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702 OLEOCHEMICALS inform • November 2004 • Volume 15 (11)

ecular interactions, and molecular weight.

Most of the vegetable oils that are readily
available and inexpensive are not suitable
for lubrication because of their high saturate
or polyunsaturate fatty acid content. Saturated
fatty acids have too high a level of crystalline
symmetry, which facilitates interlocking of
the sharp needle-like triacyglycerol crystals
as temperature decreases.
Monounsaturated fatty acid oils pres-
ent optimum oxidative stability and lower
temperature properties. Vegetable oils with
high stability and low pour points—the tem-
perature below which a liquid stops flow-
ing—can be produced by converting all

Vegetable oil usage the fatty acids into monounsaturated fatty

acids. Therefore, base fluids for lubricants
must have a balance of fatty acids, prefer-

in lubricants
ably a high level of monounsaturated, min-
imal polyunsaturates, and ideally, no
saturarates at all for use in cold climates.
Table 1 gives an example of the afore-
Ilija Gawrilow mentioned properties of vegetable oils as
compared to mineral oils. Unlike most min-
eral oils, vegetable oils display very high
viscosity indices (VI). This is a relative
measurement in change of base fluid vis-
cosity between 40°C and 100°C and indi-

O f the 5–10 million tons of petroleum

based oleochemicals entering the
biosphere every year, about 40% comes from
grease were used from the time of AD 50
until the early 19th century. These natural
oils had limited stability.
The Industrial Revolution of the late
cates the change in viscosity over an extended
temperature range. Vegetable oils afford
higher flash points as compared to mineral
oils. In terms of pour point, vegetable
spills, industrial and municipal waste, urban 18th century and its expansion into the 19th
runoff, refinery processes, and condensation oils are comparable to mineral oils except
century stimulated the need for inexpensive,
from marine engine exhaust. As environ- that mineral oils are more responsive to
thermally and oxidative stable lubricants.
mental concerns grow, vegetable oils are pour point depressant additives as these
Serious efforts were initiated in the 1930s to
finding their way into lubricants for indus- were developed for the paraffin waxes found
develop synthetic lubricants for operation
trial and transportation applications. in mineral oils, not the waxes found in most
over wide temperature ranges. Today, veg-
These oils offer significant environ- vegetable oils.
etable oils are drawing attention as biodegrad-
mental benefits with respect to resource There is no need to worry about the
able alternatives for synthetic esters as they
renewability and biodegradability, as well shortcomings of vegetable oils for lubri-
are less expensive and are available from
as providing satisfactory performance in a cation. Mineral oil fluids also cannot meet
renewable sources.
wide array of applications. Synthetic ester- most lubrication performance needs with-
based fluids may also offer these advantages, out additives. Available additives that
but their cost can be prohibitively high. Modern uses enhance base fluids are antioxidants, deter-
The raw stocks exist for producing veg- Vegetable oils are frequently used in appli- gents, dispersants, viscosity modifiers,
etable oil lubricants. Currently, over 125 mil- cations where leakage of equipment is pour point depressants, antiwear agents,
lion metric tons (MMT) of vegetable oils are inevitable, or where a system is designed to rust and corrosion inhibitors, demulsifiers,
produced worldwide. Formulating with veg- function by loss lubrications. They are: foam inhibitors, thickeners, friction mod-
etable oils—especially the highly satu- ■ Two stroke engine oils ifiers, and other additives such as dyes and
rated oils—does, however, present unique ■ Chain saw oils biocides.
challenges. These are: low temperature vis- ■ Hydraulic oils
cosities, oxidative instability, and hydrolytic ■ Mold release oils Desired vegetable oil
instability problems associated with the ■ Farming, mining, and forestry equipment
triglyceride. ■ Open gear lubricants
■ Greases The world market for environmentally friendly
Natural lubricants history ■ Fuels lubricants is poised to grow in the next year.
The greatest demand will be in Europe and
Olive oil was used as a lubricant as long ago Canada, countries with the utmost envi-
as 1650 BC. Various oils obtained from olive, Lubrication issues ronmental awareness and regulation. The
rapeseed, castor beans, palm oil, and the fats Fluidity of oil is mainly determined by the lubricant industry could take advantage of
from sperm whale, animal lard, and wool efficiency of molecular packing, intermol- oilseed biotechnology to produce high-per-
inform • November 2004 • Volume 15 (11) OLEOCHEMICALS 703

