KNOKE - 2017 - The Role of Economic Diversification in Forest Ecosystem Management

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Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106

DOI 10.1007/s40725-017-0054-3


The Role of Economic Diversification in Forest

Ecosystem Management
Thomas Knoke 1 & Katharina Messerer 1 & Carola Paul 1

Published online: 31 March 2017

# Springer International Publishing AG 2017

Abstract management strategies, because economic diversification is

Purpose of Review We give an overview of economic drivers usually associated with enhanced biodiversity and higher
and consequences of diversification in forest management. levels of multiple ecosystem services.
Starting with formal portfolio-theory analyses of the optimal Summary We identify drivers and consequences of eco-
forest composition, we review other, often-disregarded factors nomic diversification that have been seldom addressed
that influence diversification. A special focus of our review is in previous studies. These include the aim to achieve sub-
the interrelation between economic diversification and sistence, to balance site-dependent marginal economic re-
multifunctionality, asking if optimal economic diversification turn among various stand types, to utilize synergistic ef-
supports increased levels of multiple ecosystem services as a fects between mixed tree species and to achieve averaging
positive externality. effects over time (time diversification). Another important
Recent Findings Analyses considering economic diversifica- factor influencing and influenced by diversification is
tion in forest management mainly build on Markowitz’ theory multifunctionality, because economic diversification alone
of portfolio selection, which is essentially a statistical theory. does not necessarily automatically provide a larger range
They emphasize that the economic diversification of forest of uncertain ecosystem services. Consequently, future re-
composition, regeneration and/or thinning strategies, quality search could extend classical portfolio approaches to
of timber logs, or age classes can significantly reduce risks. multi-objective, robust optimization.
Further studies assume that risk-averse landowners will pro-
vide benefits for the society as a by-product of their Keywords Portfolio analysis . Land use . Marginal economic
return . Time diversification . Ecosystem services .
This article is part of the Topical Collection on Forest Management Multifunctional forestry . Uncertainty
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article
(doi:10.1007/s40725-017-0054-3) contains supplementary material,
which is available to authorized users. Introduction

* Thomas Knoke The word Bdiversification^ traces back to the Latin noun Bdiversitas^ (or Bdiversus^), meaning diversity or variety,
and the Latin verb Bfacio^ (or Bfacere^), meaning to create
Katharina Messerer
or to manufacture something. Consequently, the process of
diversification means deliberately creating diversity or variety.
Carola Paul This underlines that diversification forms an active manage-
ment strategy. The consequences of purposefully created di-
versity in forest management, for example, diversity of tree
Institute of Forest Management, TUM School of Life Sciences
Weihenstephan, Department of Ecology and Ecosystem
species, stand types, regeneration and/or thinning strategies,
Management, Technische Universität München, timber grades and age classes, are partly comparable with
Hans-Carl-von-Carlowitz-Platz 2, 85354 Freising, Germany those of biological diversity, which of course is usually not
94 Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106

man-made. While the diversity established by a forest planner one tree species also creates a higher biological quality
classically focuses on provisioning services that support an compared to monocultures [13].
acceptable and stable economic return, biological diversity is However, reducing economic risks through optimized eco-
essential for the provision and stability of a broader range of system composition is not the only driver of diversification in
essential ecosystem services [1, 2]. For example, when bio- forest management. Other drivers and consequences of diver-
logical diversity diminishes biomass production may de- sification are for example (1) the need to produce multiple
crease, ecosystems may become less resistant to environmen- goods in order to satisfy subsistence needs, (2) [14] site vari-
tal disturbance and essential ecosystem services, such as soil ability, distance to market and other aspects which lead to
nitrogen regulation, water use, plant productivity, and pest and declining marginal return [15–17], [18] [19], (3) synergistic
disease cycles, may become more volatile [1]. effects among ecosystem components, which could increase
While some authors [3, 4] confirm a lack of formal forest stand resistance [20•] or biophysical yield [21] and fi-
analyses on how to best manage biological diversity based nally (4) the aspect of time diversification [22].
on established economic theory, such as the theory of The possible multifunction effect on diversification de-
diversifying financial assets (i.e. portfolio theory), others serves special attention. Similar to the first driver of meeting
state that landowners implicitly consider financial return subsistence needs, forest ecosystems will only be able to de-
and uncertainties when deciding about their portfolio of liver multiple ecosystem services when they are diversified.
land-use options [5]. By choosing a certain allocation of While we mentioned some studies analyzing this hypothesis
land to various crops and/or forest management options, in the context of biodiversity, only few studies have investi-
landowners (forest owners) also determine the level of gated this hypothesis for forestry, either mechanistically or
(agro-) biodiversity in the landscape, at least in part. empirically (with [23] being one of the rare exceptions).
Risk-averse landowners (forest owners) diversify their This review aims to present the advantages and limitations
crop or forest management to obtain natural insurance, of economic diversification approaches for forest manage-
providing higher levels of ecosystem services as a posi- ment. For this purpose, we provide an example of how
tive externality to the society compared to risk neutral established statistical theory on economic diversification
persons, who are more likely to opt for monocultures could be expanded to cover the above-mentioned, often-
[6]. This would represent a typical win-win situation, at disregarded drivers of diversification to better suit forest
least under specific conditions.1 Interestingly, this would ecosystem-related decision problems. We will focus on pre-
support a kind of wake theory, which some postulated for senting a new approach to move away from a purely economic
forestry already in earlier times: BWake theory suggests perspective on risk reduction towards a purposeful diversifi-
that by using a forest [appropriately2] all other forest cation based on multiple ecosystem services and their uncer-
functions, such as protection and recreation, are automat- tainties. Finally, we will draw some conclusions and outline
ically fulfilled in the wake.^ ([7], p. 14506). However, important research gaps for future studies in forest science.
studies have rarely investigated on a formal basis whether
or not an economically motivated diversification of forest
management options may actually achieve a close to op-
timal level of other ecosystem services as well. Diversification of Economic Assets in the Context
General economic considerations for diversification of Forest Management
either highlight the reallocation of corporate assets to
expand into new markets (products) or the optimization Diversification plays an important role for structuring eco-
of the composition of assets to stabilize economic re- nomic assets. There are many levels of diversification; we will
turn. In a similar direction, existing studies that apply first describe this hierarchy to clarify the levels and forms of
the economic theory of optimal portfolio selection to diversification usually dealt with in forest management.
environmental problems focus on efficiently reducing At the first level of the hierarchy, an investor can decide to
risks by optimizing the composition of natural assets diversify by investing in various financial and real assets (see
(e.g. [8–12]). Finally, diversification into more than Fig. 1). Within the class of real assets, investments in land can
in turn be diversified into a variety of land-use options; this
shows that forest and forest use is often only one part of a
diversified landscape. Our review focuses on the aspects of
forest management enclosed in the green box in Fig. 1. We
Crop diversification is reduced when there are other means available to will use example studies to illustrate these different aspects of
protect against return volatility of single crops. For example, if landowners
diversification and highlight their role and importance in for-
have access to insurance or obtain off-farm (off-forest) income, they tend to
diversify their crops less. est management. However, the review will also include stud-
Addition by the authors. ies from the field of agricultural management where relevant,
Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106 95

