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Volunteer Management Plan


This section should include a brief introduction to why this plan is being created, the
importance of volunteers to your club/association, the value volunteers provide, and why
your club/association is more successful because of volunteers.

For purposes of this plan, a volunteer will be defined as a person or persons who are
performing a role defined by [insert name of club or association]. This definition is aligned
with Volunteering Australia’s definition of volunteering: “…time willingly given for the
common good without financial gain.” The roles performed may include one off and on-going
roles but this does not negate the valuable contribution of all volunteer roles. Without each
volunteer we would not be able to function as successfully as we do.

We honour the rights and responsibilities of volunteers as described by Volunteering WA.

This document is meant to be read in conjunction with the policies and procedures of [insert
name of club or association] and should also bear in mind the content of volunteer position

The Volunteer Cycle

This Volunteer Management Plan (VMP) has been written to support the positive
volunteering culture at [name of club or association].

A VMP prioritises the club/association’s goals and identifies the key strategies to be

The purpose of the VMP is to:

 Connect the club/association’s mission and vision with involving volunteers

 Help bring appropriate volunteers into the club/association
 Help volunteers develop a sense of commitment to the club/association
 Provide and/or plan for training and development opportunities
 Recognise and reward volunteer performance

The following diagram illustrates the phases of the Volunteer Cycle in regard to the life of an
average volunteer. This cycle provides a framework for volunteer management and should
continually be monitored/revised, as appropriate. This plan will specifically target each of the
areas of the Volunteer Cycle. It is important to note that not all phases of the Volunteer Cycle
will be relevant to all volunteer roles. The level of involvement from a volunteer and the role
they are in will determine which phases of the cycle they will go through.

Credit: Department of Sport and Recreation, WACA, Netball WA, Harvey Deutschendorf

This form was adapted from resources provided by

[Insert Club Logo Here]

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The vision of [insert name of club/association] is [insert vision of club/association]. This

vision is able to be accomplished through the contribution of volunteers.


In order to effectively manage volunteers and the relationship between volunteers and any
paid staff, [insert name of club/association] has the following policies in place:

 [insert list of policies and/or procedures]

 Ex. Equal Opportunity
 Harassment/Bullying
 Reimbursement
 Etc.

We are also working toward implementing additional policies/planning documents including:

 Insert policies/planning documents you are working on implementing

 E.g. Grievance policy
 Social media policy

Include any other relevant information regarding this area for your club/association.

Credit: Department of Sport and Recreation, WACA, Netball WA, Harvey Deutschendorf

This form was adapted from resources provided by

[Insert Club Logo Here]

Note to clubs: If you require assistance with creating policies and procedures, visit the
Volunteering WA website and click on “Administration Procedures” for a template to get you


Recruitment is the process of attracting new volunteers to the club/association. However, it

can also include finding new roles for existing volunteers.

The methods of recruitment currently used by [insert name of club/association] include:

 [insert list of methods]

 Be sure to include internal and external sources
 E.g. Volunteering WA’s recruitment tool Viktor
 Social media
 Etc.

The method(s) used will vary based on the requirements of the role. During the induction
process, a full role description will be provided to each volunteer.

We are also working toward implementing additional recruitment methods including:

 Insert recruitment methods you are working on implementing

 E.g. Club/association website
 Etc.

Volunteers will need to complete the following forms prior to commencing their role:

 If there are any forms required for new volunteers to fill out you should include a list
of those forms here
 E.g. Volunteer Application Form
 Volunteer Personal Details Form
 Etc.

Include any other relevant information regarding this area for your club/association.

Selection and Screening

Where applicable, prospective volunteers will apply for the role they are interested in.
Applicants will be assessed based on experience, skills, and training relevant to the role.
Depending on the role, applicants may also be required to obtain a Police Clearance
Certificate and/or Working with Children’s Check. The cost of these checks will be borne by
[will the club/association pay for it? Split the cost? Volunteer pays for it and is reimbursed?
Volunteer must pay full amount?].

All volunteers are expected to sign a copy of their position description indicating that they are
equipped for the duties expected of them and agree to the responsibilities of their role. In
addition to agreeing to the provided position description, all volunteers should be provided
with a copy of all policies and procedures. Upon reading the policies and procedures, the

Credit: Department of Sport and Recreation, WACA, Netball WA, Harvey Deutschendorf

This form was adapted from resources provided by

[Insert Club Logo Here]

volunteer should also sign a form stating that they have read the policies and procedures
and agree to adhere to them.

The expectations outlined for volunteers will include details such as:

 Hours expected for the specific volunteer role

 Behavioural expectations of a volunteer for [insert name of club/association]
 Health and Safety requirements
 Confidentiality requirements
 Any other noteworthy expectations in relation to volunteering with your group

Include any other relevant information regarding this area for your club/association.


The organisational chart for [insert name of club/association] is below. Be sure to include
volunteers in the chart.


