Falhas Prematuras em Rolamentos - Causas - Romero Araújo (2015)

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Premature Wear and Recurring Bearing Failures in

an Inverter-Driven Induction Motor—Part I:
Investigation of the Problem
Romero de Souza Araújo, Hélder de Paula, Member, IEEE, Ronaldo de Araújo Rodrigues,
Lane Maria Rabelo Baccarini, and Anderson Vagner Rocha, Member, IEEE

Abstract—This paper provides an analysis about early incipient affecting their performance even before the occurrence of sig-
and recurring failures in three-phase induction motor bearings nificant failures. Methods for early problem detection, which
when driven by pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverters, focusing compare spectrums of vibration [4], electric current [5], [6],
on a real industrial process. The potential problems preliminarily
defined were first discussed on a theoretical basis and afterward and magnetic flow [7], enable maintenance engineers to plan
experimentally assessed by means of vibration, stator current, and a corrective action and minimize the impacts of failures in the
common-mode current data acquisition and analysis. Over the production process.
investigation, it was concluded that the presence of common-mode The acquisition and analysis of dynamic signals from motors
currents at the verified levels could cause damages to the motor became simpler with the advent of microcomputers and specific
bearings, which was confirmed when the machine stopped work-
ing due to another bearing failure. software. In practice, among the methods available in industrial
maintenance processes, priority is given to vibration analysis
Index Terms—Bearing failure, broken bars, common-mode cur- on bearing housings and bearings, due to the greater number
rents, harmonics, vibration.
of occurrences associated to them. However, since the causes
I. I NTRODUCTION of such defects may be of electromagnetic nature, an electrical
study has to be conducted as well. In the present work, the
I NDUSTRIAL loads are usually driven by three-phase in-
duction motors, which are prone to failures over time,
causing equipment shutdown and/or productivity decline in
analysis is carried out by means of data acquisition related
to vibration, stator current/voltage, and common-mode voltage
and currents in different points of the system.
industrial processes, resulting in serious financial losses [1].
This paper deals with recurrent damage on the bearings of an
Publications on electric motor reliability reveal that bearings
induction motor in a real industrial process for annealing and
are the component most heavily affected by failures in 3-phase
pickling of special steels. However, it should be highlighted
induction motors [2], [3]. A faulty motor gives indication of
that such problem is likely to happen in all applications in-
defects in several ways: change in the signals associated with
volving pulsewidth modulation (PWM) inverters and induction
mechanical vibrations, varying operating temperature, audible
motors, particularly those that employ long cables connecting
noises, and alterations of the electromagnetic field, among
the inverter to the motor, as the case of mining and offshore
petroleum industries.
Although electric rotating machines are usually well built
Through data analysis, the problem will be identified within
and robust, the possibility of defects is somewhat inherent,
a group of probable causes, such as the following: 1) vibrations
produced by torque oscillations due to the existence of broken
Manuscript received June 24, 2013; revised June 29, 2014 and April 23,
bars; 2) presence of low-order harmonic currents, also resulting
2015; accepted June 22, 2015. Date of publication July 13, 2015; date of in vibrations; 3) existence of common-mode currents generated
current version November 18, 2015. Paper 2013-MIC-410.R2, presented at the by the zero-sequence voltage produced by the inverter; and
2013 IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, USA,
October 6–11, and approved for publication in the IEEE T RANSACTIONS ON
4) multiple causes, resulting from a combination of the afore-
I NDUSTRY A PPLICATIONS by the Mining Industry Committee of the IEEE mentioned phenomena.
Industry Applications Society.
R. de Souza Araújo and R. de Araújo Rodrigues is with the Electrical
Engineering Department, Aperam Inox South America, 35180-000 Timóteo,
Brazil (e-mail: romero_sa@hotmail.com; ronaldorode@ig.com.br). II. P OTENTIAL C AUSES OF B EARING DAMAGE
H. de Paula is with the Electrical Engineering Department, Universidade
Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), 31270-901 Belo Horizonte, Brazil (e-mail: Nowadays, for matters of maintenance costs, the majority
helder@cpdee.ufmg.br). of the companies perform vibration analysis and treat bearing
L. M. R. Baccarini is with the Universidade Federal de São João del Rei failures as being of mechanical nature only. As a result, there
(UFSJ), 36307-352 São João del Rei, Brazil (e-mail: rabelolane@ig.com.br).
A. V. Rocha is with the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de Minas is an excessive replacement of components and the dealing
Gerais (CEFET-MG), 35503-822 Divisópolis, Brazil (e-mail: andersonrocha@ with recurrent defects, since their causes are not thoroughly
des.cefetmg.br). investigated.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at http://ieeexplore.ieee.org. Among the causes of bearing deterioration, an important
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TIA.2015.2456059 one is the common-mode currents, which circulate through
0093-9994 © 2015 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.

