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When last we met:

The last encounter was a trying time for our merry band. The session started with Valron waking from a
dreadful spider-filled nightmare to find Helerona’s dagger plunged hilt deep into his belly. Helerona refused to
remove it due to the jet black eyes and white hair Valron woke up with. Everyone seemed to have a nightmare
on the way to the hut in the woods, but Valron’s was different. He woke up physically changed. Although it
seems that only those who were magically oriented or in possessions of magical items were able to see it.
Khilman was even able to see a tiny spider crawl out of the wound at one point. Something about what
occurred also prevented healing items/spells from working on Valron. The party then met a little girl who lead
them on a chase through the woods before ultimately running into a burned out husk of a home. The little girl
upon seeing Iarno dropped her guise and transformed into a monstrous hag. Upon defeating her the party
blundered upon a bag made of what appeared to be human skin. Upon clumsily opening it a ethereal being
with the appearance of an older Glassstaff appeared. Clearly recognizing the party he greated you, took
possession of his younger self and calmly disappeared. It should be noted that This Glassstaff was much older
than any you’ve encountered and he has now taken that wisdom and placed it in the body of his younger self.
There is now a older wise Glassstaff running around in the body of a man in his prime. (That’s bad for you.)

Upon leaving the home and heading back to the camp and the cart they left last night, a band of goblin soldier
ambushed them. The goblins clearly had one goal in mind revenge. While the soldiers were keeping the party
busy, a familiar female snared 2short, blasted a hole in his chest, took his satchel, and most importantly took
the baby. This goblin only said one thing to the party: “Black Spider sends his regards”

The party opens with 2shorts still warm corpse and some decisions to make.
1. The party needs to resupply Archers have used half of their arrows at this point and have not restocked
2. Valron has some type of magical affliction course through him, if his appearance is any indication.
3. Your current quest needs to be completed. There is a significant amount of villagers who are the
captives of the orcs.
4. The orcs do not know that their homeland is now free.
5. The party has information about the cause of the calamity in Phandelin.
a. Harbin Wester provoked the orcs who initially approached in peace. They were attacked and
denied trade.
b. The orcs were desparate, they needed food if they didn’t get it they would have starved.
c. The villagers who were not killed in the fighting were not treated poorly. The orcs were looking
to sell them off for supplies.
6. There has been a goblin army roaming the wilds collecting recruits. If you ask anyone about it, they can
give you some details about what they’ve seen.
7. Black Spider is clearly making a play here. The Rockseeker brothers are still missing. Last seen in the
possession of black spider. The owlbear in the red brand hideout told you that Black Spider and
Glassstaff were looking to gain access to the lost mine of Phandelver located in a place called wave
echo cave.

All roads lead back through the orc encampment to Phandelin. Brughor is an honorable orc. You have
completed his quest. He respects the efforts you put into aiding his tribe. He offers you 3 additional carts and 6
Orc warriors as escorts to prevent anymore Goblin trouble along the triboar trail. The Orcs respect you but not
the city of Phandelin. They will only take the villagers as far as the intersection between the road to Phandelin
and the Tri-boar trail.
The way back is an uneventful trip, but there is plenty of time to discuss what has happened and for Valron
and Helerona to get into over the stabbing. Helerona will remain standoffish towards Valron. To her and
several of you he has taken on the outward appears of one of Lolth’s acolytes. Valron will clearly be wary of
letting his guard down around Helerona in the future. She stabbed him in the exact same spot as the spider
queen. How could she have known that?

Vanya and Khillman: roll perception +10. On a successful roll they both notice that Valron is looking noticeably
worse. +15 his cheeks have sunken in a bit and he appears to have lost weight.

Valron: deception +15 on a success nothing happens. Below a 15, the person with the highest passive
perception notices that his belt has been tightened three notches past the notch with the highest wear.

When the party arrive at the drop off point they arrive under a hail of arrows. 10 Scouts from Phandelin have
seen the Orcs and are not taking chances.

Roll Initiatve. Anyone under 10 roll a d6 for damage. DM to roll a d6 for killed villagers and a d10 for injured
villagers. Roll a D4 for killed orcs.

The villagers are not really itching for a fight and can be talked down with a persuasion higher than 12. If
combat continues the last villager flees to warn the town. The dead and wounded who cannot walk are loaded
on to the cart to be brought back to town.

Phandelin is a ghost town when you arrive. The only movement is around the Town Master’s hall.
The remaining villagers have grabbed their weapons and are ready for a fight.

Harbin Wester Speaks for the town: Well look who’s come back. Our “Heroes.” Heard you made nice with the
orcs. We only killed __ of them. Where did the rest of them go? Too scared to take on a town that is ready for

Possible responses to Player character dialog

And we should trust you? You’ve I speak for the town when I say if You haven’t brought anything but
been working with an Orc for you don’t want trouble you should pain since you’ve arrived! The
Weeks! go now. And don’t comeback! zombie attack, the orcs. Poor
From the moment you got here All you’ve ever cared about is your Toblen took you in and then a
you’ve acted like your shit don’t money. Well here is the 200GP giant spider stole his son. That
stink. Coming in all high and Sildar’s dumbass promised you. was months ago. What have you
mighty thinking you city folk are You want anything else you’re done about that?
better than us. going to need to pry it from our
cold dead hands.
Fuck no you aint’ getting no property here! You and your orc friends coordinate an attack on us. I bet you
only did it so you could get those land rights. I wondered why the orcs only attacked the eastern edge of the
town, your

You have two options here. You can either leave town to work on the next part of your quest or you can attack
and kill Harbin Wester. Doing this will lead to a massive fight with the town and at least some of you won’t
make it out. You’ll have to kill everyone who’s left. The only friend you have here is Sildar Hallwinter. If you kill
Harbin Wester, he will no longer count you among his friends.

The choice is yours.

As you leave Sildar catches up to you. Select one character to do a survival check
 +5 he hands you a satchel with a potion and 10 arrows.
 +10 he hands you a satchel with 2 potions, 15 arrowsand he tells you to find Talon Thornwild in the
Neverwinter wood.
o He can providing lodging and food for a small fee. Tell him Sildar sent you.
 +15 he hands you a satchel with 2 potions, 15 arrows, a superior potion of healing, and tells you about
Talon Thornwild.
 +20 he gives you a satchel with 2 potions, 15 arrows, a superior potion of healing a pair of sending
stones and tells you about Talon
 20+ he gives you a satchel with 2 potions, 15 arrows, a superior potion of healing a pair of sending
stones, tells you about Talon and he give you the cloak of billowing.

Your next actions are entirely up to you:

 You now have an angry town
 A roving Goblin army that is after you.
 Someone called Black Spider who is after you.
 Glassstaff is back, that’s never good
 The closest thing you have to friends is an orc tribe that is, at best 3 days by horse. (you don’t have a
 The only lead you have is: Roll History Highest Wins. __________ Saw the location of cragmaw Castle
on the map in Brughor’s lair. That was the last location you heard for the Rockseekers and Blackspider.
Perhaps you can find more information there.

If we get here Switch to the Book Page 35. As a local Tyrthor can do a +15 History Check to tell about the
cragmaw castle when you arrive.

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