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Name: Kunal Saxena

Enrolment No. : A8111120043

Programme: B.A.LL.B (hons)

Semester: 1st, section: A

Batch: 2020-2025



I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all those who provided me to complete
this report .I would like to earnestly acknowledge the effort and time given by my subject
teacher Dr. Deepshikha srivastava who has supported and guided me in completing my
assignment. Her sincerity, vision and motivation deeply inspired me.
I owe my deep gratitude to Mr. JP Yadav (HOD) for his extensive support and
professional ethics and providing such opportunity for assignment and project work. I
would like to thanks to all the people who supervise and supported me any manner.

Q-1} Discuss the importance of Audience Analysis and feedback in


 Importance of audience analysis:

Audience analysis is the process of gathering information about the people in your
audience so that you can understand their needs, expectations, beliefs, values, attitudes,
and likely opinions. In this chapter, we will first examine some reasons why audience
analysis is important. We will then describe three different types of audience analysis and
some techniques to use in conducting audience analysis. Finally, we will explain how you
can use your audience analysis not only during the creation of your speech but also while
you are delivering it.

Picture yourself in front of the audience, about to deliver your speech. This is the moment
when your relationship with your audience begins, and the quality of this relationship will
influence how receptive they will be to your ideas, or at least how willing they’ll be to
listen to what you have to say. One of the best ways to initiate this relationship is by
finding a way to acknowledge your audience. This can be as simple as establishing eye
contact and thanking them for coming to hear your presentation. If they’ve braved bad
weather, are missing a world-class sports event, or are putting up with an inconvenience
such as a stuffy conference room, tell them how much you appreciate their presence in
spite of the circumstances. This can go a long way toward getting them “on board” with
your message.

 Better communication– Once you know your audience properly, you will be able to
communicate in a better way. If you have a teenage audience forum, you have to
relate to them to make your presentation more attractive. The same aspect applies in
case of other age groups as well.
 Better presentation– You cannot arbitrarily prepare your presentation. You must
have a little knowledge about the nature of your audience, if not an audience analysis.
And if you have a proper audience analysis, it would be more helpful while preparing
your presentation for the little flaws and pros of preparing a presentation would be
more prominent.
 The audience will understand you better– In a session of presentation, it is not
enough that you understand your audience, but it is important for your audience to
understand simultaneously. This is called the ‘Audience Expectation.’ If you cannot
meet the audience expectation, your whole presentation session will be a flop one
anyway. You can make the presentation information more convincing and
understandable using PowerPoint diagrams.
These three points are the three-layered importance of audience analysis. Audience
analysis can be gained by simple interaction at the session or through advanced
research. Depending on the method, audience analysis can be of three types as well.

 Importance of feedback:

Feedback is audience's response, which enables you to message. Evaluate the

effectiveness of you. One is constantly communicating back to other thus; the return
process is called feedback. And it plays a very important role in presentation.

Feedback plays an important part in communication because it tells both the source and
the receiver, how their messages are being interpreted. Feedback is essential in
communication so as to know whether the recipient has understood the message in the
same terms as intended by the sender and whether he agrees to that message or not.

 Feedback also enables us to evaluate the effectiveness of our message.

 It makes communication meaningful.
 It is the end-result of an idea and makes communication a continuous process.
 If our audience doesn't understand what we mean, we can tell by the response and
then refine the message accordingly. Giving our audience a chance to provide
feedback is crucial for maintaining an open communication climate.
 The speaker must create an environment that encourages feedback.

Q-2} Discuss in detail the importance of Visual aids in presentation:-

 Importance of visual aids:

Visual aids are an important part of presentations. They can help to keep your audience
engaged, make your point for you-there is a reason why people say that a picture tells a
thousand words-and remind you what you want to say.

There is no secret to developing an effective presentation. Establishing your objectives,

planning and organizing your material, and using appropriate visual aids are the essential
ingredients. The recipe for effective presentations calls for all three ingredients, and you
must use them in the order. By establishing your objectives first, you can prepare material
that supports each objective. The use of visual aids will move you further along toward
your objectives by illustrating and emphasizing your ideas more effectively than words

 Summarise information. 
 Reduce the amount of spoken words, for example, you may show a graph of your
results rather than reading them out. 
 Clarify and show examples. 
 Create more of an impact, for example, if your presentation is on the health risks of
smoking, you may show images of the effects of smoking on the body rather than
describing this. You must consider what type of impact you want to make beforehand
- do you want the audience to be sad, happy, angry etc.? 
 Emphasise what you're saying. 
 Make a point memorable. 
 Enhance your credibility
 Engage the audience and maintain their interest. 
 Make something easier for the audience to understand.
Visual aids help your presentation make things happen. Visual aids help you reach your
objectives by providing emphasis to whatever is being said. Clear pictures multiply the
audience's level of understanding of the material presented, and they should be used to
reinforce your message, clarify points, and create excitement.
Visual aids involve your audience and require a change from one activity to another: from
hearing to seeing. When you use visual aids, their use tends to encourage gestures and
movement on your part. This extra movement reinforces the control that you, the speaker,
need over the presentation. The use of visual aids is mutually beneficial to the
audience and you.
Visual aids add impact and interest to a presentation. They enable you to appeal to more
than one sense at the same time, thereby increasing the audience's understanding and
retention level. With pictures, the concepts or ideas you present are no longer simply
words - but words plus images. The chart below cites the effectiveness of visual aids on
audience retention.

 Choosing Visual Aids:

When selecting a visual aid, it is important to choose one appropriate to the information being
presented. Information generally falls into one of two categories:-
 Statistical: to help the audience visualize relationships between numbers, use pie
charts, line charts, and bar charts.
 Illustrative: to visually describe an idea or concept, use pictures or symbols.

Keep in mind the size of your audience, the type of room in which you will be presenting,
and how best to support your presentation when selecting a visual aid.

At all the times you must remember that you are still the presenter! You are not there to read
a power point to the audience; add value to each point as you cover it. You will probably
need to increase the volume of your voice and the size of your gestures in order to maintain
attention when competing with visual aid. If properly prepared and implemented, visual aids
can be an invaluable tool for getting your point across clearly and professionally.

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