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BUY Indo Tambangraya Megah


Price Rp27,200
Target Price Rp38,300 Everything’s good
Better-than-expected FY07 core earnings
Bloomberg Code ITMG IJ Despite lower volume and higher total cash costs, ITMG posted strong core earnings of US$70mn,
Reuters Code ITMG.JK
No. of shares (mn) 1,129.9 +112% yoy, on the back of higher ASP and a lower effective income tax rate. The core earnings
Market cap (Rp bn) 30,733 were higher than our forecast. However, if we had used the same volume and ASP assumptions,
(US$ mn) 3,378 our FY07 earnings forecasts would have been in line with ITMG’s.
Weight in JCI (%) 1.7
3m Avg. daily T/O (US$ mn) na
Upside on the pricing
Price (Rp) ITMG has already secured 70% of this year’s volume at US$54/ton. Another 11% has already been
12 mos Hi/Lo 30,500/14,000 secured in terms of volume but has not been priced, and the remaining 19% has not been either
secured or priced. Mostly of low quality Jorong volume has been secured and priced, and we can
PER - 2008F (x)
expect that the non-priced volume will be of higher quality. As such, we can expect that the FY08
12 mos Hi/Lo 19.3/8.8
ASP shall be higher than our estimate of US$57.2/ton. Our sensitivity analysis suggests that for
EV/EBITDA - 2008F (x) every 5% change in our FY08 ASP, our FY08 earnings forecast shall change by 14.2%.
12 mos Hi/Lo 9.2/4.0
Greater confidence in the reserves
Key Financial 08F/09F
Net gearing, % net cash Although it will take more time to get the license from the Ministry of Forestry before ITMG can
ROAA, % 23.0/36.6 mine the Indominco East block, ITMG’s success in getting the principal license from the Presidential
ROAE, % 35.5/49.5 office has boosted our confidence in the Company’s ability to monetize its reserves and resources.
We also see further potential upside on the reserve calculations as the current reserves estimate
Price Relative to JCI (%)
is still based on a US$40/ton coal price assumption.
1 mo 2.6

USD/IDR - YE (Rp) Maintain BUY, TP of Rp38,300

2007 9,400 We maintain our BUY call on the stock and retain our share target price of Rp38,300. The target
2008F 9,445
price implies FY08 PER of 24.2x and EV/EBITDA of 11.6x and offers 41% upside. BUY.
Major shareholders (%)
Centralink Wisesa Intl. 78
Others 22

Rp ITMGshare price (LHS) relative to JCI (RHS) %

26,000 80 Year to Dec, US$m 2005 2006 2007F 2008F 2009F
23,000 60

20,000 40 Sales, US$ mn 477 673 772 1,094 1,536

17,000 20 Sales growth, % 51.8 41.1 14.7 41.8 40.3
14,000 0 EBITDA, US$ mn 135 119 167 395 713

EBITDA growth, % 92.5 (11.8) 40.6 136.1 80.6



Net profit, US$ mn 75 25 57 195 375

Net profit growth, % 122.5 (66.7) 128.2 242.8 92.9
Core profit, US$ mn 76 35 70 209 394
Isnaputra Iskandar, CFA Core profit growth, % 105.0 (54.3) 100.4 200.8 88.3
(62-21) 350 9888 ext.3504 PER, x 44.8 134.3 58.8 17.2 8.9 Core PER, x 44.0 96.2 48.0 16.0 8.5
EV/EBITDA, x 25.7 29.0 19.3 8.1 4.1
Yield, % 0.0 0.0 0.6 1.0 3.5
Danareksa research reports are also
available at Reuters Multex, First Call
Direct and Bloomberg

Exhibit 1. ITMG’s strong FY07 earnings

FY06 FY07 YoY 2007F Actual/F Adjusted YoY

% 2007F* %

Sales volume, mn tons 19.3 18.1 -6 18.0 101% 18.0 101

Production volume, mn tons 19.6 17.8 -9 18.0 99% 18.0 99
Selling price, US$/ton 38.4 42.3 10 40.0 106% 40.0 106
Total cash costs, US$/ton 31.3 34.0 9 30.8 110% 31.4 108

Net sales, US$ mn 732 772 5 682 113% 731 106

Gross profit, US$ mn 187 207 11 169 123% 209 99
Operating profit, US$ mn 83 122 48 90 135% 128 95
EBITDA, US$ mn 120 167 40 128 130% 167 100
Net profit, US$ mn 23 57 144 47 121% 73 78
Core profit, US$ mn 33 70 112 47 149% 73 95

Gross margin, % 25.5 26.9 24.7 28.5

Operating margin, % 11.3 15.8 13.2 17.6
EBITDA margin, % 16.3 21.7 18.8 22.8
Net margin, % 3.2 7.4 6.9 10.0
Core net margin, % 4.5 9.0 6.9 10.0

*adjusted for actual ASP & income tax rate

Source: Company & Danareksa Sekuritas

Exhibit 2. Sensitivities of FY08 earnings on changes in selling price

FY08 earnings Change

US$mn %

ASP -10% 139 (28.3)

ASP -5% 167 (14.2)
ASP (base case) 195 0.0
ASP +5% 222 14.2
ASP +10% 250 28.3

Source: Danareksa Sekuritas


Share price and recommendation

Date 6-Feb-08 4-Mar-08

Rating BUY BUY
Price Target, 38,300 38,300















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