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Department of Mechanical Engineering


Belwadi Naguvanahalli Post, S.R.Patna Tq-571477

Subject Code: 21UHV49


1. Harmony should be maintained in:

a) Between body and life b) Between self and society c) Between life and the environment d)
All the above
2. A harmonious world is created by values at 4 levels. These are:
a) Home, family, society, country. b) Individual, family, society, universe
c) School, home, office, temple d) None of the above
3. Many human values seem good or right due to:
a) Positive feelings b) Internal happiness c) Natural acceptance d) All the above
4. ‘Knowing’ means having the
a) Self Exploration b) Right understanding c) Evaluation d) None of these
5. The _______ does not ‘assume, things
a) Body b) Values c) self d) None of the above
6. The self is _____ in nature while body is ____ in nature.
a) Behaviour, Work b) Value, Understanding
c) Conscious, Physico-chemical d) Right Evaluation, Understanding
7. The system of the body works in a_____ way.
a) Understanding b) Self-organized c) Self Investigated d) Right
8. ______helps the human being to transform from Animal consciousness to human consciousness.
a) Right understanding b) Happiness c) Unhappiness d) All the above
9. _____ is the third level of living.
a) Individual b) Family c) Nature d) Society
10. Developed nations are the live example of
a) Prosperity b) Wisdom c) Happiness d) Harmony
11. Any entity that has the activity of recognizing and fulfillment only can be called as ______
a) Physical b) Material entity c) physical identity d) self
12. ___________ at being forced to experience contradiction.
a) Understanding b) Expectation c) Value education d) Right
13. Comprehensive human goal is right understanding, prosperity, fearlessness and ________
a) Mutual fulfillment b) Natural Acceptance c) Mutual prosperity d) Co-existence
14. Value education helps us to correctly identify our ______
a) Aspirations b) Confidence c) Shyness d) Behavior
15. The ability to fulfill aspirations is called ______
a) Competence b) Trust c) Co-existence d) Self-
16. In a healthy relationship, I learn to _______and_____ the people in our life
a) respect, trust b) respect, ignore c) disrespect, trust d) disrespect,
17. With the help of the_______, self-explores and interact with rest of the nature.
a) Self b) Others c) Body d) Nature
18. Needs of the body are temporary while the needs of the self are______
a) Continuous b) Temporary c) Not important d) mandatory
19. The feeling of relatedness to all human beings is called
a) Affection b) Kindness c) Rudeness d) selfishness
20. Society is an extension of_____
a) Workplace b) Family c) Self d) Nature
21. The human goal at the level of nature is
a) Prosperity b) Fearlessness c) Co-existence d) Right
22. _____ deals with the Right feeling & right thoughts.
a) self b) body c) self and body d)
physical facility
23. _______ is Goal of UHV
(a) To understand the coexistence (b) To live in co-existence in mutual relation with human
being and rest of nature
(c) To have the feeling and thought of coexistence (d) All of the above
24. An individual people aspiring for the universal human order will be
a) more responsible socially and ecologically b) more rich
c) more powerful d) more well-traveled
25. __________acceptance implies unconditional and total acceptance of the self, people and
a) Natural b) self c) body d) all the above
26. Working only for physical facilities is living with ______ Consciousness.
a) human b) animal c) both a and b d) none
27. _________is the process to find out what is valuable to me by investigating within myself, what
is right for me, true for me
a) Well Organized b) Self-Organized c) Self-defined d) Self exploration
28. The activities of desire, thoughts and expectation at the level of self, are collectively called
a) imagination b) Sensations c) reality d) fake
29. _________ is an interaction of one human being with another human being.
a) Behavior b) reality c) Activity d) Nature
30. Togetherness, being with each other is called ______
a) Mutual b) Self c) trust d) Behavior
31. Goal of UHV II is
(a) To understand the coexistence (b)To have the feeling and thought of coexistence
(c) To live in co-existence in mutual relation with human being and rest of nature
(d) All of the above
32. Right feeling and right thought deals with
(a) self (b) Body (c) Both (d) None

