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11) Seeking shelter from the elements/a threat, they find a place to hole up that has something dangerous/secret/supernatural
1-2) The shelter contains the cause of the threat 3-4) A hidden base (X) 5-6) Not welcome/must win hearts/minds
12) Bad guys did bad things while group was away; group must chase them down before they get back to lair/nation/enemy lines
1-2) Used conveyance the group knows better 3-4) Ducked down side road to hide/blend in 5-6) No way to pursue past “finish line”
13) Enemy holding something over someone’s head to pull strings; eliminate physical/social threat, stop blackmail, keep temporarily satisfied
1-2) Group helped enemy, resulting in blackmail 3-4) Must contact others being used 5-6) Not group, but someone they care about/must protect
14) Enter dangerous place to retrieve valuable item/important person
1-2) Not retrieve - destroy/interfere with process 3-4) Information to be broadcast 5-6) No one can be alerted 7-8) Must replace thing w/ another
15) Secure military target (capture the flag - the fundamental tactical scenario)
1) Must assemble/train a force to go with 2) Flawed intelligence/not as described 3) Coordinate with allied group (set aside rivalry?) 4) Innocents/Fragile Goods/etc. can’t be harmed
16) Bad things live in a place that must be systematically cleared for nice people to live there
1-2) Can’t be beaten with direct conflict 3-4) Must learn about them to solve problem 5-6) Haunted House/Alien Infestation/The Wild Forest
21) Rumor of treasure-laden ruin; group must deal with supernatural denizens
1) Treasure itself is dangerous 2) Not ruin, but wilderness/hidden somewhere “civilized” 3) Someone else’s rightful property 4) Will of its own
22) Stranded in a strange place; must find food & shelter, then find a way to get home (either wait a short time for help or learn about place)
23) Solve crime/atrocity - interview (& protect) witnesses, gather (& keep from being ruined/stolen) clue, & assemble proof/administer justice
1-2) Clear an accused innocent 3-4) Unwanted ally/”special investigator” 5-6) Taken off the case/authority revoked 7-8) Courtroom scene
24) Valuable person/object must be taken to safe place/rightful owner while factions/chance/misfortune try to intervene on dangerous journey
1-2) Troublesome Thing (escapes/sidetracks) 3-4) Destination destroyed/suborned 5-6) Thing is a bargaining token at arrival 7-8) It must be protected without knowing
25) Group placed in charge of large operation & must succeed & thrive despite lack of experience
1-3) Brought in because something big is coming & Old Guard wants to escape 4-6) Resented by the People because transition looked bad & everyone liked Old Guard
26) A Person/Group/Nation/Galaxy is in danger & won't survive without rescue.
1) Victim(s) are hostages/under siege 2) Rescuers might become stranded/in danger too 3) Victim doesn't realize they need rescuing 4) Natural disaster, not villain 5) Rescuees can't
leave 6) Group begins as rescuees, but must escape & gather forces/resources
31) Group comes across a nest of baddies preparing for Big Badness; they must send word to Good Guys, sneak in to stop it, or a combination
Group must figure out how to use local resources to have a chance against baddies
32) Something important/valuable exists in an area; Group & others want/need it & have agendas & resources - outthink, outrace, deal with natives, & learn about target to get it
1-3) Natives require groups to gather before them as friends to state case 4-6) Valuable thing was en route when conveyance/courier wrecked/vanished
33) Group is attacked/threatened while minding their own business - they must solve the mystery motive while fending off more attacks
1-2) They have something, but don't necessarily know it 3-4) Out for revenge for dead compatriot 5-6) Mistaken for someone else
34) Group are a diplomatic vanguard trying to open/shore up political/trade relations with a strange culture; must last a day+ without offending; their information is incomplete/misleading
Group was chosen by someone who knew they weren’t prepared to sabotage the endeavor - pinning the villain is necessary to avert disaster
35) Group is working surveillance (spying on a person, a wild beast, scouting a new sector) - rule is they must only watch, listen, & learn - no contact
Target gets into trouble & Group must decide whether to break the no-contact rule to help
36) Someone/a group is gone (runaway, lost, no contact) - they must be found & brought back
1) Kidnapped (to lure Group?) 2) Dangerous to public & escaped 3) Valuable & kept safe, cozy, & conveniently handy 4) Sympathetic reason for leaving 5) Stumbled on adventure (will
Group join?) 6) False pretenses - not actually runaway/missing/lost
41) One or more of Group wake with no memory of the recent past & are in trouble they don’t understand. Group must discover reason for lapse & solve problems they uncover
Characters voluntarily suppressed/erased memories - they are undoing their own work
42) Something inexplicable & bad is happening & people are troubled - Group must track phenomenon to its source & stop it
1-3) Group is somehow unwittingly responsible 4-6) Problem seems to be of one nature (personal, political, magical, technological), but is actually a an alternate one
43) Group is assigned to guard a single vital spot (mountain pass, solar system) from possible/impending attack. They must plan a strategy, set up watches & traps, then deal with enemy
1-3) Intelligence is faulty - new info & not acting could both cause greater danger 4-6) Enemy has a good & sympathetic reason to destroy protected spot
44) Group is minding their own business & are transported to a strange place - they must figure out where they are, why they were transported, & how to escape
1-2) Brought to help someone in trouble 3-4) By accident, as a by-product of something secret/strange 5-6) Group’s enemies transported too - convince locals who the good guys are
45) Group receives a tip-off of villain/org. getting ready to do something bad, & must investigate & act to prevent it
1-3) Tip-off is a red herring to distract from actual caper 4-6) Two simultaneous Bad Things - which one should they prevent?
46) Someone tinkered with Things Man Ought Not - before they can confront the source, the Group must deal with the waves of trouble already released
1) Badness must be pushed back into source 2) Drawn into the source to solve from the other side 3) Secret book/code/rare element to plug breach 4) Our past has been tampered with
51) Someone needs MacGuffins (old, mysterious, & powerful) to fulfill, heal, prevent, cure, etc. Group must learn about it, track it down, & transport it
1) Incomplete when found (can be irritating) 2) Already owned/stolen 3) Information/idea/substance, not object 4) Group must go undercover & infiltrate a group/society (stealth/guile)
52) Town/Castle/Starship/Outpost is lying in ruins - just recently it was dandy; Group must enter ruins & explore to find out what happened
1) Still a threat to others (Mean People, radiation, monsters) 2) Inhabitants destroyed themselves 3) Derelict (space)ship recently discovered 4) Ghost town map says is alive & well
53) Travel through hazardous area without being killed, robbed, humiliated, diseased, etc. - the Place Itself is the “villain”; rarely personal
Place isn’t dangerous at all - “dangers” are actually attempts to communicate
54) Hunting expedition to capture/kill elusive & prized creature - deal with environment, ability to evade, & ability to fight
1-2) Creature is immune to devices & weapons 3-4) Other people are actively protecting creature 5-6) Creature’s lair leads to another adventure
55) Race, contest, tournament, scavenger hunt, or another voluntary sport the Group must win
1-2) Dishonest competitors 3-4 Bigger purpose beyond winning 5-6) Keep villain from winning 7-8) Deliberate test to enter organization 9-10) Event becomes deadly(er than intended)
56) Imprisoned - must engineer an escape & overcome guards, defensive measures, & geographic isolation
1-2) Something happening outside causes lax security 3-4) Group was sent to test security/spy on prisoner, but are mistaken for real inmates 5-6) Escape on a tight schedule
61) Populated conveyance (East Indiaman, cruise ship, airliner, sleeper starship) is hijacked & group must act while other passengers sit & twiddle
1-2) “Hijackers” are government agents 3-4) Secondary danger to deal with - hijackers think you’re trying to trick them 5-6) Normals are unhelpful/hostile - “making situation worse”
62) Bad guy(s) are causing a ruckus - Group must locate the bad guys & stop the party
1) Can’t be harmed 2) Hidden danger is “insurance” if captured 3) Monster/Beast 4) Respected/trusted public figure 5) Perpetuated by balance of power - tip scales? 6)
Diplomatic/Political - make peace, not war
63) Group of explorers entering the unknown - not just surveying/sketching local fauna; something fascinating & threatening is there
1-2) Place itself is threatening 3-4) Place is valuable & wonderful - something else tries to prevent others knowing 5-6) Damage to conveyance/communication (see Result 22)
64) Roll again - the Group is on the opposite end of the prompt, or outside looking in
E.g. for Result 11: Group is enjoying/native to the shelter when strange group arrives - if “PCs are unwelcome” twist is rolled, the Group could be the only voice of reason
65) Roll twice - the first result is the “Hook” layer; the second result is the meat of the adventure
If the same result is rolled - go with it! The layers can have similar structure but very different roots or details
66) Roll twice - the first result is the physical plot; the second result is the personal plot
E.g. for Results 24 & 45: Group is escorting a prince to diplomatically end a war, but he’s suicidal because state obligations have ruined his love life