Fig. 1 Possible levels of

diversification for economic
assets and forms of diversification
in forest management (in the box)

because advances from agricultural land-use planning may means, their deviations will cancel out in part when we aver-
well support decision problems in forest management. age several variables. Markowitz [24] considered financial
stocks (investments) as variables and utilized this averaging
and risk reduction effect to analyze the aggregated standard
A Statistical Theory on Economic Diversification deviation of present values of portfolios of stocks. He consid-
ered that the returns of the mixed assets could be dependent
Markowitz [24] applied statistical rules associated with the (i.e. negatively or positively correlated).
Central Limit Theorem to analyze and optimize the composi- Moreover, Markowitz [24] introduced different weights for
tional diversity of portfolios of financial assets. Generally, the the stocks included in the portfolio (portfolio weights).
arithmetic means calculated from several independent random Supplementary Eq. 1 describes this approach, which provides
variables (which could be returns of various investment op- that economic return is additive, while risks may cancel out
tions) will usually follow a normal distribution, regardless of [4], if the correlations of economic returns are not too high.
the distribution of the individual variables. Furthermore, with Using allocated land proportions as portfolio weights (see,
an increasing number of variables, the standard deviation of e.g. [25–29]), we may now maximize the expected economic
the resulting arithmetic mean will decrease, if the variables are
independent or negatively correlated (see Fig. 2 for an
illustration using artificial variables). The standard deviation
from the averages of two, three, four … and up to 10 variables
declines from the original ±3 (considering only one variable)
to less than ±1 (averaging 10 variables). When variables de-
viate independently (or are negatively correlated) from their

Fig. 3 Risk (standard deviation of the expected economic return) and

economic return of several forest stand types and of portfolios of stand
Fig. 2 Impact of the number of independent averaged variables on the types (area weighted risks and returns for various combinations of stand
standard deviation of the resulting mean. All single variables have a mean types). For a description of this simulated data see Supplementary Tab. 1
of 10, with ±3 as their standard deviation and 2
96 Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106

Table 1 Composition of example portfolios located on the efficient frontier (indicated by circles on the dotted line in Fig. 3) and maximum utility
portfolios for different levels of risk aversion (highlighted in grey)
Accepted level Achieved Allocated land proportion per stand type (%) Maximum utility
of risk (standard return for relative risk
Broadleaf type Conifer type Mixed forest type aversion of
deviation of the (monetary
achieved return) units) 1 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 4
19 36 33% 36% 0% 15% 4% 4% 2% 5%
20 65 28% 30% 2% 14% 8% 8% 5% 5%
30 133 15% 16% 7% 12% 16% 17% 10% 7%
40 180 9% 9% 11% 12% 23% 0% 27% 10%
50 220 0% 0% 14% 4% 27% 29% 18% 8%
60 252 0% 0% 20% 0% 33% 0% 40% 6%
70 290 0% 0% 29% 0% 25% 30% 16% 0% *
80 312 0% 0% 36% 0% 23% 29% 12% 0%
90 333 0% 0% 42% 0% 22% 28% 9% 0% *
100 353 0% 0% 48% 0% 20% 27% 5% 0%
110 372 0% 0% 53% 0% 18% 26% 2% 0%
120 391 0% 0% 59% 0% 17% 25% 0% 0%
130 409 0% 0% 64% 0% 14% 22% 0% 0%
140 427 0% 0% 69% 0% 12% 18% 0% 0% *
150 445 0% 0% 75% 0% 10% 15% 0% 0%
160 462 0% 0% 80% 0% 8% 12% 0% 0%
170 480 0% 0% 85% 0% 6% 9% 0% 0%
180 497 0% 0% 90% 0% 4% 6% 0% 0%
199 530 0% 0% 100% 0% 0% 0% 0% 0% *

