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Fortune teller Student A - Visitor You are about to visi a fortune taller to find out about your future. Fist, choose ‘ive adjectives of personality from the crossword you have just done to describe yourself. write them here: 2 2 a os Don't show these adjectives to your fortune teller until the end. cos —— Fortune teller Student B - Fortune teller You are a fortune teller When student A comes to visit you, ak hetihim te select ‘ive cards without looking at them, Place these 5 cards face dawn in front of student A. One by one, turn the five cards face up, and explain what each one ‘means. The meanings of the cards are writen below: The Fool You are adventurous and spontaneous. You will be {going on a Tong journey soon. But will ou find what you are looking for? Where would you like to go? ‘The Lovers You ate sensitive and need dose friends and support Romance is possible ip the very near future, But protect, {Your heart until you feel safe in your new love, How do. you feel about love at che moment? ‘The Hermit ‘You are private and sometimes antisoclal Ifyou face any difficult questions at the moment, you should look for the answers inside you. Do you ever get bored on your own? The World You are generous and rellable. Your role i life will change soon and you will begin to help other people in need. Is there any charity you would Tike to werk for? ‘The Tower You are unpredictable and temperamental. You are about to experience a big change in your life, and you ‘must prepare yourself for lt, Are you scared of change? Why (not)? Now vist the fortune tellerand follows hisher instuctions carefully. At the end, show her him the § adjectives you rote down andl say what parts lof the prediction seemed to be 9 accurate or interesting and why. Note: To improve your prediction, try to {ask student A one or two questions about leach card Also try to link the different ‘tarot cards together into ane complete story. Fel free to improvise according to what you know about your vist, ike all ‘900d fortune tellers dol e.g. Ask them: What do you think this card means? oF Do you think this is true about you? Why? Role Plays for Today Target language Agreeing Yes. Thavs very true IMy friends sometimes say the same. Disagreeing ‘No! The opposite is true. Actually, | think Pm quite. Questions to ask Why do you say that? What do you think Ishoutd do? What does this mean? Zz Justice ‘You are responsible and decisive, Thnk carefully about your next big decision because it might make one of your friends unhappy. Has this ever happened belore? ‘The Sun ‘You are optimistic and energetic. You will be watched by other people and so you should make an example of yourself, Would you like 10 be famnous? Why (not)? Whoo! of Fortune You believe in fate o destiny. Do not fight against chance or good Iuck, as it will show you the correct w: to go. How could you be lucky this week? ‘The Empress You are laving and protective. Nature and children will be the two influences over the next year of your life Listen 0 them carefully. Do you like spending time ‘with children or animals? Target language Using the cards Drawing mare information This card tolls me. Oh, really? Bo go on. Oh, ook at this! Why do you think thas? This s good news... What do you think it means? 1 can see that you lke... Yes, know. What efse? io Is this true? rotsopabe 7005 DELTA RUNG far oT li Gr Ty by Ino AGT] a i || Wheel of Fortune The Empress [Photocase @ one DELTA PURLSTING Yom Role Play a Ty by a)

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