Carbon and Water Cycle Work Sheet

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Merryland International School

Department of Biology
Carbon cycle and water cycle

1. Complete the given carbon cycle with suitable words

2. Use the words in the box to fill in the gaps in the diagram. You may use each
word once or not at all.

carbon burning decay eaten

nitrogen oxygen pollution respiration

a) Name the process labeled F.............................................................

b) Name a group of organisms that are responsible for the process labeled G.


c) List two letters that identify respiration. .....................................................

d) State which letter identifies photosynthesis. .............................................

I. Why fungi are called decomposers?



II. Give one other type of decomposer.

III. When humans burn fossil fuels, most of the carbon quickly enters the

………………………………..…. as carbon dioxide.

IV. Combustion is another word for …………………………………………..

V. What activity does not produce carbon dioxide? …………………………………………

VI. How do living organisms return carbon to the atmosphere in the carbon cycle?


VII. In the carbon cycle, producers take in the gas ……………………………………………….

VIII. How does the carbon in grass become part of a lion?
IX. ………………………………………. is the permanent removal of trees
X. …………………………… is the term used to describe the rising of the average
temperature on Earth
XI. The gases which trap heat make up less than 1% of the atmosphere! They are called
the …………………………………………….
XII. What are called greenhouse gases?
XIII. The amount of methane in the atmosphere has increased by two and a half times
since the ……………………………………………………………
XIV. Why the increase of Greenhouse gases is a big issue?
XV. What are the main human activities that release greenhouse gases?
XVI. How Can We Stop Global Warming?
3. Complete the water cycle

1. Water from the oceans, rivers and lakes turns into gas. This is called


2. Gas forms into puffy clouds. This is called………………………………….

3. The wind blows. The clouds get heavy and cool. Water falls from the clouds. This is

called ………………………….

4. Oceans, rivers and lakes collect the water. This is called


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