Fortune Roll
1 2 3 4 5 6
No, and... No No, but... Yes, but... Yes Yes, and...
Reaction Table (Psionic Blast From the Past)
2d6 Encounter Hostile Situation Non-hostile Situation
2 Attack without mercy Very negative- combat are preparation for it later; cruelty or Very negative - see the PCs as threats/having something they need
destruction (theft, intimidation, murder, etc.)
3-4 Attack or retreat to reform, as Negative - see their needs as being more important than the PCs’; Negative - end of negotiation; disfavorable negotiations; negotiation
per situation will attack if conditions are on their side with threats
5-9 Possible retreat; supplications Neutral, as per “Needs” Neutral, as per “Needs”
10-11 Retreat; peace offering Favorable - curiosity or evasion; will try to understand the player to Favorable - open to negotiation & exchange
compare Needs
12 Full stop of hostility; open to Very favorable - curiosity & help Very favorable - service or help; exchange advantageous to both
service or exchange

d10 Need Related activities

1 Safety Lost, hurt, poisoned, trying to escape from predator, without food, water, or light, etc.
2 Sustenance Hunting, hungry, eating, preparing food, etc.
3 Link with own species Trying to mate, trying to kill fellow or gain power, leading a pack, etc.
4 Comfort Warming itself, taking a nap, constructing or looking for shelter, etc.
5 Territory Patrolling, tracking, conquering, etc.
6 Catharsis Sadism, anger, desperate, vengeance, corrupting, etc.
7 Luxury Looking for gold, looking for (magical) items, alcohol, slaves, etc.
8 Knowledge Directions, lore, spying neighbors, etc.
9 Allies or assistance Roll d10 again to determine why they need allies.
10 Self-actualization Ideology, religion, development of self, training, cult, etc.
1- Ooze & plants (black pudding, gray ooze, green slime, gelatinous cube, carnivorous plant, hangman’s vine) - d2
2- Beasts & Animals (herd animals, apes/monkeys, large cats/dogs/bears, lizards, elephants, serpents) - d4
3- Semi-bestial intelligence (gnolls, trolls, yeti, lizardmen, hobgoblins, buggebears) - d6
4- Savage humanoids (orcs, primitives, etc.) - 2d10 (lowest)
5- Civilized humanoids (including bandits) - d10
6- Sophisticated creatures (celestial, religious hermit, isolated wizard, etc.) - 2d10 (highest

Overloaded Encounter Roll (Necropraxis/Diegesis)

d6 1st Roll 2nd Roll 3rd Roll
1 Rare Encounter Trace Rare Encounter Trace Rare Encounter (1-Wizard, 2-Unicorn, 3-Fairy, 4-Elf, 5-Elemental Spirit, 6-Dragon)
2 Uncommon Encounter Trace Uncommon Encounter (1-Phoenix, 2-Basilisk, 3-Giant, 4-Dwarf, 5-Goblin, 6-Griffin/Chimera)

3 Common Encounter (

4 Resource Warning Resource Depleted

5 Environment Warning Environment Change

6 Fatigued Exhausted

Wilderness Encounter Details/Activities (Eldritch Fields)

Non-Sentient Sentient Activity
1-2 1-2 Dead/Dying - 1) Old Age, Hunger, Exposure, 2) Disease (Contagious?), 3) Accident (Rockslide, Fall, Lightning),
d4 4) Other Creature (Roll Again - Still Present, Just Leaving, Lying in Ambush, Long Gone)
3-4 3 Trapped - 1-3) Natural (Sinkhole, Quicksand, Tar Pit, Landslide, Plant)
d6 4-6) Hunter’s Snare (Beartrap, Mantrap, Pit, Spiked Pit, Net, Spell/Magic)
5-15 4-7 Hunting, Foraging, Feeding, Moving Through

16-18 8-10 Fighting Another Creature (Roll Again)

19-20 11-12 Investigating - 1) Natural Feature (Cave, Grove, Spring), 2) Ruins, Building, Complex, 3) Abandoned Settlement, d6 4) Tracks, 5) Crash
Site, 6) Weird Phenomenon
13-15 Traveling - 1) Caravan, 2) Patrol, 3) War Party, 4) Scouts, 5) Spies, 6) Diplomats, 7) Messengers, 8) Adventurers, d12 9) Explorers, 10)
Prospectors, 11) Exiles, 12) Prisoner Transport
16-17 Traveling - Resting, Camping

18-19 Producing - 1-2) Farming, 3-4) Herding, 5-6) Excavating, Mining, 7-8) Cutting, 9-10) Constructing
20 Congregating - 1) Teaching, 2) Worshiping, Performing Ritual, 3) Holding Council, 4) Funeral, 5) Feast, 6) Court

Quick Humanoid Lair Generator (Eldritch Fields)

d66 Type 1 2 3 4 5 6
1-2 Cave Flooded Gorge Grotto Cave System Mine Dungeon
3 Camp No Shelter Lean-to Tent Hovel Military
4-5 Ruin Homestead Tower Shrine Manor Outpost Settlement
6 Structure
d66 1 2 3 4 5 6
1 Plague Curse Haunting Inner Strife Leaderless Starving
2 Recently Defeated Low Morale Fleeing Lost Traitor in Ranks No Offspring
3 Spring Stream Pond Waterfall Well Ample Food
4 Valuable Resource Workshop Prisoners Traps Mounts/Vehicles Livestock
5 Cohabit w/ Different Type Talented Storyteller Talented Healer Talented Magic-User Leader of Different Type Allied w/ Local Faction
6 Superior Weapons Double Treasure Magic Item Cult Idol Sacrificial Altar Ley-line Nexus
Rows 1-2: disadvantages/hindrances; 3-4: resources/similar features; 5: the community’s social structure/alliances; 6: rare/weird features.

Filling the Gaps in a Hexcrawl/Pointcrawl (dicegoblin)

d6 While traveling, you spot... [Distance] Point of Interest Vantage Point People Beasts
1 Closeby Plume of smoke, indicating a [Camp] Old Watchtower Merchants Coyotes
A [Point of Interest]
2 [Cave Entrance] Bluff or Butte Monks/Pilgrims Wolves
3 [Ancient Shrine] Large, Jutting Rock Rangers/Sheriff Cougar
A [Vantage Point] Not too far
4 [Crumbling Ruin] Small Hill Hunters/Trappers Bear
5 [Vantage Point] Climbable Tree Noble Retinue Giant Owl
Approaching [People]
6 Far/hard to reach Roll Twice Valley Bandits Dragon

d6 Camp Cave Entrance ...& is occupied by... Ancient Shrine Crumbling Ruin [occupied by], & contains...
1 One Chamber Abandoned Temple/Village
Recently Abandoned
2 Unremarkable & mundane Statue/Tomb Nothing of note
3 [Beasts] Pyramid/Obelisk
In use by [People] d6+1 Chambers
4 Aids the journey through supplies Unwalled Castle
A cache of hidden supplies & treasure
5 [People] left here Walled Castle
Attacked by [Beasts]
6 2d6+2 Chambers Aids the journey through a blessing Stone Arch/Standing Stones A portal to the Underworld
If occupied by People, fighting types will demand a duel/joust or a toll (winning earns the respect of the leader); magic users will send on a quest for magic items or pay a toll; clerics will
collect a tithe or impart a God-given quest.

Wilderness Paths (Trilemma)

d6 Path Description

1 Hazardous Some kind of obstacle that threatens the Party every time they pass (cliff, river, noxious plants)

2 Circuitous This section of path takes extra time (switchbacks, curling paths through forest, along banks of river)

3 Occupied Party risks an Encounter check every time they pass (lair, hunting grounds, watchtower, patrol)

4 Terrain-specific Quintessential of terrain type (exposed in desert, confusing/slowing forest, steep mountain climb)

5 Direct Straighter & easier-going than usual; saves some time

6 Secluded Nothing else seems to come this way & progress is hidden from view (sheltered gully, disused trail)
Roll a d6 for each mile of travel (Usually 3d6 per hour - if traveling with a guide, choose 2 & be aware of hazards/occupants). Blazing a new trail takes twice as long; can look for detours
around portions of a path.

Secret Doors (Gundobad Games)

d6 - Method Description
Direct Pressure Slides back on hinges, glides sideways on rails, or can be leveraged up from the floor
Manipulation w/ Tools Inserting a narrow dagger-blade into the mortar to depress a lever/button, a needle through an aperture triggers a catch
A Specific Key An object in the dungeon is required - if they have it, tell them; seen it, go back & get it; haven’t seen it, give a description
Environmental Effect The door’s trigger must be warmed up, cooled down, licked, wetted, dried, exposed to light/dark, etc.
Interaction Elsewhere One of the methods above, but applied indirectly - sitting on a chair, pulling a torch-sconce, yanking a cord, etc.
Based on Faction, double the likelihood for one of the options, then roll a d6 for each door.

