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Composites Part A 29A (1998) 1057–1062

1359-835X/98/$ - see front matter

q 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
PII: S1359-835X(98)00010-4

A new dislocation-like model for imperfect

interfaces and their effect on load transfer

H.Y. Yu
Naval Research Laboratory, Washington, DC 20375-5343, USA

A dislocation-like model is proposed to describe the boundary conditions of an imperfect interface. In this new
model, a thin layer of interphase material is introduced near the interface. In the limit of vanishing layer thickness,
the interfacial tractions become continuous, but the displacements on either side of the interphase layer become
discontinuous. The jump in the displacement at the interface is described by Somigliana dislocations. The variable
discontinuity of displacement across the interface is assumed to be linearly proportional to the displacement at the
interface of the constituent where the elastic singularity is. The result of applying this model is equivalent to
introducing two effective interfacial moduli of rigidity. Using this model, the effect of imperfect interfaces on load
transfer is studied. The Green’s function is obtained for two semi-infinite solids with a planar interface. The elastic
fields due to defects such as inclusions and dislocations are also given. q 1998 Published by Elsevier Science Ltd.
All rights reserved

(Keywords: interfacial properties; dislocation-like model; elastic field; Green’s function; dislocations)

INTRODUCTION thickness, the interfacial tractions become continuous, but

the displacements at either side of the interface layer
Interfaces are features in all materials other than infinite become discontinuous, the jump in displacement being
homogeneous solids or infinite single crystals. The proper- linearly proportional to the interfacial traction. The
ties of an imperfect interface are as important as the boundary conditions at the planar interface x 3 ¼ 0 are
properties of the materials themselves. For a perfect
interface, the two solids are either perfectly bonded together j3i 9 ¼ j3i , uk 9 ¹ uk ¼ kT jk3 , u3 9 ¹ u3 ¼ kN j33 (1)
(both the tractions and displacements are continuous at the
interface) or in smooth contact with each other (allowing where i ¼ 1, 2, 3, k ¼ 1, 2, u i and j ij are, respectively, the
free tangential slip at the interface). However, the interfaces displacement and stress in the half-space x 3 $ 0 (solid I), ui 9
are seldom perfect and the exact theoretical modeling is and jij 9 are, respectively, the displacement and stress in the
very difficult. Therefore, some simplified interfacial models half-space x 3 # 0 (solid II), and k T and k N are the so-called
have been introduced to simulate the actual behavior of spring constant-type material parameters in the tangential
imperfect interfaces. For example, Van der Merwe1,2 and the normal directions of the interface, respectively. It
studied the strain energy of an interface by assuming that follows from eqn (1) that k T ¼ k N ¼ 0 corresponds to a
the interface is (1) a boundary caused by a difference in perfectly bonded interface, while k T ¼ k N → ` represents
atomic spacing, (2) a twist boundary, or (3) a symmetrical a completely unbonded interface. Recently, a new dis-
tilt boundary. His calculations are based on the assumptions location-like model17 has been proposed to describe
introduced by Peierls3 and Nabarro4 in dealing with a single mathematically the effect of an imperfect interface on the
dislocation. He noted5 that: A range of bond strength load transfer. The boundary conditions for this new model
between the two crystals is likewise cared for in terms of an are similar to the linear spring-like model except that the
interfacial rigidity modulus m. Similarly, the three-phase jump in displacement at the interface is assumed to be
model6–9 introduces an interphase or a mesophase with elastic linearly proportional to the displacement at the interface
constants different from those on either side of it to represent of the constituent where the load is applied. By using this
an imperfect interface. This layer has a given thickness. model, the maximum shear stresses calculated at the inter-
Continuity of tractions and displacements is assumed at both face18 agree qualitatively with experimental measure-
matrix–layer and layer–reinforcement interfaces. ments19. In experimental study19, the maximum shear
Another popular model is the linear spring-like stress along the interface in bimaterials due to a spherical
model10–16 in which a thin layer of interphase material is inclusion with dilatational eigenstrain is measured by a
introduced near the interface. In the limit of vanishing layer photoelastic technique. The results showed that for a

