Sublethal Consequences of Ultraviolet Radiation Exposure On Vertebrates: Synthesis Through Meta-Analysis

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Received: 19 April 2023    Accepted: 26 May 2023

DOI: 10.1111/gcb.16848


Sublethal consequences of ultraviolet radiation exposure on

vertebrates: Synthesis through meta-­analysis

Adam T. Downie1  | Nicholas C. Wu2  | Rebecca L. Cramp1  | Craig E. Franklin1

School of Biological Sciences, The
University of Queensland, St. Lucia, Abstract
Queensland, Australia
Ultraviolet radiation (UVR) from the sun is a natural daytime stressor for vertebrates in
Hawkesbury Institute for the
Environment, Western Sydney University,
both terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. UVR effects on the physiology of vertebrates
Richmond, New South Wales, Australia manifest at the cellular level, but have bottom-­up effects at the tissue level and on

whole-­animal performance and behaviours. Climate change and habitat loss (i.e. loss
Adam T. Downie, School of Biological of shelter from UVR) could interact with and exacerbate the genotoxic and cytotoxic
Sciences, The University of Queensland,
St. Lucia, QLD 4072, Australia.
impacts of UVR on vertebrates. Therefore, it is important to understand the range
Email: and magnitude of effects that UVR can have on a diversity of physiological metrics,

Funding information
and how these may be shaped by taxa, life stage or geographical range in the major
Australian Research Council Discovery vertebrate groups. Using a meta-­analytical approach, we used 895 observations from
Grant, Grant/Award Number:
DP190102152; The University of
47 different vertebrate species (fish, amphibian, reptile and bird), and 51 physiological
Queensland metrics (i.e. cellular, tissue and whole-­animal metrics), across 73 independent studies,
to elucidate the general patterns of UVR effects on vertebrate physiology. We found
that while UVR's impacts on vertebrates are generally negative, fish and amphibians
were the most susceptible taxa, adult and larvae were the most susceptible life stages,
and animals inhabiting temperate and tropical latitudes were the most susceptible to
UVR stress. This information is critical to further our understanding of the adaptive
capacity of vulnerable taxon to UVR stress, and the wide-­spread sublethal physiologi-
cal effects of UVR on vertebrates, such as DNA damage and cellular stress, which
may translate up to impaired growth and locomotor performance. These impairments
to individual fitness highlighted by our study may potentially cause disruptions at the
ecosystem scale, especially if the effects of this pervasive diurnal stressor are exac-
erbated by climate change and reduced refuge due to habitat loss and degradation.
Therefore, conservation of habitats that provide refuge to UVR stress will be critical
to mitigate stress from this pervasive daytime stressor.

climate change, ecophysiology, environmental degradation, habitat loss, habitat range shifts,
ozone loss, stress

1  |  I NTRO D U C TI O N (Barnes et al., 2019; Farman et al., 1985). As a shortwave compo-

nent of sunlight, UVR (100–­4 00 nm) has many important and ben-
Since stratospheric ozone loss over the Antarctic was first reported eficial functions in ecosystems, for example by sterilising viruses
in 1985 detailing the thinning of the ozone over past decades, there (Abshire,  1987) and stimulating vitamin D production (Adams
has been concerns over the effects of increased ultraviolet radia- et al., 1982); however, as a high energy form of electromagnetic
tion (UVR) penetration on Earth's ecosystems and its inhabitants radiation, UVR is readily absorbed by biological molecules, (namely

Glob Change Biol. 2023;00:1–15. |

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2      DOWNIE et al.