Title Title

Title Title Title Title Title

Title Title Title

The orientation process allows volunteers to be familiarised with the club/association and the
key information involved in being a part of it. This process also ensures that the
club/association is able to outline clear expectations of volunteers, including behaviour and

Induction for volunteers will vary based on the position. For ongoing positions the contact
person for volunteers is [insert title of position here]. They will meet with the volunteer
formally and ensure that all appropriate paperwork is completed. For one off event
volunteering, the contact person for volunteers may vary based on the event. An induction
will take place on the day of the event, or arranged prior with the designated volunteer
coordinator for that event.

Include any other relevant information regarding this area for your club/association.
Credit: Department of Sport and Recreation, WACA, Netball WA, Harvey Deutschendorf

This form was adapted from resources provided by

[Insert Club Logo Here]


Volunteers will be offered training and development opportunities, as available. These

opportunities will be presented as a means of assisting volunteers in better performing their
roles and developing their skills. If there is a different volunteer role within the
club/association that a volunteer is interested in, reasonable accommodation will be made to
upskill/train the volunteer for that role. As we will not necessarily be aware of all training
opportunities, volunteers are both encouraged and supported to independently seek out
training, educational, and development opportunities for themselves.

In order to maintain a record of current skills and abilities available within the club, all training
should be reported to [insert title of position here] upon completion.

Include any other relevant information regarding this area for your club/association.


The contribution of all volunteers to [insert name of club or association] is highly valued.
Given that a key to volunteer retention is appropriate recognition, every effort will be made to
thank volunteers and recognise their contribution.

Currently, appreciation is shown to volunteers using the following strategies:

 Insert current appreciation methods

 E.g. Handwritten notes, cards, emails
 Gift during National Volunteer Week
 Letters of reference
 Volunteer feature on website and/or social media
 Etc.

We are also working toward implementing additional strategies including:

 Insert appreciation methods you are working on implementing

 E.g. Annual volunteer breakfast
 Nomination of volunteer for Volunteer of the Year Awards
 Certificates of appreciations
 Gift for International Volunteer Day
 Etc.

In providing recognition for volunteers’ contribution, we will follow the following guidelines on
providing feedback on volunteer performance:

 Be Immediate  Be Objective
 Be Prepared  Be Consistent
 Be Specific  Be Positive
 Be an Active Listener  Be Sincere
 Be on Task

Credit: Department of Sport and Recreation, WACA, Netball WA, Harvey Deutschendorf

This form was adapted from resources provided by

[Insert Club Logo Here]

Include any other relevant information regarding this area for your club/association.

Exit Strategy/Succession Plan

Volunteer roles will be for an agreed length of time based on the role. For example, a
committee member may be designated for a role for 2 years but a coach may be needed for
1 year or 1 season. This length of service will be agreed with the volunteer upon
commencement and included in their position description. When the end of the agreed time
arrives, a review will be done to determine if the volunteer will remain in the role for another
term or if a new volunteer will fill the position. This allows the volunteer to comfortably step
out of their role, if they so desire. This also allows the club/association to move a new
volunteer into the role if a situation should arise that requires the current occupant of the role
to cease volunteering.

An annual review will be conducted which enables feedback to be given both from the
volunteer and the club. This process helps to ensure that the volunteer will continue to
perform to the best of their ability.
At all times of the Volunteer Cycle, club/association staff must ensure that they are
approachable and communication is open. However, it is important to ensure that the [insert
title of volunteer coordinator or manager here] is kept as the primary contact for volunteers
and informed of relevant communication between staff and volunteers. Staff should also let
volunteers know when information will be passed on to [insert title of volunteer coordinator or
manager here] to ensure transparency and that trust is maintained.

Should a volunteer choose to cease volunteering with [insert name of club/association], the
[insert title of volunteer coordinator or manager here] will ask them for the reasons they are
no longer volunteering. While in many cases the reason(s) may be unavoidable, they may
help the club/association improve its volunteer program by identifying gaps in the Volunteer
Management Program and in monitoring the support given to volunteers by paid staff or
fellow volunteers. This feedback will be gathered, when possible, during a formal exit
interview. This will help ensure that the volunteer completes their role in a positive manner
and the club/association can plan for the continuation of the role they were performing.
The following mechanisms are in place for volunteer succession planning:

 Include any processes or plans that are in place

 E.g. Volunteer completes handover notes
 Volunteer hands over to new volunteer or staff member
 Etc.

We are also working toward implementing additional strategies including:

 Insert strategies you are working on implementing

 E.g. Staff periodically work with volunteer in order to see/learn what they are doing
 Etc.

Include any other relevant information regarding this area for your club/association.
Volunteer Management Plan – Actions
The below table is reflective of the items identified throughout this plan that require action to
implement. By identifying the individual actions needed and assigning responsibility for those
actions, we are better able to improve our volunteering program and therefore our
Credit: Department of Sport and Recreation, WACA, Netball WA, Harvey Deutschendorf

This form was adapted from resources provided by

[Insert Club Logo Here]

Phase in cycle Brief Individual Other Completion Notes

description responsible for person(s) Date
of action implementation involved
Policies /planning Grievance Joe Jane and 15 July
Policy Mike 2016

Credit: Department of Sport and Recreation, WACA, Netball WA, Harvey Deutschendorf

This form was adapted from resources provided by

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