Dislocation-like model for imperfect interfaces: H. Y. Yu

surface. Any values of either parameter between zero and 1

define an imperfect interface. In the following, the term
‘ideal interface’ means that the two solids are either per-
fectly bonded together or completely unbonded.
The jumps in displacement at the interface can also be
described by Somigliana’s dislocations. In the investigation
of the solution of the elastic field due to an ellipsoidal
inclusion in an infinite isotropic matrix when sliding takes
place along the inclusion–matrix interface, Mura and
Furuhashi20 proposed that the shear stress on the inclu-
sion–matrix interface in the perfect bonding case be relaxed
by the creation of Somigliana’s dislocations b i that equal the
displacement jump at the interface, i.e.
bi ¼ ui ¹ ui 9 ðx3 ¼ 0Þ (3)
The boundary conditions in eqn (2) are then equivalent to
the creation of Somigliana’s dislocations whose compo-
nents are linearly proportional to the displacement u i in
Figure 1 Two joined elastic half-spaces with an imperfect interface solid I at the interface, i.e.
bk ¼ (1 ¹ hT )uk and b3 ¼ (1 ¹ hN )u3 (4)
perfectly bonded interface, the maximum shear stress at the where k ¼ 1, 2.
interface decreases monotonically as the distance from
the inclusion increases. For an imperfect interface, the
maximum interfacial shear stress first decreases, then
increases to some peak value before it gradually diminishes, GREEN’S FUNCTION
i.e. it shows a minimum and a maximum. Even though the
three-phase model and spring-like model have been used The boundary condition at the interface x 3 ¼ 0 is given in
extensively, there is still no point force solution (Green’s eqn (2). The point force is acting at point (xp1 , xp2 , xp3 ) in solid
function) available in the literature due to the mathematical I. To simplify the expression, Galerkin vectors G and G9 are
difficulties. In this study, the dislocation-like model will be used to represent the elastic fields at a point (x 1,x 2,x 3) in
introduced first, then the Green’s function and the elastic solid I and solid II, respectively, where21
field due to inclusions and dislocations in a bimaterial with a 1
u¼ [2(1 ¹ n)=2 G ¹ ==·G] and
planar imperfect interface described by the dislocation-like 2m
model will be given. 1
u9 ¼ [2(1 ¹ n9)=2 G9 ¹ ==·G9] ð5Þ
where =, =· and = 2 are, respectively, the gradient, diver-
DISLOCATION-LIKE MODEL gence and Laplacian operators. The stresses are
jij ¼ lum, m þ m(ui, j þ uj, i ) (6)
As shown in Figure 1, two joined semi-infinite isotropic
elastic solids consist of solid I (x 3 $ 0) with shear modulus for points in solid I and
m, and Poisson’s ratio n, and solid II (x 3 # 0) with shear jij 9 ¼ l9um, m 9 þ m9(ui, j 9 þ uj, i 9) (7)
modulus m9 and Poisson’s ratio n9. The dislocation-like
model is similar to the linear spring-like model except that for points in solid II where l and l9 are, respectively, the
the jump in displacement at the interface is assumed to be Lamé constants for solid I and solid II. The usual subscript
linearly proportional to the displacement at the interface of notation has been used (a repeated subscript indicates sum-
the constituent where the load is applied. Therefore, when mation over the values 1, 2, 3, and subscripts preceded by a
the cause of deformation is in solid I, the boundary comma denote differentiation with respect to the Cartesian
conditions at the interface x 3 ¼ 0 are coordinates corresponding to those subscripts).
The Green’s function is obtained by using the image
j3i 9 ¼ j3i , uk 9 ¼ hT uk , u3 9 ¼ hN u3 (2) method for obtaining the elastic fields due to nuclei of strain
in either joined half-spaces with an ideal interface or two
where i ¼ 1, 2, 3, k ¼ 1, 2, and h T and h N are two parameters half-spaces in frictionless contact with each other22. The
that describe the bonding conditions in the tangential and elastic solution for solid I corresponding to a point force S 0
the normal directions of the interface, respectively. It is seen at point (xp1 , xp2 , xp3 ) is composed of S 0 itself, the image of the
that h T ¼ h N ¼ 1 implies vanishing of the displacement point force a 0S 0, and other fictitious higher-order singu-
jumps and therefore the two solids are perfectly bonded larities (nuclei of strain) a jS j (j ¼ 1,2,3,…,n) at the image
together. At the other extreme, h T ¼ h N ¼ 0 implies that point (xp1 , xp2 , ¹ xp3 ), where S j denotes the type of nucleus of
the two solids are completely unbonded and x 3 ¼ 0 is a free strain, and a j the corresponding effective strength of that