nucleic acids and proteins), produces oxygen radicals (namely reac- tropical to temperate habitats in response to increases in tempera-
tive oxygen species [ROS]) in cells that leads to oxidative damage ture at the equator (a phenomena known as tropicalisation), a select
of lipids, proteins and DNA, and is a genotoxin that may lead to a number of animals are moving from temperate to tropical latitudes
suite of lethal and sublethal consequences for organisms (Alves & to escape the increasing seasonality of temperatures at temperate
Agustí, 2020; Banaszak & Lesser, 2009; Wurtmann & Wolin, 2009). latitudes but would expose them to significantly higher ambient
UVR is a pervasive daytime factor across most Earth's ecosystems UVR levels (Barnes et al., 2023). Taken together, numerous factors
(exceptions being habitats that are subterranean and depths of around habitat loss contribute to loss of biodiversity, but exposure
50–­70 m below the ocean surface; Lee et al.,  2013), and generally to elevated UVR may hinder their resilience to current and future
is more intense in summer months, at higher altitudes (Blumthaler environmental changes.
et al., 1997), and at lower latitudes (Banaszak & Lesser, 2009). While Vertebrates have evolved over millennia in the presence of
the ozone layer significantly reduces the penetration of the most sunlight and UVR of various intensities, and have a plethora of
damaging wavelengths of solar UVR (i.e. all UVC wavelengths, 100–­ behavioural and physiological responses to manage the negative
180 nm, and 90% of UVB, 180–­315 nm), significant levels of UVB aspects of UVR exposure. For example, some reef fishes have ‘sun-
and the majority of UVA (315–­4 00 nm) reach the Earth's surface screens’ in their skin and eyes derived from zooplankton they con-
and interact with biological systems across all levels of organisation, sume (Eckes et al., 2008), the feathers of birds and hard scales of
from subcellular to organismal to ecological. reptiles help reflect UVR (Blanco et al., 2005; Reguera et al., 2015),
The physiological impacts of UVR are amplified when combined and melanin in the skin and fur of mammals can provide some pro-
with other environmental and anthropogenic stressors. Habitat tection from UVR (Slominski et al., 2004). However, other vertebrate
degradation is a critical factor influencing biodiversity with many groups appear to be more vulnerable to UVR. For example, there has
vertebrates experiencing some of the highest extinction rates been considerable interest in the impacts of elevated UVR on the
and population losses as a consequence of habitat loss (Ceballos early life history stages (eggs and tadpoles) of amphibians given their
et al., 2020). Habitat loss, such as deforestation and forest canopy extensive rate of decline globally (Alton & Franklin, 2017; Cramp &
loss from agriculture, human community development, wildfires Franklin, 2018; Lundsgaard et al., 2020, 2023). Vertebrates may also
and changes in vegetation canopy cover will increase UVR penetra- experience life stage-­specific vulnerabilities to UVR. For example,
tion to terrestrial systems (Ballaré et al., 2011; Barnes et al., 2022, fish and amphibian eggs that drift near the water's surface may be
2023; Gomez Isaza et al., 2022; Whiterod et al., 2023). The large-­ exposed to higher UVR than those that are deposited at deeper
scale loss of forests is occurring globally, with an estimated 6.4–­ depths (Cramp & Franklin, 2018; Hunter et al., 1979); and predomi-
8.8 million hectares of forests cleared per year from 2011 (Pendrill nantly nocturnal adult amphibians would typically receive less UVR
et al., 2022), and are therefore occurring over larger spatial scales exposure than predominantly diurnal larval life stages (Lundsgaard
than ozone loss alone (Ballaré et al., 2011). Significant losses of et al., 2022). Climate and anthropogenic environmental changes to
habitat complexity suggest terrestrial animals, especially forest-­ UVR exposure patterns are likely to place increasing pressure on
dwelling species, may have limited sheltering relief from elevated vertebrates across life history stages, regardless of latitude, as loss
UVR. In aquatic systems, UVR is generally attenuated by water. of habitat (i.e. behavioural avoidance to shelter from UVR may be
However, at tropical latitudes, UVR penetrates up to 30 m in clear limited), shifting habitat ranges, and elevated UVR from ozone loss
water (i.e. oligotrophic conditions; Banaszak & Lesser, 2009). UVR means that many vertebrates may be exposed to higher doses of
penetration is naturally reduced by particulate organic matter (i.e. UVR than under natural conditions.
phytoplankton communities), dissolved organic matter (DOM), and Despite the successful implementation of the Montreal
dissolved inorganic matter which contribute to UVR attenuation Protocol in 1989 to halt the production of ozone-­d epleting chem-
(Häder & Gao, 2015). However, phytoplankton community loss from icals, full recovery of the ozone layer to pre-­1980 levels may not
increased ocean temperatures means that UVR of higher intensities occur until mid-­century (i.e. 2050–­2060; Ballaré et al.,  2011;
(i.e. UVB) may be able to penetrate to deeper depths in oligotrophic Cordero et al., 2022; Newman et al., 2006). The seasonal ozone
coastal habitats that lack high concentrations of UVR-­attenuating hole is still extensive, with the area of the hole in 2021 being the
DOM (Garcia-­Corral et al., 2015; Häder & Gao, 2015). Like forests, in 13th largest since 1979 (Bates, 2021). Additionally, the effects of
marine systems coral loss from mass bleaching events reduces struc- climate change and anthropogenic disturbances (e.g. habitat clear-
tural complexity of reefs and suggests that less shelter is available ing, and shifting habitats in response to warming) may still amplify
for fishes which rely on such structures to provide relief from UVR future impacts of UVR on vertebrate physiology, even if the ozone
(Kerry & Bellwood, 2012, 2015). Across both terrestrial and aquatic layer fully recovers (i.e. natural UVR level impacts may be ampli-
ecosystems, reduced cloud cover due to increased aerosol produc- fied due to changes in climate and human disturbances). Therefore,
tion is also increasing UVR penetration to the Earth's surface (Barnes understanding the full range of impacts UVR has on vertebrate
et al., 2023). Additionally, many tropical vertebrates are shifting their physiology is critical to help identify which aspects of their biol-
habitat ranges to high altitudes in response to warming temperate ogy are most impacted, which taxa and life stages are most vul-
environments which are exposed to higher UVR levels (Barnes nerable, and overall resilience to UVR stress. There are a number
et al., 2023; Jacobsen, 2020). While most animals are moving from of studies that have investigated the impacts of UVR on marine

