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Power and Politics

Authority, dominance and influence

The perception comes due to societal conditioning

Role of power in organization

In terms of be

Def - A capacity of a person to influence the behavior of the other.

Why does the other person succumb?

Four parameters to answer the same (Stephen Robbins)

i. Dependency
ii. Importance – of the product creating dependency
iii. Scarcity
iv. Non-substitutability

Personality has also an important role to play when dealing with power relationships.

Leadership and power: -

They can be overlapping but at the saem time they have their individuality

They can be different in terms of: -

i. Goals
ii. Followers
iii. Influence
iv. Research focus

Bases of formal power: - (Authority)

i. Coercive – putting or removing sanctions

ii. Reward – positive reinforcement
iii. Legitimate – given to accomplish
iv. Information – the access and control of certain information

Bases if personal power (Persona)

i. Referent power – refers to an influence based on position by an individual or

a desirable resources on personality traits
ii. Expert power - specific skills and knowledge
iii. Charismatic power – power stemming from an individual personality and
interpersonal skills.

Power tactics

Which translates power into specific actions

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