Dislocation-like model for imperfect interfaces: H. Y. Yu

nucleus. The solution in region II is composed of the

A2 ¼ 2(1 þ k)m(mN ¹ mT )D
fictitious nuclei of strain A jS j (j ¼ 0,1,2,…,n) with effective
strengths A j at point (xp1 , xp2 , xp3 ) in region I. The effective (1 þ k)D
strengths a j and A j are then obtained for the different A3 ¼ {[(1 ¹ k)(1 ¹ k9)(mT ¹ m) ¹ 2(k ¹ k9)m]mmT
m þ mT
boundary conditions by solving a set of simultaneous linear
algebraic equations (by using the software MATHEMA- ¹(1¹k)m2 mN þ[(1 ¹ 2kþkk9)mþk(1 ¹ k9)mT ]mN mT }
TICA). It is found that, for S 0 in a bimaterial with an
imperfect interface described by the dislocation-like model A4 ¼ (1 þ k)D[(1 ¹ k)(2mT ¹ m)mN ¹ (1 þ k ¹ 2k9)mmT ]
eqn (2), the set of S j is the same as that for the joined half-
spaces with ideal interface problem22. It should be noted (1 þ k)D
A5 ¼ {[(1 ¹ k)(1 ¹ k9)(mT þ mN ¹ m)
that, since the solutions are linear superpositions of different (1 þ k9)(m þ mT )
nuclei of strain, the supplementary conditions regarding
¹ 2(k ¹ k9)m]mmT ¹ (1 ¹ k)(1 þ k9)m2 mN
equilibrium, compatibility and the vanishing of the
displacement and stress fields at infinity are automatically þ 2k(1 ¹ k9)mN m2T }
satisfied. The solutions also exhibit the proper signularity
for a nucleus of strain at the loading point because the image 1

and fictitious nuclei of strain for the solution for region I are (m þ kmT )(mN þ k9m) þ (m þ kmN )(mT þ k9m)
located in region II, and vice versa. The results are as
follows, where, without loss of generality, a multiplying k ¼ 3 ¹ 4n, k9 ¼ 3 ¹ 4n9, mT ¼ hT m9, mN ¼ hN m9
constant has been omitted in the Galerkin vectors g i for a
point force in the x i-direction.
(b) Single force normal to the interface, i.e. single force in
(a) Point force parallel to the interface, i.e. in the x i-direc- the x 3-direction
tion where i ¼ 1, 2.
g3 ¼ (R1 þ b1 R2 þ b2 c2 þ b3 xp3 w2 þ b4 xp3 x3 J2 )x3
gi ¼ (R1 þ a1 R2 þ a2 xp2 p
3 J2 þ a3 þ a4 x3 w2 )xi g3 9 ¼ (B1 R1 þ b2 c1 þ B3 xp3 w1 þ B4 xp3 x3 J1 )x3 (10)
¹ [a2 xp3 R2, i ¹ a5 (xi ¹ xpi )w2 ]x3 ð8Þ where

