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Samsung has an innovation-centered organizational culture. This corporate culture is part of an

organizational design that emphasizes employees’ knowledge, skills, and abilities for innovating
the company’s technology products, such as smartphones and laptops. In this regard, the
organizational cultural characteristics support Samsung’s corporate mission and vision
statements, which focus on superior products that improve life and society. Thus, this corporate
culture embodies the long-term strategic objectives for keeping the company’s competitive
position as one of the dominant firms in the multinational markets for semiconductors, consumer
electronics, and related technologies. Based on the enterprise’s core values, the following are the
main characteristics of Samsung’s organizational culture:

1. Development of opportunities for all employees

2. Passion for excellence

3. Constant change

4. Ethical foundation for integrity

5. Emphasis on prosperity for all

Collegial Work System

 Flat structure
 No hierarchical based system of work
 People work as team
 No tussle with respect to the status and job title
 Manager ensure a team performance and positive and motivating work environment
 Extension of supportive model
 Depends on management’s ability to foster the feeling of partnership between the
 Manager focused on Team Performance ; Employee towards Task and harmonious
relations with other employees

Collegial means shared responsibility among groups of colleagues. The collegial model of
organizational behavior focuses on promoting teamwork in the organization.Under this model,
all organization’s members are team members, no one is superior to anyone, no one is a
subordinate, all are equal, and collective efforts are means to achieve desired goals.

Here, the manager works as a team member and also as a coach. His task is to promote team
works and ensure good team performance. He regularly promotes teamwork and monitors
results. This model assumes teamwork is better than individual work and it has the potential to
get better results. Since managers and employees work in a team their relationships become
stronger, employees participate in important meetings, their ideas are valued, there seems respect
for each other, and harmonized working environment is created.

This model best fit for organizations seeking to achieve competitive advantages as it is the pool
of diverse talents and skills directed to achieve common goals. 

The collegial model of organizational behavior is applicable to Samsung in a number of ways.

 Employee empowerment: Samsung gives its employees a lot of freedom and decision-

making power. This is evident in the company's flat hierarchy and its emphasis on
teamwork. Employees are encouraged to share their ideas and contribute to decision-
making processes.

 Teamwork: Samsung places a strong emphasis on teamwork. Employees are often

organized into cross-functional teams that work together to achieve common goals. This
helps to promote collaboration and innovation.

 Open communication: Samsung encourages open communication between employees

and managers. This is evident in the company's employee survey program and its
commitment to providing feedback to employees. Open communication helps to build
trust and rapport between employees and managers.
 Employee development: Samsung invests heavily in employee development. This is
evident in the company's training programs and its commitment to providing
opportunities for employees to learn and grow. Employee development helps to improve
employee skills and knowledge, which can lead to increased productivity and innovation.

Overall, the collegial model of organizational behavior is a good fit for Samsung. It aligns with
the company's values and helps to create a positive and productive work environment.

Here are some specific examples of how Samsung applies the collegial model of organizational

 Samsung's employee survey program: Samsung surveys its employees every year to get
feedback on their work experiences. This feedback is used to improve employee
satisfaction and engagement.

 Samsung's commitment to providing feedback to employees: Samsung managers are

encouraged to provide regular feedback to their employees. This feedback is used to help
employees improve their performance.

 Samsung's training programs: Samsung offers a variety of training programs to its

employees. These programs help employees to develop their skills and knowledge.

 Samsung's commitment to providing opportunities for employees to learn and

grow: Samsung offers employees opportunities to take on new challenges and learn new
skills. This helps employees to develop their careers.

By applying the collegial model of organizational behavior, Samsung is able to create a positive
and productive work environment that supports employee development and innovation.

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