area is to demonstrate higher performance

Table 1 and value as compared to other commod-
Properties of vegetable oils compared to mineral oil ity oils.
Oil Viscosity Viscosity Viscosity Pour Flash For this application, benefits are: good
40°C cSt 100°C cSt Index Point °C Point °C biodegrability and low toxicity, anti-wear
properties, protection against rust and cop-
Coconut oil 27.7 6.1 175
per corrosion, good filterability, pour point
350 Neutral 65.6 8.4 97 -18 252 approximately -20° F, compatible with con-
mineral oil ventional hydraulic seals, miscible with
Low erucic 36.2 8.2 211 -18 346 mineral oils and synthetic esters. However,
rapeseed oil poor thermal and oxidative stabilities are
of concern. To be successful, a producer
High oleic 39.9 8.6 206 -12 252
would need to partner with a major oil com-
sunflower oil
pany who manufactures and distributes
Conventional 28.9 7.6 246 -9 325 hydraulic fluid.
soybean oil Potential market size: 350,000 MT with
Palm oil 39.7 8.2 188 N/A N/A realistic short-term market of 10,000 MT

Gear oil lubricants

The driving force for vegetable oil use in
formance base oils that are compatible with oil systems will never meet the technical this application is because it is considered
the current stable of additives used in the and performance demands. The most prom- a “loss” lubricant and thus a threat in envi-
lubrication industry. ising area in engine oils is the two-cycle ronmentally sensitive areas. The market
Selection of vegetable oils for this indus- and four-cycle engine oils. The non-engine trend is toward segmentation to higher and
try will rely upon the oils having relatively lubricants have lesser technical and per- lower quality products. The largest poten-
low cost, acceptable low-temperature prop- formance demands in lubrication prop- tial areas for use are: marine (especially
erties, and acceptable oxidative and thermal erties and therefore represent the best outboard engines), mining, agricultural,
stability. Compatibility of certain additives potential opportunities for vegetable oil and food machinery.
for particular applications will be essential based fluids. Potential market size: 50,000 MT
to complete the product package. Vegetable The key factors for vegetable oil based (open gear), 40,000 MT (closed gear)
oils with IV of 50–130 are ideal for hydraulic lubricant marketing success, in order of
fluids. Below 50, fluids have high pour points priority, are: technical quality, perform-
due to lack of unsaturation, and above 130, ance, price, safety in use. Metalworking fluids
oils tend to be oxidatively unstable. Fatty The most promising market areas will High stability liquid vegetable oils appear
acids contained in some vegetable oils, for now be reviewed in terms of market size and to be well suited for applications where neat
example palm oil, tend to cling to metal sur- specific issues facing each application area. oils and varnish is problematic, such as alu-
faces more effectively than mineral oils and minum casting and rolling. The high sta-
therefore provide improved lubricity.
Two-cycle engine oils
Two-cycle engines, by design, emit part of
Application testing their fuel and lubricant unburned. Outboard Lubricants can be classified into
Typically, a formulation is subjected to a motors are particularly problematic due to two general categories as engine
number of screen tests to evaluate its effi- direct discharge into the water. Use of veg- and non-engine.
cacy in a particular application. Once a etable oil based lubricants is already man- Engine Lubricants Non-engine
formulation passes most or all of the screen dated in Europe, and the requirement is taking
tests, it is tested in the actual end-use equip- hold in other regions of the world as well. Gasoline engine oils Transmission
ment. At the conclusion of the test, drains Cost issues will always remain and market fluid
and parts are rated for sludge formation, acid growth will accelerate when governmental Diesel engine oils Power steering
build-up, deterioration in the formulation, legislation is enacted. The vegetable base oil fluids
wear, scuffing, weight loss, and so on. Each needs to have good low temperature prop- Automotive diesel oils Shock absorber
application has its own set of specific tests erties, good oxidative stability, and good mis- fluids
and adheres to them very closely. cibility with gasoline.
Potential market size: 50–70,000 MT Stationary diesel oils Gear oils
Railroad diesel oils Hydraulic fluids
Potential markets
It was previously mentioned that lubri- Hydraulic fluids Marine diesel oils Tractor fluids
cants can be divided into two major cat- Antiwear hydraulic fluids represent the Natural gas engine oils Industrial fluids
egories: engine lubricants and non-engine largest potential market growth for veg- Aviation engine oils Metalworking
lubricants. The engine lubricant systems etable oils. Immediate markets are Canada fluids
are probably the most challenging and and Europe, with the U.S. market to trail
Two-stroke engine oils Greases
demanding for performance traits, and in development and usage of these types of
many of the engine applications, vegetable systems. The key aspect for growth in this
704 OLEOCHEMICALS inform • November 2004 • Volume 15 (11)