return of tree species portfolios for various levels of accepted convert economic return into utility, i.e. the satisfaction
risk (expressed by the standard deviation of portfolio return) to that, for example, a forest owner experiences from re-
support long-term planning in forest management. Based on ceiving a certain economic return. Risk-aversion will
simulated example data for several forest stand types de- usually lead to a concave utility function, reflecting that
scribed in the Supplementary Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 3 shows receiving more economic return does not result in a
the efficient frontier (dotted line), obtained from maximizing linear increase in utility. The rate of increase in utility
economic return for several pre-defined levels of risk. It is decreases with increasing size of the return (declining
clear that no individual or combination of stand types exceeds marginal utility). Consequently, a portfolio optimization
the level of economic return indicated by the efficient frontier will maximize the averaged (or expected) utility rather
for a given level of risk. We see that the portfolios forming the than directly the economic return. We applied standard
efficient frontier (Table 1) achieve usually a higher economic concave utility functions with constant relative risk
return compared with that of the single forest stands. Only aversion of various levels (relative risk aversion
stand type BConifer 1^ is superior in economic return to all increasing from 1, over 2 and 3 to 4, see
portfolio combinations; however, it has by far the highest Supplementary Eq. 2 for more detailed explanation) to
standard deviation, being the most risky option. derive which portfolios would be desirable for decision-
Markowitz [30] carried out an extensive review on makers with various degrees of risk-aversion (Table 1).
so-called mean-variance analyses (Fig. 3 is an example Concave utility functions mean that great dispersion
of such an analysis) and confirmed that carefully (high standard deviation) of the economic return will
selecting a portfolio from the efficient frontier often reduce utility compared to low dispersion.
maximizes (or at least approximately maximizes) the Obviously, the optimal choice depends much on a forest
expected utility of decision-makers for a wide range of owner’s individual level of risk-aversion. With increasing
concave (risk-averse) utility functions. Utility functions risk-aversion, landowners should diversify their forest
Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106 97

