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Name: Kunal Saxena

Enrolment No.: A8111120043

Programme: BA.LLB (Hons)
Semester: 1st, Section: A
Batch: 2020-2025

Acid Attack: -
An acid attack involves the premeditated throwing of acid on a victim, usually on her face.
Perpetrators commit acid attacks for a number of reasons, including revenge for refusal of a
marriage proposal or other romantic or sexual advances; While acid attacks are most
prevalent in Bangladesh, Cambodia, India, and Pakistan, they have also been reported in
Afghanistan and in parts of Africa and Europe. Experts attribute the prevalence of the
practice in part to the easy availability of acids.

In India have a gendered aspect to them: analyses of news reports revealed at least 72% of
reported attacks included at least one female victim. Altogether, from January 2002 to
October 2010, 153 cases of acid assault were reported in Indian print media while 174
judicial cases were reported for the year of 2000. 34% of the analysed print media in India
cited rejection of marriage or refusal by women of sexual advances as the cause of the attack
and dowry disagreements have been shown to spur acid attacks. Illustrative cases of acid
attack include Sonali Mukherjee's case of 2003 in Jharkhand for protesting sexual
harassment, and Muhammad Razzaq’s case in Jammu & Kashmir in 2014 for an acid attack
on his wife for not bringing enough dowry.

Acid is known to be a very potent weapon of offence and assault, especially against women
and minors. Men have also been targeted -- the most notorious case being the case of Siwan,
Bihar where two sons of Chanda Babu were bathed in acid by the gang members of
Shahabuddin, in 2004, to create terror and panic; both victims ultimately succumbed to their

Psychological Impact on Victims: -

The psychological impact of acid violence in many times leads to depression stress mental
illness and in some cases suicide reason behind such mental state can be any like the pressure
of society the facial disfigurement deformity pain etc.
Face is the first target of the attacker because it is a person's identity. Face is the first part of a
person's body which make them attractive and is noticed by another person. Targeting the
face is like targeting one's identity. One is recognised by their faces as it defines them, one's
gender age and is a centre of communication. How the face looks changes people's perception
about them. Survivors in many cases feel isolation from society.
By targeting or injuring the face the perpetrators not just inflict physical pain but
psychological and emotional pain as well. The fear they faced is for lifetime. They hide their
faces when they move out of their houses.
The psychological impact does not depend upon the degree of injury but on the nature of the
crime itself. For example, it is not to be assumed that the one who lost his arms and eyes is
more mentally disturbed than the one whose only face is burnt, it is not so.

Counselling of Acid Attack Victims: -

Acid burns cause injuries on face and upper body which provides irreversible scars on the
survivors, and they risk infections and complication from those injuries which due to poor
treatment become even worse.
Physiotherapy plays a very critical role in rehabilitation process of a victim, but Indian courts
do not consider it treatment. a necessary component of burn
The complex process of physiotherapy is explained by "National burn centre" as- "changing
process that may need to be modified daily. The physical rehabilitation consists of prevention
of scar contracture, restoration of normal range of motion (ROM), prevention and
minimization of hypertrophic scar and improvement in muscular strength and cardiovascular
endurance and to help the burns survivor to return to function and performances of activities
of daily living.
The world health organisation (WHO) states that "in low- and middle-income countries, those
who suffer even a fairly small per cent body surface area burn injury to the extremities will
often develop significant disabilities from burn wound contractures which would be
prevented with simple physical therapy and rehabilitation methods.
At times acid burn patients have very low self-esteem due
to pain, social stigma and they lose hope to live therefore patients should be provided good
counselling support as the long course of treatment. Citing such instances would help the
patients to regain faith and look ahead for their long battle with life.
Dr Harish Shetty, a leading psychiatrist who has treated several victims, said they remain
scarred for several years after the attack despite physical recuperation. Victims also often
complain of post-traumatic stress disorders, insomnia, depression, restlessness, fear, and
suicidal tendencies.
"If psychological therapy is given to a victim for a long time immediately after the attack, the
chances of a victim recovering mentally are better," he added. Here, Cognitive Behavioural
Therapy (CBT) is a talking therapy that helps a person to manage problems by changing the
way of his thinking or his behaviour.

What is Domestic violence?

The literal meaning of domestic Violence is the atrocities committed within the four corners
of the house. It does not signify that who is the victim of such violence but in general
parlance it seems to be atrocity done by stronger member of the family on the weaker
members of the family. Mostly women are subject to such a crime. In its broadest sense,
domestic violence also involves violence against children, parents, or the elderly. Definitions
of domestic violence can be broad or focused, amorphous, or targeted. The reason that the
definition of violence is important is because it shapes the response. For example, a
community response, whether it be legal reform or the provision of support services, is
shaped by a particular understanding of what constitutes domestic violence and whether it is
to be conceptualized as an intra-family conflict, or a criminal violation of rights. The
definition implied by the law is especially critical as it defines standards and thus impacts
broader social perceptions of the problem. Elements of the definition that need to be
considered then are the boundaries of the relationship between the perpetrator and the abused,
the norms of acceptable behaviour, and the specific acts those constitute violence. It takes a
number of forms, including Physical, Verbal, Emotional, Economic, Religious, Reproductive,
and Sexual abuse, which can range from subtle, coercive forms to Marital rape and to violent
physical abuse such as Choking, Beating, and Acid Throwing those results in disfigurement
or death.

Crimes against Juveniles: -

Children suffer higher rates of exposure to violence and crime than do adults and such
exposure is responsible for a considerable burden of physical and mental health morbidity.
However, comprehensive epidemiology about this exposure has lagged behind other
paediatric public health threats and lacked nationally representative samples, and
epidemiological studies have been limited to a restricted part of the age or victimization
Children suffer rates of conventional crime victimization, like rape, robbery, and assault, that
are substantially higher than the general adult population. Unfortunately, crimes against
children are considerably less likely to come to police attention than crimes against adults.
Even so, the police see more children in the role of crime victim than in the role of crime
offender. It is thus ironic that crimes committed by children -- juvenile delinquency – receive
considerably more official attention than crimes committed against children.

Psychological Impact on Juveniles: -

Research confirms that children raised in supportive, affectionate, and access homes are less
likely to become deviant. Children rejected by parents are among the most likely to become
delinquent. Studies also indicate that the child's disposition plays a role in this causal chain. A
troublesome child or adolescent is more likely to be rejected by parents, which creates an
escalating cycle that may lead to delinquency. Research over recent years has found some
factors that are likely to
increase the chance of youths becoming involved in offending. There are some risk factors
that increase the chances of younger people.
committing crimes. These are:
Peer group pressure
Peer involvement in problem behaviour
. High proportion of unsupervised time with peers
Parental criminality
. Low family income
TO Prevent the behaviour, one gets the child under the counsellor to make the person come
over negative thoughts to positive thoughts.

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