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Predator Types

CANON PREDATOR TYPES: CONSENSUALIST: (V5 Corebook p.177) You take blood with con-
ALLEYCAT: (V5 Corebook p.175) You take blood by force or
Predator Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion
● Add a specialty: Medicine (Phlebotomy) or Persuasion
Predator Pool: Strength + Brawl (assault) or Wits + Streetwise
● Gain (•) Auspex or (•) Fortitude
● Add a specialty: Intimidation (Stickups) or Brawl (Grappling)
● Gain one dot of Humanity
● Gain (•) Celerity or (•) Potence
● Gain Infamy [•] Dark Secret (Masquerade Breacher)
● Lose one dot of Humanity
● Gain Feeding [•] Prey Exclusion (non-consenting)
● Gain Contact (•••) Criminal

EXTORTIONIST: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.150) You get blood in

BAGGER: (V5 Corebook p.176) You acquire preserved or dead
exchange for “protection.”
blood, rather than hunt the living.
Predator Pool: Strength/Manipulation + Intimidation
Predator Pool: Intelligence + Streetwise
● Add a specialty: Intimidation (Coercion) or Larceny (Security)
● Add a specialty: Larceny (Lock-picking) or Streetwise (Black
● Gain (•) Dominate or (•) Potence
● Spend three dots between the Contacts, Resources, and
● Gain (•) Blood Sorcery (in-clan only) or (•) Obfuscate
● Gain Feeding (•••) Iron Gullet
● Gain Enemy [••] The police or escaped victim
● Gain Enemy [••] Either someone believes you owe them, or
there’s another reason you keep off the streets.
FARMER: (V5 Corebook p.177) You feed from animals.
Predator Pool: Composure + Animal Ken
BLOOD LEECH: (V5 Corebook p.176) You feed from other vam-
● Add a specialty: Animal Ken (Specific Animal) or Survival
Predator Pool: NONE
● Gain (•) Animalism or (•) Protean
● Add a specialty: Brawl (Kindred) or Stealth (against Kindred)
● Gain one dot of Humanity
● Gain (•) Celerity or (•) Protean
● Gain Feeding [••] Vegan
● Lose one dot of Humanity
● Increase Blood Potency by one
● Gain Infamy [••] Dark Secret (Diablerist or Shunned) GRAVEROBBER: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.150) You feed on
● Gain Feeding [••] Prey Exclusion (mortals) mourners and the dearly departed.
Predator Pool: Resolve + Medicine (corpses) or Manipulation
+ Insight (mourners)
CLEAVER: (V5 Corebook p.176) You take blood covertly from
● Add a specialty: Occult (Grave Rituals) or Medicine
your mortal family or friends.
Predator Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge
● Gain (•) Fortitude or (•) Oblivion
● Add a specialty: Manipulation (Gaslighting) or Subterfuge
● Gain Feeding (•••) Iron Gullet
● Gain Haven (•)
● Gain (•) Dominate or (•) Animalism
● Gain Herd [••] Obvious Predator
● Gain Herd (••) 4-7 Mortals
● Gain Infamy [•] Dark Secret (Cleaver)

Predator Types

OSIRIS: (V5 Corebook p.177) As an object of devotion, you feed SIREN: (V5 Corebook p.178) You feed by seduction, under the
from your cult, church, or fans. guise of sex.
Predator Pool: Manipulation + Subterfuge (flattery) or Intimi- Predator Pool: Charisma + Subterfuge
dation + Fame (bully) ● Add a specialty: Persuasion (Seduction) or Subterfuge
● Add a specialty: Occult (specific tradition) or Performance (Seduction)
(specific entertainment field) ● Gain (•) Fortitude or (•) Presence
● Gain (•) Blood Sorcery (in-clan only) or (•) Presence ● Gain Looks (••) Beautiful
● Spend three dots between the Fame and Herd Backgrounds ● Gain Enemy [•] A spurned lover or jealous partner
● Spend two dots between the Enemy and Mythical Flaws


ROADSIDE KILLER: (Let the Streets Run Red p.76) You feed ex-
clusively from transients.
Predator Pool: Attribute + Skill
Predator Pool: Dexterity or Charisma + Drive
● Add a specialty: Skill (Specialty) or Skill (Specialty)
● Add a specialty: Survival (The Road) or Investication
● Gain (•) Discipline or (•) Discipline
(Vampire Cant)
● Optional: Lose one dot of Humanity
● Gain (•) Fortitude or (•) Protean
● Gain Advantage (•) Name and/or Flaw [•] Name
● Gain Heard (••) an itinerant group
● Gain Feeding [••] Prey Exclusion (Locals)

