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- Different from functionalists. Marxists argue that crime and deviance

is caused by the inequality between the social classes.

- They also blame the causes of crime on capitalism.

- They argue that these inequalities that lead to crime can be seen by
the following:
● The basis for law
● Law Creation
● Law Enforcement
● Criminogenic Capitalism.


- Laws are made by the powerful and will essentially benefit the
ruling class, and reflect their interests. Therefore, laws are
based on m/c culture.

- Anyone who goes against these interests are considered

criminal or deviant. W/C are more likely to go against this m/c

- Think of people not working hard because of their low pay or

people protesting and fighting for more pay.


● Marxits argue that the law reflects the ideas and values of the
ruling class, and laws are passed to protect the interests of the
ruling class…
● Laws to protect private property are the cornerstone of the
capitalist economy…
● Laws give capitalism a ‘caring’ face, and create a false
consciousness among workers.
● Laws appear to benefit everyone, and the occasional
prosecution of the ruling class gives the illusion that the
law is impartial and fair.
● However, this is just to convince the W/C to obey the law
which actually benefits the ruling.

- Marxists argue that the rich and powerful are treated more
‘Leniently’ as the criminal justice system is more focused on w/c
- White collar crime is significant in terms of its values but
receives very little attention in terms of resources and police

Criminogenic Capitalism:
- As Capitalism society is based on competition consumerism, for
example, wanting the latest mobile phone. Those living in poverty
are not able to compete in today’s consumer world and may be
driven to crime by relative deprivation.

Activity work:

The basis the law:
- Laws made by the powerful
- Anyone that goes against the interest is considered
criminal or deviant.

Law creation:
- Laws give capitalism a caring face
- Created a false consciousness
- Ruling class gives an illusion that the law is imperial
and fair
- Snieder: laws that harm business
- Chambliss: laws that protect private property
- Peace: False Consciousness
Labelling theory:
Labelling theory tries to explain why only some people and some acts
are defined as deviant or criminal, while others, carrying out similar
acts, are not.

-the labelling theory suggests that most people commit deviant and
criminal acts but only some are caught and labelled for it.
- it is for this reason that interactionists focus on what is defined as
crime and deviance and how people react to it, rather than looking at
the causes of the initial act.

● It tends to remove the blame for deviance away from the
deviant and on to those who define them as deviant
● It assumes the act is not deviant until it is labelled as deviant
● It does not explain how some people choose deviant and
criminal behaviour.

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