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DOWNIE et al.       3

and freshwater biota (including vertebrates, invertebrates and consumption’ OR ‘aerobic’ OR ‘physiol*’ OR ‘mitochondria*’ OR
micro-­organisms; Bancroft et al., 2007; Llabrés et al., 2013; Peng ‘growth’ OR ‘performance’ OR ‘oxidative’); birds (‘ultraviolet radia-
et al., 2017), as well as some specific to fish (Alves & Agustí, 2020) tion’ OR ‘UV radiation’ OR ‘UVR’) AND (‘bird*’) AND (‘metabol*’ OR
and amphibians (Bancroft et al., 2008). However, to date there has ‘oxygen uptake’ OR ‘oxygen consumption’ OR ‘aerobic’ OR ‘physiol*’
yet to be a single study that investigates the impacts of UVR on OR ‘mitochondria*’ OR ‘growth’ OR ‘performance’ OR ‘oxidative’);
the physiology across all major vertebrate groups of physiological amphibian (‘ultraviolet radiation’ OR ‘UV radiation’ OR ‘UVR’) AND
traits spanning cellular to whole-­animal performance. Here, we (‘amphibian*’ OR ‘frog*’ OR ‘toad*’ OR ‘salamander*’ OR ‘newt*’ OR
determine how UVR impacts the physiology (cell to whole animal) ‘caecellian*’) AND (‘metabol*’ OR ‘oxygen uptake’ OR ‘oxygen con-
of the major vertebrate groups. Specifically, are there are differ- sumption’ OR ‘aerobic’ OR ‘physiol*’ OR ‘mitochondria*’ OR ‘growth’
ences in physiological responses of vertebrates to UVR across lati- OR ‘performance’ OR ‘oxidative’); mammal (‘ultraviolet radiation’ OR
tude and life history stages? Taking a meta-­analytical approach, we ‘UV radiation’ OR ‘UVR’) AND (‘mammal*’) AND (‘metabol*’ OR ‘oxy-
used 895 observations from 47 different vertebrate species (fish, gen uptake’ OR ‘oxygen consumption’ OR ‘aerobic’ OR ‘physiol*’ OR
amphibian, reptile and bird), and 51 physiological metrics (gener- ‘mitochondria*’ OR ‘growth’ OR ‘performance’ OR ‘oxidative’). The
ally sublethal effects on vertebrate physiology, such as changes in initial search resulted in 3377 studies (n = 1272 fish, n = 319 amphib-
cellular processes, growth, movement etc.), across 73 independent ians, n = 96 reptiles, n = 211 birds, n = 1479 mammals). We then used
studies, to find general patterns of how UVR affects vertebrate the same search terms in Google scholar and went through the first
physiology. We hypothesise that (i) tropical (low latitude) species 1000 entries for each vertebrate group to acquire new papers. No
will have a greater negative physiological response to UVR than new studies were acquired from that search. For screening for rele-
temperate species since these habitats exist at latitudes that gen- vant studies (i.e. titles and abstracts) we chose experiments that ex-
erally are exposed to higher UVR doses of greater intensity, (ii) posed whole animals (i.e. not tissue culture) to ambient sunlight (i.e.
fish and amphibian groups will be more vulnerable to physiological tanks were kept outside) or under artificial UVR (i.e. under a lamp)
stress from UVR than other higher vertebrates predictably be- that represented ecologically relevant UVR irradiances or doses. We
cause they lack the physical protection from UVR such as feather, excluded review papers or any nonexperimental work. We did not
fur or reptile-­like scales and (iii) early life history stages (i.e. em- select studies used for medical studies (e.g. rats, mice and tissue
bryos and larvae) will be more vulnerable to UVR than later life cultures), because they did not look at how natural or elevated UVR
stages (i.e. juveniles and adults), as they may not have developed impacts vertebrate physiology in their natural habitats, and their
the physiological mechanisms to tolerate UVR or repair its dam- aims were primarily for melanoma research that could be translated
age. Understanding physiological consequences of UVR exposure to human welfare and cancer research. The remaining mammal
across vertebrate taxa will be important to determine their future studies were focused on impacts of UVR on circadian rhythm, but
resilience to this pervasive environmental stressor. Our approach did not expose whole animals to UVR and were removed from the
also allows us to investigate how experimental work involving meta-­analysis. The results of those studies will be briefly discussed.
UVR is conducted, and the ecological relevance of these results. Aquaculture and agriculture studies were not screened out because
they expose their animals to natural UVR levels. After screening, we
selected 197 studies (n = 121 fish, n = 40 amphibians, n = 14 reptiles,
2  |   M E TH O D S n = 17 birds, n = 5 mammals). Finally, for the papers used in the meta-­
analysis, the methods of the screened papers were checked against
2.1  |  Literature search previous criteria (i.e. no tissue cultures, animals were directly ex-
posed to ecologically relevant natural or elevated UVR levels), as
Following the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic reviews well as the metrics evaluated were quantifying impacts of UVR on
and Meta-­Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines for meta-­analytical stud- physiological processes (i.e. impacting cells/molecular/genetic pro-
ies, we searched for peer-­reviewed studies in the Web of Science in cesses, tissues/organ systems and/or whole-­animal performance).
June 2022 (O'Dea et al., 2021). We used a custom search term for We included studies that quantified their studies using means with
each group of vertebrates based on the different subclassifications standard deviation or error for both control and treatment groups,
within each, to capture as many papers as possible (exceptions being and only included treatments that exposed animals to UVR only (i.e.
birds and mammals that have many subgroups that are difficult to there were no other cofactors included for studies that co-­exposed
categorise). The search terms were as follows: fish (‘ultraviolet ra- UVR with other anthropogenic [e.g. toxins or pollutants] or climate
diation’ OR ‘UV radiation’ OR ‘UVR’) AND (‘fish*’ OR ‘teleost*’ OR stressors [e.g. changing temperatures, CO2 or oxygen]). We did not
‘shark*’ OR ‘elasmobranch*’ OR ‘sturgeon*’) AND (‘metabol*’ OR include qualitative histological studies. Our final analysis comprised
‘oxygen uptake’ OR ‘oxygen consumption’ OR ‘aerobic’ OR ‘phys- 73 studies (n = 42 fish, n = 23 amphibian, n = 5 reptile, n = 3 birds,
iol*’ OR ‘mitochondria*’ OR ‘growth’ OR ‘performance’ OR ‘oxida- n = 0 mammals), 895 effects, 51 physiological metrics and 47 spe-
tive’), reptiles (‘ultraviolet radiation’ OR ‘UV radiation’ OR ‘UVR’) cies (see PRISMA Diagram; Figure S1). Raw data have been depos-
AND (‘reptile*’ OR ‘turtle*’ OR ‘crocodile*’ OR ‘alligator*’ OR ‘liz- ited in the University of Queensland eSpace repository (Downie
ard*’ OR ‘snake*’) AND (‘metabol*’ OR ‘oxygen uptake’ OR ‘oxygen et al., 2023).

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4      DOWNIE et al.