Dungeon Dozen
Ironsworn Core & Ironsmith (3rd Party) Oracles

Mythic 2E
Monsters & Animals (Maze Rats)
d66 Aerial Terrestrial Aquatic Feature Trait Ability Tactic Personality Weakness
11 Albatross Ant Alligator Antlers Amphibious Absorbing Ambush Alien Bells
12 Bat Ape Amoeba Beak Bloated Acid Blood Call Support Aloof Birdsong
13 Beetle Armadillo Anglerfish Carapace Brittle Anti-Magic Capture Bored Children
14 Bird of Para. Badger Beaver Claws Cannibal Blinding Charge Cautious Cold
15 Butterfly Bear Clam Comp. Eyes Clay-Like Breath Weapon Climb Foes Cowardly Cold Iron
16 Condor Boar Crab Eye Stalks Colossal Camouflaging Compel Worship Curious Competition
21 Crane Caterpillar Dolphin Fangs Crystalline Duplicating Create barrier Devious Conversation
22 Crow Centipede Eel Fins Decaying Electric Deceive Distractible Deformity
23 Dragonfly Chameleon Frog Fur Ether. Elem. Entangling Demand Duel Educated Flattery
24 Eagle Cockroach Hippo Gills Ethereal Ether. Eff. Disorient Embittered Flowers
25 Falcon Deer Jellyfish Hooves Ever-Young Exploding Encircle Envious Gifts
26 Firefly Elephant Leech Horns Eyeless Flying Evade Erudite Gold
31 Flamingo Ferret Lobster Legless Fearless Gaze Weapon Gang Up Fanatical Heat
32 Fly Fox Manatee Long Tongue Fluffy Hypnotizing Gather Strength Forgetful Holy Icon
33 Fly. Squirrel Giraffe Manta Ray Many-Eyed Fungal Impervious Go Berserk Generous Holy Water
34 Goose Goat Muskrat Many-Limbed Gelatinous Invisible Harry Hateful Home Cooking
35 Gull Horse Narwhal Mucus Geometric Life-Draining Hurl Foes Honorable Insanity
36 Hummingbird Human Newt Pincers Hardened Magnetic Immobilize Humble Mirrors
41 Kingfisher Mole Octopus Plates Illusory Mimicking Manipulate Jaded Mistletoe
42 Locust Ostrich Otter Plumage Intelligent Mind-Reading Mock Jovial Moonlight
43 Magpie Ox Penguin Proboscis Iridescent Paralyzing Monologue Legalistic Music
44 Mantis Porcupine Platypus Scales Luminous Phasing Order Minion Manipulative Method
45 Mockingbird Rabbit Pufferfish Segments Many-Headed Phys. Eff. Protect Leader Megalomaniac Phylactery
46 Mosquito Raccoon Salamander Shaggy Hair Mechanical Poisonous Protect Self Melancholy Phys. Elem.
51 Moth Rat Sea Anem. Shell Phys. Elem. Radioactive Scatter Foes Meticulous Puzzles
52 Owl Rhinoceros Sea Urchin Spikes Planar Reflective Stalk Mystical Riddles
53 Parrot Scorpion Seahorse Spinnerets Reflective Regenerating Steal From Obsessive Rituals
54 Peacock Sheep Seal Spines Rubbery Shapeshifting Swarm Out of Touch Silver
55 Pelican Slug Shark Stinger Shadowy Spell-Casting Target Insolent Paranoid Sunlight
56 Pteranodon Snail Shrimp Suction Cups Sharp Stealthy Target Leader Polite Tears
61 Rooster Snake Squid Tail Skeletal Strangling Target Nearest Psychopathic True Name
62 Sparrow Spider Swordfish Talons Slimy Super-Strength Target Richest Sophisticated Val. Material
63 Swan Squirrel Tadpole Tentacles Sticky Telekinetic Target Strongest Touchy Weak Spot
64 Vulture Tiger Turtle Trunk Stinking Teleporting Target Weakest Unimpressed Weapon
65 Wasp Wolf Walrus Tusks Tiny Vampiric Toy With Vain Wine
66 Woodpecker Wolverine Whale Wings Translucent Wall-Crawling Use Terrain Xenophobic Wormwood

Magic (Maze Rats)

1-3 Phys. Eff + Phys. Eff. + Ether. Eff. + Ether. Eff. + Phys. Elem. + Ether. Elem. +
Phys. Form Ether. Form Phys. Form Ether. Form Phys. Form Ether. Form
4-6 Ether. Elem. + Ether. Elem. + Phys. Eff. + Phys. Eff. + Ether. Eff. + Ether. Eff. +
Phys. Form Ether. Form Phys. Elem. Ether. Elem. Phys. Elem. Ether. Elem.

d66 Phys. Eff. Phys. Phys. Form Eth. Eff. Eth. Elem. Eth. Form Mutation Insanity Omen/
Elem. Magical Catastrophe
11 Animating Acid Altar Avenging Ash Aura Ages Always Lies All Iron Rusts
12 Attracting Amber Armor Banishing Chaos Beacon Attracts Birds Always Polite Animals Die
13 Binding Bark Arrow Bewildering Distortion Beam Child-Form “Animal-Form” Animals Mutate
14 Blossoming Blood Beast Blinding Dream Blast Corpulence Cannot Count Birds Attack
15 Consuming Bone Blade Charming Dust Blob Covered in Hair Cannot Lie City Appears
16 Creeping Brine Cauldron Communicating Echo Bolt Animal Arms Faceblind Deadly Fog
21 Crushing Clay Chain Compelling Ectoplasm Bubble Animal Eyes Fears Birds Dream Plague
22 Diminishing Crow Chariot Concealing Fire Call Animal Head Fears Blood Endless Night
23 Dividing Crystal Claw Deafening Fog Cascade Animal Legs Fears Books Endless Rain
24 Duplicating Ember Cloak Deceiving Ghost Circle Animal Mouth Fears Darkness Endless Storm
25 Enveloping Flesh Colossus Deciphering Harmony Cloud Animal Skin Fears Fire Endless Twilight
26 Expanding Fungus Crown Disguising Heat Coil Animal-Form Fears Gold Endless Winter
31 Fusing Glass Elemental Dispelling Light Cone Cyclops Fears Horses Fae Return
32 Grasping Honey Eye Emboldening Lightning Cube Extra Arms Fears Iron Forest Appears
33 Hastening Ice Fountain Encoding Memory Dance Extra Eyes Fears Music Forgetfulness
34 Hindering Insect Gate Energizing Mind Disk Extra Legs Fears Own Hand Graves Open
35 Illuminating Wood Golem Enlightening Mutation Field Forked Tongue Fears PC Lamentations
36 Imprisoning Lava Hammer Enraging Negation Form Gender Swap Fears Rain Maggots
41 Levitating Moss Horn Excruciating Plague Gaze Hunchback Fears Rivers Mass Insanity
42 Opening Obsidian Key Foreseeing Plasma Loop Item-Form Fears Silence Mass Mutation
43 Petrifying Oil Mask Intoxicating Probability Moment Long Arms Fears Sleep Mass Slumber
44 Phasing Poison Monolith Maddening Rain Nexus Lose All Hair Fears Sunlight Meteor Strike
45 Piercing Rat Pit Mesmerizing Rot Portal Loses Teeth Fears the Moon Mirrors Speak
46 Pursuing Salt Prison Mind-Reading Shadow Pulse Monster Feature Fears Trees No Stars
51 Reflecting Sand Sentinel Nullifying Smoke Pyramid Monster Trait “Genius” Outsider Returns
52 Regenerating Sap Servant Paralyzing Snow Ray No Eyes “Gorgeous” People Shrink
53 Rending Serpent Shield Revealing Soul Shard No Mouth Hates Violence People Vanish
54 Repelling Slime Spear Revolting Star Sphere Phys. Elem.-Skin “Invisible” Plants Wither
55 Resurrecting Stone Steed Scrying Stasis Spray Second Face “Invulnerable” Portal Opens
56 Screaming Tar Swarm Silencing Steam Storm Sheds Skin “Monster Ability” Rifts Open
61 Sealing Thorn Tentacle Soothing Thunder Swarm Shrinks “Monster Feature” Shadows Speak
62 Shapeshifting Vine Throne Summoning Time Torrent Shrivels “Monster Trait” Space Distorts
63 Shielding Water Torch Terrifying Void Touch Skin Boils Must Sing Stones Speak
64 Spawning Wine Trap Warding Warp Vortex Slime Trail New Personality Total Silence
65 Transmuting Wood Wall Wearying Whisper Wave Translucent Skin Says Thoughts Tower Appears
66 Transporting Worm Web Withering Wind Word Weeps Blood Sees Dead People Water to Blood