them, due to electrostatic charges induced in the motor shaft. are obtained from (3), where fm is the shaft rotation frequency
When reaching sufficiently high levels, such charges break the and fs is the synchronous frequency. Hence,
dielectric strength of the (insulating) grease and cause a dis- fer − fm2
charging current through the bearings to the grounded frame of s= (2)
the machine. This discharge deteriorates both race and rolling
fL (Hz) = fm ± 2ksfs . (3)
balls of the bearings, and its destruction effects gradually build
up, eventually rendering the bearing useless. Another factor for
bearing damage is the torque pulsation that may occur due to B. Common-Mode Voltage in PWM Drives
the existence of excessive low-order harmonics in the motor
When combining the output phase voltages of a PWM in-
supply voltage or resulting from broken bars.
verter, a “stepped” voltage waveform is obtained, with varia-
tions equivalent to one third of the dc link voltage. As a result of
this common-mode voltage, high-frequency transient currents
A. Broken Bar Diagnosis
flow through the distributed capacitances of the motor to the
In a three-phase squirrel cage induction motor, broken or ground.
cracked bars disturb the magnetic flux, causing the rotor fre- At high speeds, there is no electric contact between the
quency to fluctuate and, as a result, also the motor rotation rotor and the outer race of the bearing (which is grounded),
and the current, as well. The oscillation that may appear in the due to an even distribution of the grease film. Therefore, due
torque delivered by the machine potentially becomes one of the to the electrostatic coupling between rotor and stator and the
bearing deterioration causes. existence of this common-mode voltage, the rotor potential
The evolvement of data acquisition and analysis systems gradually increases in respect to the ground until it reaches a
enabled the development of new detection methods for broken level capable of breaking down the grease dielectric strength.
bars, in addition to the evaluation of the motor current signature Thus, a discharge current is generated, random in nature, which
[8]. In this context, the application of mechanical vibration flows through the bearings. Such discharges (also known as
analysis started to be employed for broken bar detection, along electrical discharge machining) lead to small holes, which
with the analysis of sound noises, sliding mode estimators [8], start overlapping each other, and in the long run, grooves
and stator magnetic flow analysis [9]. (depressions) appear on the bearing race surface, commonly
1) Analysis by Electric Current: When analyzing the electric named as “fluting” or “pitting.” The erosion causes reduction
current of motors having broken bars, in the frequency domain, in the service life of the bearings and may lead to a premature
