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State and classify the bulk deformation } - sheet metal werking processes =>. Bulk deformation :- Ft is & Severe Paces fesulting In massive Shape change - The _suttace “atea- +0 - volume ofthe Werk is Yelatively sreal).. Mostly done in hot Working Conditions deformation _ klassi fication of bulk deformation . Rolling Forging” _ i _ txgvusion Rolling t= 0. this process, the Work piece 1D the dvm of Slab or plate is Compressed ___ beb ween 4wWo rotating volls in the thickn divection, So thet the thickness 7S reduced Forging i—> The. workpiece 1s Compared bet? _ 4 ——1wo_dies Containing shaped contours: The. die shapes ate jmpested into +he final _ t . _ = pe CT workpiece Exarusion t- In this ,the : compressed ov pushed into the die opening L 40 4ake the Shape of the die tole 8 Hits cfs. o extrusion, Wire or vod drawing i- Similar the workpiece 's pulled_ through th | excep+ +hat +o take the cre opening Sheet metal “Working involves forming and Sheet metal forming Operations pertormed on metal Sheets [| cuttio eleq - +0- Volume coils The sve-face Ht Strips, and = jTatio 6f the Sdavting mejal is Paci isleu ae - a | bt gh. Tool include punch, clie that are” used | 4o deform the Sheets. - - I Classification of basic Sheet for mir ankcheldey fev = 19 = _ Deep dtawing forming invelves Sheet forming !~ sheets metal to Bending :- Th 4nis the sheet metecica) is Stren by punch +0 give a bend shape Usual? In a | Straight axis - (Deep dvawing i= EO_this operation, forming of a flat mete | Sheet into a hollow or concave Shape like | Cup, js performed by SsAretching +he metal in__Sorme Fe dgion- 2 of | Shearing f+ This is nothing but cutting iSheets by sheating —actlom + _formabtlity', state th of Sheet 2) Define Sheet me factors on Which formability metal clepends pues a is defined as the +o undetgo +he Sue] => Sheet metel formetili iy ability of the sheet mete destred shape change without fallure, lab 6y mecking Ov bearing ine Sheet. maedal foxreability — depends vpon the following factors YN Elongatven t- Aatge Uniforra elongation jg desirable for geod _foxmability as the ay the material undetgoes Stretching and drawing / bending, duting forming _ Elongation sa measure of he ductility of the mateviel and, thus higher the duct hee _will_be the formasility- —+)_Grain size !: "The sheet metal quain sice afhects cometh anical Properties f influences +the surface ——appeatance of the fotmed patt. in general the _Coarsey the Youghey shee+ metal Surface. _Thickmess of Sheet i- The Thickness of shee atFects the Sheet metal tormability. re has been shawn that the thicker the. sheet, the ae » Htorger 1s 14S. formabi lity. _ 4] | Eviction and lubvicetion:~ A pprepriate fubyy it cation at the punch = die- sheet metaf —___1_intetface assis + in obtaining uniform stzain ‘stvibutran Overs the punch. : Ss) Tensile Strength of Sheet materiel *> formability of a metal is a function oF 345 tensile i e bE : Se nea ae tensile staength 4 yield point of a matetial, higher is the eNe297 equized 4 | forming the Sheet metal. Pure d_ tae 3. Explain with a schematic the principle land important features CF HERE process D | High Eneigy Rate Foeming Peocesses CHE REDO | “The parts ate formed at a very _tapid -tate as | Barge amount of eneegy is applied +e Forry a | component 40% a very Short- interval of time , | and thus these processes are alo Called {{ High energy stot & fotming processes (NERF) - Dainciplerof HERE Paocess t- + The enzegy of deformation is delivered et a much higher eate { pazts ateformed et the apie lates than in Conventroned | practice ~ Many __moteriats tend +0 deforrn tastes than any othes_ | peocess, oven -the diffécalt -to- for materials like Txaniara and Tungsten alloys ate also deformed with dhis process - laget en egy is applied foe a Vety Shot interve! of Hime, thereby inducing stain kates highes — than +hose__associated ‘with phat of ~~ Conventional HeChniguss. whee - + Enesgy level