composition more intensely. If we assume that an increasing Hyytiäinen and Penttinen [36]. However, it would be problem-
compositional diversity would also increase biodiversity, atic to generalize this result of no substantial effect of stand type
Table 1 supports the aforementioned hypothesis of diversification, when a broader range of tree species or stand
Baumgärtner and Quaas [6], about risk-averse landowners types are potentially available and natural hazards are important.
providing higher levels of biodiversity and associated ecosys- Other authors applied the theory of portfolio selection to
tem services to society. However, the above optimization does investigate the optimal diversification of timber products. For
not consider multiple ecosystem services directly. example, Apiolaza and Alzamora [39] used a modified ver-
Several studies have applied this type of analysis to forest sion of the portfolio theory to create portfolios of tree genetic
management. For example, Neuner et al. [31] considered a units (called deployment units). They use the mean absolute
rather large set of 16 stand types from which to build optimal deviation as a risk measure and construct an efficient frontier.
portfolios of forest stands. They found that the portfolio The efficient solutions include trees with optimal genotypes
weights of the optimal portfolios varied highly, depending for timber appearance, trees combining timber appearance and
on the objective function used for maximizing utility. Thus, structural use, and trees optimal for structural use only.
such analyses may only result in approximate ranges for the However, the portfolio weights allocated to these three genetic
desirable future proportions of forest stand types. This study units within portfolios forming the efficient frontier were
was carried out in cooperation with a large private forest own- highly and unsystematically variable, which hardly allows
er in Germany and is an important example for a real-world for generalizing the results. Variable portfolio weights are a
forestry implementation. known problem, as described by Bertsimas et al. [40], when
Brunnette et al. [32] built tree species portfolios based on the objective functions only use part of the available data.
forest productivity and its variability at the national level for Another example of product diversification is Reeves and
France. Dragicevic et al. [33] have recently published a similar Haight [41]. They found that producing saw timber on 55%
study extending the approach by Brunnette et al. [32], for of the forest area and of pulpwood on 45% of the area reduces
example by integrating economic scenarios. Their results the risk by 80%. Griess et al. [42] obtained a very similar
show that the portfolio formed by the current, empirical land result for South Africa. Here, the production of saw timber
allocation to tree species in France lies between portfolios that (of patula pine) on 45% and pulpwood (of rose gum) on 55%
aim to optimize productivity and those which aim to optimize of the forest area proved optimal. Beinhofer [43] carried out
economic return. In an earlier study, Thomson [34] derived an investigations for a Bavarian case study, considering stands
optimal tree species mixture for the South and Midwest of the for high-quality timber (pruned), saw timber or pulpwood as
USA. Assuming moderate risk aversion, he derived a compo- the main log classes (for the case of Norway spruce and Scots
sition of about 56% southern pine, 27% southern ash and 16% pine). Given optimal rotations and considering calamity risks,
white pine. Similarly, Knoke et al. [35] calculated optimal Beinhofer [43] derived 37% of the forest area for stands of
mixture of 50–90% Norway spruce and 10–50% European high-quality timber, 46% for saw timber and 16% for pulp-
beech for moderate growing conditions in Bavaria, depending wood as the optimal composition under strong risk-aversion
on the assumed degree of risk aversion of the forest owners. (for normal risk-aversion high quality timber and saw timber
There are also studies revealing low or no beneficial effects comprised 55 and 45% of the forest area respectively).
of diversifying tree species. For example, Hyytiäinen and In summary, studies that use Markowitz’s theory of finan-
Penttinen [36] simulated high correlations between economic cial diversification to optimize stand or tree species composi-
returns from various forest stands in a Finnish case study. tion or planned timber log classes for forest companies or
Consequently, they concluded that a greater variety achieved larger forest landscapes are still relatively rare. This may have
by planting different species is unlikely to be advantageous. several reasons, including ignorance of financial issues and/or
However, they considered existing mixed stands that mostly formal optimization to support forest planning in some coun-
comprised Norway spruce and Scots pine (with some stands tries (e.g. [44]), but also the difficulties associated with
also including a small admixture of birch) and excluded natural obtaining the necessary data. There is no stock market data
hazards from their analyses. To model the uncertainty of forest on single forest stands, so that all the necessary information
returns, Hyytiäinen and Penttinen [36] used historical time series needs to be derived through simulations. The greatest chal-
on stumpage price development (they also considered fluctua- lenge is that information on all possible covariances for the
tion of market prices for timberland). High price correlation considered stand types or options is necessary. General limi-
between Norway spruce and Scots pine is well known. For tations of most studies include the assumption of homoge-
example, Beinhofer ([37], p. 925) found a correlation between neous site conditions in line with von Thünen [18].
saw timber prices for both species of 0.87. For similar reasons, Consequently, future analyses should consider the natural var-
Matthies et al. [38•] confirmed high return correlations between iability of site conditions as well. Moreover, the results of
the forest management regimes considered, also basing their these portfolio theory approaches depend on many assump-
study on Finnish data and using a similar methodology to tions and may change fundamentally when just small changes
98 Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106

in input parameters occur [45]. Finally, a fundamental critique

of this optimization approach is that the utility of decision-
makers does not depend on money alone.
Given the limitations of portfolio theory approaches to in-
form forest management decisions, we identified the follow-
ing Bdrivers of diversification^ that are often disregarded in
such analyses.

Other Drivers and Consequences of Diversification

Subsistence as a Management Objective Fig. 4 Schematic of differently decreasing marginal economic return
(return in monetary units and obtained for the last hectare) for four
Particularly in tropical areas, rural populations often depend on example tree species in a large, pure forest landscape, where even
the income or the products of their farm and/or forest for their forestry is not profitable on around 18% of the land (this schematic may
be extended by agricultural crops). The colored bar indicates the
livelihood [46, 47]. Similarly, in forestry, the highly diversified equilibrium land allocation to the tree species
uneven-aged silviculture systems have developed in small-
scale, private forest properties [14]. Land-use diversification
is therefore not only a strategy to reduce risks but also a live- when transportation costs matter. These costs have an impact
lihood strategy to provide multiple products that satisfy family on marginal economic return, classically called Bland rent^.
needs [48]. However, as a strategy to reduce dependency of Von Thünen [18] established his famous theory on land allo-
family livelihood on farm products, farmers will also strive to cation already in the nineteenth century [51]. Based on a
diversify income sources by receiving other off-farm income somewhat stylized mechanistic model, he showed that land
(for example through off-farm work). Particularly in the con- allocation to different land-uses would form rings around the
text of forest ecosystems, compensation payments for forest city with the market in its centre. Using an even more aggre-
conservation or ecosystem services have evolved as an addi- gated and stylized land-use model at the national level, Knoke
tional income source offered by state institutions or non- et al. [19] showed how making prices dependent on the total
governmental organizations. The effect of such payments on quantity of a commodity produced, also leads to land-use
land-use diversification is, however, yet to be investigated. diversification under homogenous site conditions. However,
Insurances and agricultural subsidies (in the form of direct the authors are not aware of forestry studies incorporating
payments to farmers) have already been shown to reduce in- these effects to model or investigate diversification.
come diversification [6, 49], but studies on actual on-farm Site variability may limit the diversification potential, as
diversification (including forest as a land-use option) are miss- only a small set of tree species will grow profitably on very
ing. The existing knowledge shows that such payments could poor sites. However, site variability may also support diversi-
affect compositional and time diversification in forests or fication, because site quality is an important factor that influ-
farms. Land-use diversification also depends on further house- ences marginal return. For example, the revenues of a crop
hold characteristics such as farm size, the farmer’s age, gender will be lower on land less suitable for its growth. When sorting
and personal beliefs and attitudes towards climate change [50]. all available land according to the achievable revenues for
In summary, these studies demonstrate that empiric knowl- each species in descending order, similar curves as depicted
edge of drivers of diversification, stemming from individual in Fig. 4 could result. The per hectare revenues from land-use
characteristics of farmers or forest owners, could well support options would then be endogenous, depending on the alloca-
the modeling of diversification to derive appropriate land-use tion of land to different land-use options. However, in prac-
recommendations. tice, it is very difficult to obtain such data, because it would
require an experimental setting [52].
Declining Marginal Return Diversified land-use systems may consider these effects to
maximize economic return rather than opting for large-scale
Risk reduction and the need for multiple products are not the monocultures. Always growing the crop that, compared to
only drivers of land-use/forest diversification. For example, other crops, achieves the highest economic return on a given
declining marginal return will trigger diversification of tree piece of homogenous land will be a typical strategy to use the
species or stand types on forestland, when the marginal return economies of scope [53]. Economies of scope include lower-
curves of the available land-use alternatives decline at differ- ing average costs or increasing average returns by producing
ent slopes (Fig. 4). Under homogenous site conditions, land- various types of products, as opposed to economies of scale,
use diversification occurs at the regional level, for example, which reduce costs by producing large amounts of one
Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106 99