differences are noticed in the sidebands, around the fundamen- shutdown of the machine. Several papers have addressed this
tal frequency. According to [10], the equation that defines the issue, such as [14]–[18].
frequencies in the case of the current analysis is given by
C. Harmonics Produced by PWM Switching
FL (Hz) = (1 ± 2ks)fr (1) Although modern frequency inverters operate with suffi-
ciently high switching frequencies, when the motor runs at
speeds near the nominal value, the inverter is required to operate
where k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n; fr is the power network frequency [in
in the overmodulation region, resulting in the reoccurrence
hertz]; and s is the motor slip.
of low-frequency harmonics in the inverter output voltage,
Detection of broken bars is done by verifying the amplitude
of order 6k ± 1(k = 1, 2, 3, . . . , n), leading to motor torque
of the nearest sideband in respect to the fundamental compo-
pulsation. Taking as example the fifth and seventh harmonics, it
nent magnitude. The bigger the number of broken bars, the
is found that the first is of negative sequence, whereas the latter
smaller the amplitude difference between them. In [11], a table
is of positive sequence, generating rotating fields in opposite
is presented, showing the severity of the problem as a function
directions. In this way, both induce in the rotor frequencies
of the obtained current spectrum.
equivalent to the sixth harmonic, which generates torque pul-
2) Analysis by Mechanical Vibration: Analysis of broken
sations in this same frequency. Such oscillations may become
bars using mechanical vibration follows the same principle
unacceptable in view of the kind of application intended to
of the current analysis, with only the fundamental component
the motor drive and also the mechanical system, regarding the
being different. The interaction between the field produced by
bearings, couplings, and gears.
the stator and the one from the rotor generates torque and speed
oscillations. The frequency of these oscillations is given by
2sfr [12]. Taking into account that both stator voltage and III. M ETHODS OF A NALYSIS FOR DAMAGED B EARINGS
current frequency and the magnetized current in the rotor are
A. Spectral Vibration Analysis
fr , the resulting flux from this interaction produces a frequency,
which is double the network frequency, or 2fr [13]. Therefore, The bearing consists of four elements, which, when in mo-
the motor slip can be calculated by (2), where fer is the tion, generate their own natural frequency (fn ). These frequen-
frequency [in hertz] resulting from stator–rotor interaction, and cies are defined as follows: 1) outer and 2) inner race frequency,
fm2 is the second harmonic of the rotation frequency. The 3) cage frequency, and 4) frequency of the balls. Their typi-
values of the side frequencies from the mechanical vibration cal values and multiples [4] are obtained through (4)–(7), in