gi 9 ¼ (A1 R1 þ A2 xp2 p
3 J1 þ A3 c1 þ A4 x3 w1 )xi
b1 ¼ ¹ 1 þ (1 þ k)m[2k9m þ (1 þ k9)mT þ (1 ¹ k9)mN ]D
þ [A2 xp3 R1, i þ A5 (xi ¹ xpi )w1 ]x3
b2 ¼ ¹ B ¼ (1 þ k)m[(1 ¹ k)k9m ¹ (1 ¹ k9)kmN ]D
mT 2
where x j is the unit vector in the x j-direction,
b3 ¼ {(1 ¹ k9)m[(3 ¹ k)mT þ (1 ¹ 3k)mN ]
R2, ¼ (x1 ¹ xp1 )2 þ (x2 ¹ xp2 )2 þ z2,
¹ 4(1 ¹ k)(mN mT ¹ k9m2 )}D
J, ¼ ; w, ¼ log[R, þ ( ¹ 1), z, ]
R, b4 ¼ a 2 ð11Þ
c, ¼ R, ¹ ( ¹ 1), z, w, ; z, ¼ x3 þ ( ¹ 1), xp3 ; , ¼ 1, 2 B1 ¼ (1 þ k)[(1 ¹ k)m(mN þ mT ) þ 2kmN (m þ mT )]D
m ¹ mT
a1 ¼
m þ mT B3 ¼ (1 þ k){2[(1 ¹ k)mN ¹ (1 ¹ k9)m]mT
þ (1 ¹ k)m(mN ¹ mT )}D
a2 ¼ 2D[2(mN mT ¹ k9m2 ) ¹ (1 ¹ k9)m(mN þ mT )]
B 4 ¼ A2
(1 þ k)mD
a3 ¼ {2(k ¹ k9)mN mT
m þ mT
þ (m ¹ mT )[(1 ¹ k9)hmT þ (1 ¹ k)mN i þ (1 ¹ k)k9m]} The displacements and stresses due to the point forces are
obtained by substituting eqns (8) and (10) into eqns (5)–(7)
a4 ¼ (1 þ k)(1 ¹ k9)m(mN ¹ mT )D which are functions of (x 1,x 2,x 3), (xp1 , xp2 , xp3 ), m, n, m9; n9,
hT m9 and h Nm9. This means that making the assumption
mD described by eqn (2) is equivalent to introducing two
a5 ¼ {(1¹ k9)[(1þk)mT ¹(1¹k)m]mT¹2(k¹k9)mN mT parameters h Tm9 and m Nm9 which will be called the
‘tangential interfacial modulus of rigidity’ and the ‘radial
¹ (1 ¹ k)[(1 ¹ k9)(m ¹ mT )mNþ 2k9m2 ]} ð9Þ interfacial modulus of rigidity’, respectively. It should be
noted that when h T ¼ h N ¼ h, eqns (8)–(11) are the Green’s
2(1 þ k)mT
A1 ¼ functions for ideal interfaces when the shear modulus of
(1 þ k9)(m þ mT ) solid II is hm922. This means that the effect of the imperfect

Dislocation-like model for imperfect interfaces: H. Y. Yu

interface on the load transfer is equivalent to lowering the at point (x 1,x 2,x 3) in solid I and solid II, respectively, where
modulus of rigidity of solid II by a factor of h. However, this ] ]
is true only for the elastic displacement. To calculate the gjk ¼ g and gjk 9 ¼ p gk 9 (14)
]xpj k ]xj
stresses by Hooke’s law, eqns (6) and (7), the original elastic
moduli for solids I and II must be used. When h ¼ 1 or 0, g jk and gjk 9 are the Galerkin vectors for double force (when j
eqns (8)–(11) are the Green’s functions for two solids ¼ k) and for double force with moment (when j Þ k). From
perfectly bonded together or completely unbonded, respec- eqns (8)–(11), the Galerkin vectors g i for the point force in
tively. the x i-direction in an infinite isotropic solid is
The boundary condition eqn (2) does not include the gi ¼ R 1 x i (15)
sliding interface, i.e. two semi-infinite solids in frictionless
contact with each other. For this sliding interface, the Substituting eqn (15) into eqns (12) and (5) gives
boundary conditions are j33 9 ¼ j 33, u3 9 ¼ h Nu 3, j3k 9 ¼ j 3k Z
¼ 0 (k ¼ 1, 2). The Green’s functions for this interface are ui ¼ [eT R ¹ 4(1 ¹ n)eTik J1, k ¹ 2neTmm J1, i ]dQ
8p(1 ¹ n) Q jk 1, ijk
obtained by substituting m9 by h Nm9 in the point force
solutions given previously by Yu and Sanday22 for the ideal
sliding interface. which is the solution given by Eshelby31.
The Green’s functions for two semi-infinite solids with a The Galerkin vectors due to a homogeneous inclusion of
planar imperfect interface given in eqns (8) and (10) consist any shape and with eigenstrain eTij in a bimaterial with an
of the same nuclei of strain as for those with a perfect imperfect interface is obtained by substituting eqns (8), (10)
interface22. The only difference between them is the and (14) into eqns (12) and (13). The elastic displacements
coefficients a i, A i, b i and B i given in eqns (9) and (11) and stresses are obtained by substituting eqns (12) and (13)
which are independent of the coordinates. The elastic fields into eqns (5)–(7). Thus, as an illustrative example, if the
due to defects in two semi-infinite solids with a perfect eigenstrain of the inclusion is purely dilatational, i.e.
interface have been presented by using these Green’s
functions. The defects are inclusions23–26, point defects27, eTij ¼ «dij (17)
dislocations28,29 and disclinations30. The results of these
existing studies on defects are applicable directly to the where d ij is the Kronecker delta and e is a constant, then
present study simply by substituting the expressions for the eqns (12) and (13) become
coefficients a i, A i, b i and B i. In the following, the methods (1 ¹ n)m«
of obtaining the elastic solutions due to inclusions, G¼ g dQ (18)
4p(1 ¹ n)(1 ¹ 2n) Q nn
dislocations and disclinations will only be outlined, and
two simple examples will be presented. and
(1 þ n)m«
G9 ¼ gnm 9dQ (19)
4p(1 ¹ n)(1 ¹ 2n) Q