product. However, strategies capitalizing on economies of European beech). However, the advantage of this mixed stand
scope may result in higher management costs. compared to pure Norway spruce was only +8% and for an
Studies that consider site suitability when analyzing diver- unlimited time horizon the economic return of the mixed for-
sification in ecosystem management are rare. However, est was only slightly higher than for the pure forest.
Clasen and Knoke [17] demonstrated the strong effects of site Nevertheless, the economic risk in the simulated mixed forests
variability on economic return of different mixtures of was always significantly smaller than in the pure forest stands.
Norway spruce and European beech in Bavaria. Messerer In a forest stand with 49% Norway spruce and 51% European
[54] demonstrated that the diversity of equilibrium land-use beech, the standard deviation of economic return was reduced
portfolios in the Dominican Republic increased from two to by 55%. However, the economic return of this mixed forest
four land-use options (out of 10) when considering heteroge- stand was 23% lower.
neous rather than homogenous site conditions. Roessiger et al. [60] showed that improved stand resistance
In summary, we may say that available studies hardly con- allowed for an increased proportion of Norway spruce and, as
sider declining marginal return in association with land-use a consequence, for higher economic return. A previous study
diversification or forest-related diversification. This would found that when ignoring improved stand resistance, a propor-
be an important future field for scientific studies. tion of European beech of 58% maximized the worst-case
economic return [61]. In contrast, when improved stand resis-
Synergistic Effects Among Ecosystem Components tance was considered, a proportion of only 20% European
beech maximized the worst-case returns [60].
The portfolio theory assumes that economic return is additive, These results show that considering ecological interactions
while risks may cancel out [4]. It thus ignores possible syner- between the mixed tree species has potential to increase eco-
gistic (or antagonistic) effects among the mixed components, nomic returns. Future analyses are desirable to understand
which may apply to ecological portfolios. For example, how the impacts of interactions between tree species on stand
Neuner et al. [20] have shown positive interactions between growth in mixed forest stands in turn influence economic re-
tree species regarding forest stand resistance to abiotic and turn and risk. In addition, future studies could integrate new
biotic damage, while Pretzsch and Schütze [21] have demon- insights about changes in stand resistance in a warmer and
strated synergistic interactions leading to increased biophysi- drier climate [20] into economic considerations. Preliminary
cal yield—under certain circumstances. Koellner and Schmitz analyses show (so far) a relatively small impact of climatic
[55] distinguish two types of portfolios to consider the poten- change on the economic performance of forest stands [62], if
tial for possible interactions among species: statistical portfo- only tree survival changes. However, more significant impacts
lios (type I) and ecological portfolios (type II). In type I port- may arise when integrating the climate change-induced
folios, the mixed species do not interact or the interactions are changes in tree growth [63].
negligible. This leads to linear changes in expected return
(return additivity), as demonstrated earlier with Fig. 3 and Time Diversification
Table 1. Koellner and Schmitz [55] mention farm-level crop
diversification as an example of this type of portfolio. Time diversification is based on the phenomenon that above-
However, if crop or tree species interact because of ecological average and below-average returns will cancel out in the long
interdependencies, the return additivity disappears, which run and that long-term investments are, thus, less risky. Time
would represent a type II portfolio. diversification is important for forest management, because
Within forestry, there are many examples for ecological here the effect of a regular and frequent income, which is
interdependencies between stand-level mixed tree species known as consumption spreading and is one element of sus-
(see review by Forrester and Bauhus [56]). In a theoretical tainability, is preferred to receiving one very large income at
study, Knoke and Seifert [57] integrated possible effects of one point in time only.
mixing Norway spruce and European beech on stand volume Time diversification can be viewed from different perspec-
growth, timber quality and resistance to hazards. Mixing spe- tives, as evident when comparing financial and forest science
cies was assumed to improve stand resistance, which contrib- studies. Financial studies have long debated the consequences
uted to a large increase in net present value (NPV) and re- of and conclusions from Btime diversification^ [64]. The ob-
duced risk. The two other aspects had a smaller impact on risk servation that above-average returns tend to compensate for
and returns; lower timber quality reduced NPV and the impact below-average returns over a long time-horizon [22] has led to
of changed volume growth was relatively neutral. Griess and the hypothesis that the length of the investment period should
Knoke [58] applied the same bioeconomic model developed have an impact on portfolio composition. Long investment
by Knoke and Seifert [57], but incorporated improved survival periods would allow investments in more risky assets com-
curves for mixed forests [59]. They obtained the highest NPV pared to shorter investment periods. However, several authors
for mixed forest stands with very small admixture (7% have shown that the portfolio allocation between risky and
100 Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106