SANDMAN: (V5 Corebook p.177) You feed from sleeping victims,

often breaking into homes.
Predator Pool: Dexterity + Stealth
● Add a specialty: Medicine (Anesthetics) or Stealth (Break-in)
● Gain (•) Auspex or (•) Obfuscate
● Gain Resources (•)

SCENE QUEEN: (V5 Corebook p.178) You feed from a subculture

or exclusive group in which you enjoy high status.
Predator Pool: Manipulation + Persuasion
● Add a specialty: Etiquette (specific scene), Leadership
(specific scene), or Streetwise (specific scene)
● Gain (•) Dominate or (•) Potence
● Gain Fame(•) Recognized
● Gain Contact (•) Sycophant
● Gain either Influence [•] Disliked (outside your sub-culture)
or the Feeding [•] Prey Exclusion (another subculture)

Coterie Types

CANON COTERIE TYPES: CORPORATE: (Chicago by Night p.260) It’s just business, literal
corporate bloodsuckers
BLOOD CULT: (V5 Corebook p.197) Controls a human cult and
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (••) Lien
feeds from them
● Gain Influence (••) business community
● Gain Domain: (•) Lien and (••) Portillon
● Gain Resources (•••) the company portfolio
● Gain Herd (•••)
● Possible extras: Contact, Herd (interns)
● Gain Status [•] Suspect
● Possible extras: Enemy [••], Haven (cult church or com-
pound), Mask [••] (on the Second Inquisition radar), Retainer DAY WATCH: (V5 Corebook p.198) Guards the undead sleepers
from mortals
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (••) Portillon
CARNIVAL: (Chicago by Night p.260) Troubadours on eternal
● Gain Influence (••) Influential
● Gain Enemy [•••] The enemy of my friend is out for me
● Gain Domain [•] No Domain
● Possible extras: Ally, Contact, Haven, Mawla, a shared relic
● Gain Contacts (•••) fans in every town
or ritual allowing activity by day
● Gain Fame (•••) wandering spectacle
● Gain Retainer (•••) daylight help
● Possible extras: Ally, Herd (fans who follow), Resources DIOCESE: (Children of the Blood p.83) Leaders of a cult
● Gain Domain (•••) Chasse and (••) Lien
● Gain Influence (••) Church
CERBERUS: (V5 Corebook p.197) Protects or guards an important
● Gain Herd (••) devout mortal cultists
● Gain Mask (••) the diocese’s cult
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (•••) Portillon
● Gain Enemy [••] success draws detractors
● Gain Haven (••) the location in question
● Possible extras: Ally, Resources, Retainer, Status, a shared
● Possible extras: Adversary, Haven [•] Haunted, Status (for
relic of significance to the cult, Adversary, Suspect

ENVOYS: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.195) Representatives and

CHAMPIONS: (V5 Corebook p.197) Fights for a good cause
diplomats of their Clan(s) or Cult(s)
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (•••) Lien
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (•••) Lien
● Gain Ally (•) someone you have rescued
● Gain Contacts (•••) mortals from diverse backgrounds and
● Gain Enemy [••] someone or group you have fought before
● Possible extras: Adversary, Contact
● Gain Resources (••) pooled cash and assets
● Gain Status [•] Suspect
● Possible extras: Mask (cover identities for different do-
COMMANDO: (V5 Corebook p.197) Fights for a master
mains), No Haven (always on the move)
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (••) Portillon
● Gain Mawla (•••) your taskmaster
● Gain Status (•) Recognized
● Gain Enemy [••] someone or a group you have fought be-
● Possible extras: Adversary, Haven (base of operations), Mask

