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The uniqueness of inulin and

oligofructose from the chicory root
Why their scientific uniqueness translates into
an improved diet for the consumer

At a glance: 12 reasons why!


1. Proven prebiotics for gut microbiota and health support
2. Proven dietary fibres
3. Unique knowledge database due to 25y+ research, numerous
human intervention trials & systematic reviews with meta-analysis
4. Strong substantiation as basis for claims
5. Basis for emerging science and innovation

6. Sound science supports/speeds up product development
and reduces risk of failures
7. The “1+1=3” benefit – prebiotic & dietary fibre at the same time
8. Excellent taste & texture, broad choice of product categories
9. Label attractiveness for the ingredient list and claims


10. C
 onsumer research shows: chicory root fibres meet market needs
and consumer demands
11. E
 ducation of health professionals on the science-basis of chicory
root fibres by BENEO-Institute
12. Plant-based and natural

What makes chicory root fibres unique?

The science explained.
The gut microbiota plays a crucial role in human health and influences the person the microorganisms live in, their human host.
Diet strongly influences the health of that person. Particularly the undigested part of the diet influences the gut microbiota significantly,
as this may be used to nourish microorganisms. Some dietary components, e. g. chicory root fibres, are the preferred nutrient for
beneficial microorganisms like Bif idobacterium and Lactobacillus strains which are associated with favourable health effects.
Thanks to the prebiotics in a person’s chosen diet, the share of benefical organisms in the gut microbiota increases. (see figure 1)


Diet in foods
and drinks Prebiotic chicory root fibre
Undigested parts of the diet intake in the diet increases
reach the colon and modulate the number of beneficial
the gut micro­biota bacteria associated with
health benefits to the host
Gut microbiome
Gut microbiome
modulation Bifidobacterium &
Lactobacillus strain

Figure 1.
Diet can strongly influence the microbiome with prebiotics as an example for natural diet intervention.

A balanced microbiota supports the

human host in three ways: by metabolic
functions, structural functions and HOST
pro­tective functions. 1

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e. g. SCFA pr nctio

This influences health as well as disease.

ural g immune
Metabolic fu

Supporting beneficial bacteria by prebiotics


in the diet improves health. GUT



It also helps preventing or delaying the

onset of diseases. Imbalances in the gut
microbiota composition (i. e. dysbiosis) Therapeutic
correlate to a number of diseases. Health and prevention
P s
support e. g rotec tive func tion nt, functions in
. pat
hogen displaceme disease context
Looking into the future, based on emerg- immune priming
ing science, prebiotics may even support
the treatment of some diseases by a thera-
peutic diet accompanying medical treatment Figure 2.
under the supervision of medical doctors Functions of the gut microbiota relevant for the human host, interactions
and dietitians. (see figure 2) and impact on health and disease.1
• Inulin and oligofructose are scientifically proven prebiotics.
- Selective growth of beneficial micro­biota and health support for the individual: Inulin and oligofructose promote naturally
occurring beneficial gut bacteria and encourage their growth selectively, resulting in various health benefits. They support
a balanced microbiota and thus dysbiosis is avoided.

•  An internationally accepted scientific prebiotic definition exists and is kept up to date by the international scientific community of
experts in this field (ISAPP).3 There are only three ingredients in total that comply with the scientific requirements of that definition.
ISAPP and the Chinese Nutrition Society, independently, came to that conclusion.4,5

•  Unique knowledge database:

- The prebiotic concept was first published in 1995. Research related to this was done with chicory root fibres. After more than
25 years of scientific research on the prebiotics inulin and oligofructose, a unique database of knowledge has been established.
- Intense research related to the gut microbiome over the past 10 years and its importance for human health adds to the prebiotic
knowledge database.
- A combination of both research directions – the role of the beneficial bacteria in the gut and how to nourish them in order to
increase their share of the total bacteria – contributes to the large, unique scientific basis for chicory root fibres. Functions and
effects are substantiated. New innovative research is emerging.

