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5/24/23 9:42 PM

The Great Deceiver
"The Aesir have gained no favors from my torture and imprisonment, come Ragnarok,
they will understand why I am best kept an ally"

Description: Loki's true form is that of a lithe, handsome man with jet black hair reaching a little below
his shoulders. But, this is almost never how Loki is seen, as he is a master shapeshifter capable of taking
an infinite number of forms. A surefire sign that you may be dealing Loki is by identifying red and black
clothing, with a sigil of flame emblazoned somewhere as these are constants in any humanoid form of his.


Personality: Deceptive

Ideals: Loki loves to talk, if you'll listen you can find yourself getting lost in his intricately woven tales for
days if not week at a time. He also does a little trolling, especially to his fellow deities. He's given Thor
fleas on multiple occasions, cut off Sif's original hair, attempted to woo Selune of the Faerunian pantheon,
and many more.

Bonds: Loki has fathered numerous children, two of which that he fathered with Glut; Eisa and
Einmyria. He also fathered three monstrous children with the giant Angrboda; Fenrir (or Kezef depending
on which sphere you’re in), Hel, and Jormungandr. Finally, with his third wife Sigyn whom tends to him
during his imprisonment fathered two sons; Vali and Narfi who are slain before his very eyes as
punishment. There is also a rumor circulating the realms of Loki and the Obyrith lord Pale Night
spawning a unique breed of demons and perhaps the Tanar'ri lord Graz'zt.

Flaws: The bane of most chaotic entities is predictability, this too plagues the Great Deceiver as once
you've pranked or lied to a pantheon enough times they expect noting else from you. Loki also holds a
deep hatred for the Aesir Heimdall, as due to his future-sight, he always foresaw Loki's tricks. This hatred
culminates come Ragnarok, when all of Loki's monstrous children and the giants march against the nine
realms, where Loki is fated to die in a mutual duel to death with Heimdall.

Legend: Loki, contrary to his place among the Aesir, is a Giant. He was born of the giant Farbauti and
the Giantess Laufey. Thanks to the many favors he had done for the Aesir such as helping Thor retreive
his hammer from the frost giant Thrym, and other exploits he was made a "blood-brother" to Odin.
Despite this, he has been the bane of the Aesir, Vanir, and fellow giants of many occasions thus granting
him few trustworthy allies. He is the progenitor of the Midgard Serpent Jormungandr, the Great Wolf
Fenrir, and the Norse Goddess of Death Hel, all of whom will march upon Asgard and the rest of the nine
realms alongside the giants come Ragnarok. One of the "pranks" that Loki is most infamous for, is the
tricking of the blind god Hod. The catalyst for the twilight of the gods is by the hands of Loki, as he tricks
Hod into killing his brother Balder with a mistletoe dart, the only thing capable of harming him. For this
heinous act, Odin turns Loki's son Vali into a wolf that then kills his other son Narfi in front of him. Loki
then bound on a rock deep in a cave by the entrails of his sons, where a snake is constantly dripping
venom into his eyes. Loki's wife Sigyn tries her best to catch the venom before it reaches him, but she can't
catch it all and the screams of Loki are said to cause earthquakes. The cave he is imprisoned within is
encircled by a lake of the snakes venom, making it very clear that he been imprisoned for sometime.
Eventually, seemingly by the hands of fate itself Loki and all of his monstrous children break from their
assorted bonds and seek vengeance upon the gods that punished them, ushering in the end times. His wolf
son Fenrir is destined to slay Odin before being vanquished in turn by Odin's son Vidar, Jormungandr is
slain by Thor but not before landing a poisoned bite on the Thunder God, sealing his fate; and Hel's fate is


While Loki can often be found in Asgard with the rest of the gods, his true divine realm is Winter's Hall
within the plane of Pandemonium. This realm is typically ruled over by the Cloud Giant. Starkad the
Gnawer who acts as a "chosen" of Loki by being infused with a portion of his divine essence.

Regional Effects
Loki's divine power has warped his portion of Pandemonium, this manifests in the following ways.
• Any creature that holds ill intent towards Loki or his allies is stripped on any Truesight, or magic
effects allowing one to see through illusions and they cannot gain any of those benefits while they
remain in Winter's Hall.
• Creatures of Loki's choice within the realm have disadvantage on Intelligence (Investigations) checks
made to perceive, or see beyond illusions.
• Creatures of Loki's choice within the realm are stripped of any resistance or immunity it may have to
fire damage.

