Hadassah Amefule - PR Quick Write

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English assignment

There are times in life where we all have to make difficult

decisions while under pressure.A high school graduate
struggles in living daily due to his poor job.He tries to look for a
stable job that will help him survive.
John works at a corner store.He’s been hoping to get a new
job to be able to pay his bills and also get a new
apartment.Going to work everyday he walks by a Google
workplace and a Microsoft workplace.In highschool he always
wanted to work with any big tech company but a lot of things
went downhill during college and he couldn't afford to finish
school.He dropped out and started working at the corner store.
One day,he spots a tournament flyer sponsor by google and
the winner gets a job to work for them.He was so happy,he put
his info down and ran straight home to start practising.The next
day was the tournament.he applied for it and he won but there
was a twist to what the winner gets.Microsoft and google
offered him a job he had to think really hard about the decision
he was a about to make knowing its going to change his life.He
was stressing out about it.It to him a while before he was able
to decide after asking his family and looking t what the both
Offices offered him he picked google.

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