bility of these type of oils, coupled with low other lubrication areas, both environmen- highly suitable for this application, as they
toxicity, makes them attractive for use in tal concerns and health issues will encour- have good adhesion to metal surfaces, can
areas where worker exposure to mineral oil age and accelerate the conversion to vegetable be easily applied as palm oil has a melting
mists through breathing or skin contact is oil based lubricating systems. point of 33° C–36° C, and resistance to
a problem. The U.S. metalworking plants Potential market size: 45,000 MT oxidation.
are under pressure from the government on Potential market size: Over $700 mil-
their waste-water discharge and from worker’s lion a year just in the United States
unions regarding worker exposure
Grease base fluids
Potential market size: 540,000 MT This is a specification driven market where
manufacturers want more packages, fewer Chain bar lubricants
components, and product differentiation. This market segment requires very little
Textile lubricants Environmental forces are not a factor, but technology and basically can use any oil
Certain vegetable oils are used in textile and could be a significant selling point if per- with an added tackifier for the oil to stay
fiber manufacture to lubricate fibers and make formance levels are maintained with veg- on the bar of the chain saw. It is an estab-
them tolerate processes such as spinning and etable oil products. Highest needs for, or lished market and based on cost. There is
weaving. Vegetable oils are superior to min- best fit for products, are in mining, agri- minimal cost to be in this market but to
eral oils in that they do not mist like mineral culture, and railroad. The vegetable oil with be successful a company must be able to
oils, are biodegradable, and have perform- the best price and performance will cap- differentiate their product or oil from the
ance properties equal to mineral oils. Palm ture this market. rest of the field.
oleins are well suited for these applications. Potential market size: 1 million MT This is an area that will probably have
High-temperature stability and lubric- future legislation requiring its use. There
ity are key performance characteristics for are no industry specifications and each com-
textile lubricants. Esters of oleic, erucic,
Food machinery lubricants pany sets its own standards. Areas of impor-
and coconut fatty acids are used in various Food processing is a $500 billion industry tance for these oils are viscosity at 40° and
aspects of fiber processing. Textile lubri- in the United States alone; $2.8 billion of 100° C, VI, pour point, flash point, and
cant formulators predict that knitting lubri- this amount is food production machinery. tackiness.
cants, which are currently mineral oil based, All of the equipment—conveyors, mixers, Potential market size: 45,000 MT
may convert to vegetable oil. Similar to canners, cappers—have a steady appetite
for lubricants. Palm oil and palm olein are

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inform • November 2004 • Volume 15 (11) OLEOCHEMICALS 705

