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Report to introduce UHT milk to the

Chinese market for children aged 3-13 years for 2022-2023


BA (Hons) International Business Management



UWL ID – 21577106

In performing the international business assignment, it is a success I had to take help and
guidance from some respected people. First, I’m grateful to my lord. Who gives me sound
mind and sound health to accomplish my assignment. And my special thanks to the Lecturer
of ANC College for giving a great support to make this international business assignment

Further thanks to my colleagues who have been sharing knowledge and helping each other to
clear any doubts.

Table of Contents

Table of figures..........................................................................................................................5

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY........................................................................................................6

1 | INTRODUCTION.................................................................................................................7

2 | BUSINESS DRIVERS..........................................................................................................9

PESTAL ANALYSIS............................................................................................................9

Political Factors................................................................................................................10

Economic Factors.............................................................................................................11

Social Factors...................................................................................................................12

Technology Factors..........................................................................................................12

Legal Factors....................................................................................................................13

PORTERS FIVE FORCES..................................................................................................15

Threats of new entrants:...................................................................................................15

Bargaining power of Suppliers:.......................................................................................15

Bargaining power of buyers:............................................................................................16

Substitutes Threats:..........................................................................................................16

Rivalry among existing competitors:...............................................................................16

TRADE THEORIES............................................................................................................17

3 | TRADE BARRIERS...........................................................................................................18



Ethical Issues:.......................................................................................................................18

4 | ETHICAL AND SOCIAL ISSUES TO CONSIDER BY UK SME...................................20

Corporate Social Responsibility:..........................................................................................20

Improved public image:...................................................................................................20

Increased brand awareness and recognition:....................................................................20

Cost savings:....................................................................................................................20

A benefit over competitors:..............................................................................................20

Increased consumer engagement:....................................................................................21

Greater employee involvement:.......................................................................................21

5 | CULTURAL PREFERENCES...........................................................................................22

National culture as a point of reference:..........................................................................22

The People Factor:...........................................................................................................22

Building cultural awareness:............................................................................................23


Giving Gifts:.....................................................................................................................23

6 | EXPANSION METHODS..................................................................................................24

Export Based Methods:........................................................................................................24

Indirect export:.................................................................................................................24

Direct export:...................................................................................................................24

Internationalizations methods based on non-equity:............................................................24



Other internationalization modes:....................................................................................25

Internationalization equity-based methodologies:...............................................................25

Acquiring and becoming an independent company:........................................................25

Joint Ventures:.................................................................................................................25

Merger with an organization:...........................................................................................25

Strategic evaluation framework:..........................................................................................26



Table of figures
Figure 1 Pestle Analyis..............................................................................................................9
Figure 2 Porters five forces (Simon Collinson, 2017).............................................................15
Figure 3 Strategic Evaluation Framework of SME..................................................................26

Due to globalization, the business environment has become more open. Companies can now
expand their operations into new markets by offering their services and products. This
provides them with an opportunity to increase their profits and improve their resource
utilization. China is a leading economic power.

The rapid growth of China's population and the country's favorable economic environment
attract foreign companies to establish operations in the country. The country's total
population is 1.37 billion, and 17.15% of it is children under the age of 14. Due to the lack of
domestic capacity to meet the demand for UHT milk, China has decided to loosen its trade
barriers against imports.

Due to the existence of numerous companies that compete against each other, Chinese
consumers have a high bargaining power. However, China does not adhere to free trade rules
and has various barriers that foreign firms face. Also, due to the country's culture, the UK
Trewithen Dairy is required to use the Chinese language to communicate with Chinese

Trewithen Dairy in the UK must choose the appropriate strategy to expand their operations in

Trewithen Dairy A London based company is planning to launch its own UHT milk
product in China. To ensure that the company's business is successful, a comprehensive
analysis of the Chinese market is conducted. As the consultant I will develop a marketing
strategy that will help the company establish a strong and lasting presence in the country.

Due to the lack of sufficient domestic market competition and the high level of international
competition, many businesses owners are encouraged to explore foreign markets for their
business operations. This can result in them being able to return a good profit.