being empleyed onthe job | is # {| depending on _the || of detormation 5 || these process ee Velocity foerning process es “High energy Rate Forming CHER ED proce, [is classify. based on energy used in Aollowing ay pet : i ¢ | Electro magnetic forming . - t I eeplosisxe forming Electrohydraulic forming . = i *_| Advantages of HERF | Excellent dimensional control! +) Die jose are relatively tf Lotge Components Can be easily deforrned ype 3 - - hroughou+ the ; 924 produc ee *® Disadvonrag es! tl Highly ptittle peteriols Cannot be formed’ Highly Skilled operators ate -geyuizedl - “| Stingen+ Joveenmenta/ + egulations [merms ore Bequired 40 be ‘I Dies need yo be of Strong 22 +0 Con be _achieus _Jows pot, the Stra, wail) v nifo emly - safer. Fo lowes ae laeg et size £ prevent Cracking high energy Bates J Shocks due +o Application Raday dishes forming of Miptical der for space ap pir «| Bending ef ‘pt pes op_ot thick nesa of 25mm + Crimping of metat s4ni4 4 Explain with Schernetre the pyocers Variables of metal Spinning 2 Spinning is a process Where in circulate | blanks ate formed indo axisgrometric [profiles using a -zigid @ollee toe) which _ forces a blank onto a “etating mandrels | In metal spinning process , Forrning of 4 Oheet _metol _C civcular blank) over a |potating mandrel AS Carried out progres |} —2éaid__gollee tool. the blank diametee wired -protile _Withou I =vely usin -| In Conventional spinnin ee __iteduced +0 ger the _. J lehanging the wall thickness. rnand vel ape clara p r EE a [| | FI9™ Hetal sp a - z - ring Koles tml ‘i NN Roving principle t= 1 A civewtar blank is tightly hefd—againss the mandrel using «a Support hetel in Lb the | whe tailstock. The dhe mandyet ave the sool ts 4 lower as press Scfemeicivemennral cee 0.) _ The process variants. Power _spini ng and _ is. “Manuel spinhing 4 Nolume preductieo fs Out at yroom temperature + _ what is micro -forming & Mow _ Conventional -formin atti erent than | Process . 1 The Micro forming _ technology +0 metallic Parts minfatue © su fins, chip jhich is to rotated : Ave ctl ys lank the torvees x compated +0 _ forming This tesultS in eduction ad frames , mandrel Ibe tor and -the ling co +Ube | wr efe ave man et) — Fen. eralty Cavrt is hawiag med on the 4,5 cixcetar applred may eguived Fer forming the Convention] | St see Spinaing a — xved for low be is BL fa, ioeli= suited See ver yo smelt cH as Connector Screws, Contact Springs Te -sock ets ete | TH involves forming of parts 44 + features with AimMensions — pelow “Cram. ct 7 sak + ~ wo -becent atea of -ekeateh in dhe wile field of meral forming rechnolegies which Is expanding the |v : Ne Himains Lifer applying metal forming t@wards micro 4echnolegy * mechaintal propezties of Ahe materjals + | The Lguch as elasticity, plasticity, Styess Styain | relations, work hatdening, jempe ef fect canisotropy, gtain size and -tesicdual Sty egy | involve in analysing the deformation of I micto forming ptoducts Apple 2 - s | Micro geats fi micro shafts. +i _G@nnecto+ pin : Bn + || De chi lead féame $ ences (Minlatuze Fastenets oo ie ea switch 4s Leer o Suigery a * Mrere Springs _ fox 1 micro knifes for ‘Hard aise dvives o Sensors * . CHve) Describe how high velocity forming wocess 15 beneficial in Com parison (4° Conventional forming process - HVE!" "The parts ave formed at a raph tote and thus Clted high velocity forming process es 7 ne ae | large amount of eneegy iS applied for A Very short interval of +¢me. These progexsses eet veeful +o [deform “material Wke Thtaniue and | Tangsyen alloys vndee high styain rates. Many merals tend +0 deform more seadily under extra- fast appl? of load which make these process useful. | ; - I Conventional forming processes ty pica | accomplish plastic deformation by applying at velatively tow ~ | forming Stresses {| velocities: oohile, high velocity forming gives j-amount of kinetic eneegy +O +he s the kinetic i § form jt as deformation I) I piece Arssipate as S plastic NR Avant ages Dre