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Document No.

: FM-OAD-022
Revision No.: 00

Effectivity Date: May 11, 2022


General Education Area

SCTS 1013: Science Technology and Society


Activity 01: "ARISTOTLE ASKS"

Instructions: Form a team with three members (triad). If you prefer to work alone, then you may
do so.
Aristotle tries to begin with common sense. He doesn't just want to build theories in thin air
without connection to reality. He just collects different opinions from different people about a
certain topic. For your Activity, you will ask the views of 5-10 different people about the
following questions:
A. What is happiness?
B. What is/are your goal/s in life?
C. How can you achieve your goal/s?
D. Who are the people you need to achieve your goals with?
Gather all the answers of the respondents. What are the top 3 most frequent answers?
A. What is happiness?
1. I personally see happiness as anything that everyone wants to seek despite
circumstances. Happiness can be self-care, peace of mind, and also doing

2. Happiness makes you feel like you still want to live even if the world is full of
chaos. it makes you feel like you are worthy of living because of the things that
make you happy and for the things that make your life fulfilling. Happiness is also
choosing and loving someone you truly love without force.

3. Happiness is a state of emotion that you feel every time you do something that
satisfies you. It is also a driving force for you to continue hustling every day.

B. What is/are your goal/s in life?

This activity is lifted from Salandanan, G. G. (2012).  Teaching and the Teacher.
Document No.: FM-OAD-022
Revision No.: 00

Effectivity Date: May 11, 2022

1. To become successful, to be genuinely happy, and to live my life to the fullest.

2. My goal in life is to simply reach a certain comfortability and stability to be

shared with the people I treasure the most.
3. To be where I set my mind to.

C. How can you achieve your goal/s?

1. By carefully taking my time and accepting small progress.

2. It is through patience in waiting, courage in facing risks/struggles, and prayer that

I can achieve my goal in life.

3. This goal could only be achieved through perseverance and discipline.

Realistically, finding a job with a reasonable compensation and finding a way to
stay with it in spite and despite of.

D. Who are the people you need to achieve your goal/s with?
1. The people who I want to be with me when I reach my goal/s would be the people
I am with right now. Specifically, my family and friends. Those who support my
journey through success, and those who believes in me from the very beginning.

2. The people I want to be with when I achieve my goals are my family and friends.
Simply put, these are the people who truly care about me. They were the ones
who celebrated my small achievements with me and stood beside me when I felt
the lowest point of my life.

3. The people the I need the most are those the ones giving me hope. Parents,
friends, loved ones. Also, people whom I will work with will form a huge part in
attaining my set goal. Lastly, my goal wouldn't be possible to attain without

What is happiness from the data you've gathered from different respondents?
● According to the data collected from diverse respondents, happiness is innate. It is
subjectively and deliberately felt. Happiness is not constrained by achievement or financial

This activity is lifted from Salandanan, G. G. (2012).  Teaching and the Teacher.
Document No.: FM-OAD-022
Revision No.: 00

Effectivity Date: May 11, 2022

possessions, and is therefore anchored in one's life. Every moment of our life has its
meaning, whether we recognize it immediately or later on. Happiness results from doing
something we enjoy, when our soul is at rest, and our heart cries out with happiness.
Happiness sustains people in the face of the world's despair and hostility.
Moreover, what makes life worth living is a positive outlook in the face of adversity and the
courage that comes from believing you can rise above it. And while we are made to be happy in
some ways, the truest and highest form of happiness is found in God. Simply put, happiness is as
serene as sunrise, as warm as daylight, and as sincere as the afterglow.

This activity is lifted from Salandanan, G. G. (2012).  Teaching and the Teacher.

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