2.2  |  Effect size calculation for each metric within each experiment. If either irradiance or
dose was not provided by the study, we calculated either one using
Effect size was calculated as the natural log-­
transformed re- Equation (3) below to standardise dose across all studies to J day−1.
sponse ratio (lnRR; Hedges et al., 1999) and the sampling variance The 51 biological metrics were divided into a subclassification, which
(Equation 2) was calculated following Nakagawa et al. (2022): correlated with a classification associated with a level of biological
( ) organisation; gene and cellular processes, tissue and organ systems,
lnRR = ln , (1) and whole-­animal performance. The subclassifications within each
classification are as follows: gene and cellular processes (DNA dam-
age, energy metabolism, e.g. mitochondrial respiration), hormonal
SD21 SD22
vi = + , (2) stress response, neuromuscular, oxidant (e.g. direct measurements
X 1 n1 X 2 n2
of ROS and peroxide accumulation), oxidative damage (indicators
of oxidative damage; e.g. lipid peroxidation (LPO) activity, oxidative
where X 1, SD1 and n1 are the mean, standard deviation and sample size stress response [e.g. antioxidants]), tissue and organ systems (car-
of the exposed group (exposed or high UV treatment), respectively, diorespiratory system, energy metabolism [e.g. respiration rates])
while X 2, SD2 and n2 are the mean, standard deviation and sample size and whole-­animal performance (behaviour, growth and locomotion).
of the control group (no UV or low UV treatment) respectively. Effect Full list of biological metrics and their assigned classification are pro-
size was calculated for each UV treatment within studies. The effect vided in the Table S1. When moderators were presented as a range,
size sampling error, precision and the ‘effective sample size’ were also we calculated the mean value (e.g. mean body mass, mean tempera-
calculated and fully described in Supporting Information, Equations ture exposure).
(1–­6). To account for unbalanced sampling, we used the ‘effective
sample size’ instead of the sample size (n1 + n2) for the meta-­analysis of
lnRR (Nakagawa et al., 2022). Data curation was formatted following 2.3  |  Post-­data processing
Schwanz et al. (2022).
Effect size was calculated such that negative values indicate a det-
rimental effect of UV exposure. For example, studies examining
2.2.1  |  Moderator variables DNA damage are expected to see an increase in DNA damage under
higher UV treatment relative to the control group. Therefore, DNA
Moderator (i.e. explanatory variables) were included to test along- damage was converted to negative values indicating that it affects
side the impacts of UVR on vertebrate physiology, which were di- the organism negatively. The following metrics were corrected for
vided into biological characteristics of test animals, experimental direction: DNA damage (pyrimidine dimers, direct damage), oxidants
conditions and physiological metrics. Biological characteristics in- (H2O2, ROS production) and oxidative damage (alanine aminotrans-
cluded taxonomic class (fish, amphibian, reptile, bird or mammal), ferase, asparate aminotransferase, LPO activity, malondialdehyde,
source of animals (captive/laboratory-­reared or wild-­caught), loca- protein carbonyl, protein peroxide levels, thiobarbituric acid reactive
tion of animal source (including longitude and latitude coordinates substances). Metrics with ambiguous effects on the organism health
for location of wild-­caught animals), geographical region (subtropi- remained the same and represented either an increase or decrease
cal, temperate, or tropical; as provided by the study), medium in in value relative to the control treatment (e.g. metabolic rate, hor-
which animals inhabit (aquatic or terrestrial), life history stage (em- mone levels).
bryo, larva, juvenile, adult), age (days post-­fertilisation, dpf; days There is no standardised reporting of UV exposure across studies.
post-­hatch, dph; if available) and morphometrics (body length, cm; However, we are able to convert most studies (90.28% of studies ex-
body mass, mg; if available). Experimental conditions included test tracted) that presented some form of irradiation intensity, dose and
temperature (°C), UVR type (UVA or UVB), UVR source (artificial ir- duration to the daily UV exposure (s). The following formula was used:
radiance from a lamp or natural irradiance from sunlight), irradiance
(W m2), daily UVR dose (J day−1), daily exposure to UVR (h), experi- Irradiance W m−2 = Dose J m−2 ∕ daily exposure time (s). (3)
( ) ( )

mental duration (days), absolute dose of entire experiment (kJ), type

of error reported (standard deviation or standard error) and sam- The ‘control’ UV exposure treatments across all studies extracted
ple level (tank replicate, individual replicate, homogenate replicate, ranged from 0 to 232,416 J day−1. For studies with no negative
experimental replicate). A few experiments co-­exposed animals to control treatment (no UV exposure), the low UV treatment was
both UVA and UVB (including UVR indices that combine UVA and considered the control treatment in respect to the study design.
UVB; see Araújo et al., 2021). Since these UVR types have differ- 15.7% of studies had a negative control treatment. To account for
ent wavelengths, experimental intensities, and are known to have variation in control UV treatments across studies, we calculated
distinct impacts on cellular processes, they were considered sepa- the difference between control (no UV or low UV exposure) and
rate experimental conditions, and therefore compared separately exposed (UV exposed or high UV exposure) dose (as Δdose).

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DOWNIE et al.       5

2.4  |  Statistical analysis CIs with extra random effect estimates as an indicator of heteroge-
neity (Borenstein, 2019; Nakagawa et al., 2021; Noble et al., 2022).
All analyses were conducted in R version 4.2.1. The following sources Statistical significance was assumed when 95% CIs did not span zero.
of nonindependence were considered for the analysis: within study The data and code to reproduce this study can be found on GitHub:
effects (effect size identity [ID]; variability in the true effects within​laswu​nz/uv-meta-analysis.
studies or residuals), between study effects (study ID; calculated
effect size from the same study), non-­phylogenetic species-­related
effects (species ID; within species variability in response), phylo- 3  |  R E S U LT S
genetic effects (shared traits in closely related species) and shared
controls (effect sizes with a shared control treatment). Because the 3.1  |  Elevated UVR exposure is detrimental for
dataset contains shared controls within a study (Noble et al., 2017), most vertebrates
we created a variance/covariance matrix for each metric to account
for sampling variance based on common control conditions using A total of 895 individual effect sizes from 73 studies across 47 spe-
the ‘make_VCV_matrix’ function in the metaAidR package (github. cies were used for the analysis. Most experimental studies on the
com/danie​l1nob​le/metaAidR; version The phylogenetic effects of UVR were performed in Europe (24%), Australia (19%)
tree was constructed using the Open Tree of Life and R packages and North America (18%), with the fewest number of studies per-
rotl (Michonneau et al.,  2016) and ape (Paradis & Schliep, 2018). formed in Africa (4%) and Asia (8%). No studies were conducted in
Branch lengths were assigned following Grafen's method using the Antarctica and 15% of studies did not specify a location. Without
‘compute.brlen’ function. A phylogenetic correlation matrix was con- moderators (the global model), the overall effect of UV radiation
structed based on hypothetical relatedness of species using the ‘vcv’ exposure on biological traits was negative (−0.31 [95% CI: −0.51,
function. −0.09], p = .006, Table S3). However, when taking into account the
A ‘global’ model was first constructed to examine the overall ef- moderator variables, the effect of UVR on effect size was not signifi-
fect of UV radiation on effect size without moderators. The global cant (0.13 [95% CI: −0.46, 0.72], p = .6494, Table S4). The included
model was constructed as a multi-­
level, random effects model moderators (life stage, traits, UV type, dose and exposure temper-
(detailed in Supporting Information, Equation 7) using the ‘rma. ature) explained 16% of the model variation, while both the fixed
mv’ function from the metafor package (Viechtbauer, 2010). The and random effect explained 100% of the variation. Heterogeneity
random effects included effect size ID, study ID, species ID and was very high (I2total  = 100%), which is common for ecological and
[ ]
phylogeny. The global model also tested for publication bias in the evolutionary meta-­analyses. The effect size residuals explained 40%
form of small-­study effects and decline effect (Sterne et al., 2005). of the I2total , variation in study effects explained 60% of the I2total ,
[ ] [ ]
Small-­study effect was represented the square root of the inverse of while species identity and phylogenetic relatedness explained 0% of
�√ �
effective sample size 1 ∕ %n that accounts for unbalanced sam- the I2total . There was also no strong effect of publication bias in our
[ ]
pling (Stanley, 2005), and the decline effect is the publication year study in terms of small-­study effect and decline effect (Table S3), as
(Nakagawa et al., 2022). well as no visual indication of funnel asymmetry (Figure  S3). Most
We then fitted the full model with all moderators and used the experimental studies used wild-­caught animals (n = 42 studies, 26
‘Dredge’ function from the MuMIn package (Barton, 2009) to assess species), while 30 studies used captive-­raised animals (n = 24 spe-
which combination had the best fit (ΔAICc ≤2). The full model ex- cies), and one study did not specify the collection source (Table S1).
cluded latitude, age, body mass and body length as these moderators Of the wild-­caught animals used for the UV studies, most were col-
did not have a complete dataset available (Figure S2), which would lected from subtropical and temperate regions (one from the tropics;
have reduced power and may have affected the results. The best Figure  1). Only 12 studies used ambient sunlight for their experi-
fit model was used for the ‘overall’ model (detailed in Supporting ments (seven amphibian studies, four fish studies and one reptile
Information, Equation 8) and contained the following moderators: study), with the remaining studies using artificial UVR.
life stage, trait, UV type, daily dose and exposure temperature
(Table S2). We also assessed total heterogeneity (I2 total) and each
random effect heterogeneity (I2 residual, I2 study, I2 species, I2 phy- 3.2  |  UVB radiation is more detrimental to
logeny) as the proportion of variance not attributed to sampling vertebrates than UVA
error using the ‘i2_ml’ function from the orchaRd package (Nakagawa
et al., 2021). I2 is formally described and formulated in Supporting There were 51 studies that exposed animals to UVB radiation alone,
Information, Equations (9) and (10). We also calculated the marginal 13 studies that exposed animals to UVA radiation alone, eight
R 2 and conditional R 2 using the ‘r2_ml’ function from the orchaRd studies that co-­exposed UVB and UVA and one study that did not
package as an indicator of variation the model explains. R is de- specify UV wavelengths used. The effect of UVB exposure on bio-
scribed and formulated in Supporting Information, Equation (11). logical traits was more detrimental (−0.22 [95% CI: −0.33, −0.11],
Figures were presented as mean estimates ±95% confidence inter- p < .0001, Table  S5) than exposure to UVA (−0.10 [95% CI: −0.24,
vals (95% CIs) and ±95% prediction intervals (95% PIs). PIs are 95% −0.035], p = .14, Figure 2a). Total UVR exposure (both UVA and UVB

