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To introduce the story "Gogol's First Day" and its central themes.
To enhance students' reading comprehension skills.
To promote critical thinking and discussion skills.
To improve students' vocabulary and word usage.


Gulmohar Language for Life textbook

Whiteboard or blackboard
Markers or chalk
Worksheets (if applicable)
Handouts with selected passages (optional)


Warm-up Activity (10 minutes):

Begin the class by asking students about their first day of school experiences or any
memorable events.
Encourage students to share their stories and engage in a class discussion.
Relate their experiences to the upcoming story, "Gogol's First Day."
Introduction (5 minutes):

Introduce the story title, "Gogol's First Day," and ask students to predict what the story might
be about based on the title.
Discuss the significance of first days and how they can evoke a range of emotions.
Share the learning objectives for the lesson.
Reading Comprehension (25 minutes):

Assign the story "Gogol's First Day" from the textbook for students to read individually.
Provide students with a list of comprehension questions related to the story.
Instruct students to read the story carefully and answer the questions.
Afterward, facilitate a class discussion to review the answers and encourage critical thinking.
Vocabulary Enhancement (15 minutes):

Identify key vocabulary words from the story that students may find challenging or unfamiliar.
Discuss the meanings, synonyms, antonyms, and context of these words.
Encourage students to use the words in sentences to demonstrate their understanding.
Reflective Activity (5 minutes):

Ask students to reflect on the themes and messages conveyed in the story.
Discuss as a class how the story relates to their own experiences or the experiences of
Encourage students to share their thoughts and opinions.

Wrap-up (5 minutes):
Summarise the key points discussed during the lesson.
Assign any follow-up activities, such as writing a short paragraph about a memorable first
day or creating a visual representation of the story.

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