Coterie Types

EXCOMMUNICATES: (Children of the Blood p.84) Intentional or FLAGELLANT: (Chicago by Night p.260) You protect kine to atone
not you are now apostates outcast or hunted for some sin
● Gain Contacts (•••) remaining connections ● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (••) Lien
● Gain Loresheet (•••) the secret or mistake that caused it all ● Gain Ally (•••) mortals you’ve helped
● Gain Mask (••) remaining documents and IDs ● Gain Influence (•) local charity
● Gain one or more dots in any of the following or similar ● Adversary [••] your altruism irritates at least one Kindred
Flaws: Adversary, Enemy, Excommunicated, or Despised ● Possible extras: Contact, Loresheet (Golconda), Retainer
(These can be applied individually for groups from multiple (nursed back to health with vitae)
cults or as a coterie background for groups from a single cult.)
● Possible extras: Adversary, Destitute, Influence (outside the
cult), No Haven, Shunned FUGITIVE: (Chicago by Night p.260) You are on the run from
● Gain Domain [•] No Domain
FAMILY: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.150) Relatives as Kine or ● Gain Contact (•••) help on the run
Kindred, and use their extended families as their primary net- ● Gain Mask (••) Fake Identity and (*) Cobbler
work ● Gain Resources (••) cash and a light-proofed vehicle
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse, (•) Lein and (•••) Portillon ● Gain Retainer (•) daylight driver
● Gain Ally (•) a connected mortal family member ● Gain one or more dots in any of the following or similar
● Gain Contacts (••) family, extended family Flaws: Adversary, Enemy, or Known Blankbody (These are re-
● Gain Resources (••) cash and assets on loan from the family lated to whoever or whatever may be pursuing the coterie.)
● Gain Enemy [••] one or more mortals who oppose the fami- ● Possible extras: Ally, Despised, Shunned, Loresheet (hunted
ly business because you know too much)
● Possible extras: Herd (extended family members), Influence
(family business), Mawla (vampire within the same family),
Retainers (a family ghoul), Fame Flaw: Dark Secret (family GATEKEEPERS: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.150) Reputed to main-
criminal connections) tain strange powerful connections with geists and spectres
● Gain Domain (••) Chasse, (•) Lien, and (•) Portillon
● Gain Contacts (••) graverobbers, mortician
FANG GANG: (V5 Corebook p.198) Criminal crew, gang, or the ● Gain Resources (•••) stolen from the dead
like ● Gain Retainers (•••) a wraith servant and spy
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse, (•) Lien, and (•) Portillon ● Gain Enemies [••] a vampire hunter who recognizes the
● Gain Contact (•) fence or other criminal middleman coterie dealing with the dead
● Gain Enemy [••] rival gang ● Gain Status [•] Notorious for dealings with dark entities
● Possible extras: Haven (clubhouse), Herd (human members/ ● Possible extras: Mawla (accomplished necromancer)
victims of your gang), Influence (organized crime), Retainer,
Status (likely with Anarchs)
HUNTING PARTY: (V5 Corebook p.198) Procure mortals with
requested Resonances
● Gain Domain (•••) Chasse
● Gain Ally (•) or Mawla (•) blood broker
● Possible extras: Herd, Influence (organized crime)

Coterie Types

MARÉCHAL: (V5 Corebook p.198) Serves and guards the lord of PLUMAIRE: (V5 Corebook p.199) Social coterie that flocks to-
the city gether
● Gain Domain (••) Chasse and (••) Portillon ● Gain Domain (••) Chasse and (••) Lien
● Gain Status (•••) Influential ● Gain Contact (•••) fellow members of your subculture
● Possible extras: Adversary, Influence, Mawla (Prince/Baron), ● Possible extras: Adversary or Enemy (rival fashionista), Sta-
Retainer tus (for high society Plumaires)

MISSIONARIES: (Children of the Blood p.84) Evangelists and QUESTARI: (V5 Corebook p.199) Seeks to accomplish a great
spreaders of the faith enterprise or objective
● Gain Domain (••) Chasse ● Gain Domain (•) Chasse and (•••) Lien
● Gain Mawla (•••) Guides or coordinates the mission ● Contact (••) someone who helps you to complete your
● Gain Resources (•••) Funds necessary to establish a haven quest
and a place of worship ● Possible extras: Haven (*)Library, Mawla, Resources
● Gain Status (••) Proven worthy to the cult (research budget)
● Possible extras: Mask, Retainer, Suspect

