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Merryland International School

Department of Physics
Choose the correct answer and write the response in the response table given in pg.No.3

1. Why an electric wiring usually is covered with a layer of plastic?

a. to make it look good

b. to make it safe
c. plastic is a very good electrical conductor

2. Which of the following material is an electrical conductor?

a. silver b. silver-coloured plastic c. cork

3. Which of the following materials an electrical insulator?

a. aluminum b. gold c. rubber

4. A device that can be used to convert electrical energy to kinetic energy is……………….
a. switch b. bulb c. motor

5. Why is electrical wiring usually made from copper?

a. because copper is shiny
b. because copper is a good electrical conductor
c. because copper is not magnetic

6. Why is a bulb brighter when it is powered by two cells rather than one?
a. because the flow of electricity in the circuit is less.
b. because the flow of electricity in the circuit is the same.
c. because the flow of electricity in the circuit is greater.

7. Property of materials that reduces the flow of electricity through them is called as
a. electrical conductivity
b. electrical resistance
c. none of the above

8. The symbol represents a battery with ……………

a. 3 cells b.5 cells c. 6 cells

Merryland International School
Department of Physics

9. Electrons are revolving around the nucleus through distinct

pathways called………………………………..…

a. roads b. channels c. shells

10. The place where positive charged particles located inside an atom is ………………………
a. nucleus b. neutrons c. shells

11. Which types of electricity can be found in the home?

a. battery and mains b. gas and coal c. wet and dry

12. Battery converts energy to energy.

a. heat to chemical b. chemical to light c. chemical to electric

13. Which of the following device run on battery?

a. toaster b. kettle c. toy car

14. Which of the following is true about Voltage?

a. It is measured by using an ammeter
b. the unit of voltage is Volts
c. none of the above

15. What will be the voltmeter reading shown in a voltmeter?

a. 1.5V


c. 1.1V

16. What will be the ammeter reading shown in an ammeter?

a.1.4 mA
b.1.6 mA
c.2.2 mA

Merryland International School
Department of Physics
Response table:
Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer Question Answer
a b
1 b 6 c 11 16

b C
2 a 7 12

c c c
3 8 13

4 c 9 c 14

b a b
5 10 15


1. Sue has a cell (battery), some wire and a bulb.

She makes a simple circuit.

She records her results in this table.

Object B is the steel spoon.

Merryland International School
Department of Physics

Complete the sentences below to say what objects A and C are.

i) Object A is either the plastic ruler or cork

ii) Object C is either the iron nail or copper rod

iii) Define an electrical conductor.

It is a material or object that lets electricity to pass through.

2. Lora built a circuit as shown below.

How could Lora get both bulbs to light at the same time in this circuit?
Close the switches S4 and S5

3. Max built circuit -2 as shown below.

Circuit 2

Merryland International School
Department of Physics
 He closed all the switches in the circuit. How many lights will lit up in the
circuit? Explain your answer?
2 lights, P and R will light up because electricity can pass through the object attached to their part of the
circuit. Where as Q is connected to a plastic which is an insulator (not an electrical conductor)

4. Four different materials are tested in a circuit .The results are recorded in the table.

Material Bulb lit Bulb not lit

Sewing thread 

Metal spoon 

Piece of card 

Piece of wire 

a) Which test materials are electrical conductors?

Metal spoon and piece of wire

b) Which test materials are electrical insulators?

Sewing thread and piece of card

5. Give two ways to increase the brightness of the bulb in a circuit.

Add more cells
Use thicker wires
Use shorter wires

Merryland International School
Department of Physics
6.Differentiate between series and parallel circuits. (Write any three points for each)
Series circuit Parallel circuit
Current flows in one path Current flows in two or more paths

Needs less wires Needs more wires

Brightness of each bulb is different and less Brightness of each bulb is same and brighter

When one bulb is removed the rest will turn off When one bulb is removed the other will still
be working

6.Draw circuit symbols for the following components.

1 Cell

2 Battery

3 Bulb

4 Buzzer

5 Motor

Merryland International School
Department of Physics
7. Draw series and parallel circuits using the components given below in the space
provided. Use only circuit symbols.

(4 cells, two bulbs, a closed switch, a buzzer and wires)

Series circuit:

Parallel circuit:

8. Give an example of a conductor which is a non-metal.

graphite _

Merryland International School
Department of Physics

9. Students of grade 6 carried out a scientific enquiry to find out the factors affecting the
brightness of the bulb in a circuit.

You are provided with: one cell, wires, a bulb and wires having different thickness

a. List out the factors affecting brightness of a bulb in a circuit.

The number of cells _

The number of components
The thickness of the wire _
Does the thickness of the wire affect the brightness of the bulb

I will get the components of a simple series circuit
I will make the circuit
I will change the the thickness of the wire each time and record the results
I will repeat the test multiple times to get accurate results

What will you observe: The brightness of the bulb

Merryland International School
Department of Physics

10.(a) Two pupils were interested in saving energy in school, and decided to investigate
whether all energy saving light bulbs were equally efficient. They obtained 5 different
light bulbs, all rated as 9 watts, and they setup their apparatus as shown in the
diagram below.

Each bulb was allowed to warm up for the same length of time and the light sensor was always kept the same
distance from the bulb. They repeated each reading three times and checked each other’s readings on the data logger.

They obtained the following results:

Brand Reading 1 Reading 2 Reading 3 Mean reading

of bulb (R1) (R2) (R3) =(R1+R2+R3 ÷ 3)
Lumo 16 18 18 17.33

Glo - bright 16 16 16 16

Eco – Save 18 19 17 18

Brite - Lite 21 19 20 20

Supa - glow 18 18 19 18.3

Merryland International School
Department of Physics

Calculate the mean value for each bulb

i. Plot these results as a bar
chart on a grid like the one
shown here.

ii. Name the Independent Variable

in their Investigation.

Brand of bulb

iii. Name the dependent

Variable in their investigation.

Brightness of the bulb

iv. Name three fixed (controlled) variables
that helped to make this investigation
a fair test.
Same amount of time
Same distance from the light sensor
Each bulb having 9 watts

v. Explain how the pupils made sure their results were reliable

They repeated their test multiple times

vi. Give one conclusion that the pupils could have drawn from their investigation

Brite – light was the brightest light out of all the others.


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