risk-free assets is independent from the length of time consid- in selection forests by allowing variation in harvest cycles.
ered, at least under certain conditions [65]. Jacobsen and Helles [72] have shown that flexible harvest
Some forest science studies use a different perspective of cycles may increase the land expectation value of uneven-
time diversification. Here, the timing of forest operations is aged management by 11%. Moreover, time diversification is
important, i.e. when to generate net revenues and at which a strategy to keep decisions open, which maintains flexibility
amount? Alternatives are (1) a concentration of net revenue to adjust decisions, when uncertainty reduces [73]. Whether or
flows to largely one period (clearcut) or, (2) a distribution of not such economic value of increased flexibility (here the
net revenues over many periods (several thinnings, extended ability to harvest only part of and not the total standing timber)
regeneration periods or even continuous periodical selection will be realized depends much on the expectations of forest
harvests in Plenter forests). Option 2 makes use of the com- managers. For example, Schou et al. [74] have shown that
pensation effects known under time diversification in the fi- forest managers tend to make sub-optimal decisions based
nancial sector [35] and is effective in reducing financial risks on their incomplete ex-ante knowledge, if they expect that
at the stand level. Continuous net revenues on the enterprise uncertainty about climate change will still prevail for a long
level will also reduce financial risks compared to discontinu- period.
ous net revenues, where peaks in some periods and hardly any Moreover, the entry costs associated with frequent silvicul-
net revenues in others prevail (intermitted management). tural operations are important for the NPV under time-
Traditionally, forest planners try to achieve balanced portfoli- diversified management. If interventions are too frequent,
os of age-classes (fully regulated forests) to provide timber the economic return may be quite low. For example, Schou
and revenue flows more continuously. Economic studies sup- et al. [75] have shown that transformation harvests carried out
port this practice. Tahvonen and Kallio ([66], p. 557) confirm: every 2 years decreased the vulnerability of forest stands to
BIncluding risk aversion completely changes the harvesting wind throw, but also decreased profitability. Consequently, the
policy in the sense that, if the forest initially consists of just harvest cycles to obtain time diversification should not be too
one age class, it is optimal to smooth the age class structure short.
and have more frequent cuttings from younger age classes.^ We may conclude that forest operations should lead to a
Similarly, Härtl et al. [67] and Hahn et al. [68] have shown that more or less continuous flow of benefits to maximize utility of
risk-sensitive objective functions applied to forest manage- risk-averse forest managers. This supports spreading silvicul-
ment planning will implicitly smooth age class distribution tural operations over multiple periods, which may also lead to
and harvest peaks at the company level that would otherwise uneven-aged stand structures (depending on the size of the
occur if risks are not integrated into forest planning. forest considered). Additionally, time diversification will also
Time diversification applies also to stand level optimiza- lead to increased flexibility for future decision-making as well
tion, as shown by Roessiger et al. [60]. They extended the as help to reduce risk.
static portfolio optimization of the tree species composition
by considering various periods. As a result, Roessiger et al.
optimized the tree species composition and the silvicultural Considering the Multifunction Effect and Its
regeneration strategy simultaneously, based on a risk- Consequences
sensitive objective function, and obtained long regeneration
periods, spreading regeneration harvests over 60 years. A pos- Diversity within and among forest ecosystems or farms is an
sible, but so far disregarded, consequence of this shift towards important precondition for achieving multiple ecosystem
longer regeneration periods is that the resulting uneven-aged functions and services. For example, in a plot level study,
forest stands may improve forest-level resistance to natural Soliveres et al. [76] have recently shown that ecosystem
hazards (e.g. [69]). multifunctionality of grassland ecosystems needs biodiversity
Stand level considerations about actively integrating uncer- at multiple trophic levels. Other landscape level empirical
tainty into decision-making may work against time diversifi- studies suggest that disturbance will affect ecosystem process-
cation. For example, some studies considered high variation in es and functions less adversely, when landscapes have high
economic return as a positive aspect, because an appropriately compositional diversity [77, 78]. Diversifying crop composi-
adapted management could increase the NPV of investments tion on farms [50, 79] and tree species in forest ecosystems
with high uncertainty [70]. For the case of forestry, Brazee and [23] may also improve the levels of multiple ecosystem
Mendelsohn [71] have shown that appropriately handling the services.
variation of timber prices may increase the NPV of forest However, studies exploring the management and landscape
management. Using these advantages of uncertainty may lead level optimization of multiple ecosystem services are rare. An
to discontinuous harvesting and appears to conflict with a attempt to achieve this using a mechanistic model is a recent
consistent time diversification strategy. However, one may study by Knoke et al. [80•]. This study investigated how land-
combine time diversification with price-adapted harvesting use planners should design new landscapes on abandoned
Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106 101