ave ‘low 2 PAsy maintenance oF 4qolesances. + | Pe bilia of Forming most medals 2 Mek vtec es Not how spring > back « |The prodterion Cos) of Component 3 such processes 78 low Lint tection Need fox stilled person s+ PHY F proces *S pave several benefi Compartson +0. conventional feymning processes AS fo Wows + LESS mo of forming srages or Sequente of Operations .tequited Ao obtain” 4ahe desired apeometry.: + The Strain distribution js muth more Uniform in HVE making the process move suisable +o produce complex shapes wither inducing Vanecessaxy = in the matertal. . Tne t00\e and equipments used in WWE ae light weight and Compact in comparison 0 fhe vols and equipment used io conventional forming PLOCLS S24. active hydeo forming P| Differentiate between ' and Sheet hydye Forming: hydvo forming “Rctiveydco forming. | ly simplee More complex _p-rocess = | Process cohere a meta Involving the vse of addition | Sheet je placecl ina tools, mechanisms, mole ¢ Bel usiog. processes +0 activ ~te the materia achieve precise Shaping offers enhance ol seersiom And cen Fler pressuse- Flow 2 Provides geod prec. ston for” shaping omplex geometries, over +he materia) Ffe. : but the level of | snvough +he vse _ if [Contre] ever maters! achive stools, allowing _ might be for more intricate | Shaping GZ Specdte clesie L Tlow m i ylbeat ed. _ : aAduirements see >| | Gopal of Shaping well-suited for producing ate | potas with Complex parts aolth intricate 4 Fp | Co ntours $ Variable challenging geometries | thicknesses. = = = 4) I Sujtable for palts Tee for port that demand | with _mocle rete ively speufi'e shapes E | | Complexity, Such ad Lintricate details often foun ~autome tive body | =A an ae x0 Space, ro editcad _ | panels $ cupplian ce devices, 4 Aiciace ess COmMpoh eats - APP h'vations « 8) Explain the salient features of Electr Hydvaultc For rmin Cen): - => Salient features” of ElectroHydtaulic Forming CeHF) i Electrohydrauli co forming Cent) ox Sport. forming is a process wherein reese \ re components are formed by fonverting electrrcof energy joto mechanical enessy as bank of Capacitor s_is Hie st chasged throvgh a chetging, eircait 40 a High voltage and then suddenly discharged in the form of Sparks at¥Oss & 9ap treriecen +00 electrodes + x - Tris sudden Aischaye produces She cle waves jan _ the suitable medium used generally wWatet ’ Switch pre WOF Fp 7 rr ~ * eke Sparising fg + El ectrohydraul’< ee Featutes of EHF fn Lae _ The forming of _coork piece \s_ Carried Out fe obtaining sheck waves by Converting electrical signal Into mechanical enetgy. Capacitor bank is used +o delrvee the high electric enetgy $n the form of Sparks across a gap. _wetween two _eletivedes The whele assembly 1s pesitionend in _ - i a water ov oil; = —— = This sudden dischatge.ptoduces _shocle I waves in the medium and by whieh the I hollow work piece is deformed into the | odes ee The characteris tics of “eleetyohydrasil, a | ate similac +0 explosive forming. The coly. I ditterence is thet instead of explosives cs incase ef explosive forming the capacitor |-bank 1s used to _delivee the electyi cof |eneeg y—in__the form of Spetks + The Shock waves gen erated make } piece tesultiag in f Against the dies ae + The process does not _depend on the electriccl _ properties of the work — meterjal 5 — ie — — anja pact on werk forming the materiel ot draws jf a Cup is +0 the number and 48 rom diameter sheet stock eF Tomm height be made from steel metal LBmm thick. Also, derermine +he —dliamed eo at different Stages 4 ws as Assume, jst ond Araw ave and 1g ‘4% peer { Samm a Assuming Jd p20 Blank diameter (D)I- 1D HN(d?+4db) _ _ - V (43744 x 70x48) __ _ D 2)285-48mm / _ - No. of draws ee bh = _7o - 14g. ee cn as = no. of draws required ave ele @e 3 710-8 _ rene 2 f{in4 = 18) x 100 tae 25-48 %e veduction RE ge } Ru = 6lits Vv. { IDiameter of . the Cup after “sh wvedu chon Sh \ x 125-48 loo Stage i= 4SY. Te 69:0)49 Yarn

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