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Please complete the following assessments. Please email me the responses to the
questions posed below.

Go to ; click “begin a

study”; register and participate in the study process that the site offers to you –
please take at least three implicit association tests.
Please complete the Kraybill
style-matters-online-for-groups-via-coupon-code-11-32-detail (there is a fee for this

Now answer the following questions:

(1) How do these assessments relate to (1) your role as a school counselor and (2)
(2) Were you surprised by the outcome of the assessments? Discuss.
(3) How does your conflict style affect the way you respond to conflict? Discuss


Implicit and Kraybill Assessments

Student’s Name

Institutional Affiliation

Course Number: Course Name

Professor’s Name


Implicit and Kraybill Assessments

Question 1

I completed four Implicit Association Tests (IATs): Sexuality, Disability, Asian, and

Religion. These tests are necessary to understand any biases one may have against certain

groups. I was skeptical about some of the results. For instance, my score for little to no automatic

preference between straight and gay people was 18% for the Sexuality IAT. I thought the score

would be higher. Nonetheless, the results showed that I might have biases I never knew existed.

Instead of denying them, I should try to overcome them because my profession requires equal

treatment for all students. I believe that school counselors and teachers can use the IATs for

similar personal and professional development and to identify the weaknesses that may affect

their ability to advocate for equality.

The Kraybill Assessment can help teachers and school counselors identify the strengths

and weaknesses of their conflict resolution strategies. For instance, Calm and Storm scores can

help them gauge their emotional responses in a variety of situations. As a result, the results can

help them adjust their approaches to the conflict to improve their mediation skills.

Question 2

I was surprised by the outcomes of certain assessments. For example, the Disability IAT

results stated that I have a slight high preference for abled individuals than for disabled people.

As mentioned earlier, the Sexuality IAT results also stated that my preference for straight people

was slightly higher than for gay people. I did not know whether to judge myself or the evaluation

criteria. However, I was not skeptical about the Religion and Asian IAT because I agreed with

the results. Religion AIT revealed that I have no preference for people of any religion over the

other. However, the Asian IAT revealed that I am more likely to see an Asian as a foreigner and

a European as an American. I agree that, to some degree, I have this bias, but I aim to overcome


Question 3

My conflict resolution style is Cooperating. I prefer working with conflicting parties and

talking through things to resolve a problem and restore trust. I prefer honesty without rudeness,

good listening, and proactively communicating each party’s needs during the conflict resolution

process. I believe that this is the best approach to ensure that both emotions and relationships are

equally valued throughout the conflict resolution process.

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