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Pathophysiological Response to Trauma-Induced

Coagulopathy: A Comprehensive Review
Patricia Duque, MD, PhD,* Lidia Mora, MD,† Jerrold H. Levy, MD, FAHA, FCCM,‡ and
Herbert Schöchl, MD, PhD§║

Hypercoagulability can occur after severe tissue injury, that is likely related to tissue factor expo-
sure and impaired endothelial release of tissue plasminogen activator (tPA). In contrast, when
shock and hypoperfusion occur, activation of the protein C pathway and endothelial tPA release
induce a shift from a procoagulant to a hypocoagulable and hyperfibrinolytic state with a high
risk of bleeding. Both thrombotic and bleeding phenotypes are associated with increased mor-
tality and are influenced by the extent and severity of tissue injury and degree of hemorrhagic
shock. Response to trauma is a complex, dynamic process in which risk can shift from bleed-
ing to thrombosis depending on the injury pattern, hemostatic treatment, individual responses,
genetic predisposition, and comorbidities. Based on this body of knowledge, we will review and
consider future directions for the management of severely injured trauma patients.  (Anesth
Analg XXX;XXX:00–00)

AA = arachidonic acid; ADP = adenosine diphosphate; AIS = Abbreviated Injury Scale; AT I =
antithrombin I; DAMPs = damage-associated molecular patterns; DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid;
HTS = hemorrhagic traumatic shock; ICU = intensive care unit; ISS = injury severity score; LY30 =
percent of clot lysis assessed by TEG at 30 minutes after achievement of maximum clot strength;
ML = maximum lysis; OR = odds ratio; PAI-1 = plasminogen activator inhibitor-1; PAP = plasmin-
antiplasmin; PROPPR trial = Pragmatic Randomized Optimal Platelet and Plasma Ratio trial; ROC =
receiver operating characteristic; ROTEM = rotational thromboelastometry; SHINE = shock-induced
endotheliopathy; TEG = thromboelastography; TIC = trauma-induced coagulopathy; TNF-α = tumor
necrosis factor-alpha; tPA = tissue plasminogen activator; TRAP-6 = thrombin receptor activating
peptide-6; TXA = tranexamic acid; VHAs = viscoelastic hemostatic assays

INTRODUCTION TO COAGULATION BALANCE TIC could be renamed coagulopathic response to trauma

IN SEVERE TRAUMA: A DESCRIPTION OF because derangement of the coagulation system is not a
PHENOTYPES uniform phenotype. Following traumatic injury, sympa-
Traumatic injuries are the fourth leading cause of mortal- thoadrenal activation, upregulated inflammatory/immune
ity worldwide with approximately 50% of deaths due reactions, and coagulopathy lead to endothelial activation
to exsanguination within 6 hours following trauma.1 and injury (Figure  1). Proinflammatory mediators acti-
Exsanguination remains a significant cause of preventable vate the coagulation system and are associated with a rise
mortality in trauma patients. Trauma-induced coagulopa- in plasma concentrations of chemokines and subsequent
thy (TIC) is present in 25%–35% of severely injured patients mobilization of granulocytes and monocytes.3 Clot forma-
on hospital admission and is associated with a higher inci- tion and lysis is critical to maintaining microvasculature
dence of bleeding, transfusion requirement, and multior- blood flow and tissue perfusion which is altered by severe
gan failure. Trauma patients with TIC have nearly a 4-fold traumatic injury.
higher mortality than those with comparable injury severity TIC phenotypes range from prothrombotic profiles to
scores (ISS) but no TIC.2 bleeding disorders. Both thrombotic and bleeding pheno-
types are associated with increased mortality4 and are influ-
From the *Anesthesiology and Critical Care Department, Gregorio Marañon
enced by the extent and severity of tissue injury and degree
Hospital, Madrid, Spain; †Anesthesiology and Critical Care Department, Vall of hemorrhagic shock. As we highlight in this review, blunt
d´Hebron, Hospital, Barcelona, Spain; ‡Departments of Anesthesiology and trauma without shock is associated with thrombotic phe-
Critical Care, Duke University School of Medicine, Durham, North Carolina;
§Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, AUVA notypes, while severe trauma with shock is associated
Trauma Centre Salzburg, Academic Teaching Hospital of the Paracelsus with bleeding phenotypes (Figure  2A, B) and early rever-
Medical University, Salzburg, Austria; and ║Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for
Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Vienna, Austria.
sal of shock and preservation of microcirculation are key to
Accepted for publication September 10, 2019.
improving survival.
Funding: None.
Conflicts of Interest: See Disclosures at the end of the article. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY
Reprints will not be available from the authors. TIC is a downstream effect of multiple mechanisms such
Address correspondence to Patricia Duque, MD, PhD, Department of Anes- as endothelial damage, impaired thrombin generation,
thesiology and Intensive Care Medicine, Gregorio Marañon Hospital, Dr Es-
querdo 46, 28007, Madrid, Spain. Address e-mail to
hypofibrinogenemia, profibrinolytic activation, and plate-
Copyright © 2019 International Anesthesia Research Society
let dysfunction. Together, different pathophysiological
DOI: 10.1213/ANE.0000000000004478 mechanisms appear to produce specific TIC phenotypes,

