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I Semester

Algorithm, Programming Basics & C

SUBJECT/ : Algorithm, Programming Basics & C

Maximum Marks : 70

Duration : 3 hours

Course Code :

Course Title : Algorithm, Programming Basics & C

Section A : 5 Questions of 8, each carrying 6 marks (6 x 5 = 30)

Section B : 4 Questions of 6, each carrying 10 marks (4 x 10 = 40)

Distribution of Marks

No. of Questions & Marks Distribution

Section A
Section B
Hours jective (Total Questions (Total Marks
Allotted in Questions Marks
Unit including
the including (No.of Total Marks
(No.of Choice in
Syllabus Choice in questions
questions Section B)
Section A) including
Choice in
Choice in
Section B)
Section A)

I 13 1 6 1 10 16

II 13 3 18 2 20 38
III 13 2 12 2 20 32

IV 13 2 12 1 10 22

Total 52 Hours 8 48 6 60 108

Algorithm, Programming Basics & C
Total Teaching Hours: 52 Hours/Week: 4

Max Marks: 100 Credits: 4

Course Description
Algorithms are the building blocks of programming. Algorithms offer a way to think about
programming challenges in plain English, before they are translated into a specific programming
language. Computer Programming is a step-by-step process of designing and developing
various sets of computer programs to accomplish a specific computing outcome. The process
comprises several tasks like analysis, coding, algorithm generation, checking accuracy and
resource consumption of algorithms, etc. The purpose of computer programming is to find a
sequence of instructions that solve a specific problem on a computer.

Course Objectives
1. Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithm.
2. What is logic and Develop programming skills using c language
3. Discuss the various factoring methods and array techniques
4. Demonstrate various merging, sorting and searching techniques.
Learning Outcome
1. Classify different algorithm design techniques.
2. Explain basic structure of the C programming.
3. Apply the process of finding factors and identify various operations on array.
4. Demonstrate to write algorithm and programs on merge, sort and search.

Unit I: Introduction 13 Hours

The Role of Algorithms in Computing, Algorithms as a technology, Analyzing algorithms,

Designing algorithms, Growth of Functions, Asymptotic notation, Standard notations and
common functions. Fundamental Algorithms: Exchanging the values of two variables,
Counting, Summation of a set of numbers, Factorial Computation, Generating of the
Fibonacci sequence, reversing the digits of an integer, Base Conversion, Character to number
Unit II: C Programming 13 Hours

Getting Started, Variables and Arithmetic expressions. Input and Output: Standard input and
output, formatted output- printf, variable length argument list, formatted input- scanf.
Control Flow: Statements and Blocks, If-else, else-if, switch, loops: while loop, for loop, do
while, break and continue, goto and labels. Pointers and Arrays: pointers and address,
pointers and function arguments, multidimensional array, initialization of pointer arrays,
command line arguments, memory allocation functions, Introduction to File Handling.
Unit III: Factoring Methods 13 Hours

Finding the square root of a number, the greatest common divisor of two integers, generating
prime numbers, computing the prime factors of an integer, generation of pseudo random
numbers, raising a number to a large power, computing the nth Fibonacci Number. Array
Techniques: Array order Reversal, Array counting or Histograms, Finding the maximum
number in a set, removal of duplicates from an ordered array, partitioning an array, Finding
the kth smallest element, multiplication of two matrices.
Unit IV: Merging 13 Hours

The two-way merge, Sorting: Sorting by selection, sorting by exchange , sorting by insertion,
sorting by diminishing increment, sorting by partitioning. Searching: binary search, hash
search. Text processing and Pattern searching: text line length adjustment, left and right
justification of text, keyword searching in text, text line editing, linear pattern search,
sublinear pattern search.

Text Books:
1. R.G.Dromey(2008), “How to Solve it by Computer”, 2nd Edition, Pearson Education India.
2. Thomas H. Cormen, Charles E. Leiserson, Ronald L. Rivest, Clifford Stein (2009),
“Introduction to Algorithms”, 3rd Edition, The MIT Press Cambridge, Massachusetts
London, England.
3. Brain M. Kernighan, and Dennis M. Ritchie(2011), “The C Programming Language”, 2nd
edition, Princeton Hall Software Series.
4. Hutchison, R., "Programming in C". McGraw Hill, New York, 1990.
5. Johnsonbaugh, R., and Kalin, M., "Applications Programming in C", Prentice Hall of India,
6. Rajaraman, V, "Computer Programming in C", Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1995.

Reference Books:
1. Steven S. Skiena(2008), “The Algorithm Design Module”, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag
London Limited.
2. Donald E. Knuth(1997), The Art of Computer Programming”, Volume 1: Fundamental
Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley Longman.
3. Donald E. Knuth(1998), The Art of Computer Programming”, Volume 2: Semi numerical
Algorithms, 3rd Edition, Addison Wesley Longman
Greg Perry and Dean Miller(2014), “C programming Absolute Beginner’s Guide”, 3rd edition,
Pearson Education, Inc.

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