33. Recognizing the need for physical facility, it’s production and right Utilization ensures
(a) Fearlessness (b) Prosperity (c) Justice (d) None
34.______________means harmony within myself.
(a) Pleasure (b) Happiness (c) Excitement (d) all
35. The basic capacity of analyzing is known as
(a) Desire (b) Thought (c) Expectation (d) Behavior

36. Body is a unit while the self is a unit.

(a) Material, Consciousness (b) Consciousness, Material (c) Material, Material
(d) Consciousness, Consciousness
37. Human being is the co-existence between:
(a) Self-body (b) Self-imagination (c) Body-consciousness (d) Self-beliefs
38. Which of the following is true
(a) Skill determines value (b) Value determines skills (c) Skill and values vary from person to
person (d) Skill and values both are universal
39. Prosperity deals with
(a) Right understanding in the self (b) Fulfillment in relationship (c) Ensuring more than
required physical facility (d) None
40. Human goal at the level of individual is
(a) Prosperity (b) Fearlessness (c) Right understanding (d) Coexistence
41. Human goal at the level of family is
(a) Prosperity (b) Fearlessness (c) Right understanding (d) Coexistence
42. Thought may be governed by
(a) Right understanding (b) Pre conditioning (c) Sensation (d) all
43. For behavior in relationship to be right, it is necessary for the ________and______ to be right.
(a) Feelings and thought (b) Physical facility and health (c) Wealth and prosperity (d)
44. Which of the following is not correctly matched?
(a) Right feeling -> Harmony in the activities of the self (b) Behavior ->Human-rest of nature
interaction (c) Work ->Human-Human interaction (d) Swatantrata -> Definite, continuous,
(a) A & D (b) B & D (c) B & C (d) A & B
45. Statement 1. Right understanding in every individual is part of the Comprehensive human
goal. Statement 2. Prosperity in every family is part of the comprehensive human goal
(a) Both the statement is true (b) Statement 1 is true statement 2 is false (c) Both the
statements are false (d) Statement 1 is false and statement 2 is true
46. The self is the seer
(a) Doer (b) Enjoyer (c) Doer and Enjoyer (d) None
47. The_________does not ‘assume’ things.
(a) Self (b) Things (c) Body (d) Profession
48. The system of the body works in a________way.
(a) Well Organized (b) Effectively Organized (c) Self-Organized (d) Self-defined
49. Self-exploration uses two mechanisms___________and ____________
(a) Natural acceptance and experiential validation (b)Value and experiential validation
(c) Ethic and experiential validation (d) Natural acceptance value
50. Prosperity means
(a) Health, wealth, wisdom (b)Health, time, work (c) Values, Ethic and time (d) Ethic, time
and work
50. Self chooses to use or misuse physical facilities and body works accordingly.
(a)True (b)False (c)Both false (d)None
52. For continuity of happiness, what is essential-
(a)Right understanding in the self (b)Right feeling and right thought in the self (c)Recognition
of needs, ensure more than require, make right utilisation of it (d)All the above
53. The ‘Self’ is central to the human existence and __________ is central to the existence.
(a) Coexistence (b) Nature (c)Struggle (d) Society
54. What should be the human aspiration as per your syllabus
(a)We want to live (b)We want to live with fulfilment (c)We want to live with continuous
fulfilment (d) All
55. ___________means harmony within myself
(a)Happiness (b)Pleasure (c)Excitement (d)All
56. The fulfilment and evaluation of feelings lead to mutual _________ in relationship.
(a)Prosperity (b)Enrichment (c)Happiness (d)None

57. PROSPERITY deals with

(a)Right understanding in the self (b)Fulfilment in relationship (c)Ensuring more than
required physical facility (d)None
58._____________deals with personal transformation and societal transformation
(a)Skill education (b)Human education (c)Professional (d)Inhuman education
59. TRUTH deals with
(a)Realization in the self (b)Fulfilment in relationship (c)Ensuring more than required
physical facility (d)None
60. Human-Human interaction is called
(a)Work (b)Behaviour (c)System (d)None of these

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