China has a population of 1.37 billion and is home to over 17 million children under the age
of 14. With that in mind, UKSME has a great opportunity to expand its operations in the
country by providing UHT milk. In 2015, China's consumption of UHT milk reached
470,000 tons. In 2021, the demand for this product is expected to reach 590,000 tons.

There are over 412 million children living in China, and 74% of them are under the age of 11.
UK SME utilizes advanced machines in its UHT milk production facility to ensure that the
product meets the country's quality standards.

One of the most important factors that any company should consider when it comes to
international expansion is the ability to cross-border trade. This allows them to provide their
products and services in different countries. The Trewithen Dairy business was established by
the Clarke family.

Dairy Products Company was established in 1976 and started selling them in 1994. It is
engaged in the production of various dairy products. In 2001, it started selling milk bottles
and cream to its customers. The company is planning on launching its new product in China,
which is known for its high temperature processing.

This report provides an overview of the various factors that are expected to affect Trewithen's
business in China. It also helps the company identify the potential threats that it should be
aware of.

Ultra-high temperature processing, also known as UHT, is a process that involves heating
milk at a high temperature of 135 degrees Celsius. Before entering the market, the company
must first learn about the various trade restrictions in China.

The report also discusses the various factors that are expected to affect the company's
business in China. These include the country's urbanization and increasing middle class
families, which are driving the need for high-quality dairy products.

One of the most important factors that can help the dairy industry in China is the removal of
the one-child policy. This will allow the country's producers to compete in the global market.
Another important factor that will benefit the industry is the abolishment of the milk quota
system of the European Union.

Pestle Analysis of UHT Milk in London

A common dairy product in China is UHT (Ultra-High Temperature) milk, which has
undergone a sterilization process to extend its shelf life compared to conventional pasteurized
milk. UHT milk is made by quickly heating milk to high temperatures to eradicate any
bacteria or other microbes that might lead to deterioration. This procedure helps to maintain
the milk's taste and nutritional value while also extending the shelf life of the milk. UHT milk
has become a mainstay in many Chinese families and is readily accessible in grocery shops,
supermarkets, and online platforms as a result of China's population growth and rising
demand for dairy products. (Fern Fort University, na)


Economical Environmental


Legal Social


Figure 1 Pestle Analyis

Political Factors
There are various political issues in China that could affect the country's milk production and

Governmental rules- China's government has the power to control the production and
distribution of ultra-high-heat (UHT) milk to ensure the safety of food. It also sets standards
for the packaging, promotion, and labeling of the product.

Agricultural regulations- The country's agricultural policy has a huge impact on the dairy
sector, especially the UHT milk production and distribution. The government provides
financial incentives and assistance to encourage farmers to improve their dairy products.

Trade pacts: As a party to various international trade agreements, China can influence the
trade of dairy products and UHT milk. These include the World Trade Organization.

Economic policies: The economic policies of China affect the dairy industry, specifically the
production, distribution, and consumption of UHT milk. These include tax, monetary, and
subsidy policies.

The Chinese government places a high priority on public safety and health, which could
affect the consumption and production of UHT milk. In response to concerns about the safety
of food, the government may impose stricter regulations on the distribution and manufacture
of UHT milk.

These are some of the political factors that can affect the consumption and production of
UHT milk in China. Their effect on the demand for the product should be considered when
analyzing the country's dairy market.

10 | P a g e
Economic Factors
The UHT milk sector in China is affected by various economic factors. These include
government policies, the structure of the market, and the demand and supply factors:

 Supply Elements

The UHT milk sector's profitability is significantly affected by the manufacturing expenses.
Various factors, such as energy prices, production technologies, and labor expenses, can
affect the cost structure.

High-quality fresh milk is required for the production of UHT milk. The price and quality of
the raw materials used in the production process can influence the cost of production.

 Demand Elements

Changing demographics in China, such as the growth of the middle class and the aging
population, are impacting the demand for UHT dairy products.

The preferences and consumer tastes of people are the most important factors that influence
the demand for UHT milk. In China, the rise of healthy food items has led to an increase in
the demand for this product.

 Market Organization:

The UHT milk market is characterized by fierce competition, with both foreign and local
competitors striving for a share of the pie. This battle may impact the price and availability of
this dairy product.