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6      DOWNIE et al.

F I G U R E 1  Spatial distribution of
species using wild-­caught vertebrates
(n = 26). Wild sources were represented
by taxonomic groups (circle = amphibian,
triangle = fish, square = reptile). Data
points were plotted over the mean
ultraviolet-­B irradiation (UVB) of the
highest month as an indicator of potential
direct exposure to UVB. UVB map was
obtained from (Beckmann et al., 2014).

F I G U R E 2  Difference in ultraviolet (UV) radiation effects by UV type and region. (a) UVB (280–­315 nm) exposure showed significantly
higher negative effect than UVA (315–­4 00 nm) exposure. The overall effect of UVR was presented as comparison between the effect of
UVA and UVB. (b) Animals in all geographical regions show negative effect of UV exposure, but there was no difference across regions. The
mean group estimate represented as closed circles, with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) as thick black lines and 95% prediction intervals
as thin black lines. Open circles for each group represent individual effect sizes, and the size of each symbol indicates study precision
(inverse of standard error). k = number of effect sizes per group, and brackets indicate number of studies per group. Effect size were
considered significant when 95% CI did not overlap with the zero line as denoted by asterisks (‘.’ p < .1, *p < .05, **p < .01, and ***p < .001).
Note, some of the 95% CI lines are obscured by the mean estimates.

combined) affected species negatively across all geographical zones life stage studied (n = 32), followed by juveniles (n = 21) and adults
(Figure 2b; Table S6). (n = 17). The larva and adult life stages were significantly affected
by UVR exposure, whereas there was no significant effect of UVR
on embryos or juveniles (Figure 3b; Table S8). UVB generally had a
3.3  |  Impacts of UVR between taxonomic stronger effect than UVA across all taxonomic groups and life stages
groups and across developmental stage (Figure S4a,b).

Fish were the most common taxonomic groups studied (n = 42), fol-
lowed by amphibians (n = 23), with fewer studies investigating the 3.4  |  Impacts of UVR across physiological traits
impacts of UVR on both birds and reptiles. Both fish and amphibians
were significantly negatively affected by UVR exposure relative to We examined three levels of biological organisation (gene and cellu-
reptiles and birds (Figure 3a; Table S7). Larva were the most common lar processes, tissue and organ systems, whole-­animal performance),

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DOWNIE et al.       7

F I G U R E 3  Difference in ultraviolet (UV) radiation effects by taxonomic groups and life stage. (a) Fish and amphibians show greater
negative effect of UV exposure than reptiles and birds. (b) The larvae and adult stage show negative effect of UV exposure than the embryo
and juvenile stage. The mean taxa/life stage estimate represented as closed circles, with 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) as thick black
lines and 95% prediction intervals as thin black lines. Open circles for each taxa/life stage represent individual effect sizes, and the size of
each symbol indicates study precision (inverse of standard error). k = number of effect sizes per group, and brackets indicate number of
studies per group. Effect size were considered significant when 95% CI did not overlap with the zero line as denoted by asterisks (*p < .05
and ***p < .001). Note, some of the 95% CI lines are obscured by the mean estimates.