Dyson’s Geomorphs
Beyond the Wall Scenario Packs - binder?
d4 Caltrops/ktrey - binder
Lizard Man Diaries (Weird Fantasy Location & Danger/Monster Generators)
d66 Descriptor (1) Descriptor (2) Place Descriptor (1) Action Descriptor (2) Danger
11 Burning Cage Island Malformed Spitting Blood Cultist
12 Hallowed Vine Hill Sleek Whispering Pus Chemist
13 Mossy Bone Beach Overgrown Squirming Carapace Giant
14 Synthetic Boulder Desert Reinforced Slithering Sludge Scoundrel
15 Crystalline Shrine Lake Gaseous Dripping Shard Corpse
16 Sterile Mushroom Village Spindly Smouldering Claw Crab
21 Claggy Brick Temple Bloody Oozing Psychic Snake
22 Ethereal Pit Cavern Appendaged Climbing Stench Dog
23 Encrusted Pool Ruin Crafty Crumbling Maw Bear
24 Infested Machine Crater Phantasmagoric Flying Sewage Tiger
25 Labyrinthine Sewer Mountain Fleshy Sneaking Stone Mantis
26 Industrial Ore Bridge Intellectual Replicating Weed Wasp
31 Smoky Monument Tower Plated Suffering Vein Slug
32 Bloodsoaked Sand Manse Warty Taunting Beast Ape
33 Cursed Cave Laboratory Thorny Torturing Gear Hog
34 Acidic Glass Plain Grotesque Hiding Rust Snail
35 Milky Eye Jungle Acidic Screaming Eye Warlock
36 Flooded Obsidian Forest Encased Corrupting Ash Worm
41 Molten Marble Factory Insubstantial Enslaving Rainbow Bat
42 Frozen Gem Prison Euphoric Devouring Metal Eagle
43 Verdant Refuse Library Hollow Rotting Brain Cloud
44 Dripping Fog Menagerie Brutal Harvesting Horn Spider
45 Steaming Rain Fortress Glacial Restraining Husk Looter
46 Shadowy Cliff River Infected Exploding Tooth Mist
51 Glowing Garden Town Miniscule Intoxicating Bone Person
52 Mouldering Vat Sea Parasitic Thieving Curse Sentinel
53 Roiling Graveyard Crypt Territorial Knowing Vision Trap
54 Sinking Canal Hive Seductive Watching Spark Marauder
55 Floating Slime Swamp Venerable Flowering Piston Elephant
56 Titanic Shell Palace Wily Misleading Tendril Octopus
61 Insectile Blade Dock Aloof Stupefying Rod Roach
62 Dusty Needle Reef Impenetrable Dissecting Sword Blackguard
63 Desecrated Nest Volcano Chaotic Melting Circuit Berserker
64 Abandoned Ring Valley Serene Draining Wire Wildling
65 Idyllic Dome Road Deceitful Blinding Disease Rat
66 Shimmering Vapor Market Crude Building Flame Shark
Black Hack 2E - binder
Usage Die Ud4 Ud6 Ud8 Ud10 Ud12 Ud20
Average Uses 2 5 9 14 20 30

Downtime & Demesnes

Augmented Reality
Any Planet is Earth - in binder
Weird North - in binder
Adventure = Mission + Place; add Threats through luck rolls - even = minions, odd = traps
d10 Mission Place Subplace (Rooms) Traps d10
1 Kill Fortress Many useful things Barriers change your path 1
2 Steal Library Blocked passage Traps you in place 2
3 Infiltrate Prison Controls to unlock... Alert to your presence 3
4 Plant Bank Brief safe place Calls reinforcements 4
5 Discover Kingdom Way to create chaos Elite Guards 5
6 Incriminate Ship Vault of great item Shoots projectiles 6
7 Escape Lab Twist on the mission The path is going to collapse 7
8 Escort Temple Unexpected place Disables most items 8
9 Protect Ruins Goal of mission is here Hostages are shown 9
10 Prevent Battlefield Hub between parts Trapdoor to bad place 10

d10 Basis Twist Description - roll d6 to see how often it’s useful d20
1 Blade Disguised High quality, durable Increased area 11
2 Shield Assemblable May fail catastrophically Summons a creature 12
3 Ranged Lavish Increased range Alive, like a familiar 13
4 Clothes Famous Owner Apply an effect at target Big effect, big drawback 14
5 Jewelry Looks Unsafe Obeys you & is loyal Sacrifice for big effect 15
6 Organic Really Old Increased protection for you Surveillance or information 16
7 Consumable Worshiped Affects movement Improves other Item 17
8 Bomb Wanted Provides a substance Has a conditional trigger 18
9 Book Enemy Custom Changes on material Collateral is expected 19
10 Instrument Weird Material Roll again on Basis Collection - 1 use, roll 3x 20

Enemies = Drive + Risk + Traits

d10 Basis Twist Ability Twist d10
1 Human Giant Attacks a wide area Fast / Hard to dodge or hit 1
2 Goblinoid Time-displaced Damage empowers it Slower, but bigger risk 2
3 Sea Creature Dragon Attacks from cover Higher risk to Items 3
4 Bird Construct Regenerative powers It’s a “double-edged sword” 4
5 Insect Tiny / Horde Sets up traps Messes up terrain 5
6 Mammal Mercenary Snares your movement Mixed defenses 6
7 Plant Fungus Hidden / Surprise attack Allies are helping 7
8 Reptile Ethereal Suppressing fire Impregnable, but with a weak spot 8
9 Fae Elemental Falls back when wounded Knows your tactics 9
10 Spirit Geometric Strike from afar Can undo 1 bad outcome 10
11 Undead Network Illusive appearance Wounding it is harmful 11
12 Divine Mix 2 Bases Terrain is an advantage It has 2 lives - roll 2x 12

Hazard Die
d6 Dungeon Wilderness City
1 Encounter - Roll on the appropriate encounter table
2 Sign of nearby Encounter Clue to location Feature Sign of nearby Encounter
3 Environment Shifts - Moving walls, weather changes, crowd manifests, etc.
4 Resource Loss Hazard - Risk loss Lost - Find your way back?
5 Stress & Exhaustion Obstacle - Take a detour (hours) or deal with it (cost)?
6 Quiet respite, for now Discover a hidden Feature Patron offers you a job
Roll whenever Players move from one point of interest to another; torches can be re-lit 3 times, a can of oil can light a lantern 6 times.
Oracle (Bastionland “Ask The Stars”)
d12 Answer Symbol Position
1 The Fang (Hostility/Fear) Rising (Growth/Possibility)

2 Hard No The Wings (Freedom/Nature) Entombed (Memory/Death)

3 The Cage (Protection/Obligation) Twinned (Intimacy/Dependency)

4 The Hand (Creation/Misdirection) Waning (Hunger/Decay)

5 No The Mask (Persuasion/Shame) Rooted (Stability/Plenty)

6 The Eye (Judgment/Secrets) Bowed (Submission/Mercy)

7 The Child (Learning/Greed) Colliding (Change/Violence)

8 Yes The Traveller (Wandering/Chance) Burning (Honesty/Pride)

9 The Elder (Authority/Tradition) Veiled (Faith/Deceit)

10 The Fleet (Direction/Struggle) Exiled (Guilt/Autonomy)

11 Hard Yes The Council (Opposition/Cycles) Crowned (Ambition/Ruin)

12 The Legion (Unification/Identity) Reflected (Reversal/Vanity)

2d6 Weather Table (Mausritter)

2d6 Spring Summer Autumn Winter
2 Rain Storm (Mudslide/Raging Torrent) Thunderstorm (Flooding/Tree Falls) Heavy Rain (Impassable Mud/Foot Rot) Snow Storm (Can’t See/Travel)
3-4 Drizzle Very Hot (Pack Animal Dies/Water Lost) Wild Winds (Tree/Rock Falls) Sleet (Soaked & Freezing)
5-9 Overcast Clear, Hot Cool Bitter Cold (Frostbite)
10-11 Bright & Sunny Pleasantly Sunny Patchy Rain Overcast
12 Clear & Warm Beautifully Warm Clear & Crisp Clear & Cold

Simple Rumor Mill (Eldritch Fields)

1-2 3-4 5-6 7-8 9-10
Location Danger Tabloid Politics Lore
1 Urban Crime Love Child Faction Conflict History
2 Highwaymen Adultery Secret Society Monster
3 Resources Wild Animals Inheritance Impending War Place
4 Monsters Rivalry Corruption Magic
5 Natural Disaster Marriage Diplomacy Technology
6 Mythical Place DOOM! Dark Secret Spies Religion

Rumours (alea iactanda est)

d6 Type Background of... Fact about... Written data on... Misc.
Large-Scale Small-Scale