• Highest level of robust scientific evidence: the wealth of scientific data that includes numerous randomised controlled trials (RCTs),
allowing for systematic reviews and meta-analysis, is unique. (see figure 3)

Strongest available science confirms: Chicory root fibres are proven prebiotics

Systematic reviews Strongest available

Nagy et al. 2022
with meta-analyses evidence level

Randomised 50 RCTs
controlled trials
Observational research • Significantly increase
bifidobacteria selectively
(from 3 g/d onwards)
Animal & cell studies • Significantly improve
bowel function

• Chicory root fibres

Case studies & anecdotes are proven prebiotics

Figure 3.
Highest level of scientific evidence confirms chicory root fibres as prebiotics.2

How prebiotic chicory root fibres support product

developments in the B2B environment
• Sound science supports and speeds-up product development and increases the chance of a successful product launch:
- The scientific situation, as highlighted above, gives decision makers confidence when ingredient choices in product development
are made. Sound science opens the door for substantiated claims in the context of national food law.
- The technological and sensorial properties of inulin and oligofructose enable innovative product development in a broad range
of product applications in all markets.

• The “1+1=3” Benefit: Inulin and oligofructose are dietary fibres and prebiotics at the same time. This creates various synergies
for consumer health, making these ingredients attractive for the development of products intended to support health and attract
the interest of health professionals who give advice on healthy eating.

-  The prebiotic aspect:

Trust in science: Inulin and oligofructose are scientifically proven prebiotics.
Plant-based prebiotics, naturally occurring: Inulin and oligofructose are the only plant-based proven prebiotics.
They are gained from the chicory root by hot water extraction.
Successful product development with proven prebiotics: In total, only three ingredients have the necessary science,
based on human intervention studies, to be defined as proven prebiotics. Inulin and oligofructose are two of these.

- The dietary fibre aspect:

Global public health concern: Consumers do not eat enough dietary fibre! Inulin and oligofructose help bridge the fibre gap.
Closing the fibre gap by fibre enrichment: The majority of consumers worldwide eat significantly less fibre than recommended.
The inulin and oligofructose enrichment of consumer products helps to close the fibre gap whilst improving the nutritional
characteristics of the products at the same time.
In addition: excellent taste and textural properties, whilst helping to replace sugar and/or fat and therefore further improving
the physiological and nutritional properties of consumer products.

- Label attractiveness: Inulin and oligofructose are chicory root fibres. This expresses both their nutrient category and their natural
plant-based origin.

- Naturalness and plant-based – mankind has always eaten inulin, that also includes oligofructose, as it is found in vegetables and fruits.
Chicory root fibre is extracted from the chicory root by hot water. Neither chemical modification nor GMO-plants are used.

Overall, this demonstrates that “1+1=3” applies when

prebiotic chicory root fibres are used in consumer products.

Chicory root fibres meet the needs of consumers

and health care professionals
• Dietitians: With chicory root fibres, dietitians, nutritionists and medical doctors have a powerful tool to influence the gut microbiome
favourably and therefore the health of their clients too. Emerging science indicates even more options to help consumers in the future.

• Consumers around the world …

75% 50 % 60 %
3 in 4 1 in 2 3 in 5
think “maintaining a balanced diet” choose foods to improve are interested in prebiotics 7
is important for their health 6
digestion 7

fibre grow
The unique chicory root fibres inulin, oligofructose and

combinations thereof are trusted prebiotics. They provide …
… a chance to improve people’s health and well-being chicory root
… the strongest scientific database established in 25+ years of research SUPERFOOD

food support

… the ideal basis for product developments aiming for enrichment

with dietary fibres and prebiotics!

1. Bassaganya-Riera, J. et al (2020): Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025. In: Frontiers in nutrition 7, S. 606378. DOI: 10.3389/fnut.2020.606378.

2. Nagy et al. (2022) Crit Rev Food Sci Nutr:1–18.

3. ISAPP – International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (

4. Gibson et al (2017): Expert consensus document: The International Scientific Association for Probiotics and Prebiotics (ISAPP) consensus statement
on the definition and scope of prebiotics. In: Nature reviews. Gastroenterology & hepatology 14 (8), S. 491–502. DOI: 10.1038/nrgastro.2017.75.

5. Chinese Nutrition Society, Chinese Nutrition Society (2021) Summary of “Expert Consensus on Prebiotics and Health of the Chinese Nutrition Society”

6. Health Focus International, Global trends study 2022

7. Health Focus International, Global Gut Health Report 2022

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If you have any questions, please contact us at
We will be happy to assist you.

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Phone +1 973-867-2140

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