Metalworking ing on the surface after burn off provides

a brighter and shinier surface.
■ Technical performance equals or exceeds
conventional products
Steel and aluminum foundries use lubricants ■ More product information from suppliers
that are designed to tolerate high tempera- ■ Recommendation from occupational
tures, withstand severe vibration and shock, Forecast and environmental medical specialists
and undergo consistently high loads. Rolling Although the overall global picture for lubri- This certainly includes novel vegetable
mills, furnaces, and foundries are hostile cants is glum due to mature markets, low oil lubricants, including palm oil based sys-
environments and need to be treated with volume growth, and declining demand in tems. Although very little work has been
respect. Lubricants used must also meet the certain regions, there is an overall oppor- done with palm oil, including the olein frac-
highest safety standards, as well as being tunity in terms of qualitative growth; that tions, genetically engineered palm with
non-toxic and environmentally friendly. is, innovation in products, services, and reduced saturates and increased monoun-
There is a market for hot and cold rolling systems. saturates certainly can have a future role.
oils, particularly for the aluminum industry Criteria that would encourage
for hot rolling, and cutting oils. Good sta- increased use of vegetable oil based lubri- Ilija Gawrilow is business development
bility and excellent pressure performance cants are: manager for Spectrum Ingredients. He may
are required of lubricants in this industry. ■ Prices equal to or lower than conven- be contacted by phone:+1-440-777-9995;
For the steel industry, an advantage of tional products fax: +1-440-777-4876; or e-mail: igawrilow@
vegetable oils is that residue from oil remain- ■ New legislation ■

Statue of Liberty goes green with

soy-based elevator fluid
Jan Suszkiw

Visitors to the Statue of Liberty in New York Harbor tested it extensively to see that it had the neces-
may not know it, but the monument’s elevator now runs sary properties.
on a new, biodegradable hydraulic fluid made from soy Though other vegetable oils will work, soy
oil. oil was chosen because of its low cost, chemical
Until recently, Lady Liberty’s elevator used min- versatility, and availability as a renewable, home-
eral oil formulations derived from petroleum-based grown resource, says Erhan. Second only to corn
stocks. But the National Park Service (NPS), which as the most widely grown crop in the United States,
manages both Liberty and Ellis Island, has decided to soy is the nation’s leading source of food-grade oil.
“go green,” using products made from renewable sources Yet only 517 million pounds—3% of the total sup-
that are less polluting. In February 2002, NPS building ply—are used for industrial purposes, according to the
and utilities foreman Jeff Marrazzo contacted U.S. latest figures from Soy Stats.
Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service Agri-Lube, Inc., a Defiance, Ohio, firm col-
(ARS) chemist Sevim Erhan about the feasibility of laborating with Erhan’s lab, scaled up production of
developing a biobased fluid for use in the statue’s ele- the final biobased formula for testing—first by Otis
vator. Elevator using a 50-gallon sample, and then by Mazzarro
Erhan, at ARS’s National Center for Agricultural at Liberty Island using 1,000 gallons.
Utilization Research (NCAUR), Peoria, Illinois, recalls In both tests, the biofluid worked as well as or
Marrazzo’s specifications for such a product: It had better than the mineral-oil-based formulations, especially
to readily break down in the environment in case of a in terms of lubricity and biodegradability. “We noticed
leak; it had to come from a renewable resource; the the bioformula also had a higher flashpoint than the min-
process for making the biofluid had to be economical eral-oil-based fluids,” says Agri-Lube owner Jack Stover,
and nonpolluting; and it had to meet all industry stan- who is negotiating licensing rights to commercialize
dards for safety and performance, such as for viscos- ARS patents on the hydraulic fluid and two vegetable-
ity, stability, and flame resistance. oil-based printing inks.
It so happened that Erhan’s group at NCAUR’s Erhan hopes innovations like these will spawn
Food and Industrial Oil Research Unit already had the new market outlets for soy and other oilseed crops while
expertise and equipment in place for attempting such easing the reliance on petroleum and its burden on
a technological feat. Her first order of business was to the environment.
examine the chemical structure that gives mineral-oil- Perhaps it’s fitting that the Statue of Liberty, her
based hydraulic fluids their functional properties, torch beaconing, is the welcoming point for ushering
such as transferring energy in moving parts. Along with in such new technologies.
Atanu Adhvaryu, a Pennsylvania State University post-
doctorate scientist working at NCAUR, Erhan then for- Reprinted with permission of Agricultural Research
mulated a new elevator hydraulic fluid using soy oil and magazine. ■

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