respectively. By substituting eqns (8)–(10) into eqn (14),

INCLUSIONS the Galerkin vectors for the sum of three double forces
without moment are
A basic problem in elasticity is the transformation inclusion gnn ¼ ¹ [(k ¹ 1)w1 þ c1 w2 þ c2 x3 J2 ]x3 (20)
problem. In this problem, a subdomain Q (inclusion) of a
domain (matrix) undergoes a spontaneous change of shape and
that, without the constrained of the domain, would be some gnn 9 ¼ ¹ (c1 9w1 þ c2 9x3 J1 )x3 (21)
prescribed stress-free transformation strain (misfit strain,
eigenstrain), eTij . The constraint imposed by the matrix
engenders an elastic field that is to be determined every- c1 ¼ b2 ¹ b3 ¹ (k ¹ 1)a1 þ a3 þ 2a5 ,
where in the matrix and the inclusion. The problem
c2 ¼ ¹ (b1 þ a1 þ a2 þ a5 )
considered here is that of the homogeneous inclusion, i.e.
the inclusion has the same elastic constants as the matrix. By
c1 9 ¼ B2 ¹ B3 þ (k9 ¹ 1)A1 ¹ A3 þ 2A5 ,
using Eshelby’s method31, Yu and Sanday23 showed that the
Galerkin vectors due to a homogeneous inclusion with c2 9 ¼ B 1 ¹ A 2 ¹ A 1 þ A 5 ð22Þ
eigenstrain are
Substituting eqns (9) and (11) into eqn (22) gives
m n
G¼ eTjk gjk þ eTmm gnn dQ (12) c1 ¼ {(k ¹ 2)[(m ¹ mT )(mN þ k9m) þ (m ¹ mN )(mT þ k9m)]
4p(1 ¹ n) Q 1 ¹ 2n
þ (k þ 1)(mN ¹ mT )m}A
c2 ¼ 2[(m ¹ mT )(mN þ k9m) þ (m ¹ mN )(mT þ k9m)]A
m n
G9 ¼ eTjk gjk 9 þ eTmm gnn 9 dQ (13)
4p(1 ¹ n) Q 1 ¹ 2n c1 9 ¼ 2(k þ 1)[mN (mN þ k9m) þ (mN ¹ mT )m]A

Dislocation-like model for imperfect interfaces: H. Y. Yu

c2 9 ¼ 2(k þ 1)(mT ¹ mN )m and the disclination problems. One is to formulate the defect
theory with a continuous distribution of infinitesimal defect
The following useful relationships between Galerkin vec- loop densities. This could be regarded as one of the simplest
tors, which lead to the same elastic field, were used to obtain approaches, because the loop densities can be arbitrarily
eqns (20) and (21) from eqns (8) and (10): prescribed. Furthermore, any given defect can be built up
=F ¼ 0 when =2 F ¼ 0 from some loop distribution. Generally, the dislocation
problem is a three-dimensional problem. However, if the
=R1 ¼ ¹ (1 ¹ k9)w1 x3 when x3 # 0 surface of the cut is a half-plane, then the defect is a straight
line dislocation or disclination and the problem becomes
=R, ¼ ( ¹ 1), (1 ¹ k)w, x3 when x3 $ 0 two-dimensional.
Consider an infinitesimal Volterra dislocation loop at
{[(x1 ¹ xp1 )w, ], 1 þ [(x2 ¹ xp2 )w, ], 2 }x3 ¼ [2w, ¹ ( ¹ 1), R,, 3 ]x3 point (xp1 , xp2 , xp3 ), with the surface of the cut formally used to
generate the dislocation loop being dS i. The displacement
where , ¼ 1, 2. The Galerkin vectors in solid I and II for a vector d i which generates the defect has components
center of dilatation are di ¼ bi þ «imn qm (xpn ¹ xn 0) (30)
1 1
gc ¼ gnn and gc 9 g 9 (25) where b i is the Burger’s vector of the dislocation, q m is the
1¹k 1 ¹ k nm Frank vector of the disclination, and « imn is the permutation
respectively. Substituting eqns (18) and (19) into eqn (5), symbol. The disclination axis passes through the point
the elastic displacements due to an inclusion with pure dila- (x1 0, x2 0, x3 0). By using Volterra’s equation32,33, the Galer-
tational eigenstrain are kin vectors at (x 1,x 2,x 3) for the infinitesimal dislocation loop
(1 þ n)« is28–30
ui ¼ ¹ {[(1 ¹ k)F1, i þ (c1 þ c2 )F2, i þ c2 (x3 F2, 3 ), i ] Z 
(1 ¹ k2 )p m 2n
G¼ g þ gkj þ g d d dS (31)
¹ (1 þ k)c2 F2, 3 di3 } ð26Þ 8p(1 ¹ n) S jk 1 ¹ 2n nn jk j k

