional representation. Thus, Accountability of Public Officers and Investigations)
the principle of "one person, one vote" or equality in
voting power is inherent in proportional representation. DOCTRINE OF EXECUTIVE PRIVILEGE
(Aquino III v. Commission on Elections) Three (3) questions are covered by the presidential
communications privilege.
PARTY-LIST SYSTEM - Communications relate to a "quintessential and
It is based on Secs. 5(1) and 5(2), Article VI of the non-delegable power" of the President, i.e., the
1987 Constitution which states that 20 percent of seats power to enter into an executive agreement with
in the House of Representatives shall be allocated other countries. This authority of the President to
through a party-list system of registered national, enter into executive agreements without the
regional, and sectoral parties or organizations. concurrence of the Legislature has traditionally
been recognized in Philippine jurisprudence.
A party-list system refers to a mechanism of - "received" by a close advisor of the President.
proportional representation where candidates are Under the "operational proximity" test, petitioner
elected through allocation based on an electoral list of can be considered a close advisor, being a
candidates from different parties. Seats get distributed member of President Arroyo's cabinet.
to each party in proportion to the number of votes they - No compelling need that would justify the limitation
receive in the election. of the privilege and of the unavailability of the
information elsewhere by an appropriate
Atong Paglaom v. Comelec (G.R. No. 203766, April 2, investigating authority. (Roxas v. Ermita)
2013), the Supreme Court set new parameters and
held that national parties or organizations, regional OPERATIONAL PROXIMITY
parties or organizations, and sectoral parties or In determining which test to use, the main
organizations can participate in the party-list elections. consideration is to limit the availability of executive
National parties or organizations and regional parties privilege only to officials who stand proximate to the
or organizations need not even organize along sectoral President, not only by reason of their function, but also
lines nor represent the marginalized and by reason of their positions in the Executive’s
underrepresented so as not to “deprive and exclude, by organizational structure.
judicial fiat, ideology-based and cause-oriented parties Only communications at that level are close enough to
from the party-list system.” Under the new guidelines, the President to be revelatory of his deliberations or to
major political parties can participate in party-list pose a risk to the candor of his advisers.
elections as long as they do so through an independent
sectoral wing registered under the party-list system.

- The power of the Government to withhold
information from the public, the courts, and the
Congress those relating to matters of state secrets,
diplomatic relations, and national security.
Political Law People
The branch of public international law that deals with Inhabitants of the State; more or less numerous and
the organization and operations of the governmental capable of defense and perpetuation who may share a
organs of the State and the relationship of the state common language, common religion, common history,
with the inhabitants of the territory. etc.

State Government
Community of persons, more or less numerous, Aggregate of institutions by which an independent
permanently occupying a fixed territory, and possessed society makes and carries out those rules of action
of an independent government body organized for which are necessary to enable men to live in a social
political ends to which the inhabitants render habitual state.
Constitution The driving principle behind laissez-faire, a French term
A body of rules/maxims in accordance with which the that translates as "leave alone" (literally, "let you do"), is
powers of sovereignty are habitually exercised. that the less the government is involved in the economy,
A written document/instrument enacted by a direct the better off business will be—and by extension,
action of the people by which the fundamental powers society as a whole. Laissez-faire economics are a key
of the government are established, limited, and part of free market capitalism.
defined, and by which those powers are distributed
among departments for their safe and useful exercise, Welfare state
for the benefit of the body politic. Refers to a type of governing in which the national
government plays a key role in the protection and
Territorial sea promotion of the economic and social well-being of its
Defined by: citizens. A welfare state is based on the principles of
equality of opportunity, equitable distribution of wealth,
1. Straight baseline – lines made to connect and public responsibility for those unable to avail
appropriate points on the coast without departing themselves of the minimal provisions of a good life.
radically from its general direction. Social Security, mandated unemployment insurance
2. Normal baseline – drawn from low-water mark of programs, and welfare payments to people unable to
the coast to breadth, following sinuosity and work are all examples of the welfare state.
curvatures but excluding internal waters in bays
and gulls. De Jure (Government of Law) – Government has a
rightful title but no power or control, either because this
Archipelagic doctrine has been withdrawn from it or because it has not yet
Considers the Philippine archipelago as one integrated entered into the exercise thereof.
unit, one state, one country. There is an imaginary
single baseline to protect territorial interests. De Facto (Government of fact) – Government on the
other hand is a government of fact, that is, it actually
Territory exercises power or control but without legal title.
Fixed portion of the Earth inhabited by the people. 1. the government that gets possession and control of,
Composed of terrestrial, fluvial, and aerial or usurps by force or by the voice of the majority, the
domains.(Magallona v. Ermita) rightful legal government and maintains itself
against the will of the latter;
UNCLOS did not reduce the Philippines’ maritime 2. That established as an independent government by
territory but only codified decades-long negotiations the inhabitants of a country who rise in insurrection
among UN members on maritime issues and rights. against the parent state; and
Under international law, multilateral treaties are not 3. That which is established and maintained by military
sources of acquisition of territory, unlike occupation, forces who invade and occupy a territory of the
accretion, cession, and prescription. enemy in the course of war, and which is
denominated as a government of paramount force.
UNCLOS I – Convention on Territorial Sea and the
Contiguous Zone (codified sovereign right of the State Sovereignty
over territorial sea) Supreme and uncontrollable power inherent in a State
by which that State is governed.
UNCLOS III – prescribes water-land ratio, length,
Social justice State is not required to pay legal fees, commissioner’s
Neither communism, nor despotism, nor atomism, nor fees, put up a bond. Also, no running of statutes of
anarchy, but the humanization of laws and equalization limitations except when engaged in jus gestionis.
of social and economic forces of the State so that justice
in its rational and objectively secular conception may at GR: Interest not chargeable to the State
least be approximated. EX: expressly stipulated, allowed by act of legislature,
eminent domain cases at legal rate
Promotion of the welfare of the people, the adoption of
the government of measures to insure economic State is liable only for torts/quasi-delicts through its
stability of all competent elements. special agents. Municipal corporations are liable only for
torts committed by them in a proprietary capacity.
State immunity
State cannot be sued without its consent. “There can be Filipino Citizens (Art. IV)
no legal right against the authority which makes the laws - Citizens at the time of the adoption of the 1987
on which the right depends.” “Equals cannot have Constitution (Feb. 2, 1987)
sovereignty over the other.” - Fathers/mothers are Filipino citizens
Cannot be used to perpetuate injustice to the people. - Born before Jan. 17, 1973 with Filipino mothers who
(Amigable v. Cuenca) elect Filipino citizenship upon reaching the age of
majority (must be made within reasonable time; In
Suit is against the State if appropriation is needed to re: Vicente Ching)
satisfy judgment if claim is allowed, unless if there is an - Naturalization
appropriation already or if recovery of title or possession
of property. Modes of acquiring citizenship
1. Jus sanguinis – by birth, had not done any act to
NOT all jus imperii acts exempt a State (e.g., eminent acquire or perfect citizenship
domain) 2. Naturalization (administrative, legislative, judicial) –
voluntary act of a foreigner to renounce his previous
The Philippines follows restrictive theory where citizenship and entrance into similar relation with a
immunity is only recognized with regard to jus imperii new body politic.
(acts of state or public acts) and not to jus gestionis
(commercial or proprietary acts). How to elect Philippine citizenship
1. Expressing statement of election, signed, shown
Consent may be made: before authorized officer
1. Express – through general or special laws 2. File statement with nearest civil registry
2. Implied – through entering into 3. Include Oath of Allegiance to the Constitution and
private/commercial/proprietary contracts (unless Government of the Philippines
incidental), initiating actions for affirmative reliefs
from private parties or entering into arbitration Dual citizenship vs. Dual allegiance
- Dual citizenship is allowed (except when running for
NOT deemed impliedly waived if only to resist the claim office, must renounce the other citizenship) while
or invoke immunity. dual allegiance is inimical to the interest of the state.
- Dual citizenship is involuntary while dual allegiance
Funds which are public in character may not be requires some positive act where the person
garnished. Only those properties held by the simultaneously owes loyalty to two or more states.
government not used for public purpose may be
garnished. Res judicata in citizenship cases – sui generis except
when: lis mota of another case, SolGen or authorized
COA has the exclusive jurisdiction to decide on representative took active part in the resolution of the
allowance or disallowance of monetary claims and must case; affirmed by the Supreme Court
decide on cases within 60 days.
Administrative naturalization
If against government agencies, check if unincorporated - Foreigner applicant, born and lived in the
or incorporated. If incorporated – check charter if suable. Philippines since birth, at least 18 years old without
any disqualifications under RA 9139