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX

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EE Narrative Review Article

Figure 1. Coagulopathic response to trauma. Physiological response to minor trauma based on endothelial activation becomes a pathological
response when facing massive trauma that leads to endothelial damage.

and whether or not these are influenced by genetic precon- solid phase (endothelium) observed with increasing injury
ditioning or injury patterns remains to be elucidated. We severity. The ultimate goal is to induce local hemostasis
review the individual aspects as follows. and preserve oxygen delivery to the tissues to maintain
microcirculatory perfusion. The goal of the hypocoagu-
Endothelial Damage lable fluid phase is to keep the microvessels open in an
Hypoperfusion and oxygen debt are triggers for endotheli- increasingly prothrombotic endothelium. Higher plasma
opathy. As the endothelium regulates inflammation, coagu- viscosity was recently associated with worsened micro-
lation, oxygen delivery, vascular reactivity, and lymphatic circulatory flow dynamics after traumatic hemorrhagic
vascular integrity, its restoration is crucial. Endothelial shock.10,11 This evolutionary hypothesis implies a direct
injury and activation occur after even minor to moderate relationship between hemostatic derangement and sym-
trauma that stimulates procoagulant release in response pathetic activation secondary to shock, which are both
to inflammatory and neuroendocrine stress. Shock-related regulated by the degree of endothelial damage that occurs
hypoperfusion due to severe or massive injuries causes with increasing injury severity. In 2017, Johansson et al12
extensive endothelial damage and glycocalyx shedding of introduced the term shock-induced endotheliopathy
heparans and thrombomodulin that provoke endogenous (SHINE) to describe a unifying mechanism in which high
anticoagulation.5 A consequence of endothelial barrier func- circulating catecholamine levels, secondary to shock of
tion loss is an increase in capillary permeability that results
whatever origin, are associated with endotheliopathy and
in edema formation and multiorgan failure. These events
poor outcome. The theory is supported by various clinical
exacerbate shock and sustain sympathoadrenal hyperacti-
and experimental studies. Xu et al,13 using an experimental
vation resulting in a vicious circle.6
model of acute traumatic coagulopathy in rats with chemi-
Minor trauma in which the endothelium is likely intact
cal sympathectomy, found that sympathetic denervation
does not cause hemostatic imbalance, while moderate
was associated with less inflammatory response, less
trauma is associated with a hypercoagulable state designed
to prevent bleeding. Using a calibrated automated throm- endothelial damage, and less fibrinolysis. In this study,
bogram, a thrombotic tendency was recently reported in 40 plasma levels of catecholamines, syndecan-1 (a marker of
moderately injured trauma patients (mean ISS = 10.3) and glycocalyx shedding), interleukin-6, tissue plasminogen
compared with 20 normal subjects.7 Severe injuries associ- activator (tPA), and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)
ated with shock (hemorrhagic traumatic shock [HTS]), by were all inhibited by sympathectomy. Hofmann et al,14 in
contrast, cause hypocoagulability, a state that is often fatal turn, using a rat model of hemorrhagic shock evaluating
in massive trauma. In addition, hypercoagulability has been volume-controlled versus laboratory-guided manage-
associated with decreased morbidity and mortality com- ment, demonstrated an independent association between
pared with early hypocoagulability.8 base deficit and both endothelial damage and sympatho-
Almost a decade ago, Johansson and Ostrowski9 adrenal activation. Endothelial damage manifests during
hypothesized that progressive hypocoagulability is an hemorrhagic shock regardless of resuscitation or reperfu-
evolutionary response in which the fluid phase (cells and sion. The authors concluded that reproducible endotheli-
plasma) becomes progressively more hypocoagulable in opathy requires a certain degree of shock and might occur
an attempt to counterbalance the more hypercoagulable without reperfusion.