 Governmental Measures:

Various agricultural policies and government restrictions can affect the UHT milk production
and distribution. For instance, China's government has been promoting the dairy industry,
which could result in favorable conditions for the growth of this sector.

 Strict food safety rules:

In China, various economic factors affect the UHT milk market. Companies can successfully
navigate through the market by being aware of these elements.

11 | P a g e
These include the various economic factors affecting the UHT milk sector in China. Being
aware of these elements can help companies navigate the market and succeed in the long run.

Social Factors
UHT (Ultra-High Temperature) milk consumption in China has been impacted by a number
of socioeconomic variables. Among these elements are:

 Convenience:

More individuals in China are searching for quick and easy dining alternatives as a result of
rising urbanization and hectic lives. Because UHT milk has a long shelf life and doesn't need
to be refrigerated, it is a popular option because it is convenient to transport and store.

 Health Consciousness:

Chinese consumers are seeking out better food alternatives as they grow more health
conscious. Due to its high-temperature pasteurization, which eliminates microorganisms and
increases shelf life, UHT milk is seen as a healthy alternative.

 Changing Taste Preferences:

As Chinese citizens travel and encounter many cultures; their tastes are evolving. UHT milk,
which is well-liked in Western nations, is gaining acceptance in China, increasing demand for
the good.

 Marketing and advertising:

Chinese companies that make UHT milk have made significant investments to sell and
advertise their goods. This has aided in raising customer interest in and demand for the

Overall, these societal variables have helped UHT milk become more and more popular in
China. It is significant to emphasize that UHT milk quality and safety issues exist in China as
well, and these issues have affected consumer preferences for this type of milk.

Technology Factors
The milk is sterilized by being heated to a high temperature for a brief period of time and is
then created using a process known as UHT (Ultra-High Temperature) milk, a popular dairy

12 | P a g e
product in China. Some of the major technological components that influence UHT milk
production in China are the ones listed below:

Heat exchangers, homogenizers, and filling equipment are under the category of UHT
processing equipment. The milk is heated to a high temperature using a heat exchanger, and
the milk's fat molecules are spread evenly thanks to the homogenizer. Aseptic containers are
used to package the milk using the filling machine.

 Aseptic Packaging:

Aseptic cartons composed of paper and metal are frequently used to package UHT milk.
Without the use of refrigeration, the aseptic packing aids in preserving the milk's quality and
freshness for several months.

 Quality Control:

As the high heat used in the processing can have a detrimental effect on the flavor, fragrance,
and nutritional content of the milk, quality control is a crucial component of UHT milk
production in China. Companies in China utilize cutting-edge testing and monitoring tools,
such as spectrophotometers and pH meters, to check the quality of the milk at different stages
of the production process in order to guarantee high-quality UHT milk.

 Sterilization:

For the safety and quality of UHT milk, the UHT sterilization procedure is essential. In
China, plate heat exchangers are often used to sanitize UHT milk by heating it briefly to
135°C. In addition to extending the milk's shelf life, this kills any hazardous germs.

Due to the energy-intensive nature of the heat exchange process used to produce UHT milk,
energy efficiency is a crucial factor to take into account. In order to lower manufacturing
costs and lessen their environmental effect, Chinese businesses are rapidly investing in
energy-efficient UHT processing machinery.

Legal Factors
The following are legal aspects of ultra-high temperature (UHT) milk manufacturing and
sales in China:

13 | P a g e
 Food safety laws: To guarantee that UHT milk and other dairy products are safe for
consumption, China has strong food safety laws in place. This covers rules governing
the UHT milk production process, labeling, and packaging.
 China has laws governing the import and export of UHT milk, as well as standards
regarding the origins of imported goods, labeling specifications, and taxes.
 Intellectual property rights: Businesses making UHT milk in China must also make
sure that their goods do not violate the trademarks and patents of other parties.
 China has consumer protection legislation in place to guarantee that UHT milk
products are advertised and sold in a transparent and equitable manner. In the case
that a product has problems, these rules also give customers rights.
 Chinese law prohibits specific pictures and phrases from being used in UHT milk
advertising and marketing, as well as placing limits on the claims that can be made
about the product.