Judicial naturalization
- 21 years old and above, resided in the Philippines Checks and balances – one department is allowed to
for continuous period of not less than 10 years (may resist encroachment upon its prerogatives or to rectify
be reduced to 5 years if contributed significantly to mistakes committed by the other departments.
the country), good moral character, owns Philippine
real estate etc. Blending of powers
- May be given by virtue of marriage Not confined exclusively within one department (e.g.,
GAA, amnesty)
Jus postliminium
Restoration of political laws post-occupation Potestas delegata non delegare potest
What has been delegated cannot be delegated;
Imperium delegated power is a right and duty to be performed by
Government authority possessed by State which is delegate through instrumentality of his own judgment
appropriately embraced in sovereignty. and not through the intervening mind of another (breach
of trust given by delegator)
Capacity of the State to own and acquire property; basis Permissible delegation:
of the Regalian doctrine (all lands belong to the State 1. Tariff powers to the president (not a source of power
and that the State is the source of any asserted right. to negotiate international trade agreements)
2. Emergency powers of the president
Reacquisition of citizenship: (war/emergency, limited period, subject to
1. Naturalization restrictions by the Congress, must carry out the
2. Repatriation – oath of allegiance only and file with national policy of the Congress)
civil registry of place last resided 3. People at large (initiative and referendum)
3. Act of Congress 4. LGUs – power of eminent domain, police power,
Self-executing provisions 5. Administrative bodies – subordinate legislation
Those that do not need legislative action to be through implementing rules and regulations
enforceable such as right to a balanced and healthful
ecology and to health, and public disclosure. Valid delegation test
1. Completeness – law must be complete; delegate
Benevolent neutrality has nothing left to do except enforce
Provides room for accommodation of religious freedoms 2. Sufficient Standard – provides guidelines or
under the Free Exercise Clause so long as not violative limitations to map out the boundaries of the
of public policy. delegate’s authority (e.g., public welfare, public
interest, justice & equity, promote simplicity,
Nemo est supra leges economy, efficiency, national security)
No one is above the law; intention is insufficient to
validate an unauthorized act (Villavicencio v. Lucban) Legislative department
- Congress is bicameral
Incorporation clause
Every State is part of family of nations and is bound by Senate
generally accepted international law principles - Composed of 24 senators
(automatically part of the law of the land) even if not - Qualifications: at least 35 years old, natural-born
enacted by legislature. Filipino, able to read and write, registered voter,
resident of the Philippines at least 2 years
If there is conflict between municipal and immediately preceding election day
international law: - Term: 6 years; 2 consecutive terms only
- Harmonize
- If irreconcilable, municipal prevails

Separation of powers
Each of the 3 great branches of the government has
exclusive cognizance of and is supreme over matters
falling within its own constitutionally allocated sphere.

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