tropical lands to achieve multiple ecosystem services and example indicators to quantify a selection of ecosystem ser-
buffer against uncertainty. The results showed that a landscape vices. We adopt simulated example forestry data already used
mosaic with high landscape compositional diversity is optimal in Fig. 3 and expand it with data on ecosystem service provi-
to achieve both improved levels of multiple ecosystem ser- sion given in Supplementary Table 1. Economic return, timber
vices and buffer against perturbations. This means that multi- production (total growth performance per year), storage of
ple ecosystem services require a diversified landscape compo- carbon in the living forest biomass and the average and max-
sition. However, as far as we know, similar studies do not exist imum levels of coarse woody debris are used as indicators to
for forest enterprises/landscapes. derive the optimal long-term composition of forest stand types
Methodologically, Knoke et al. [80•] combined existing for a forest enterprise. We will compare the optimization re-
multi-objective programming approaches, such as those sug- sults for the single service of economic return with that ob-
gested by Chang et al. [81] or Estrella et al. [82•], with the tained when considering multiple services. For these optimi-
consideration of uncertainty spaces. The uncertainty approach zations, the size of the considered uncertainty spaces depends
follows general suggestions for a basic form of robust optimi- on the assumed negative and positive deviations from the
zation described by Ben-Tal et al. [83] and suggestions made expected indicator levels of the considered ecosystem service.
by Knoke et al. [84] for non-stochastic optimization of agri- These sizes are based on the simulated/assumed standard de-
cultural land-use portfolios. Uncertainty enters the optimiza- viation of each indicator for the considered ecosystem ser-
tion through (variable) uncertainty spaces with given corner vices. Supplementary Fig. 1 displays different sizes of uncer-
points; these are formed by combining the minimal and max- tainty spaces with example values of two indicators. The al-
imal levels of all considered ecosystem services. We assume located land proportions (portfolio weights) remain more or
that the boxes/spaces formed by the mentioned corner points less stable from uncertainty space sizes of 1.5 times the stan-
include all possible values of ecosystem services so that solu- dard deviation and greater (see Supplementary Fig. 2).
tions for all corner points guarantee a minimum level of When considering only one objective (economic return) we
achievement for all combinations included in the uncertainty reduce the problem to a robust optimization problem under
spaces. As there are many combination possibilities, depend- uncertainty, as described by Knoke et al. [84] for a mainly
ing on the number of options (2 to the power of the number of agricultural land-use example. This type of optimization
options), one specific combination is considered a scenario. achieves robust solutions and significantly reduces the data
For an optimized portfolio, a feasible solution for all scenarios demand and the above-mentioned shortcomings compared to
has to be met and accounted for simultaneously. In summary, Markowitz’s classical portfolio theory. Using two times the
the optimization takes place for discrete parameter combina- standard deviation as the uncertainty of the return coefficients,
tions from the surface of the uncertainty space, while classical a focus on economic return as a single service resulted in a
optimization maximizes an expected (stochastic) return, sub- diversified portfolio of stand types consisting of 61% Conifer
ject to certain constraints, which limit uncertainty. While non- 1, 12% Conifer 3, 8% Mixed forest 1, 7% Mixed forest 2, and
stochastic optimization guarantees pre-defined levels of 11% Mixed forest type 3 (Fig. 6 left).
achievement for all parameter combinations contained in the We obtained this result by minimizing the maximum devi-
uncertainty space, stochastic optimization results in expected ation from the highest achievable economic return according
achievements, which are associated with a certain probability to Supplementary Eq. 3 among 256 scenarios that cover the
but are not guaranteed. uncertainty of the return level. These scenarios result from the
The resulting optimization approach allocates land propor- maxima and minima for the economic return of eight stand
tions to forest stand types in a way that minimizes the greatest types, forming 28 = 256 possible combinations of return co-
(worst) deviation from the maximum ecosystem service level efficien ts. In this w ay, ou r app roac h minimiz es
achievable by the options considered. For reasons of compa- Bunderperformance^. We standardized all portfolio level eco-
rability, the various indicators need to be standardized based nomic returns to an interval between 0% (minimum economic
on the achieved ecosystem service levels, for example be- return among all options) and 100% (maximum economic
tween 0 and 100%, as suggested by Koschke et al. [85]. The return). The obtained optimized allocation of land proportions
optimization approach (Fig. 5) does not allow for compensa- to stand types (for an uncertainty level of two times the stan-
tions among ecosystem services, requiring high (minimum) dard deviation of economic returns) guarantees an achieve-
levels for each single indicator. Alternatives would be more ment level of at least 38% (rounded value), regardless of
common goal programming approaches that minimize the av- which of the 256 combinations of coefficients is considered.
erage deviations from pre-defined target levels for each eco- This picture changes substantially when considering timber
system service (e.g. [86, 87]). Supplementary Eq. 3 provides a production, carbon storage and coarse woody debris in asso-
mathematical description of the approach. ciation with economic return, enlarging the number of consid-
We will illustrate possible consequences following from ered combinations of coefficients to 1280, resulting from five
the multi-objective programming approach considering indicators times 256 uncertainty scenarios per indicator (Fig. 6
102 Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106