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Hemostatic Response to Trauma

Figure 2. Coagulopathic response to trauma. Novel concepts. A, Coagulopathic response to trauma with associated shock: bleeding
phenotype. Shock and hypoperfusion in patients with severe trauma can induce hypocoagulability and hyperfibrinolysis that might lead
to life-threatening bleeding. B, Coagulopathic response to trauma without associated shock: thrombotic phenotype. Severe tissue injury
is shortly followed by a hypercoagulable state probably related to tissue factor exposure and impaired endothelial release of tissue
plasminogen activator.

In a prospective observational study of trauma patients, levels of markers of endothelial damage, inflammation,
Johansson et al15 had previously observed that syndecan-1 and coagulopathy on admission and at 24 hours postin-
levels were associated with the severity of shock, inflamma- jury in patients with traumatic brain injury were associated
tion, and coagulopathy, indicating a relationship between with poor 6-month outcome measured by the Extended
shock and endothelial damage. Moreover, patients with Glasgow Outcome Scale. These biomarkers correlated with
higher circulating syndecan-1 levels had higher mortal- neuroadrenergic response assessed by circulating catechol-
ity than would be expected based on their ISS. Thus, the amines. Ostrowski et al17 recently reported an association
main determinants for poor outcome were the degree of between both sympathoadrenal activation and endothe-
shock and endothelial damage, not the severity of tissue lial damage and hypocoagulability, hyperfibrinolysis, and
injury. Their results have been replicated in isolated trau- higher mortality in a cohort of 404 trauma patients (median
matic brain injury. Di Battista et al16 reported that increased ISS = 17; range, 9–26; 73% blunt trauma).