For their goods to be safe, compliant, and live up to customer expectations, UHT milk
producers and sellers in China must be aware of and adhere to certain legislative criteria.

14 | P a g e

Threat of

power of
Industry Bargaining
power of
suppliers Rivalry buyers

threat of

Figure 2 Porters five forces (Simon Collinson, 2017)

Threats of new entrants:

The factors that affect a company's ability to grow its market are the conditions under which
it can succeed. Low barriers to entry are the key to success for new businesses.

Potential entrants in China are often faced with high capital requirements. In addition,
established firms lack patents and trademarks, and there is a lack of regulatory control.
Changes in customers can be costly, and loyalty is often poor.

Bargaining power of Suppliers:

A company depends on its suppliers to produce and sell commodities in other countries.
Although they can raise the prices of their products, they often provide inferior quality. This
is the main reason why many buyers choose to avoid buying from these suppliers. A UK-
based SME organization decided to provide children with UHT milk.

To ensure that their raw materials are mainly concentrated in China, suppliers are required to
make certain that they are able to provide their customers with the best possible service. This

15 | P a g e
is because they are often the only ones with the necessary expertise to integrate their products
into the market. (Simon Collinson, 2017).

Bargaining power of buyers:

According to John D. Daniels, buyers have the authority to pay the lower price for high-
quality products. This is because a high-quality product is expensive, but the lack of revenues
makes it difficult for buyers to influence the Chinese market.

The negotiation force is activated when a consumer makes a large purchase. This can be
caused by various factors such as the scarcity of sellers, multiple alternatives, pricing
responsive to the customer, and reverse convergence.

Substitutes Threats:
If a buyer can sell a replacement item, then every organization will have to deal with the
issues that come with this. For instance, if a company decides to switch its milk brand from
UHT to another, this issue must be taken into account.

Rivalry among existing competitors:

There are many commercial philosophies that deal with trade ideas, such as total benefit,
mercantilism, and competitive advantages. We can then choose a theory that focuses on
absolute advantages to help us study the competitive factors that affect our business.

16 | P a g e
According to S. Tamer Cavusgil, in 2013, trade ideas can push an industry in foreign
markets. There are many commercial philosophies dealing with trade ideas, such as
mercantilism. We can then select a theory focused on absolute advantages to help our
company study the competitive factors that affect it.

Absolute advantage trade theories:

The concept of absolute advantage refers to the ability of a company to make money from a
specific commodity. It can be achieved through the donation of a single product. Energy,
climate, and work are some of the factors that can achieve the absolute benefit of a single
organization. UHT milk is an ideal product for children, and UK SMEs can take advantage of
this Internal Demand.

UHT milk, which is commonly available in China, is more effective than other types of milk
when it comes to children's health.

17 | P a g e
The Government has taken into account the limitations and expenses of the industry when it
comes to international trade. There are various obstacles that can prevent people from
exchanging ideas, such as tariffs, legal problems, and ethical questions.

One of the restrictions that the government imposes on foreign trade is a tariff. This is usually
implemented to increase the service or commodity costs. A trade wall can help protect
domestic jobs by restricting the imports of foreign workers.

One of the restrictions that governments impose on foreign trade is the requirement for
domestic workers to pay high taxes and wages. This can be done through the importation of
foreign workers. Businesses can then gain a competitive edge by using the lower salaries in
other countries. According to Griffin, the government has limited the commercial success of
foreign companies.

Another type of trade barrier that businesses encounter is regulation. The government has
numerous regulations designed to help foreign companies grow. These regulations provide
for the protection of business rights, as well as no prejudice, discrimination, or unfair

One of the most important regulations that foreign companies must follow is the export and
import control regulations. These regulations are designed to prevent segregation in the
business environment. If a company wants to manufacture goods or services, it must follow
the regulations in the country.

18 | P a g e
Ethical Issues:
Every country's ethics are very important, and they play a vital role in the way that people
view their country. In order to expand in international markets, companies use ethical
practices and strategies.

Some of the most common ethical questions that arise are about working standards,
privatization, faith and dignity, and the democratic arena. These problems can pose a
challenge to a diverse group. Cultural facts can also limit the ability of an organization to
operate successfully.