1 Clue Individual Animal Event Specific Location Single Room Recommendation

2 Background Group Vegetable Place Vicinity Specific Location Terminology

3 Fact Family Mineral Phenomenon City Vicinity Warning
4 Information Government Technology/Magic Object Region City Information

5 Location Organization Culture Literature Planet Region Business Tip

6 Miscellaneous World Environment History System Nation Potential Patron

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
False - Completely Completely
False - Trap Completely False Mostly False Mostly True
Annoyance True True

Permanent Injury Table

d6 “Permanent” Injury

1 Cool Scar - roll a new Boon (or +1 to random Ability Score)

2 In Shock - automatically fail all saving throws for the rest of the session

3 The most precious item the character has with them is destroyed

4 Max HP Reduced - roll a die type equal to half your Hit Die (d6 → d3) & reduce by result

5 Skill Reduced - randomly-selected skill is reduced by 1 rank (or -1 to random Ability Score)

6 Severe Bodily Trauma - roll a d8

1-2: Arm destroyed 5: Eye destroyed 7: Kidney destroyed (resistance to poison)

3-4: Leg destroyed 6: Lung destroyed 8: Face destroyed
Terrible Injuries (Kreigmesser)
d6 1-2) L/R Leg 3) Body 4-5) L/R Arm 6) Head

1 Avoid injury, but lose footing / fall Blow makes you double in pain & vomit Drop what you’re holding after a blow across Ear or nose severed / torn off; nasty gash
the fingers
2 Ankle sprained; unable to move at a brisk Smashed rib / piercing wound punctures Wrist injured; dexterity-related actions are Blow to head leaves you dazed for a few
pace for a few days lung; pain & shortness of breath more difficult seconds
3 Vein burst / sliced; bleed unconscious Collar bone smashed; arm movement Object you’re holding is shattered; if not Scalp slashed open; blood in face impairs
within a few minutes unless treated difficult; heals in several weeks holding anything, arm is permanently injured vision until washed
4 Knee shattered; permanent limp Internal bleeding / organ damage; death Vein burst / sliced; bleed unconscious within Jaw struck; lose d6 teeth & mouth filled
within minutes a few minutes unless treated with blood
5 Lose d3 toes; running / balance is more Fall prone after injury to spine; exertion / Lose d3 fingers; dexterity / finesse is more Weapon ruins your eye; blind on one side
difficult movement may cause death unless treated difficult
6 Leg mangled / severed below knee; Catastrophic organ damage; instant death Drop what you’re holding after a blow to the Skull smashed & brain damaged; fall
unconscious from shock; requires surgery elbow; arm numb down twitching; dead within moments

Death (Brave / Just Halberds)

2d6 Death & Dismemberment
2 Instant Death (beheaded or similar)
3 Fatal Wound - death at the end of the fight (pierced lung, cracked spine, or similar)
4 Lost Limb - death can be averted (1 - weapon arm, 2 - shield arm, 3-4 leg)
5-6 Broken Bone - heals in 2d4+9 weeks (1 - weapon arm, 2 - shield arm, 3 - leg, 4 - rib)
7-8 Unconscious - remainder of fight
9 Stunned - disadvantage for remainder of fight
10 Knocked Down - disadvantage until footing is regained
11 Fight Through It
12 Adrenaline Rush

Traps, Hazards, & Dungeons (Brave)

Layout Tricks - Roll 1 for Small dungeons (2d6 rooms), 2-3 for Medium dungeons (3d6 rooms, multiple floors), & 4-6 for Large dungeons (5d6 rooms, multiple floors, complicated layout)

d66 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Backtracking Chutes Looping Paths Pocket Dimension Secret Loops Teleporters

2 Blocked Path Concentric Layers Maze Repeating Features Secret Path Tower

3 Branching Path Crossing Paths Multiple Entrances Safe Room Shifting Layout Vertical Loops
4 Central Hub Curved Paths One-Way Doors Satellite Spying Opportunity Vertical Paths
5 Chasm Dense Rooms One-Way Loops Scattered Keys Subtle Hall Angles Water / Canals
6 Chokepoint Divided Level Platforms Secret Entrances Subtle Ramp Slopes Windows

Trap Ingredients, Macro-Level Challenges, & Small Dungeon Generation (Brave)

d12 Trigger Effect Clue Macro-Level Challenges (Roll 2-4) Rooms

1 Always Active Alarm Coloration / Glows Wandering Monsters Entrance Guardian

2 False Floor Bludgeon / Crush Consistent Area Adversary Roster Puzzle

3 Light / Shadow Burn / Corrode Groove / Hole Scenario Timeline Room Trap

4 Magical Trigger Contain / Paralyze Hand / Footprints Stuck Doors Hidden Traps

5 Make Sound Flood / Suffocate Hollow Sound Locked Doors NPC

6 Open Door / Lock Gravity Juts Out Slightly Pattern-based Traps Villainous Knave

7 Pressure Plate Heavy Obscurity Light / Shadow Recurring Natural Hazards Big Monster Lair

8 (Re)move Object Pierce / Slash Magical Clue Time (Poison / Fear / Stress) Lore (books, records, etc.)

9 Snare Poison / Exhaust Nearby Object Opposed Factions Art (mural, statue, etc.)

10 Tripwire Psychic / Fear Residue / Blood PCs Acquire a Partial Map Magic Item

11 Wrong Choice Relocate / Separate Symbol / Glyph Spells Nullified / Modified Valuable Resource

12 Wrong Password Spell Effect Wear & Tear Rival Knave Party Treasure Hoard

Unified B/X Room Stocking (u/seanfsmith in r/osr)

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Empty Monster Special Trap
Treasure! Treasure! Treasure!

Settlement Events (Brave)

When the Broadsword Swings Tables?
The Black Hack Tables? NPC Concept, NPC Relation, Hex & Settlement Generator, Quest Hook, Rivals, Ambience
Dungeon Generator (The Black Hack) Entrance, Room / Area, Empty, Hazards / Traps, Secret Doors
Oops! Table (Troika!)
d66 1 2 3 4 5 6

1 Flash! Wizard is now a pig All of Wizard’s currency All weapons in the vicinity turn to Everyone in vicinity (except Inanimate object gains A calm, healthy pig
turns to butterflies flowers Wizard) is now a pig sentience & voice appears instead
2 Wizard de-ages by 25 A very surprised orc Wizard’s old face melts off to reveal All animals in vicinity resurrected Portal opens to All Wizard’s teeth fall
years appears a handsome new one (leather, provisions...) battleground out - 1hr for new set
3 A shoal of herring (+water) Red Eye Curse - Fire shoots Wizard disappears in a puff of All vegetation within a mile Wizard flies off at A random different
appears above Wizard out whenever eyes open smoke - never seen again withers & dies great speed spell goes off
4 Wizard only speaks in All shoes in the vicinity Wizard’s hands have a mind of their Pool of color opens under Wizard Wizard coughing fit - Cursed with curses
shrieks & mumbles catch fire own - hostile... - sent to another existence biting gremlins fall out
5 Hiccups! Potentially Wizard grows a small pair of Plasmic fluid fills head - if struck, All exposed liquid within 10 Enormous shaggy Mighty sneeze knocks
affects all future castings horns massive head explodes paces turns to curdling milk beard grows past feet over all in front
6 Wizard grows a beautiful All of Wizard’s hair falls off - Cough up thick, black fluid - soon Spectator’s bones disappear for Today is Wizard’s new Spell won’t stop until
tail (doesn’t regrow) audible “fuff!” hear rumors of sinister doppelgänger d6 hours - generally unphased 20th birthday Wizard subdued

Random Dungeon Rooms (VFDB)

d20 Rooms Content Description Beast Theme Beast Weaknesses d6 Doors
1 Latrine Minion Full of rubble Fire Salt 1 Wide Open
2 Kitchen Collapsed ceiling Ice Iron 2 Ajar
3 Barracks Holes in floor Stone Steel 3 Closed
4 Armory Fire damaged Air Fire 4 Locked
5 Library Creature Flooded Disease Cold 5 Stuck
6 Storage Covered in mold Dark Love 6 Barred
7 Shrine Dusty cobwebs Crystal True Name d6 Traps
8 Laboratory Boss Campsite Magic Oak 1 Spear Trap
9 Statuary Beast Stripped bare Death Sunlight 2 Fire Trap
10 Prison Trap Recently cleaned Star Magic 3 Poison Dart
11 Vault Ransacked Underworld Silver 4 Alarm
12 Garden Covered in blood Sea Water 5 Ceiling
13 Throne Cold & drafty Forest Moonlight 6 Magic Rune
14 Kennel Trick Damp & warm Dream Crystal d6 Tricks
15 Cistern Pitch black Storm Heirloom 1 Ethereal Voice (jeers, cheers, clues)
16 Crypt Animal den Gold Song 2 Magic Pool, Mushrooms, etc.
17 Altar Adventurer Full of old bones Iron Ritual 3 Secret Doorway
18 Gallery Prisoner Site of battle Fear Holy Symbol 4 Magic Mirror
19 Pit Empty Room Graffiti walls Time Lightning 5 Puzzle Lock
20 Magic Circle Secondary Exit Claw scratches Bone Light 6 Weird (gravity, time, etc.)

