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Democrat and Republican

Mi project is about the democratic party and the reùblican party. And the ideas and the facts that bove
of the partys suggested. In the ideas aspects the partys are so different in all of the point of view.

The Democratic Party: instructed the banks to reform the student loan program and eliminate student
loan intermediaries so they can "better and more directly invest in students." They also doubled their
investment in the Pell Grant and created the US Opportunity Tax Credit American Democrats believe
that these financial measures will make college more accessible to children from low-income families.
They also hope to develop programs to help students manage their federal student loans so that their
payment is only 10% of their monthly income. The 2012 Democratic Platform says, "Democrats also
recognize the economic opportunities that community colleges bring to our country. That is why the
president invested in community colleges and called for additional business-community partnerships.
Community colleges to help two million workers with the federal loan interest rates will drop
significantly. Republicans support private school vouchers, while Democrats see them as a waste.

Republicans believe that the resources provided can create an effective education system if they can
implement relevant accountability systems, while Democrats feel that the resources provided increase.

Republicans believe gun control can be improved in some areas, but other areas need not be disrupted.
While this is very rare for a Republican who thinks so, most simply think that they should have more
advanced background checks and background checks for every supplier, even at gun shows, but this is it;
They want to protect gun rights, not change the rules about what guns they can buy and where they can
take them. The NRA, a gun rights association based on all Republican beliefs, believes that there should
be background checks on every buyer, no matter who or where they buy them. They also believe that
anyone with the right to have a gun should be able to have one with them to protect themselves.
Democrats now tend to believe otherwise. Both parties believe that every person who purchases a gun
should be background checked, but that's all they believe in the same thing. Democrats tend to prefer
gun control and want more restrictive gun control. Democrats tend to strongly agree with the assault

rifle ban .

While Democrats are not as focused on HSAs as Republicans, US health insurance law applies. 2019
implementation requires removal of the HSA tax deduction after the end of 2020. Republicans, on the
other hand, see HSAs as a potential healthcare solution. Reform. The first line on Trump's health page
during the 2016 campaign read: "Revoke and replace Obamacare with health savings accounts." They
proposed several changes, including higher contribution limits, fewer restrictions on who can contribute
to an HSA, and more flexible rules for using HSA funds without taxes or penalties.
The democratic vision of same-sex marriage is that all couples should be treated equally under the law
and have the same legal benefits as heterosexual marriages. Republicans and Democrats believe that
gay marriage should be a government problem. President Bush

He suggested "In our country, marriage has been defined at the state level for 200 years, and we believe
it should continue to be defined." As such, both parties agree. They both believe that states should be
able to decide whether same-sex marriage is legal or not. While Republicans also believe gay marriage
should be left to the states, Republicans as a whole would prefer that states ban gay marriage where
Democrats hope otherwise. Disputes over same-sex marriage between the Democratic and Republican
parties revolved around the defense of marriage law. On the 2012 GOP platform, Republicans spoke out
against the apparent contempt for the current Democratic government, which has defended and
refused to enforce the marriage law. Republicans have also criticized the president's support for
allowing same-sex marriage on military bases, his pressure to provide federal benefits to same-sex
couples, and, in particular, the government's refusal to support DOMA in court. , saying that these
measures are in direct violation of the law. Inaugural Oath Law.

I believe that as a conclusion it is that each party has ideas and norms that are appropriate for them and
they are not going to change them for anything since they are the ones that they think are good for their


From Santiago to Kyle Royce.

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