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Verb to be - Past Simple I was, you were, he was... Eee Negativa ‘She was not at home. She was acompanhacos por locugbesadverbials ov advérbios Formas abreviadas detempo, como ago, yesterday, lastnight. : No passed sf 2 Sally was here two minutes ago. We formas negativas podem You were Ser abreviadas. was not = wasn't ‘They were not = weren't L_ Underline the correct alternatives. Example: They (was / were) happy to be on vacation. 1. Julia and | (was / were) friends at high school. 2. Your exercise book (was / were) here a moment ago. 3. (Was / Were) it very cold last night in the South? 4, My brother and sister (wasn't / weren't) born in Brazil. 5. (Was / Were) the children hungry after school? 1 Complete the sentences with the verb to be in the past simple tense. Example: He 0s in the office when | phoned him. +1. They late for school and their teacher______angry at them. 2. Marcela__very happy. Her birthday party_______a success, 3. Danieta's dog is so naughty. It ____in the kitchen yesterday. 4. After school, the children ____very tired. 5, |_____fifteen and my brother twelve when we moved here, ___ 6. The football game _________ great on the weekend. My team won, | 7, She ___very upset yesterday, 8, Carlos ___at home last night. 9, The students at our school _______on vacation last week. 10. We sad to hear you hadn't won, Ce neease Scanned with CamScanner no ‘Are these sentences true or false? Correct the false statements. Follow the example, Example: Porto Alegre was the capital of Brazil in the past. (Rio de Janeiro) Na.Porto Alegre west the copitl of Braz in the past io de Janeiro wos. 1. Brazil was a Spanish colony in the past. (Portuguese colony) 2. Pero Vaz de Caminha was the man who discovered Brazil, (Pedro Alvares Cabral) IV. Match the answers with the correct questions. ) I was in the city center. ) Iwas in bed, but | wasn’t asleep. 1, Where were you yesterday at 2 o'clock? ( 2. Were you alone? ( 3. What was the weather like yesterday? (It was really hot. (No, Iwas with a friend. (No, | was fine, but my brother was ill. 4. Were you ill last week? 5. Were you in bed asleep at midnight? V. Complete the questions for these answers. Example: Were you interested in the lesson? No, | wasn't. late for class? No, he wasn't. He was earl. No, they weren't. They were at school. 2, __ at home yesterday? 3, _____in the library yesterday? No, she wasn't. She was at work. VI. Fred and Camila are on vacation in the Northeast of Brazil. Complete their e-mail by underlining the correct alternative (the present or past tense of the verb to be). Hi, guys! ‘We (are / were) in Itacaré today. But yesterday, we (are / were) in Salvador. salvador (was /is) a great place, but it (was / is) really hot there, We walked all around Pelourinho. At night, I (was / is) tired. I had so much exercise. So today we (is/are) relaxing. Our guesthouse (was / i) really comfortable, and the breakfast (is / isn't) great. Take care. See you back at school. Fred and Camila Scanned with CamScanner

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