Trewithen Dairy should follow the trading barriers set by the government. They will not be
able to function properly if they ignore them. This will lower their costs and enable them to
achieve their goals.

19 | P a g e

Corporate Social Responsibility:

A company's social responsibility is a competitive advantage that it uses to operate efficiently
in foreign markets. It considers various factors such as the environment, human rights, and
culture when it comes to running a business. This is very important for the UK's Trewithen
Dairy as it allows them to grow their operations in China.

Companies must have social accountability to reap the benefits. Following are the

Improved public image:

The public image of a company is very important to attract the buyers of its products. In
China, the SME sector can benefit from the country's growing dairy industry. This is because
milk is a safe and nutritious food for babies. To improve the company's name, it can be
offered as a free service in the local markets.

Increased brand awareness and recognition:

The UK's Trewithen Dairy can increase their brand awareness by contributing to the
development of ethical and socially responsible products.

Cost savings:
Trewithen Dairy in the UK are able to sell their products and services to the Chinese
children's market. By implementing sustainable practices, such as minimizing packaging,
their manufacturing costs can be lowered.

A benefit over competitors:

A company's social responsibility is a unique factor that can significantly affect the success
of a global business. It can help improve the company's reputation and provide it with a
competitive edge. To achieve this, the organization offers a variety of workshops and
provides its customers with exclusive products.

20 | P a g e
Increased consumer engagement:
One of the most important factors that businesses should consider when it comes to social
responsibility is their involvement with their customers. This can be done through the
establishment of a social networking history and the involvement of their consumers. The UK
Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) have demonstrated that they can maintain their
customer loyalty by developing effective social accountability programs.

Greater employee involvement:

Employees should be involved in the social responsibility of their organizations. They should
also make decisions that affect the company's operations. Trewithen Dairy in the UK
encourage their staff members to participate in the local community.

The social and legal problems faced by Trewithen Dairy in the UK are considered to be part
of a company's social responsibility. This responsibility should be taken into account when it
comes to foreign operations. In China, the working industry has adopted various measures to
address these issues. Some of these include improving employee morale, increasing public
awareness, and promoting consumer participation.

21 | P a g e
The concept of culture refers to an organization's common values, beliefs, and opinions.
Many of the individuals who work within it exhibit cultural diversity, which includes varying
viewpoints and backgrounds. An organization's tradition serves as a guide for its culture.

For foreign companies, the cultural selection process is very important. The UK's Trewithen
Dairy should consider various factors such as race, faith, sex, and income when it comes to
choosing a culture for their operations in China.

National culture as a point of reference:

Since the concept of a nation is related to the effect of domestic borders, it has given rise to
various cultures. Some of these include national sites, rituals, icons, and documents. The
museum and memorial are often regarded as "we." Nations also featured subcultures that can
be marketed. In the world, people have multiple cultures. A good organization should have
the necessary knowledge to understand and implement cultural practices in its operations. For
instance, an organization in the UK is currently analyzing the Chinese market to find out
what kinds of products people need. (Hafford-Letchfield, 2010).

For instance, the UK's Trewithen Dairy should take a look at their own culture and national
values. They should then teach their workers about the local market's values and traditions.
(Morrison, 2011).

The People Factor:

One of the most critical factors that a company considers when it comes to foreign operations
is the presence of its employees. They play a vital role in the company's financial success,
and their conduct must be taken into account. There are also various cultural groups in a
country that can help improve the company's knowledge and understanding. Although
cultural diversity can help improve the efficiency of an organization, it is also challenging to
achieve this in the face of a diverse society. This can lead to a culture clash and make the
organization ineffective after the business has started.

Although the Chinese have a strict cultural framework, a UK SME company can still hire
local staff members to help them communicate with their customers. For instance, if UHT
milk is a suitable product for another company, consumers might not engage with it due to its

22 | P a g e
unknown value. The organization must consider the consumer's behavior when it comes to
this matter.

Building cultural awareness:

Although people may believe that they are different from one another, they also disagree with
how the effect of their cultural differences is perceived.

The various cultural differences that exist in different countries are often discussed in terms
of their daily routines and laws. For instance, when a small and medium-sized dairy company
from the UK decides to expand into China, it must first determine what is beneficial for its
consumers in the country.