F I G U R E 4  Effect of ultraviolet
exposure on 11 biological traits. The
mean trait estimate represented as closed
circles, with 95% confidence intervals
(95% CIs) as thick black lines and 95%
prediction intervals as thin black lines.
Open circles for each trait represent
individual effect sizes, and the size of
each symbol indicates study precision
(inverse of standard error). k = number
of effect sizes per trait, and brackets
indicate number of studies per trait. Effect
sizes were considered significant when
95% CI did not overlap with the zero line
as denoted by asterisks (**p < .01 and
***p < .001). Note, some of the 95% CI
lines are obscured by the mean estimates.

composed of 11 physiological trait subclassifications (51 total physi- p ≤ .001), locomotion (t884 = −3.51, p ≤ .0001), oxidant (t884 = −6.05,
ological traits) across all of the examined vertebrate taxa. We found p ≤ .0001) and oxidative stress responses (t884 = −3.46, p ≤ .0001)
that behaviour (t884 = −4.39, p ≤ .0001), cardiorespiratory function were significantly affected by UVR exposure (Figure  4; Table  S9).
(t884 = −2.87, p ≤ .001), DNA damage (t884 = −6.22, p ≤ .0001), growth UVB generally had a stronger effect than UVA across all traits
(t884 = −2.82, p ≤ .001), hormonal stress response (t884 = −3.20, (Figure S5).

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8      DOWNIE et al.

4  |  D I S C U S S I O N animals seeking thermal refuge at high altitude for example, will also
need to contend with elevated UVR levels (UVR levels increase by
Our meta-­analytical approach, capturing the last four decades of re- 10%–­12% with every 1000 m of elevation; Blumthaler et al., 1997).
search on vertebrate physiology, shows that UVR exposure, particu- Many of these species shifting to higher altitudes are amphibians
larly UVB exposure, is generally detrimental to animal health, and such as Hazara Torrent Frog (Allopaa hazarensis) and Murree Hills
supports our hypotheses that vertebrate vulnerability to UVR is de- Frog (Nanorana vicina) (Saeed et al., 2021), but elevation shifts have
pendent on taxa, life stage and latitude. By considering the diversity also been found in mammals living in the United Kingdom (Hickling
of research on the effects of UVR on vertebrates (fish, amphibians, et al., 2006), as well as many species of birds in the Italian alps (Popy
reptiles and birds), this study demonstrates that amphibians and fish et al., 2010). Overall, sensitivities to UVR of vertebrate taxa do ap-
are the taxa most sensitive to climate change-­associated increases in pear to be linked to latitude and may reflect intrinsic limits in UVR
UVR exposure. In addition, this study has identified critical knowl- defence or repair capacities. Factors that promote elevated UVR ex-
edge gaps in the literature and we provide some suggestions for fu- posure (i.e. changing environmental conditions, lack of refuge and
ture research considerations that will facilitate the development of movement to higher altitudes) may be detrimental to even the most
ecologically relevant models of the current and future impacts of UVR tolerant species if those species lack the capacity to defend
elevated UVR exposure on vertebrates. themselves against the higher UVR levels.
We found support for our hypothesis that vertebrates from We also found that UVR sensitivities vary with vertebrate group
tropical habitats are more negatively impacted by UVR than those and life history stage, with amphibians and fishes being the most
from higher latitudes. Diurnal vertebrates inhabiting low latitudes sensitive taxa, and larva and adults being the most sensitive life
generally encounter higher daily UVR levels than those at higher lat- stages. These findings are consistent with earlier reports that the ef-
itudes as a consequence of the lower ozone levels at the equator fects of UVR exposure can be substantial, and are generally negative
(Banaszak & Lesser, 2009), and these habitats are also where the in many fish and amphibian species (Alves & Agustí, 2020; Bancroft
highest rates of vegetation loss are occurring (Hansen et al., 2013). et al., 2007, 2008; Llabrés et al., 2013; Peng et al., 2017). Reptiles,
Although animals from lower latitudes might be expected to be more birds and mammals may be more resistant than fish or amphibians
tolerant of elevated UVR levels, our study suggests that exposure to UVR as a result of their cutaneous coverings (i.e. fur, feathers
to increased levels of UVR is detrimental to many tropical species. and scales reflect or act as a sufficient barrier against UVR; Blanco
Increases in UVR levels associated with stratospheric ozone deple- et al., 2005; Reguera et al., 2015; Slominski et al., 2004). It is im-
tion have been most apparent at higher latitudes, particularly in the portant to highlight that experimental studies of the impacts of UVR
southern hemisphere, where some areas have experienced a 2%–­6% on reptiles, birds and mammals (excluding vision-­related research)
increase in UVR levels above pre-­1980 levels (Herman, 2010; Lemus-­ are far less prevalent in the literature than for amphibians and fish.
Deschamps & Makin, 2012). This is important for our understanding Therefore, while natural UVR exposures may not pose a challenge
the impacts of the predicted climate change-­associated increases in to, or even be beneficial for, reptiles, birds and mammals, we are un-
UVR levels in the tropics where changes in atmospheric processes able to rule out negative consequences of elevated UVR exposures
(e.g. decreased cloud cover due to aerosols from wildfires) are pro- as a result of climate change or habitat loss in these taxa, and further
jected to increase UV indexes in the tropics by 3%–­8% by 2100 targeted research into these groups is warranted. Like in mammals,
(Barnes et al., 2023). While vertebrates from temperate latitudes birds and reptiles, fish scales do offer some protection to the under-
are generally exposed to lower daily and seasonal UVR intensities lying tissues against UVR. However, oxidative stress markers (e.g.
than tropical species, they are equally sensitive to elevated UVR increased ROS production) have been found in the kidney and liver
exposure. of some fish species following UVR exposure (Alves & Agustí, 2021),
While temperate species lack many of the specialised UVR de- suggesting that UVR can cause cellular stress responses remote
fences that tropical species employ to withstand the naturally el- from the site of actual exposure and/or that some doses and inten-
evated UVR levels at low latitudes (such as natural sunscreens in sities of UVR may penetrate through the protective scales to af-
tropical fish mucus), ultimately the capacity to withstand elevated fect the underlying tissues. Like most animals, amphibians employ
UVR levels at any latitude is dependent on plasticity in the organisms a range of physical, behavioural and/or physiological responses to
UVR defence and response strategies. UVR exposures that over- avoid or manage UVR injury (Alton & Franklin, 2017). While adult
whelm an organism's defence strategies will result in damage to cells amphibians are generally nocturnal and seek refuge during the day,
and tissues that may have survival or fitness implications. The ob- the loss of vegetation that is occurring in most amphibian habitats
servation that even slight elevations in contemporary UVR exposure worldwide may lead to an increase in UVR exposure for some spe-
levels are detrimental in a variety of organisms suggests that many cies (Alton & Franklin, 2017). Increases in UVR levels in tropical eco-
animals may already be at the limits of their capacity to manage and systems are likely to be particularly problematic for species with a
contend with UVR-­associated molecular damage and may have little tendency to bask in sunlight, and diurnal life stages such as tadpoles
scope to respond to further increases in UVR. This will also have im- and embryos.
portant implications for understanding the consequences of climate Interestingly, and contrary to our hypothesis, UVR exposure in
change-­associated geographical range shifts in some species, where the embryonic life stages of fish and amphibians did not appear to