RECTORATE: (Chicago by Night p.248) Dedicated to obtaining

NEMESES: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.55) Seeks cathartic or all- magical lore and relics
consuming revenge ● Gain Domain (••) Chasse and (••) Portillon
● Gain Domain (••) Chasse and (•) Portillon ● Gain Resources (••)
● Gain Contacts (••) downtrodden Kine ● Gain Retainer (•) daylight guardian of their secrets
● Gain Status (••) marginalized mortals ● Possible extras: Contact, Enemy
● Gain Enemy [•] a mortal who the coterie wishes to ruin
● Gain Status [•] Suspect
● Possible extras: Herd (survivors), Retainers (survivors) REGENCY: (V5 Corebook p.199) Just running things until the el-
der gets back
● Gain Domain (••) Chasse and (•••) Portillon
NOMADS: (V5 Corebook p.198) Travels from place to place ● Gain Mawla (••) your absent elder
● Gain Domain [•] No Domain ● Gain Status (••••) for Camarilla or (•••) for Anarch Regen-
● Gain Contact (•••) audience, promoters, travel brokers, etc. cies
● Gain Retainer (••) at least one adult to handle daytime trav- ● Advantages: Select up to 10 dots shared among Haven,
el problems Herd, Influence, Resources, and/or Retainer
● Gain Status [•] Suspect ● Flaws: Select the same amount of dots worth of Flaws as
● Possible extras: Herd (fellow travelers) Advantages, above

Coterie Types

SABOTEURS: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.84) Spies, assassins, and THEOLOGIAN SOCIETY: (Children of the Blood p.84-85) You are
political disruptors, you seek to upend the structure dedicated to research of dangers, secrets, and truths
● Gain Contacts (••) disenfranchised, outsiders, etc. ● Gain Haven (•••) clandestine location for meeting
● Gain Influence (•) surveillance companies ● Gain Resources (••) access to restricted texts or other re-
● Gain Mawla (••) the vampire who set you to your tack search materials
● Gain Mask (•) cover identities ● Gain retainer (••) a ghoul/thrall charged with guarding the
● Gain Resources (••) liquid cash to assist with cover story meeting place
● Gain Adversaries [••] at least one vampire who would op- ● Possible extras: Allies, Contracts, Suspect
pose your mission with violence
● Possible extras: Domain (if the coterie is embedded in their
current locale), Status Flaw: Suspect THINK TANK: (Cults of the Blood Gods p.195) Usually a tempo-
rary coterie to spearhead local proselytization projects
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse, and (•••) Lien
SBIRRI: (V5 Corebook p.199) Disguised and covertly inserted by ● Gain Allies (•••) analysists, bureaucrats, soldiers, etc.
a rival lord ● Gain Haven (•) small office as base of operations
● Gain Mawla (••) handler or messenger ● Possible extras: Resources (profiles made from selling their
● Gain Mask (•) Fake ID services), Retainers (librarians, scholars)
● Possible extras: Adversaries on target city’s Primogen, other
Advantages from the coterie’s supposed cover type
VANGUARD: (Chicago by Night p.236) Establish operations be-
hind enemy lines
SCHISM: (Children of the Blood p.84) Not merely unorthodox, ● Gain Domain (••) Chasse and (•••) Portillon
you lead a potentially dangerous branch of a larger cult ● Gain Status (•) Anarch usually
● Gain Loresheet (•••) a truth that demands change ● Gain Enemy [•] reactionaries and bootlickers!
● Gain Resources (•) an idea without means is nothing ● Possible extras: Adversary, Mawla
● Gain Status (••) a schism’s leaders is afforded access and
● Possible extras: Influence, Fame, Adversary, Despised, Ex- VEHME: (V5 Corebook p.199) Enforces the Masquerade
communicated ● Gain Domain (•) Chasse
● Gain Influence (•••) especially in police and media
● Gain Status (•••) Influential
SOMNOPHILE: (Chicago by Night p.261) You serve an elder dis- ● Possible extras: Adversaries, Mawla (on Primogen or Anarch
connected from the modern nights Councils)
● Gain Domain (•) Chasse, and (••) Portillon
● Gain Loresheet (••) you have learned from your master
● Gain Mawla (•••) a somnolent or distant elder WATCHMEN: (V5 Corebook p.199) Protects the city from super-
● Possible extras: Ally, Retainer, Status (guardians of an es- natural intruders
teemed kindred) ● Gain Domain (•) Chasse, (••) Lien and (•) Portillon
● Gain Status (••) Respected in the Camarilla
● Possible extras: Contacts, Retainers

Coterie Types


● Gain Domain (*) Chasse, (*) Lien, and/or (*) Portillon
● Gain Advantage (•+) description
● Gain Flaw [•+] description
● Possible extras: Listed Advantages, Flaws, if any


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