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX

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EE Narrative Review Article

To summarize, the severity of shock is an important Further, activated protein C functions as an anticoagu-
determinant for endotheliopathy hypocoagulability, hyper- lant by inhibiting FVa and FVIIIa, leading to a hypocoagu-
fibrinolysis, and inflammation. lable state and consumes plasminogen activator inhibitor-1
(PAI-1). However, because PAI-1 circulates at levels 10
Thrombin Generation Disorder times higher than activated protein C,30,31 it is question-
In normal hemostasis, thrombin is generated primarily at the able whether this interaction results in PAI-1 depletion and
site of tissue injury and is modulated by circulating antico- accelerates fibrinolysis.32 Hyperfibrinolysis secondary to
agulants (eg, antithrombin, protein C, protein S, tissue factor endothelial tPA overexpression in response to hypoperfu-
pathway inhibitor) that prevent systemic thrombin genera- sion seems more plausible as an underlying mechanism.
tion and as a result, thrombosis. However, procoagulant fac- Subsequent protein C depletion may lead to late hyper-
tors are released into the circulation shortly after severe tissue coagulability. Moreover, protein C has important anti-
injury, and any additional impairment of endogenous antico- inflammatory and anticoagulant properties and low levels
agulant activity may pose a risk of thrombosis. As a result, have been reported in septic patients.33 Protein C depletion
thrombin generation may extend beyond the site of injury,18 may occur and decreased levels of protein C could explain,
and penetrating trauma could be associated with lower levels at least in part, the increased risk of late thrombosis and sub-
of procoagulant activity compared to blunt trauma due to a sequent organ failure described in severe trauma patients
decreased extent of tissue injury. who were initially in a hypocoagulable state due to previ-
There are many reports of increased thrombin genera- ous protein C activation.34
tion shortly after trauma. Schreiber et al19 found hyperco- To summarize, severe tissue injury is followed by a
agulability to be more prevalent in the first 24 hours after hypercoagulable state that is likely related to tissue factor
injury and in female patients. Dunbar and Chandler20 exposure and the release of procoagulants into the systemic
reported excessive thrombin generation due to circulat- circulation, posing severe blunt trauma patients at risk for
ing procoagulant activity and a loss of coagulation inhibi- systemic thrombosis. However, when shock and hypoper-
tors in trauma patients (81% blunt trauma) compared fusion occur, activation of the protein C pathway and endo-
with healthy subjects (n = 25). Trauma patients had high thelial release of tPA result in a shift to a hypocoagulable
thrombin generation and increased native and tissue fac- and hyperfibrinolytic state.
tor–stimulated thrombin generation compared with the
control group. This hypercoagulable state might be related Hypofibrinogenemia
to tissue factor exposure, with circulating procoagulants Fibrinogen plays a critical role in maintaining hemostasis as
playing an additional role. Microparticles (derived from it is converted to fibrin to form a stable clot with activated
activated cells such as platelets, endothelial cells, leuko- platelets and further stabilized by FXIII-mediated fibrin
cytes, and erythrocytes), endothelial-derived extracellu- cross-linking.35 Fibrinogen is the first coagulation factor to
lar vesicles,21 and damage-associated molecular patterns reach critically low levels in traumatic hemorrhagic shock.
(DAMPs), such as extracellular deoxyribonucleic acid Low fibrinogen levels in trauma are related to multiple fac-
(DNA) and DNA-binding proteins released by organs fol- tors, including blood loss, consumption of clotting factors
lowing tissue injury, are important factors in procoagulant and platelets, decreased fibrinogen synthesis due to hypo-
responses.18 thermia, increased fibrinogen breakdown due to acidemia,
Hypercoagulability usually occurs usually within 48 dilution by fluids, and fibrinolysis. Hypofibrinogenemia is
hours of blunt trauma,22 and it is associated with increased an independent risk factor for increased mortality in trauma
mortality.23 As a result, increasing thrombin generation patients requiring massive transfusion.36,37
should no longer be considered a routine goal in trauma Low circulating fibrinogen levels are associated with
patients.24 Accordingly, care must be taken when planning poor outcomes.38 In a cohort of 1133 severely injured
procoagulant interventions in this setting.25 patients, 19.2% had hypofibrinogenemia (as defined by
Hypoperfusion in shock induces activation of the pro- fibrinogen concentration <2 g/L), with higher mortality
tein C pathway, leading to a hypocoagulable state and in those with fibrinogen levels >2.29 g/L.39 Low fibrino-
induces endothelial expression of thrombomodulin.26 gen is also strongly associated with shock severity.40 In this
Thrombomodulin, in turn, forms a complex with thrombin study, 81% of the patients with a base excess of less than
that releases activated protein C to modulate thrombin gen- −6 mmol/L had low fibrinogen levels (<200 mg/dL) while
eration. Increased levels of soluble thrombomodulin and 63% had critical levels (<150 mg/dL). The respective per-
decreased levels of protein C have been associated with centages of patients with a base excess of less than −10
increased mortality (odds ratio [OR] =2.5 and 6.2, respec- mmol/L were 89% and 78%. In a study of critically injured
tively).27 This finding is further supported by reports that patients, Kornblith et al41 also reported low fibrinogen lev-
hypocoagulability does not occur in the absence of hypo- els to be associated with higher mortality as determined by
perfusion, regardless of tissue injury severity.28 Brohi et al27 clot strength measured by thromboelastography (TEG). For
proposed that hypocoagulability in the context of hypo- each 1% increase in clot strength contribution, there was
perfusion occurs to protect microvessels from thrombosis a 12.9% decrease in the risk of mortality at discharge (P <
in states of low flow and to maintain tissue perfusion. This .001). Fibrinogen levels and its contribution to clot strength
concept is consistent with the previous reports9 and is sup- are important for maintaining hemostatic stability and pre-
ported by experimental data showing that elimination of venting further bleeding.42,43
protein C in hemorrhagic shock in mice is lethal due to dif- Fibrinogen is also an important biomarker of acute inflam-
fuse microvascular thrombosis.29 mation. In 10 major trauma patients without coagulopathy