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DOWNIE et al.       9

be consistently negative. Many fish and amphibian embryos that been linked to long-­term effects on physiological performance and
are laid in the sun are pigmented with melanin which can absorb immune function in vertebrates through direct DNA damage (muta-
UV radiation and prevent it from damaging more sensitive biomole- tions), as well as through epigenetic processes and energy trade-­offs
cules (Licht, 2003). Likewise, the vitelline jelly in frog eggs has been (Cramp & Franklin, 2018). How the effects of UVR exposures that
found to have UVR absorptive properties (Licht, 2003; Marquis occur at one life stage carry over to subsequent life stages will have
et al., 2008), with some species experiencing up to 90% absorption ramifications for the health of older life stages and may influence
of radiation in the UVB spectrum (Licht, 2003). Some fish eggs have future population viability (Lundsgaard et al., 2020, 2022, 2023).
also been found to have photo-­repair mechanisms that initiate when This is especially true if the impacts of UVR exposure early in life
eggs lose buoyancy from UVR damage (Dethlefsen et al., 2001). translate to changes in fecundity as an adult or impacts the fitness
Upon hatching, larval fishes and tadpoles appear to be more sensi- of offspring. Trans-­generational impacts of environmental stressors
tive to UVR stress as they lose the protective defences of their eggs such as temperature on offspring success have been found in fishes
and, their larger surface area to volume ratios makes them vulnerable (Donelson et al., 2012) and amphibians (e.g. Rowiński et al., 2020),
to external stressors and may be physiologically under-­developed to but the impact of UVR on trans-­generational effects or fecundity is
cope with high UVR stress (Alves & Agustí, 2020; Smith et al., 2008). currently unknown for any vertebrate group, and would be an area
Our results highlight the importance of considering the impacts of particular interest and concern.
of UVR exposures across multiple levels of biological organisation, Our meta-­analytical approach synthesizing the current state-­
to individual performance and can be predicted as to how these im- of-­knowledge of the impacts of UVR on vertebrate physiology has
pacts may be translated to the population/ecosystem. These physi- revealed several knowledge gaps which requires research attention
ological impacts included increased oxidative and DNA damage, and such as UVR wavelength treatments beyond UVB, more focus on
decreased growth and locomotion. Interestingly, energy metabolism field studies to monitor realistic changes in trait response to increas-
was not consistently affected by UVR exposure, which may reflect ing UVR, and experiments that co-­expose UVR with other environ-
how energy is partitioned during periods of UV exposure (i.e. how mental stressors, investigate trans-­generational effects on offspring
energy is distributed between different physiological processes success or impacts of UVR on fecundity. Critically, our study revealed
such as antioxidant production and DNA repair, locomotion and di- that most studies of the effects of elevated UVR exposure on verte-
gestion) (Cramp et al., 2014; Formicki et al., 2003; García-­Huidobro brate function and performance considered only UVB wavelengths
et al., 2017; Ghanizadeh Kazerouni et al., 2016; Vargas et al., 2018; (51 of 73 studies, with eight co-­exposing UVA and UVB) and used ar-
Winckler & Fidhiany, 1999). Since the proximate effect of UVR ex- tificial UVR lamps for their exposures under laboratory settings (61
posure in sensitive organisms is largely biomolecular (i.e. DNA dam- of 73 studies). Additionally, many moderator variables, such as UVR
age, ROS production), studies that consider the cascading impacts dose (including the difference between UVR and control treatments;
of UVR exposure for cell and tissue function, and whole organism Δdose), experimental duration and irradiance were not significant
performance, provide great insight to complexity of UVR responses statistically when considering the universal model. These are im-
and defences, and the consequences of deficiencies in either. This portant variables when designing these experiments, but since most
response generally requires energy which may translate up to tis- experimental conditions reflected ambient conditions, there was ex-
sue and organismal individual level through changes in performance pectantly a wide variation among experiments. For example, across
(i.e. decreased locomotion was an observed trend in our results) and all studies, irradiance ranged from 0.0029 to 3000 W, and total dose
behaviour (i.e. increased sheltering) if energy requirements for re- ranged from 0.096 to 696,000 kJ. While the benefits of laboratory
sponding to UVR are highly energy demanding (Araújo et al., 2021; experiments are to disentangle the direct impacts of UVR on the
dos Santos et al., 2018; Pulgar et al., 2015; Schuch et al., 2015). The physiology of vertebrates in a controlled setting from the complexity
sublethal effects of impaired individual performance, DNA damage of life in the natural environment, it is important to consider that
and increased oxidative stress may have consequences at the eco- many of the experimental conditions in the studies captured by this
system level, especially if the effects of UVR are exacerbated by meta-­analysis do not accurately reflect natural exposure regimes
other environmental stressors (e.g. temperature and lack of refuge per se. It is undoubtedly very difficult to accurately replicate nat-
from habitat destruction), which may reduce fitness of the popu- ural solar UVR exposures in the laboratory. Sunlight is composed
lation. For example, UVB exposure at cooler temperatures slows of several wavelengths of radiation that reach the Earth's surface,
the rate of DNA repair and impacts growth in amphibians, which with the UVR component composed of long (UVA; 315–­4 00 nm)
is relevant for these montane species whose habitat is character- and short (UVB; 280–­315 nm) wavelengths, and the intensity of
ised by high UVR and lower water temperatures (Hird et al., 2022; UVR exposure changes over the course of a day as a consequence
Lundsgaard et al., 2020; Morison et al.,  2020). For mosquito fish of solar angle (Banaszak & Lesser, 2009). While UVB is undoubtedly
(Gambusia holbrooki) that hatched during summer time tempera- the more damaging component of the UVR spectrum that reaches
tures (28°C), UVB exposure had less effects on swimming perfor- Earth's surface, exposing vertebrates to UVB alone without UVA or
mance and ROS-­
induced cellular damage than summer-­
hatched visible light provision may overestimate the effects of UVB since it
fish exposed to cooler (18°C) and warmer (32°C) temperatures does not facilitate simultaneous photoenzymatic repair processes
(Ghanizadeh Kazerouni et al., 2016). Additionally, UVR exposure has which requires longer wavelengths of light (UVA to visible range)

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10      DOWNIE et al.