Features by Terrain Type (Sstabhmontown)

d6 Settled, Road Open Woods Hills, Mountains Bog Desert, Tundra River, Coast Sea

1 Creek Brook Stream Ravine Flooding Mesa / Glacier Waterfall Current

2 Pond Pond Pond Waterfall Mud Blowing Sand / Snow Fog Fog

3 Well House Briars Slippery Pond Dunes / Scrub Mouth of Stream Crosswind
4 House Way Stone Great Tree Cave Briars Ravine Boat Launch Ship Adrift

5 Wall / Hedge Copse Cave Cliff Sinkhole Soft Sand / Snow Wreck Small Island

6 Way Stone Hollow Clearing Rock-Fall Copse Mirage Rocks Mirage

Encounter Types by Terrain Type (Sstabhmontown)

2d6 Settled, Road Open Woods Hills, Mountains Bog Desert, Tundra River, Coast, Sea

2 Dead Fey Dead Fey Dead Dead Fey

3 Fey Dead

4 Flying Dead Flying

5 Men Flying Swimming Flying

6 Men Swimming

7 Beasts Beasts Beasts Beasts

8 Beasts Men Fey Men Men

9 Men Giants Giants Giants

10 Giants Giants

11 Giants Dragon Giants

12 Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon Dragon

Encounter Tables by Type (Sstabhmontown)

2d6 Beasts Dead Fey Flying Giants Men (Land) Men (Sea) Swimming (Salt) Swimming (Fresh)

2 Behemoth Ghost Medusa Djinni Nephilim 2d12 Adventurers 2d12 on Longship Leviathan Salamander

3 d4 Spiders Banshee d4 Werebears Chimera d4 Fomorians 3d10x10 Orcs 2d4 in Boat Kraken d6 Nymphs

4 2d6 Beetles d4 Mummies 2d6 Werewolves d4 Manticores d6 Boggles d4x10 Pilgrims 2d12 Travelers d6 Nymphs 6d6 Lizard Men
5 d8 Centipedes 4d6 Zombies 2d6 Wererats d8 Rocs d8 Trolls d20 Merchants d20 Locals 2d6 Selkies Beasts

6 3d6 Giant Rats 2d8 Ghouls d6 Nymphs 2d4 Harpies 3d6 Dwarfs d20 Villagers 2d12 Merchants 4d6 Giant Fish 4d6 Giant Fish

7 2d12 Livestock 3d10 Skeletons 2d12 Elves 2d20 Birds 6d10 Goblins d8 Shepherds d8 Fishermen Shoal 2d12 Nixies

8 3d6 Wolves d8 Wights 2d10 Centaurs 3d12 Stirges d8 Ogres d4x10 Brigands 3d10x10 Sailors Whale d6 Giant Crabs

9 d4 Bears d6 Wraiths d6 Doppelgängers 2d8 Griffons d8 Jötunns 3d12 Militia 3d10x10 Vikings / Pirates 2d6 Sharks d6 Trolls

10 d4 Snakes Specter d4 Wild Men d6 Wyverns d4 Gibborim 3d10x10 Company 3d10x10 from Foreign Lands d6 Giant Crabs Giant Slug

11 2d4 Hellhounds Vampire d8 Eye-Trees d8 Cockatrice d2 Cyclopes Shipwreck (roll again) 2d6 Tanninim Ooze

12 Basilisk Lich Unicorn Demon Titan Wizard Ship of the Dead Greater Hydra Lesser Hydra

Ritual Tables (After the Lords of Memory)

d10 Secret Demand Backlash Type
1 Cultural: bear specific symbols, vestments, or markings Overpower: too much / random target / explosive area effect / enduring geyser / cataclysm
2 Living Bond: membership in a specific community, holding an office, rulership Divine Contact: omen / vision / brief possession / quest / incarnation
3 Tool: a token, heirloom, or priceless relic must be carried Stowaways: voices / poltergeist / imp / horror / d3 demons
4 Sacrifice: something precious consumed, destroyed, spoiled, burned, or buried Defiance: /+1 to next casting /+1 difficulty forever / ritual never works again
5 Acolytes: supporting the ritual through prayer or meditation Ostium terrere: omen / glimpse of ritual’s source / momentary breach / enduring portal
6 Place of Power: in a type of terrain (e.g. forest), or a specific place (holy shrine) Bound Spirit: altered target / bargaining and threats / brief escape / escape (ritual useless)
7 Time of power: A time of day, a season, a holy day, an astrological convergence Retribution: foreboding weather / animals interfere / reputation / hunted by a cult / cherubim
8 Conduit: Anywhere along a specific road, sacred river, ancient path, or ley line Depletion: cosmetic sputter / delayed start / fizzles / one last use
9 Unseen Bond: allegiance to ancestral host, sleeping demigod, or demon earth spirit Transformation: signs / symptoms / deformity / whole body changed / NPC
10 Deprivation: type of food / lies / wealth / speech / shoes / arms Taxing: exhaustion / dull ache / excruciating pain / heart attack

Who Rules This Place? (After the Lords of Memory)

d12 Village / City Great Forest High Place Low Place Water Body Dark Below

Ancestral Spirits 1-5 - - - - -

Angry Spirits 6 1 - 1-2 1-2 1

Ancient Power 7-8 2-4 1-5 3-5 3-7 2-6

Demonic Upsurge 9-10 5-7 6-7 6-8 8-9 7-10
One of the Demigods 11-12 8 8-9 9-10 10-11 -
Soil Mother - 9-12 - 11-12 12 12
The Father - - 10-12 - - -

Random Treasure Table (After the Lords of Memory)

Demons Magpies Nobles Pragmatists Raiders Sorcerers Treasure Item

Prosaic Items


Martial Items

Treasured Martial Items

Ritual Items


Valuables & Art Objects

Damage & Defense (Sylphceses)

d6 1) Head, 2) Torso, 3) R. Arm, 4) L. Arm, 5) R. Leg, 6) L. Leg
Torso - Default target; if hit, can’t use shields / 2-handed, movement halved, check for infection daily for 1 week
Arms - Disabled by hit; permanently if edged weapon (hacked off)
Head - Fatal to hit; if protected, roll of concussion table below
1 Nothing

2 Skill / Memory Lost

3 Partial Blindness (check after 1 week to see if it’s permanent)

4 Full Blindness (check after 1 week to see if it’s permanent)

5 Paralysis (check after 1 month to see if it’s permanent)

6 Disfigurement (roll or choose)

1: Lost ear 3: Lost nose 5: Torn scalp; blood in eyes

2: Lost eye 4: Lost d6 teeth 6: Nasty scar

Four Horsemen (Sylphcese)

No Population - 0d6 Low Population - 1d6 Average Population - 2d6 High Population - 3d6
1) War 2) Famine 3) Death 4) Pestilence 5) None 6) None
Repeat rolls intensify the crisis

Rogue Magic (Rogueland)

d12 Perform an Action... d12 ...On an Object

1 Strengthen / Mend 1 Stone / Wood / Dirt

2 Weaken / Damage 2 Water

3 Combine 3 Wind

4 Transform 4 Fire / Light

5 Learn / Detect 5 Sound

6 Shield From 6 Mind / Senses

7 Control with Mind 7 Animal / Plant

8 Conceal 8 Weapon / Tool

9 Destroy / Disappear 9 Armor
10 Summon / Create 10 Food / Medicine

11 Teleport 11 Self / Ability / Characteristic

12 Choose any action 12 Choose any object

Treasure (Rogueland)
d12 Type Examples Coins
1-9 Common Adventure Gear, Trinkets, Lore Documents, Coins 50

10-11 Valuable Gems, Art, Simple Maps, Simple Magical Items 100

12 Rare Artisan Items, Detailed Maps, Coin Hoards, Simple Magic 250

- Magical Powerful, unique, remarkable Magic Items 500

- Unique Items created in extraordinary circumstances -

Hex Travel & Open Exploration (Rogueland)

Hourly Travel Checks

Terrain Mishap Outpost / Fort Food & Water Manor / Market / Inn Safe Passage

Road or Path 1 2 3-4 5-6 7-12

Off-Road 1-2 3-4 5-10 - 11-12

Difficult 1-4 5-8 9-12 - -

Open Events

Surroundings Danger NPC Place Secret No Event

Town 1 2 3 4 5-12

Countryside 1-3 4 5 6-7 8-12

Wilderness 1-6 7 8 9-10 11-12

d4 Mishap Outpost / Fort (Inhabitants) Food & Water (Rations) NPC Place Secret

1 Ambushed (Dangerous) 2-in-4 to spot Scavengers (1) On patrol Dungeon / Tower / Tomb Raid in d4 days

2 Sickness Visible Hoard (Guarded) Critters to trap (d4) Traveler w/ Equipment & 5d100 coin Cave Opening / Fungal Path Stolen valuables