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Hemostatic Response to Trauma

on admission, increased fibrinogen and reduced percentage physiologic fibrinolysis as ML 5%–15%, and fibrinolytic
clot lysis was found compared with healthy volunteers.44 shutdown as ML < 5%. The authors also found mortality
Thus, in the absence of coagulopathy, spontaneous hyperfi- to follow a U-shaped distribution. Taylor et al52 used the
brinogenemia may indicate worsening inflammation44 and same stratification criteria as Moore et al48 in a subpopula-
increased thrombosis risk. tion of severely injured trauma patients with major bleeding
In summary, fibrinogen is a key element in primary and (n = 547) from the Pragmatic Randomized Optimal Platelet
secondary hemostasis. Low fibrinogen is strongly associ- and Plasma Ratio (PROPPR) trial. Patients with hyperfibri-
ated with poor outcome in major trauma. nolysis experienced the highest 24-hour (35%) and 30-day
(54%) mortality and had lower Glasgow Coma Scale scores
Fibrinolytic Dysfunction: Hyperfibrinolysis and on admission and greater laboratory evidence of shock.
Fibrinolytic Shutdown No significant differences were observed between patients
Hyperfibrinolysis is associated with increased mortality.45 with fibrinolytic shutdown and physiologic fibrinolysis for
Using rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM), 3 patterns 24-hour (9% vs 5%) or 30-day mortality (17% vs 13%).
of hyperfibrinolysis were defined in severely injured patients Meizoso et al22 further divided fibrinolytic shutdown
(mean ISS = 47). The patterns were fulminant (breakdown (43% from a sample of 181 severely injured trauma patients)
of clot within 30 minutes), intermediate (30–60 minutes), into persistent shutdown (continuing for 1 week after
and late (>60 minutes). They were respectively associated admission) and transient shutdown (resolving within a
with mortality rates of 100%, 91%, and 73%. Overall mortal- week). Those with persistent shutdown had a 4-fold higher
ity exceeded that predicted by ISS scores (which reflect the mortality (21% vs 5%; P < .05) and 8.5-fold higher risk of
severity of tissue injury). With TEG, Cotton et al46 demon- late mortality independently of age, sex, ISS, admission
strated a 2-fold increase in mortality for percent of clot lysis hemodynamics, or mechanism of injury. In this study, plate-
assessed by TEG at 30 minutes (LY30) >3%. let transfusion during the first week was associated with a
Severe shock and major tissue trauma are significant higher risk of persistent fibrinolytic shutdown, with each
factors for hyperfibrinolysis. The underlying mechanisms additional unit of platelets increasing the risk 2.8-fold.
of trauma-associated hyperfibrinolysis, however, are still Platelets contain a large quantity of PAI-1 and α2 antiplas-
poorly understood. Until recently, hyperfibrinolysis in min. In a clinical study, Vulliamy et al53 demonstrated that
trauma was thought to be secondary to PAI-1 inhibition platelet transfusion decreases fibrinolysis due to the release
driven by protein C activation,26 although as discussed ear- of PAI-1.54
lier, this theory has been questioned.32 In 2016, Chapman et Platelet transfusion has also shown an adverse effect in
al47 reported that trauma-associated hyperfibrinolysis was a nontrauma settings.55 Among severely injured, bleeding