(Morison et al.,  2020). Conversely, it may underestimate the true response to UVR per se, conserving habitat complexity to promote
impacts of elevated total UVR exposure (UVB and UVA) since UVA refuge from UVR and interactive stressors will provide assurance
can also cause oxidative stress and biomolecular damage (Mekkawy that natural habitats and habitats used for potential translocations
et al., 2010; Ryu et al., 2019). While most laboratory experiments will provide adequate shelter from the physiological stress of UVR.
calibrated their UVR exposures to reflect some measure of ambi-
ent UVR level, relatively fewer studies (i.e. 12 of 73 studies) actually
performed field experiments that exposed animals to the full UVR 5  |  CO N C LU S I O N
spectrum and the natural temporal variability that is experienced
as a consequence of changes in solar angle and vegetative shading Our meta-­analytical approach highlights that the effects of elevated
across the day. Additionally, many laboratory experiments do not UVR exposure on vertebrates are generally negative, but are also
enable animals to behaviourally modulate their exposure to UVR highly taxon, habitat, life stage and trait specific. The value of such
and seek refuge as they would in nature, which may overestimate an approach is that it provides a structured assessment of the im-
the UVR doses naturally received by animals. Although the value of pacts of and responses to UVR exposure across a variety of species
most laboratory-­based studies of UVR radiation in vertebrates is in and captured a wide range of physiological, behavioural and mor-
their capacity to provide a mechanistic explanation for more com- phological traits. Our study highlighted that many of the existing
plex ecological processes, it is important that future studies incor- experimental studies simplify UVR exposure regimes in controlled
porate more realistic UVR exposure scenarios (i.e. co-­exposing UVA laboratory settings to reduce the complexity of UVR exposures in
and UVB and having a variable daily UVR exposure time reflective nature, and these are invaluable for providing a mechanistic un-
of daily doses) or create field experiments that may provide more derstanding of the effects of UVR on animals from the molecular
ecologically representative exposure regimes. to the whole-­animal level. However, in order to accurately model
Additionally, while the present meta-­analysis focused on studies and predict the effect of future changes in UVR levels on animal
that considered UVR as a sole stressor, UVR is just one of a number populations, species and ecosystems, increasing ecological complex-
of co-­occurring stressors that animals may experience in the wild. ity needs to be incorporated into experimental designs. Our study
Increasing the experimental complexity by incorporating multiple suggests that fish and amphibians are likely to remain the most
stressors will also contribute to increasing the ecological realism in sensitive taxa to increasing UVR levels, especially those species at
UVR research on animals. This is especially important for studies of lower latitudes and the more vulnerable early life stages. How UVR
UVR since UVR has been shown to modulate the effect of other co-­ interacts with other stressors, particularly those associated with a
occurring stressors in unpredictable ways (Alton & Franklin, 2017). rapidly warming climate or other anthropogenic processes, are im-
For example, the interactive effects of temperature and UVR has portant to better understand resilience of vertebrates to ongoing
significant additive effects on marine, freshwater and terrestrial an- or accelerating environmental change, and to develop solutions to
imals (invertebrates and vertebrates), and plants (Jin et al., 2019). manage or ameliorate the effects of these changes on sensitive spe-
Interestingly, warming compensates for the suppressive effects cies. Conservation efforts promoting the protection of habitats that
UVR on performance and metabolism by increasing metabolic per- provide natural refuge from UVR will be critical to mitigate the dam-
formance (Jin et al., 2019). However, such compensation may be age and stress done to global vertebrate populations.
diminished outside the threshold of an animal's optimal thermal tol-
erance range. UVR acts synergistically and antagonistically with co-­ AU T H O R C O N T R I B U T I O N S
occurring environmental stressors, such as nitrates, pH and toxins Adam T. Downie, Rebecca L. Cramp, Craig E. Franklin and Nicholas
from agriculture to reduce amphibian survival (Bancroft et al., 2008). C. Wu were involved in conceptualisation, investigation, writing—­
Taken together, how UVR interacts with other stressors, particularly original draft and writing—­
review and editing. Adam T. Downie,
those associated with a rapidly warming climate or other anthro- Nicholas C. Wu and Rebecca L. Cramp was involved in visualisation.
pogenic processes, are important to better understand resilience Craig E. Franklin was involved in resources. Rebecca L. Cramp and
of vertebrates to environmental change and to develop solutions Craig E. Franklin were involved in project administration and funding
to manage or ameliorate the effects of these changes on sensitive acquisition.
species. From a conservation and management perspective, pro-
moting practises that maintain habitat cover will be critical (LeDee AC K N O​W L E D
​ G E ​M E N T S
et al., 2021), especially at high altitude environments where animals We thank the two anonymous reviewers who provided constructive
may seek refuge from heat stress (among other stressors) at ground and positive feedback on our study. We acknowledge the Indigenous
level, and where UVR is higher. Practises such as assisted migration lands in Australia where this article was conceptualised and written.
have been used to translocate wildlife from stressful environmental
conditions to ideal habitat conditions, however, are the subject to F U N D I N G I N FO R M AT I O N
ethical concerns due to impacts on local ecosystem function and dis- This work was supported by the Australian Research Council
ease spreading from translocated vagrants (Wilkening et al., 2015). Discovery grant (DP190102152) to CEF. Funding was received from
While such practises have yet to been performed directly in The University of Queensland to support ATD.

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DOWNIE et al.       11

C O N FL I C T O F I N T E R E S T S TAT E M E N T Update 2021. Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences, 21(3), 275–­

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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