which n is the shaft rotation speed (in hertz); Dp and Dcr Park’s vector approach (EPVA)]. The authors, after a theoretical
are the primitive and rolling body diameters (in millimeters), exposition, suggest that the frequencies introduced by bearing
respectively,Ncr is the number of rolling bodies; and β is the problems, in the EPVA, are given by (10), where fn represent
contact angle (in degrees). Hence, the natural vibration frequencies of each element of the bearing.
Ncr Dcr
Outer race (Hz) = fbor = n 1− cosβ (4)
2  Dp  fEPVA = kfn . (10)
Ncr Dcr
Inner race (Hz) = fbir = n 1+ cosβ (5)
2  E. Comparison of Bearing Analysis Methods
Dp Dcr
Ball (Hz) = fbs = n 1− cosβ (6) Comparative experimental results obtained through the
2Dcr Dp
  aforementioned diagnosis methods are presented in [1]. The
n Dcr tests were carried out based on known bearing malfunctions,
Cage (Hz) = fft = 1− cosβ . (7)
2 Dp deliberately introduced into the bearings in a similar way to the
procedure described in [5] and [7]. The experimental results
In this way, by knowing the expected frequencies from each
in [1] were obtained with bearings showing one radial hole of
element of the bearing, it becomes possible to evaluate the
8-mm diameter in the outer race. The traditionally used vibra-
vibration spectrum and determine the existence of defects. In
tion spectral analysis proved to be more sensitive than any other
addition, from the natural frequencies, it is possible to apply
method, allowing a diagnosis of the malfunction in an earlier
other failure analysis methods to diagnose bearings already
stage. Results obtained from the spectral analysis of the current
damaged, irrespective of the cause.
and the torque are similar, showing to be slightly sensitive in
relation to the incipient state of the malfunction or its location
B. Analysis of the Stator Current within the bearing. The spectral analysis of the electromagnetic
torque has a practical limitation due to measurement difficul-
The applicability of electrical current spectral analysis to
ties. Spectral analysis by EPVA showed to be more sensitive, in
the diagnosis of bearing problems in three-phase induction
respect to the incipient state of the malfunction, when compared
motors is shown in [5] and [6]. In these findings, it is said
to the spectral analysis of the current, but still less efficient than
that the presence of abnormalities in bearings of three-phase
the spectral analysis of vibrations.
induction motors is characterized by the existence of specific
spectral components relative to the motor stator current, whose
frequencies may be determined through (8), where fs is the IV. D IAGNOSIS OF M ALFUNCTIONS IN A M OTOR :
current fundamental component (in hertz) and fn are the natural E VALUATION OF AN ACTUAL C ASE
vibration frequencies, which have been previously referred to in The induction motor in focus is squirrel cage rotor type,
(4)–(7). Therefore, the presence of such components at levels 220 kW, 4 poles, 1785 r/min, 60 Hz, 346 A, cos ϕ = 0.87,
above the preset limits, or showing an increasing trend, allows frame 315 M/L, and fitted with bearing 6319 in the front
the diagnosis of defects in bearings before they actually fail, as housing and 6316 in the rear housing. It is driven by a two-
follows: level space vector PWM (SV-PWM) inverter. The machine is
fsc = fs ± kfn . (8) part of a strip tensioning control system of an annealing and
pickling line for processing stainless steel grades. It is installed
as a generator, being dragged by other motors.
C. Analysis of the Electromagnetic Torque
Starting from the general electromagnetic torque expression A. Analysis of Broken Bars
of a three-phase induction motor with p pairs of poles and after Regarding the measurements, which were performed, the
a lengthy mathematical development [7], it is found that the signal sampling rate is 40 kHz, with a filter between 55 and
frequencies introduced by bearing defects into the torque are 65 Hz, thus obtaining only the frequencies of interest. The
given by collector/analyzer used was CSI 2120 with a Fluke current
sensor (model 80i-1000s).
ft = kfn . (9)
As indicated in Fig. 1, the motor fundamental frequency was
With this technique, along with the knowledge of the natural measured as 60.66 Hz. Since it is a four-pole machine, the
frequencies of each element from the bearing, it becomes pos- synchronous frequency (fs ) is 30.33 Hz.
sible, from the motor magnetic flux, to perform the diagnosis of At the very moment that the current data were acquired, the
bearing problems. motor shaft speed was measured as 1825 r/min, correspond-
ing to a mechanical rotation frequency (fm ) of 30.416 Hz.
D. Analysis Through Park’s Vector Therefore, the slip is (30.33 − 30.416)/(30.33) = −0.0028
The negative signal indicates that the machine is operating as
The spectral analysis of the alternating component from a generator. The sidebands are given by
Park’s vector module of the stator current, for the diagnostic
of bearing problems, is proposed in [19] [also called extended fL (1 ± (2 × (−0.0028)) × 60.66 = 60.32 and 61.0 (Hz).

