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Previous year question papers of g


PYQs - 1st years (2022)

Paper name page no.


1. Anatomy 1

2. Biochemistry 2
3. Exercise therapy 3

4. Physiology 4
5. Electrotherapy 5

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The West Bengal University of Health Science
1st BPT January, 2022 Examination

Subject: Human Anatomy

Time- 3hrs Full marks- 80
Attempt all questions
1. Mentions names only ;

a. Branches of the celiac trunk

b. Branches of the posterior cord of brachial plexus.

c. Extrinsic muscles of the tongue.

d. Major openings of the Diaphragm.

e. Cartilages of the Larynx

2. Write short notes on (any four):

a) Coverings of the Kidney

d) Stratified squamous epithelium.

inb) Azygos Vein.

e) Multipermate Muscle
c) Syndesmosis
3. Answer briefly any one of the following:

a) Name the muscles of the Rotator Cuff. What is glenoidal labrum? Enumerate the movements
possible at the gleno-humeral joint along with the muscles causing them.
b) Enumerate the muscles of quadriceps femoris. What is Ligamentum Patellae? Mention the

origin and branches of the Femoral nerve. What is meralgia paresthetica?


4. Give a brief account of (any two):

a) Circle of Willis and its importance.

b) Describe the Pectoralis Major muscle under the following heading

i) Origin ii) Insertion ii) Actions. iv) Nerve Supply


What is Delio-Pectoral groove?

c) Describe the Extracranial part of the Facial nerve and mention the muscles of facial expression
supplied by its branches with a labeled diagram. Why is the facial artery tortuous? 8+2

5. Answer briefly (any four) of the followings:

a) Intrinsic muscles of hand b) Greater sciatic notch. c) Cephalic vein

d) Soleus muscle e) Spring ligament of the foot

Physio’s helping hand(रहे हमेशा आपके संग ) 1

The West Bengal University of Health Science
1st BPT January, 2022 Examination

Subject: Biochemistry

Time- 3hrs Full marks- 80

Attempt all questions
1. Answer any one of the following:
a. Describe the process of Glycolysis. Define gluconeogenesis and write down it's importance
in the human system.

b. Write down the functions of calcium in the body. What is the normal level of blood calcium
in the human body? How is the homeostasis of plasma calcium achieved?

2. Write short notes on any two of the following
a) Transamination reaction.
b) Cofactors and coenzymes.

c) Competitive inhibition.
3. Answer briefly any one of the following
a) Write down the source, biochemical function and deficiency syndrome of Vitamin B
Vitamin — B6 and Vitamin - C.
b) Write down the function of Nucleotide in the living system. Describe the double helical
structure of DNA. What is transcription?

4. Write short notes on any two of the following

a) Second messengers.
b) Rickets

c) Essential fatty acids..


Physio’s helping hand(रहे हमेशा आपके संग ) 2

The West Bengal University of Health Science
1st BPT January, 2022 Examination

Subject: Exercise therapy

Time- 3hrs Full marks- 80
Attempt all questions
1. Answer any two of the following:

a) Define passive movement. Write in detail about the effect and uses of Passive movement.


b) Define posture. Write in detail the factors responsible for good and poor posture. 2+4+4

c) What are the fundamental starting positions? Write about joint positions, muscle work effects
and uses of standing position

2. Answer any four of the following: 4x5

a) Types of muscle work.
b) Pulleys
c) Angle of pull
d) Base of support.
e) Line of gravity and Center of gravity

f) Quadriceps table

3. Answer any two of the following:


a) Describe with diagrams the axes and planes in human body. 5+5

b) Explain about the classification, technique and effects of free exercise. 2+3+5
c) What is Suspension Therapy? Explain the different types with diagrams. Enlist Uses of

Suspension therapy. 2+6+2

4. Answer any four of the following:


a) Axillary Suspension.
b) Active assisted exercise.
c) Shoulder Ladder
d) Body Equilibrium
e) MRC grading system

Physio’s helping hand(रहे हमेशा आपके संग ) 3

The West Bengal University of Health Science
1st BPT January, 2022 Examination

Subject: Human Physiology

Time- 3hrs Full marks- 80
Attempt all questions
1. Answer any two of the following:
a) Enumerate the Corticosteroid hormones Describe the actions and regulation of secretion of

Aldosterone. 2+5+3
b) Explain the Intrinsic and Extrinsic pathway of blood coagulation Describe the role of vitamin
B12 and folic acid in Erythropoiesis. 5+5

c) Deline Cardiac Output Describe the factors affecting Cardiac output Define Mean Arterial
Pressure. 2+6+2
2. Write short notes on (any four) 4x5

a) Functions of plasma protein
b) Micturition reflex.
c) Angina Pectoris
d) renin angiotensin system
e) Resting membrane potential.

f) Refractory period.

3. Answer any two of the following

a) List various changes taking place during muscular contraction. Write the molecular basis of

muscle contraction. 5+5


b) With the help of a diagram trace the pathway of the lateral spinothalamic tract from its origin
to termination. What is neuroglia? 8+2

c) Describe the origin course and termination of Pyramidal tract with a diagram. 2+4+2+2

4. Write short notes on any four of the following: 4x5


a) O2-Hb dissociation curve.

b) Accommodation of eyes.
c) Organ of conti
d) Rheobase & Chuomasie
e) Milk ejection reflex
f) Hormones of posterior pituitary gland

Physio’s helping hand(रहे हमेशा आपके संग ) 4

The West Bengal University of Health Science
1st BPT January, 2022 Examination

Subject: Electrotherapy
Time- 3hrs Full marks- 80
Attempt all questions
1. Answer any two of the followings:
a) What is pain gate theory? Write down about different types and indication of TENS. 5+3+2

b) Write down the physiological effects of heat.Write down about different application
methods and indication of Paraffin wax bath. 4+3+3
c) Write about Therapeutic use and Dangers of Infra-red Radiation. 5+5

2. Write short notes on any four of the followings: 4x5
a) Neuromuscular junction

c) Electric shock
d) Ice towel.
e) Indication of faradic current.

3. Answer any two of the following:

a) What is the S-D curve? Write down about its plotting and interpretation in different

conditions. 2+4+4

b) Discuss about different types of Infra-red generators. Write about patient preparation
and contraindication of IRR 4+3+3.

c) Write about the physiological effect of Faradic current. What is eddy current? What is a
motor point? 4+3+3

4. Write short notes on any four of the followings: 4x5

a) Diadynamic current
b) LMN lesion
c) High pressure Mercury vapor tube.
d) Faradism under pressure.
e) Rheobase & Chronaxie.

Physio’s helping hand(रहे हमेशा आपके संग ) 5

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