A Level Media Studies Statement-Of-Intent Form

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Media Studies

Advanced GCE in Media Studies H409/03/04 Makin g media

Statement of Intent

Centre number name

The Henley College

6 2 4 4 1

Candidate number name

Maria Mateescu
1 0 5 9

Brief chosen:


How do you intend to use the four areas of the media theoretical framework to communicate meaning
and meet the requirements of your chosen brief? (approx. 400 words)

Product 1

My first magazine cover will represent two different social groups by featuring one male. It will also represent
a different ethnicity Caribbean(black). The character introduced is a young actor who is self-made and got a
role in Top Boy, he tells his story on how he became famous and rich as a young black man. The stereotypical
location use for my mis-en-scene aligns with Hall’s concepts on representation. His character will be aspiring
to many grown men and women to fight and work hard, and their dreams will come true.
I plan to use media language conventions to create a unique and attractive magazine that will appeal to my
target audience. I will use Algerian and Serif typefaces to balance a modern and classic look and the colour
palettes will be chosen to match the subject matter. This approach aligns with Barthes ideas on signs and
connotation, as well as Neals ideas on genre.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations
I believe my target audience would prefer a non-patriarchal representation, so I plan to display a self-assured
woman character who is fulfilled by her career, rather than her traditional role in society. Her character will be
aspiring for multiple women to be motivated and carefree, the routine the star has will have a healthy impact
on every woman. She is a well-paid actress who does not invest all her money on superficial things. She is a
very independent woman who achieved everything on her own and would love to share her useful tips with
other young independent women. Her story will be a behind the scenes in the life of a successful actress.
Although this contradicts VanZoonen's views on the media industry it will cater to the preferences of my
intended audience. I will be using relaxing locations such as the field for my mis-en-scene to represent how
peaceful the Star's life is, and I will be using the primary colours blue and green on my 1st magazine front
cover. My female model will be shown in natural environment where she could feel at peace. She will discuss
what to do for a peaceful, healthy lifestyle and all the positives and negatives of being a movie star. To show
industry compliance and an understanding of regulation (Livingstone and Lunt), I will make sure the magazines
carry the IPSO logo.

Product 2

To cater to my young audience, I will optimize my website for desktops, which is their preferred method of viewing.
My website will contain the ipso and empire magazine logos.
My website will contain the magazine Masthead and pictures of the models used in the magazine front covers.
It will also include an introduction and a welcome to the website.
It will include subscription deals for the magazine and a contact us feature.
It will also include stories on the actors and some news and reviews on film!
The pages that have been marked “not for assessment” are just there for décor.

How do you intend to link your media products to demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of
the digitally convergent nature of your media production? (approx. 100 words)

To promote my website, I will use the call to action on my content pages. This will showcase exclusive
online content, such as podcasts, that are not available in the print magazine. Additionally, I will run
subscription offers on the website to promote the print magazine.

To ensure the website is optimized for mobile, I will test the pages on a variety of phones before
launching anything.

CCS438 – Statement of Intent CCS/H409

Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examinations

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