Fig. 1. Analysis of the existence of broken bars from the stator current.

Fig. 3. Vibration spectrum of the motor with a new bearing.

Fig. 2. Analysis of the stator current harmonics.

In Fig. 1, it can be observed that the bands match the

calculated values, with an amplitude difference in relation to
the fundamental frequency of around 35 dB. With this result,
based on the table shown in [11], the only recommendation is
a reduction of the inspection interval and checking of trend.
Fig. 4. Illustrative diagram of the system under study with the indication of
There is no indication of broken bars. the measured quantities.

B. Low-Frequency Harmonics C. Common-Mode Current

Due to the fact that the inverter is operating in the nonlin- For the present analysis, the stator windings were connected
ear region, an exaggerated level of low-order harmonics was into the star (Y) configuration, to enable the measurement of the
noticed in the operation with nominal voltage and frequency. common-mode voltage (neutral-to-ground voltage). The data
Fig. 2 presents the current spectrum. However, in spite of the acquisition was carried out according to the diagram shown in
huge magnitude of low-order harmonics and the (probable) Fig. 4, which also shows the different paths of the common-
corresponding high-torque pulsations, the resulting vibration mode currents in the system.
in the machine was much inferior than expected, as observed The return current through the cable shielding, as shown in
in Fig. 3, which presents a vibration analysis of the motor Fig. 5, presents about 5 A (peak) and a frequency similar to the
with all new bearings. With a motor voltage supply of 60 Hz, frequency of the simultaneous sum of all the phase currents,
the vibration levels for the 6th and 12th harmonics showed as shown in Fig. 6. The current on the motor frame grounding
to be negligible compared to the normal levels of the natural cable (Iet ), which is not shown here, does not show a significant
frequencies of the components of a new bearing. Therefore, the value due to the fact that the power supply system (transformer)
hypothesis that an excessive vibration resulting from the low- is not grounded.
order harmonics be the cause of the bearing failure was also The voltage between the motor shaft and frame, which rep-
discarded. resents the voltage over the bearings, in Fig. 7, shows values as

Fig. 5. (A) Common-mode voltage and (B) current in the cable shielding. Fig. 8. (A) Current flowing from the shaft to the mechanical load (Iec ) and
(B) voltage in the shaft (in relation to the ground).

Fig. 9. Outer race of the motor bearing.

current circulates through the motor shaft (8-A peak), toward

the grounding of the machine gearbox. As mentioned in [21],
the use of a grounding brush on the motor shaft provides a low-
Fig. 6. (A) Common-mode voltage and (B) simultaneous sum of the currents impedance path, which is parallel to the bearing, for draining
in the three phases. displacement currents originating in the rotor; however, to be
really effective, they must receive regular maintenance. Several
factors can contribute for these brushes to lose their function
and allow the bearing to go into a deterioration process: brush
wear, sticking, brush holder fixing, dirty, and grease.

D. Vibration Analysis
During the realization of the study, the bearings went again
into a failure state. When opening them up for analysis, the front
bearing showed heavy deterioration of the outer race, which
was caused by the circulation of electric discharge currents,
characterized by “stretch marks” on the race surface, which is
also called fluting. Fig. 9 shows a section view of the damaged
Fig. 7. (A) Common-mode voltage and (B) voltage in the shaft (in relation to The bearing on hand (6319) has the following characteristics:
the ground). Dp = 147.5 mm, Ncr = 8, β = 0◦ , and Dcr = 33.32 mm. For
the shaft rotation of 1175.4 r/min, which was measured with an
high as 2 V (peak), which is much higher than the maximum optical tachometer, its rotating frequency (n) is 19.59 Hz.
350 mV recommended in the technical literature [20] for pre- Therefore, from the bearing specification data and shaft
venting bearing deterioration. Thus, the hypothesis that electric speed, the outer race frequency (60.66 Hz) and its integer
discharges through the bearings could be the cause of their multiples, as shown in Table I, were obtained through (7).
recurring damages gained force. Fig. 10 shows the corresponding vibration spectrum. The red
Under another operating condition, the voltage between the arrows indicate the natural frequency of the outer race and its
grounded motor frame and the rotor, as well as the current multiples, whereas the blue arrow points out a multiple of the
flowing from the shaft to the mechanical load Iec , were mon- shaft rotation speed. In summary, the vibration spectral analysis
itored. Fig. 8 presents the results of measurements with the indicated a problem with the bearing outer race, which was
motor shaft rotating at 1830 r/min. A significant amount of confirmed after the bearing dismounting (see Fig. 9).