Fig. 5 The graph, adopted with alterations from Knoke et al. [80•], allocated to one single land-use or forestry option. For indicator B, this
shows the min-max normalized achievement levels (y-axis) for two hy- single option would give the least desirable indicator value of zero for
pothetical indicators (x-axis) (for example carbon sequestration and eco- some of the uncertainty scenarios. Consequently, the maximum distance
nomic return), used to optimize land allocation to different land-use (or to the most desirable value is 100%. Grey diamonds represent the indi-
forestry) options. The original dataset and example referred to the reha- cator achievement levels under the Boptimized^ scenario, consisting of a
bilitation of abandoned tropical lands through different agricultural and mixture of various options, which buffers against uncertainty. In this
forestry options [80•]. The indicators have been scaled from zero (least scenario, land is allocated to several options in a way that minimizes
desirable indicator value) to 100% (most desirable value). Each point the maximum distance to the 100% achievement level. Here, indicators
represents the indicator achievement level for a range of uncertainty sce- consist of the sum of the indicators recorded for the individual options,
narios considered for each indicator. The figure shows hypothetical re- which have been multiplied with the area fraction allocated to the corre-
sults for two allocation scenarios for area proportions: white circles rep- sponding type of option
resent the indicator values under the scenario that all of the land is

right). Although these are only example indicators, we see The resulting trade-off becomes especially clear when com-
clearly that the degree of diversification of forest stand types paring the economic return, which decreases from 391 (±126)
increases significantly when high indicator levels (where the €/ha/year when maximizing economic return as the only ob-
minimum levels are improved) for multiple ecosystem ser- jective, to just 217 (±63) €/ha/year for the portfolio aiming to
vices is an objective (multifunction effect), compared to striv- provide multiple ecosystem services.
ing only for economic return. Here, all stand types are mem- This analysis does not challenge the hypothesis that risk-
bers of the multiple ecosystem service portfolio. The stand averse landowners will provide improved levels of ecosystem
type Conifer 1 still has the highest share, but this is reduced services for society as a positive externality, when they diver-
from 61 to 30%. sify their land to cancel out private risks (e.g. [6]). However, it
Obviously, we do not obtain a perfect win-win situation becomes clear that the Boptimal^ levels of multiple ecosystem
when only optimizing economic return under uncertainty. To services will not result from economic optimization under
achieve higher levels of multiple ecosystem services, a more uncertainty alone, as Bwake theory^ would suggest.
diverse composition of the portfolio of stand types is needed. Moreover, it is remarkable that the mean annuities will reduce

Fig. 6 Composition of forest stand types to achieve high minimum levels uncertainty level considers maximum and minimum levels for each eco-
of economic return under uncertainty (left) compared to the composition system service that are equal to the expected value ±2 times the standard
that improves minimum levels of multiple ecosystem services (right), deviation of the simulated indicator levels. Percentages correspond to
given an uncertainty level of 2 times the standard deviation. This land proportions allocated to each stand type
Curr Forestry Rep (2017) 3:93–106 103

by 45% to achieve optimal multifunctionality. The reduced hinder diversification strategies. Any policies, which could
risk of the multifunctional forest portfolio hardly provides potentially reduce diversification, should be considered with
appropriate compensation for this economic loss. Future re- care. For example, ill-conceived tax policies [89] or subsidies
search could strive for optimization strategies that reduce the could reduce the incentives for forest owners to manage risks
high financial costs of multifunctionality. through land-use diversification.

Acknowledgments This review is based on past and present research

Conclusions of the authors on diversification in forest and land-use management
funded by the German Research foundation (DFG KN 586/9-1 and KN
586/11-1) and the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture of Germany
Our results show several strengths of economic diversification (Waldklimafonds Project SURVIVAL-KW (FKZ: 28W-C-4-088-01)).
in forest management. For example, diversification (in time
and space) can reduce economic risks and (under synergistic Compliance with Ethical Standards
effects and through efficient land allocation on heterogeneous
sites) increase economic return and subsistence. Moreover, Conflict of Interest The authors declare no competing interests.
our example calculation shows that with improved, robust
optimization approaches diversified forest portfolios will Human and Animal Rights and Informed Consent This article does
emerge that would also provide improved levels of multiple not contain any studies with human or animal subjects performed by the
ecosystem services (multifunction effect).
However, there are also limitations. These include that pure
economic optimization under uncertainty will not automati-
cally optimize the levels of other ecosystem services, as sug-
gested by the Bwake theory^. Consequently, the development
of new portfolio-based methods for integrating multiple ser- Papers of particular interest, published recently, have been
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