result of plasma tPA elevation. PAI-1, the physiologic inhibi- patients, while early administration of plasma, platelets,
tor, has a high affinity for tPA, and tPA would be expected to and red blood cells in a 1:1:1 ratio compared with a 1:1:2
be rapidly cleared. This mechanism of inhibition, however, ratio was not associated with reduced mortality at 24 hours
is overcome by massive elevated tPA levels in traumatic or at 30 days,56 early platelet administration itself did result
hemorrhagic shock. Thus, excessive tPA release is necessary in improved hemostasis and survival.57 Using a viscoelas-
for overt hyperfibrinolysis to occur. tic hemostatic assay (VHA)–guided transfusion protocol,
In a prospective study including 180 trauma patients Gonzalez et al58 demonstrated better survival with less
with a mean ISS = 29, mean base deficit −9 mEq/L, and 79% early platelet and plasma transfusion. With the current evi-
blunt trauma, Moore et al48 characterized patients based dence, early goal-directed transfusion protocols avoiding
on their systemic fibrinolysis reported as: hyperfibrinoly- late platelet transfusion is likely a good strategy to follow in
sis (LY30 > 3%, n = 33), physiologic lysis (LY30 0.8%–3%, bleeding shocked trauma patients.
n = 32), and fibrinolysis shutdown (LY30 < 0.8%, n = 115). Hyperfibrinolysis is attributed to the release of tPA.47
There were no differences in ISS or injury patterns among To understand fibrinolytic shutdown mechanisms, Moore
the groups. The majority of patients (64%) had fibrinolytic et al59 measured fibrinolysis sensitivity to exogenous
shutdown, and mortality was highest (44%) in the hyper- tPA and demonstrated that shutdown can occur without
fibrinolysis group primarily related to exsanguination. upregulation of fibrinolysis inhibitors such as PAI-1 and
Patients with fibrinolytic shutdown had the second-highest α2-antiplasmin. They also suggested a possible role for
mortality rate (17%), and death occurred later primarily due impaired tPA generation after injury. These results again
to multiorgan dysfunction thought to be related to fibrin suggest that endothelial dysfunction is the mechanism of
deposition in the microcirculation. The mortality rate in the impaired fibrinolysis in trauma, where it can cause either
physiological fibrinolysis group was 3%. The same team extensive tPA release in shock, resulting in hyperfibrinolysis,
demonstrated fibrinolytic shutdown in a larger population or impaired tPA release, resulting in fibrinolytic shutdown.
of severe trauma patients (n = 2540, median ISS = 25, 83% In summary, fibrinolytic shutdown after trauma is a
blunt injury) and again it was associated with increased mor- common phenotype and is associated with a higher mor-
tality due to septic/thrombotic/organ failure.49 Fibrinolytic tality than physiologic fibrinolysis.59,60 An experimental
shutdown has also been identified as a prognostic marker of model of isolated blast injury showed that extensive tis-
poor outcome in pediatric trauma patients.50 sue injury was associated with an early hypercoagulable
Gall et al51 described the same 3 fibrinolysis phenotypes state.61 Hyperfibrinolysis is a less common phenotype that
in 914 patients based on maximum lysis (ML) rates assessed occurs in the context of shock and hypoperfusion62 and
by ROTEM. Hyperfibrinolysis was defined as ML > 15%, is associated with the highest mortality, primarily due to