Lair Actions
While within Winter's Hall, Loki can manifest his will in one of the following ways on initiative count 20
(losing initiative ties) or he can take a mythic action, but not both.
• Loki wreathes himself in flame until the next initiative count 20. While encased in this manner, he
gains 75 temporary hit points (150 if mythic) and whenever he is struck by a melee attack or a hostile
creature starts its turn within 5 feet of him, that creatures takes 10 (3d6) fire damage or 22 (4d10) if
• Until the next initiative 20, Loki becomes invisible. This invisibility cannot be broken by any means,
and it requires no concentration of any kind.
• Until the next initiative count 20, Loki channels all of his precision and guile gaining an additional 5
dice when calculating the damage of his Sly Trickster feature.


Loki has an abundance of entities and people that he works alongside, but few truly trust him. His most
notable allies are that of his monstrous children; Fenrir, Hel, and Jormungandr who will fight alongside
him come Ragnarok. Notable of his non-deific allies are his Divine Proxies, Giants that have been infused
with a portion of Loki's divine essence. The most notable among these proxies is Starkad the Gnawer,
Guardian of Winter's Hall who is detailed below.

Mythic Effects
When Loki is a mythic creature, he produces the following effects.

Deific Being
Loki is greater deity with a divine rank of 16. This grants him the following benefits against non-Deific
• Loki automatically scores a critical on his attacks.
• When Loki deals damage, he deals the maximum amount of damage on each of his dice.
• Loki has Truesight out to 16 miles, and can communicate telepathically with any creature that is on the
same plane as him.
• Loki can't be banished, diseased, disintegrated, have his ability scores reduced, be imprisoned, be put to
sleep, killed outright, or have his form changed against his will.
• Loki automatically succeeds on all ability checks and saving throws as if he rolled a 20, and non-Deific
creatures can't succeed on saving throws against his spells or abilities.

These advantages are muted against Epic creatures. When Loki encounters Epic creatures for the first time
in a day, he does not gain these benefits for a number of rounds equal to the creature’s Epic (not total)
character level or Epic CR.

Master of Infinite Forms

Requiring no action by Loki, he can transform himself into any creature, or object that he can think of.
While transformed in this manner, no creature divine or otherwise is capable of discerning that this isn't
whatever Loki is transformed into unless it does something that that form isn't able to typically do. While
in an alternate form, Loki retains his AC, hit points, all ability scores, and all of his features and actions.
He also gains any features, and actions innate to the form he takes as well as any ability scores that may be
higher than his own. If the form he takes has more hit points than him, he gains temporary hit points
equal to the difference. Loki cannot transform into another mythic creature. Finally, non-mythic Loki has
this ability as well but he must expend an action to use it.

Loki, The Provoker

Mythic Loki

Killing the Norse god of Mischief is no easy task, quite an annoying one to be honest. But if you manage,
not only will you be defying fate but also gaining some potent magic items from the corpse of the Sly One.

Mythic, Dagger (requires attunement)

This classic styled Norse dagger reeks of death, with a blackened ichor dripping from the blade.
Mastercraft: This weapon grants a +5 bonus to attack and damage rolls, and deals a base damage of 1d6.
Poisoned Strikes: On a hit, the dagger deals an extra 4d12 necrotic damage and the target must make a
DC 30 Constitution saving throw or be permanently poisoned. A creature typically immune to the
poisoned condition has Epic advantage on the saving throw.
Far Reaching. The inner and outer ranges of the weapon are doubled, and it returns to the wielder
whether it hits or misses its target.
Life Steal: Whenever the wielder reduces a living creature to 0 hit points, the target dies and the wielder
regains hit points equal to the total damage the strike dealt.

Tricksters Strides
Legendary, Wondrous Item (requires attunement)

These ornate leather boots are heavily enchanted with exceedingly useful abilities. They grant the wearer a
fly speed equal to twice their walking speed, allow the wearer to walk on water, ignore difficult terrain,
and grant them Epic advantage on ability checks and saving throws made to avoid being grappled,
restrained, paralyzed, and petrified. Finally, these boots do not leave foot prints when walking on ground
that would allow such tracks to be made.

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