and for x 3 $ 0 and

(1 þ n)m« m 2n
ui 9 ¼ ¹ {[(c1 9 ¹ c2 9)F1, i ¹ c2 9(x3 F1, 3 ), i ] G9 ¼ g9jk þ g9kj þ g9 d d dS (32)
1 ¹ 2n nn jk j k
(1 ¹ k2 )pm9 8p(1 ¹ n) S

þ ( þ k9)c2 9F1, 3 d3i } for x 3 # 0.

The elastic field due to a dislocation (line or loop) with
for x 3 $ 0 and x 3 # 0, respectively, where i ¼ 1, 2, 3. line vector x i and Burgers vector b i (whose sign is defined
Z by the FS/RH convention) is obtained by letting q m ¼ 0 in
F, ¼ J, dQ (28) eqn (30) and integrating eqns (31) and (32) over the surface
of the cut that generates the dislocation. The surface is a
is the Newtonian potential due to the inclusion Q with unit
closed surface for a dislocation loop and is a half-plane for a
mass density when , ¼ 1 and it is the Newtonian potential
straight dislocation. For example, the cut surface of a
due to the mirror image of the inclusion when , ¼ 2. The
straight screw dislocation is a half-plane bounded by a line
Newtonian potential is well known for many different inclu-
parallel to b i, and the cut surface for a straight edge
sion shapes. The stresses in the matrix are obtained by sub-
dislocation is a half-plane bounded by a line perpendicular
stituting eqns (26) and (27) into eqns (6) and (7),
to b i34. For straight edge dislocations, the opposite faces of
respectively. The stress inside the inclusion is
the cut can move relative to one another in the direction
jQij ¼ jij ¹ jTij (29) either parallel or normal to the plane, therefore, one can
choose different cut surfaces and different relative motions
where jTij
is the uniform stress derived from the eigenstrain to create the same edge dislocation line35 and this provides
eTij by using Hooke’s law and j ij is the stress in the matrix x 3 the means to double check the results. The only task
$ 0. involved in obtaining the elastic solution is simply to find
the appropriate potentials for these planes with unit mass
density. One example will serve to illustrate this approach.
DISLOCATIONS For a screw dislocation at point (0,0,0) with Burgers
vector d j ¼ b 2 in eqn (30), and dislocation line vector y ¼
There are two types of Volterra dislocations in the theory of (0,1,0), let the surface of cut that generates this screw
elasticity. A dislocation is a Volterra dislocation if the two dislocation be the positive x 1 –x 2 half-plane. Integrating
faces of the cut formally used to generate the dislocation eqns (31) and (32) (for j ¼ 2 and k ¼ 3) over dS 3 ¼ dx 1*dx 2*
displace parallel to each other by a translational vector from x 1* ¼ 0 to ` and from x 2* ¼ ¹ ` to ` and substituting
known as the Burgers vector. A disclination is a Volterra into eqn (5), gives
dislocation if the two faces of the cut rotate with respect to  
b2 m ¹ mT
each other by a rotational vector known as the Frank’s u2 ¼ ¹ H ¹ H u1 ¼ u 3 ¼ 0 (33)
4p 1, 3 m þ mT 2, 3
vector. There are several ways to deal with the dislocation

Dislocation-like model for imperfect interfaces: H. Y. Yu

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