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX

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EE Narrative Review Article

exsanguination.48,49,51 Tissue hypoxia and ischemia of any patient outcomes have only been recently characterized.
origin trigger tPA release from endothelial Weibel-Palade Wohlauer et al71 reported that platelet dysfunction was pres-
bodies as an important cause of fibrinolysis.63 Increased ent in patients with severe blunt trauma (mean ISS = 19) on
fibrinolysis has been found to predict poor outcome in car- hospital admission. They noted a substantial inhibition of
diac arrest with presumed cardiac etiology64 in a nontrauma platelet reactivity to adenosine diphosphate (ADP) (86.1%
setting. in trauma patients vs 4.2% in healthy volunteers) and less
dramatic but significant, inhibition of reactivity to arachi-
donic acid (AA) (44.9% vs 0.5%). This platelet dysfunc-
Value of VHA to Detect Different Phenotypes of
tion, measured by TEG PlateletMapping, existed despite a
normal platelet count (median 232 ± 13.2 × 103/µL). ADP-
Given these fibrinolytic phenotypes, several authors suggest
mediated platelet function was also associated with the
that tranexamic acid (TXA) should only be administered in
degree of shock and tissue injury.
patients with severe shock.47,65–67 Empirical administration of
Li et al,72 using microfluid technology, also observed
TXA in the prehospital setting with withholding of further
platelet dysfunction in a subpopulation of trauma patients
doses until confirmation of fibrinolysis by VHAs has been
(14/20) on arrival at a level 1 trauma center. The dysfunc-
proposed as a strategy for avoiding administration of TXA
tion was characterized by delayed platelet recruitment to
to patients with possible fibrinolytic shutdown. However,
collagen and attenuated secondary aggregation. All of the
VHAs are only capable of diagnosing the severest forms of
patients had a normal platelet count.
hyperfibrinolysis (2.5%–7% of all trauma patients),68 and
Using impedance aggregometry, Kutcher et al73 pro-
occult hyperfibrinolysis may be more common than initially
spectively studied platelet function in 91 trauma patients
thought. Raza et al69 confirmed this in severely injured trauma
(mean ISS = 23). Platelet dysfunction was observed in 45.5%
patients in which 57% of patients had evidence of fibrinolytic
on hospital arrival and in 91.1% during intensive care unit
activation, measured by plasmin-antiplasmin (PAP) complex
(ICU) admission. Platelet count on admission was normal
levels, that was not detected by a VHA. These patients had
(274.4 ± 85.4 × 103/μL) and none of the patients had a count
higher morbidity and mortality rates than those without
below 140 × 103/μL. Patients with early dysfunction had
fibrinolytic activation. Gall et al51 reported that high D-dimer
nearly 10-fold higher 24-hour mortality (20% vs 2.1%).
levels were associated with poor outcomes independently
Hypoperfusion as measured by base deficit was found to be
of the fibrinolysis phenotype detected by VHA. In addition, an independent predictor of admission platelet hypofunc-
they found levels of S100A10 (a plasminogen receptor) to be tion. Decreased platelet responses to all agonists (AA, ADP,
associated with D-dimer levels, injury severity, traumatic thrombin receptor activating peptide-6 [TRAP] and colla-
brain injury, and increased mortality, even in patients with gen) were present. Platelet response to TRAP and collagen
low ML, that is, patients with hyperfibrinolysis not detected recovered within 24–48 hours of trauma, but remained low
by a VHA. S100A10 is widely expressed in body tissues, up to day 4 in the case of AA and ADP. Based on receiver
especially in the brain, and is upregulated when hypoperfu- operating characteristic (ROC) curves, AA (area under the
sion occurs. The authors concluded that a subpopulation of curve [AUC] 0.769) and collagen (AUC 0.717) responses
severely injured patients in shock could present with hyper- were robust predictors of in-hospital mortality. An associa-
fibrinolysis undetectable by VHA. tion between platelet dysfunction and higher mortality has
Furthermore, VHA does not always detect hyperfibri- been repeatedly reported.74,75
nolysis with great sensitivity nor fibrinolytic shutdown. Similarly to the protein C pathway, tissue injury and
Recently, PAP complex levels have been reported as a spe- hypoperfusion have been suggested to cause platelet hyper-
cific marker of fibrinolytic activity, capable of identifying activation with a massive release of granules due to wide-
fibrinolytic shutdown and a hypercoagulability tendency spread ADP expression, rendering platelets unresponsive to
while low TEG Ly30 was associated with shock and mod- subsequent stimulation; a phenomenon known as platelet
erated fibrinolysis.70 VHA, as a global coagulation assay, exhaustion characterized as circulating platelets without
likely reflects a mechanistic combination of fibrinolysis, granules.73,74,76 Other investigators, however, have postu-
fibrinogen, and platelet dysfunction and low clot lysis index lated that ADP pathway impairment may be due to reduced
should no longer be considered a reliable marker of fibri- platelet granule release rather than platelet exhaustion.77
nolytic shutdown. Unfortunately, PAP complex levels are Impaired platelet responsiveness might also be explained
not currently available in clinical practice. However, indica- by the concomitant inflammatory responses that occur fol-
tions for TXA administration based on VHAs may need to lowing severe trauma, as activated platelets can be cap-
be reevaluated. tured and immobilized by monocytes, resulting in platelet
In summary, severe trauma and hypoperfusion acti- dysfunction.78
vate profibrinolytic pathways. Upregulated lysis is associ- Brain injury is a predictor of platelet dysfunction on
ated with poor outcome. Fibrinolytic shutdown detected admission.73,75,79,80 Ramsey et al,76 using light transmission
by VHAs should be assumed to represent a compensated aggregometry with ADP and TRAP as agonists, reported
coagulopathy, which results in higher mortality than physi- a stepwise association between head injury severity and
ologic lysis. platelet dysfunction. They reported an inversely propor-
tional association between TRAP-mediated platelet aggre-
Platelet Dysfunction gation and head and neck Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS)
Although activated platelets are essential for forming a sta- scores and a positive correlation between TRAP- and ADP-
ble clot, platelet dysfunction and its implications for trauma mediated aggregation and Glasgow Coma Scale scores.