3 Lost (Inviting & Friendly) Large game (d8) Wounded Caravan (d6 members) Small Town / Encampment Nearby magic forest
4 Provisions (No activity / Uninhabited) Fruit trees, berry patches, small stream (d12) Explorer (discovered secret) Manor / Market / Inn Map of dungeon / lair

30-Minute Dungeon (Priestess of Spiders)

d6 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Combat Empty Trap NPC Weird

Reason to fight? Reason for existing Reason to want to bypass Mannerisms
Interesting/exploitable environment Relates to theme/history Way to bypass/deactivate Goal(s)
Tactical/logical enemies Way to notice Likes/Dislikes
1 A horde of weak opponents Points to an NPC Inconveniences Ally Changes whoever interacts

2 One tough opponent Tells about dungeon history Kills Villain Physically impossible

3 A weak opponent with their guards Alerts to a combat encounter Incapacitates Victim Boon for sacrifice

4 A pair of tough opponents Alerts to special room Traps Rival Explorer Great reward/terrible disaster

5 A tough opponent & their underlings Alerts to a trap Alerts/Summons Enemies Quest Giver Seems ordinary...

6 A group of competent opponents Is useful to the party Separates Weirdo Weird to witness/exp

Adventure Builder (One Shot World)

d10 We are exploring... that lies... seeking the... We are here to... and... guarded by...

1 a remote ruin on an uncharted island temple of a dead deity. find an ancient artifact an un-living lord undead horrors.

2 an overgrown necropolis along the edge of a great swamp crypt of a forgotten hero. search for a cure an alien horror crazed cultists.

3 the ruins of an ancient city high in the mountains vault of the last dwarven king. rescue someone in distress a fallen angel twisted abominations.
4 a flooded settlement in a desolate wasteland prison of a bound demon. use a sacred site an ancient dragon ruthless assassins.
5 an abandoned village in the freezing tundra lair of a legendary beast. bring a villain to justice a powerful sorcerer monstrous hordes.
6 a twisting canyon deep in an ancient forest hideout of a notorious thief. find the chosen one a despotic warrior foul demons.
7 a lost valley in the windswept badlands cathedral of a fallen god. recover our souls a zealous priest deadly traps.
8 a long-forgotten road among the rolling dunes monastery of a mystic order. stop the release of an ancient evil an infernal fiend powerful constructs.
9 a legendary battle site in a tropical jungle fortress of a tyrannical warlord. seek forbidden knowledge a criminal mastermind wild beasts.
10 a mysterious cavern in the middle of hostile territory tower of a mad wizard. close an unholy portal the one that betrayed us skilled warriors.

Historically Accurate Background Table - Gregory King’s 1688 Economic Survey (Sad Basilisk Press)
d00 d20 d00 d20 If 98-00 are rolled on d00, roll a d20

01 - Vagrants, Thieves, or Itinerants 89 12 Commissioned Officers

02-24 - Paupers or Cottagers 90 13 Academics

25-47 - Laborers or Outservants 91 14 Clergy

48-60 - Tenant Farmers 92 15 Lawyers

61-72 - Husbandmen 93 16 Trader Merchants

73-77 - Yeoman 94 17 Bureaucrats

78-81 1-4 Artisans 95 18 Gentlemen

82-84 5-7 Shopkeepers or Tradesmen 96 19 Lower Nobles

85-88 8-11 Common Sailors & Soldiers 97 20 Higher Nobles

36 Character Types - Georges Polti's "The Art of Inventing Characters" (Eldritch Fields)

1 1 VESTA The Pious 4 1 MERCURY The Shrewd

2 The Wise 2 The Traitorous

3 The Faithful 3 The Knavish

4 JUNO The Jealous 4 JUPITER The Arrogant and Insolent
5 The Vengeful and Just 5 The Haughty and Dignified

6 The Strict and Severe 6 The Majestic and Protecting

2 1 NEPTUNE The Avaricious and Grasping 5 1 CERES The Generous and Prodigal
2 The Despotic 2 The Gay and Sensual

3 The Ambitious 3 The Vulgar and Practical

4 MINERVA The Daring and Romantic 4 VULCAN The Earnest and Serious
5 Adventurers 5 The Deluded and Discouraged

6 The Eloquent and Boastful 6 The Unselfish and Devoted

3 1 VENUS The Seductive and Seducing 6 1 MARS Murderers and Assassins

2 The Courtesan 2 The Violent and Rebellious

3 The Vicious 3 The Bold and Fearless

4 APOLLO The Impassioned 4 DIANA The Tender and Sentimental

5 The Chimerical 5 The Weak

6 The Intellectual 6 The Pure


Bones of the Tarrasque (u/SidecarStories - r/BehindTheTables)

d4 Town Square d10 Shops d20 Landmark

1 Water Well 1 General Store 1 Wizard’s Tower (Active, Abandoned)

2 Bonfire 2 Alchemist/Herbalist/Healer 2 College (Arcane, Bardic, Scholarly)

3 Open Market / Bazaar 3 Blacksmith (Armor, Weapons, Tools) 3 Combat Training School

4 Statue or Shrine 4 Carpenter (Boats, Buildings, Wagons) 4 Church / Shrine / Temple

d6 Lodging 5 Clothing (Common, Fine) 5 Fighting Pit

1 Relatively safe clearing near town 6 Enchanter/Hex Den 6 Tended Gardens

2 Generous citizen with vacancy 7 Glassblower 7 Guild Hall (Craft, Trade, Fighter, Thieves)

3 Open-Air Campground 8 Leatherworks (Armor, Saddlery) 8 Library / Knowledge Repository

4 Spare Building (Barn / Empty House) 9 Stables 9 Lighthouse / Watchtower
5 Communal Lodge 10 Exotic Goods (Cloth, Jewelry, Perfumes) 10 Racetrack (Dogs, Horses)

6 Inn d12 Economic Touchstones 11 Ruins (Castle, Cathedral, Shipyards)

d8 Food 1 Crossroads 12 Sealed Cave Entrance
1 Plentiful Wild Game / Fish 2 Crops 13 Skirmish Aftermath (Neighboring Town, Invading Horde,
Rampaging Beast)
2 Generous citizen with food 3 Livestock

3 Public Vegetable Garden 4 Docks / Harbors 14 Spiritual Lodge

4 Communal Potluck Meals 5 Ferry / Major Bridge 15 Standing Corporal Punishment Fixture (Stocks, Gallows,
Chopping Block)
5 Open Pit Barbecue 6 Fishery

6 Smokehouse 7 Holy Site / Source of Magical Power 16 Theater / Amphitheater

7 Marketplace 8 Mill 17 A River Runs Through It
8 Tavern 9 Mine 18 Build into a Hill- or Mountain-Side
11-12 - Estate 10 Trade Hub 19 Built into a Canyon or Ravine
13-14 - Thorpe
15-16 - Hamlet 11 Defense (Barracks, Strategic Location, Training) 20 Surrounded by Forest/Wilderness
2 - Heap Village
12 Production Industry (Shipyards, Ironworks)
3 - Row Village
4 - Round Village
5 - Pasture Village 1 Unwalled Castle (Tower House) 4 Towered Castle
61-62 - Market Town 2 Enclosed Castle 5 Poly-Warded Castle (Motte & Bailey)
63-64 - Small Town 3 Linked Castle (Philippian / Germanic) 6 Concentric Castle
65-66 - Large Town / City

Encounter Distance & Brackets (The Alexandrian & dicegoblin)

Terrain Close Near - “Are they what they appear?” Far - “What type of travelers/beasts?” Distant - “Can they see us?”
Side with longest-range weapons can attack Make out stance/mannerisms Make out colors/banners/weapons Make out shapes
~5-50 yds ~250 yds ~500 yds ~1000 yds
Desert/Sand Dunes 1 2 3-4 5-6

Forest (Old/Sparse) 1 2-3 4-5 6

Forest (New/Dense) 1-2 3-4 5 6

Grassland - 1-2 3-4 5-6

Hills 1 2 3-4 5-6

Mountains 1 2-3 4-5 6

Swamp & Tundra 1 2-3 4-5 6

Wilderness & Dungeon Design (Scarlet Heroes)

d12 Pattern Deserts/Arid Forest/Jungle Plains Hills/Mountains Seas/Lakes Swamp

1 Surprise Ambush Ambush Ambush Ambush Ambush Ambush

2 Lost/Navigation Mirage Misleading Trail Alternate Path(s) Rockslide Strong Current/Wind Twisting Paths
3 Mount/Pack Animal Sandslide Toxic Forage Venomous Snake Fall Rocks/Reefs/Shallows Sucked Into Bog
4 Terrain-Specific Sun blindness Impassable Brambles Grass Fire Tunnel Entrance No Current/Wind Hummock Moves
5 Travel Hindrance Footwear falls apart Lost Item Stalked Twisted Ankle Cracked Mast/Hull Swamp Fever
6 Boon Small Spring/Oasis Mystical Spring Pond Friendly Hunting Camp Old Outpost Good Omen Abundant Bogberries
Dungeon Design (Old School Encounters Reference)