According to Fiestra, in 2015, British Trewithen Dairy should consider China's collectivist
culture. People in China tend to operate in groups, and they believe that teamwork can lead to
consensus decisions. The UK can learn a lot from China's willingness to work together to
improve competitiveness.

Giving Gifts:
According to (Cateora, 2016), the UK Trewithen Dairy need to develop a habit of giving
presents to their close friends and relatives. However, they should be aware that the donations
they make are not for any noble cause. Instead, people may create stereotypes by giving
others gifts. In China, the gift giving tradition is believed to symbolise wishes for the future.

23 | P a g e
Methods of Internationalizations:

An organization's goal is to compete internationally. This strategy can be carried out through
the establishment of international operations. The internal and external factors that influence
the organization promote its growth.

The UK's Trewithen Dairy organization has decided to expand its operations into the foreign
market. It has three main strategies that it can use: export-based, non-equity, and equity

Export Based Methods:

In this type of internationalization, an organization sells a commodity to other countries. For
SMEs in the UK, this was a way to understand the Chinese market. This type of exportation
is also used indirectly and directly.

Indirect export:
An intermediary is a process that involves the indirect transfer of goods and services between
an organization and other companies in the global market.

Direct export:
A company's commitment to the global market is extraordinary. It involves actively
participating in the distribution and sales of its products.

Internationalizations methods based on non-equity:

The company will focus on foreign business in intellectual property, trademarks, copyrights,
and licenses. These non-equity-based methods are commonly used in business transactions.

In 2017, Simon Collinson noted that a licensee can operate its activities on an international
level if they have an agreement with a company. This type of contract allows the licensee to
manage the company's operations in the region.

24 | P a g e
By franchising, a franchisee can buy the best products for their company using the franchise's
trade names, trademarks, and branding. This allows them to expand their reach and provide
their customers with the best possible service.

Other internationalization modes:

A management contract is a non-equity approach that allows vendors to provide a continuous
service to their customers in an international market.

Internationalization equity-based methodologies:

Direct foreign investment is a type of business activity that involves spending money in other
countries. This method is regulated as it depends on the company's expenditure. An
organization can also use this strategy to acquire other businesses or merge with one.

Acquiring and becoming an independent company:

The purchase method is a combination of rights that can be acquired with foreign countries. It
is more advantageous for the organization, but it has many problems, including copyright,
licensing, and patent issues.

Joint Ventures:
A joint venture is an identification that allows a partnership to decide and shape a plan. It also
covers the costs associated with the operation. As an economic operation, a joint venture can
minimize the risks involved in the process. It helps organizations expand their reach and
reach their goals.

Merger with an organization:

Through Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), an organization can forge a stronger relationship
with a foreign company. This allows it to gain expertise and insight from that foreign

25 | P a g e
Besides the usual steps, direct exports are the most suitable method for Trewithen Dairy as
they require a versatile market. This approach eliminates the need for additional costs, such
as licensing and regulatory fees.

Strategic evaluation framework:

The goal of UK Trewithen Dairy is to expand their operations in China by developing
specific global strategies. One of these is to establish direct exports. This can be done through
the provision of UHT milk. The company can also provide a variety of premium services and
commodities to cover the Chinese market.

Strategic Evaluation Framework

Export Based Non-Equity Equity Based

Methods Based Methods Methods

Direct Licencing Aquisition

Indirect Franchising Merger

Joint Venture

Figure 3 Strategic Evaluation Framework of SME

Through the framework, the UK's Trewithen Dairy will be able to expand their reach into the
Chinese market.

26 | P a g e
The primary objective of an international business is to generate sales to customers in
different countries. The UK's SME industry is focused on exporting to China. It has targeted
the UHT milk market for children aged 3-13. Trewithen Dairy Milk Company still supplies
this type of milk. UHT milk is a common ingredient used in the UK dairy industry. The
country's SME’s focused on the foreign market. Through the export of this commodity, the
corporation has been able to gain a deeper understanding of the Chinese market's demand.
Social responsibility can improve a product's appeal and brand image. It can also explain how
consumers behave. UK Trewithen Dairy can use export-focused methods to understand the
Chinese market.

27 | P a g e

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