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Hemostatic Response to Trauma

In summary, recent data suggest that early platelet dys- with sustained fibrinolytic shutdown as noted in pediatric
function is prevalent after severe trauma and associated trauma patients.83 Platelet transfusions may favor fibrino-
with increased mortality. lytic shutdown and stored red blood cells transfusion may
have a negative impact on microcirculation rheology by
CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS increasing red blood cell endothelial adherence.84 Individual
With growing understanding of the complex nature of TIC, factors such as response to treatment, sex (severely injured
it can be inferred that a patient presenting with severe tis- females seem to be more hypercoagulable than males85 as
sue injury without shock is at high risk of perioperative well as pediatric population50), genetic predisposition, and
thrombosis and that management should focus on prevent- comorbidities86 (Figure  3) also influence the coagulation
ing thrombosis, even in cases of slight bleeding without profile.
hemodynamic decompensation. A severely injured trauma In the future, treatment of severely injured trauma
patient with shock and hypoperfusion, by contrast, is at patients may be based on phenotypic presentation. We
risk of hypocoagulability and hyperfibrinolysis, which are suggest that specific treatment strategies for TIC, like TXA
associated with high mortality and require urgent treatment administration, should be individualized based on shock
with early hemostatic goal-directed resuscitation. The abil- end points such as base deficit, as shock and/or tissue injury
ity of patients to compensate varies considerably in situ- are factors that influence either a thrombotic or a bleeding
ations of shock and targeted therapy based on shock end phenotype. Clinicians should consider early goal-directed
points, such as base deficit changes, could mirror specific therapy based on diagnostic testing, including viscoelastic
endothelial damage.14 assays. They should also be aware of the multiple factors
Following trauma, the normal progression from bleed- that may alter trauma phenotypes, including preexisting
ing to thrombosis changes over time and recovery. From antiplatelet or anticoagulant therapy, sex, injury pattern,
the evidence presented, different patient phenotypes may and hemostatic resuscitation.
be determined by the presence or absence of shock and
hypoperfusion on admission, but clinical evolution changes CONCLUSIONS
based on the injury pattern. For example, blunt trauma Based on current evidence, tissue injury triggers an adaptive
might favor thrombosis due to the large extent of tissue response characterized by increased thrombin generation,
injury18 while traumatic brain injury is reported to be asso- acute inflammation, fibrinolytic shutdown, and platelet
ciated with delayed clot formation.81 Replacement with activation all designed to increase clot formation and pre-
hypertonic saline may predispose to hypocoagulation82 vent exsanguination. In patients with severe or massive
while over resuscitation with plasma might be associated tissue injury, this response is pathological, overwhelming

Figure 3. Therapeutic approach. Patients presenting with severe tissue injury without shock are at high risk of thrombosis and every effort
should be made to prevent this serious condition. However, shock and hypoperfusion in patients with severe trauma can induce hypocoagu-
lability and hyperfibrinolysis. This state is associated with very high mortality and needs to be treated urgently with early hemostatic goal-
directed resuscitation. Response to trauma is a complex, dynamic process in which risk can shift from bleeding to thrombosis depending on
the injury pattern, treatment administered, individual responses, and comorbidities.

XXX XXX • Volume XXX • Number XXX

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