TABLE I the bearing indeed presented signs of failure by electric current

flow. 5) The installation of a brush on the motor shaft represents
a solution to avoid bearing damage, provided that it is strictly
maintained. 6) Another possible solution to the problem is
the use of electrically isolated bearings. This would eliminate
current circulation through them; however, as the electrostatic
induction on the shaft would continue, the currents would end
up circulating through other components, e.g., the gearbox
bearings or encoders coupled to the shaft, resulting in other

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[18] O. Magdun and A. Binder, “High-frequency induction machine modeling Ronaldo de Araújo Rodrigues was born in Ver-
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[19] S. M. A. Cruz and A. J. M. Cardoso, “Rotor cage fault diagnosis in three- stituto Católico de Minas Gerais (ICMG), Belo
phase induction motors by extended Park’s vector approach,” Elect. Mach. Horizante, Brazil, in 1997 and the M.S. degree in
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[20] “Manual de serviços de motores—informações gerais de serviço para eral de Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizante,
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São Paulo, Brazil, Versão V 1.1, 2005. He is currently a Senior Engineer with Aperam
[21] “Inverter-driven induction motors shaft and bearing current solutions,” Inox South America, Timóteo, Brazil, which is a
Baldor-Dodge Electric Co., Fort Smith, AR, USA, White Paper. major producer of flat-rolled stainless and electrical
steels. He has over ten years of experience with ac/ac and ac/dc motor drives
and control systems applied in the siderurgy industry.

Romero de Souza Araújo was born in Raul Soares,

Brazil, in 1970. He received the B.S. degree in elec- Lane Maria Rabelo Baccarini received the B.Sc.
trical engineering from the Instituto Católico de Mi- degree (with class honors) from the Faculdade de
nas Gerais (ICMG), Belo Horizante, Brazil, in 1997 Engenharia Elétrica de São João del Rei [currently
and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering from known as the Federal University of São João del Rei
the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (UFMG), (UFSJ)], São João del Rei, Brazil, the M.Sc. degree
Belo Horizonte, in 2011. in electrical engineering from the Federal University
He is currently a Senior Engineer with Aperam of Itajubá (UNIFEI), Itajubá, Brazil, and the Ph.D.
Inox South America, Timóteo, Brazil, which is a degree from the Federal University of Minas Gerais
major producer of flat-rolled stainless and electrical (UFMG), Belo Horizante, Brazil, all in electrical
steels. He has over 15 years of experience with motor engineering.
drives control and ac/ac and ac/dc converters applied in all parts of the siderurgy She is currently a Professor of electrical engineer-
industry. ing with UFSJ. She has been teaching courses on electrical machines since
1990. Her main research interests include machine learning techniques and
drive control and diagnosis in electrical machines.

Anderson Vagner Rocha (S’10–M’14) was born in

Hélder de Paula (M’10) was born in Uberlândia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, on February 13, 1970. He
Brazil, on December 27, 1975. He received the B.S., received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering
M.S., and Ph.D. degrees from the Universidade Fed- from the Centro Federal de Educação Tecnológica de
eral de Uberlândia, Uberlândia, in 1998, 2001, and Minas Gerais (CEFET-MG), Belo Horizonte, in 1994
2005, respectively, all in electrical engineering. and the M.S. degree in electrical engineering in 1997
Since 2006, he has been with the Electrical En- from the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo
gineering Department, Universidade Federal de Mi- Horizonte, where he is currently working toward the
nas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizante, Brazil, as a Ph.D. degree in power electronics.
Lecturer and Member of the Industry Applications Since 1992, he has been a Faculty Member of
Laboratory. He has worked on R&D projects on CEFET-MG, where he teaches courses on electrical
line, cable, power converter, motor and transformer machines and drives. His current main research interests include medium-
modeling for high-frequency/transient studies. His main interests include motor voltage ac drives, power semiconductors, efficiency, reliability, and availability
drives, electromagnetic compatibility, and underground power transmission. of high-power converters and their applications.

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