Character Traits(Hadleyville)
d6 Size Dress Manner Physical Trait Quirk Speech
1 Short Clean-Cut Gregarious Missing Limb Touchy Stutters
2 Thin Filthy Icy Hairy Fingers Talisman (crucifix / ring / weapon) Florid
3 Average Fancy Pious Unusual Hair Tick / Fidgety Terse
4 Tall Practical Flirtatious/Obsequious Muscular Bad Sense (sight / hearing) Curses Excessively
5 Large Rich Aggressive/Critical Unusually Attractive Drinks / Smokes Profusely Laughs a Lot
6 Pick Two Uniform Reserved Unusually Ugly Gestures a Lot Meandering

Class & Jobs (Hadleyville)

d12 Worker Merchant Craftsman Professional Wealthy Ne’er Do Well
1 Farmer General Store Blacksmith Doctor Mine Owner Gambler
2 Bartender Bathhouse Wainwright Lawyer Cattle Baron Addict
3 Clerk Hotel / Boarding Brewer / Distiller Newspaper Editor Trust Fund Child Gunfighter
4 Cowboy Saloon Saddler Teacher Banker Actor
5 Soldier Tailor Sheriff Politician Musician
6 Laundress Hardware Barber Army Officer Nouveau Riche Dancer
7 Livery Cook Preacher Thug
8 Logger Foreman / Manager Butcher Telegraph Operator Gossip
9 Parent Food / Cafe Gunsmith Conductor Thief
10 Miner Freight Sawmill Assayer
11 Trapper Haberdasher Carpenter Surveyor Hermit
12 Unemployed Marshal

Goals & Secrets (Hadleyville)

d8 Long Term Short Term Secrets
1 Wealth Business Deal Loves another’s spouse (mutual / unrequited / unexpressed)
2 Safety (family / self) Pleasure / Addiction Fled a murder rap (innocent / guilty)
3 Civic Good Property Fraud at profession
4 Knowledge / Skill / Craft Specific Object Hidden vice
5 Piety / Charity Money Secret child in town
6 Status / Power Job / Work Ran with a bad group
7 Peace & Quiet Love / Lust / Desire Owes a lot of money / Broke
8 Passion Revenge / Hate Hallucinatory visions

Relationships (Hadleyville)
2d6 General Specific Faction
2 Hate Lover (current / former) Community Leader(s) (nobles / business owners)
3-4 Dislike Enemy (long-term / current / former) Religious / Pious
5 Suspicious Rivalry (business / love) Miners / Loggers (union)
6-8 Neutral Loaner / Debtor Ranchers
9 Like Comrade (current / former) (business / military / bandits / mines) The Law (sheriff / deputies / judges)
10-11 Admire Employer / Employee (current / former) Homesteaders
12 Love Family (happy / secret / estranged) Bandits

Town Events (Hadleyville)

d8 Regular Crimes Natural Other
1 Wedding (jealousy / drunken revelry) Drunken Brawl Resource Depletion Territorial Dispute (ranchers / farmers / both)
2 Funeral (murder / inheritance) Murder Sickness Heartless capitalist / noble tries to run something
3 Market Day (theft / rivalry / strangers) Theft Rainstorm A dark past catches up with someone
4 Holiday Kidnapping Windstorm Mine Collapse / Logging Accident
5 Arrival Bandit Raid Fire Election
6 Religious Service Skirmish Wild Animals Workers Strike
7 Payday at the Mine / Ranch / Camp Caravan Ambushed Lynch Mob
8 Arson New Business Opens
1-2) Recent past 3-4) Currently happening 5-6) Near future

A Stranger Comes to Town... (Hadleyville)


1 Gunslinger 11 Bandit (with / without) his gang

2 Pinkerton Detective 12 Family looking to settle

3 Itinerant Preacher 13 Destitute men looking for work

4 (Son / Father / Daughter / Lover) thought to be dead 14 Former Soldiers (hungry / crazed / in pursuit / pursued)
5 Family member with a (problem / past / secret) 15 Bounty hunter with a (recent / old) warrant for (townsperson / bandit / gunslinger)

6 Ex-Con (stranger / relative / old friend) 16 Traveling Salesman

7 Snake Oil Salesman 17 (Troublesome / Pitiful) (man / woman) comes to get (family / friend) out of jail

8 Rabble-Rouser 18 Politician (campaigning / canvassing)

9 Swindler (man / woman / couple / family) 19 Woman fleeing (fiance / husband)
10 Rich (worldly / naive) (man / couple / woman) from back East 20 Traveling troupe of actors

Assorted Tables... (Halberts)

Dungeon & Monster Tables (Down We Go)
Adventure Locations, Context, & Site, Adventurer Development, People, Animals, Acquisition (Adventure Hour!)

Medieval Calendar
January February March

Mend homes & fences/walls January (cont.) Plowing begins

Take care of tools & household Collect manure & marl (lime-rich mud) (~1/2 acre per day per plow team)
April May June

Spring planting Fallow fields plowed for next year (& June) Haymaking in pastures
Harrowing (pull weeds, break clods, cover seeds) Outdoor chores (digging ditches for drainage) Sheep sheared - local use/regional trade fairs
July August September

June (cont.) Harvesting (first for lord, then self) Grain threshing begins (late), fruit picked & stored/dried,
Weeding Continued into September trees pruned, fields plowed
October November December

Last plowing; empty fields sown w/ winter wheat Leisure time; house repairs made to prepare for storms
Nuts, roots, berries, & acorns from woods Animals slaughtered if not enough fodder
Recreation Sundays after church (ball games, archery, rough games of skill & chance).
Feast days (ale brewing was a significant source of nutrition & economic enterprise) - regulated by male ale testers, but controlled & brewed by women; completed batches would turn a
peasant's home into an impromptu tavern.
Yearly Calendar for Prince, Priest, and Peasant (Epistellar Raves)
- 12 DEC 1 JAN 2 FEB 3 MAR 4 APR 5 MAY 6 JUN 7 JUL 8 AUG 9 SEP 10 OCT 11 NOV
Month Of... High Cold Ice Hearths Flowers Plows Sun Heat Songs Harvest Rains Mists Dark
Temperature V. Cold Cold Cool C→W Warm Hot V. Hot Hot Warm C→W Cool Cold
Slaughter hogs, Lambing & Dairy, piglet births, Capture bees, Wash & shear Breed sheep,
Husbandry Breed sows - - - Harvest honey Pigs forage
salt & smoke meat calving horse breeding horses foal sheep pigs forage
Forage for berries Prune fruit trees Plough & harrow, Plant onions & Weed corn, Mow hay, harvest Plow & sow Thresh & winnow
Agriculture Spread manure - Harvest Harvest grapes
& mushrooms & hedgerows sow spring grain leeks plant vegetables flax & hemp winter grain grains
Weaving, Excess stock to
Chores Cut wood Mend fences - - Repair roofs - - - Make wine Cut firewood
handicrafts, market
Rural Grain
17 (8) 16 (8) 15 (8) 14 (8) 5 (0) 4 (0) 3 (0) 2 (0) 1 (0) 32-20 (8) 19 (8) 18 (8)
Urban Grain
9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 12 11 10
Winter Quarters/ Winter campaigns are very rare, as food supply is Foraging becomes viable; horses can
Military - - Large battles - Winter Quarters/ disbandment
disband. tenuous, conditions harsh, & attrition high. be fed; most campaigns take place
Feast of Christ’s
Holy Week &
Church Advent & Circumcision The
Candlemas Lent Easter Corpus Christi - - Michaelmas Day All Saints’ Eve All Saints’ Day
Festivals Christmas Octave of Transfiguration
Jewish Yom Kippur
Chanukkah - - Purim Chag HaMatzot Shavuot - - - Rosh HaShanah -
Festivals Sukkot
Yom HaBikkurim
Pagan Ostara Lammas /
Yule - Imbolc - - Litha - Mabon Samhain -
Festivals Beltane Lughnasadh
Secular Boy Bishop
Feast of Fools - Carnival Hocktide May Day - - Harvest Festival - - -
Celebrations Celebration
Grain Reserves are measured in months of supply for the local population.
Labeling: Food Supply (Seed Supply). Seed Supply is the portion of harvest that must be retained as seed for next year’s crop.

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