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1. To carry the day: ‫ فتح یاب ہونا‬We carried the day and won the match.
2. To leave in the lurch: ‫ مصیبت میں ساتھ چھوڑنا‬All his fair weather friends left him in
the lurch.
3. A bird’s eye view: ‫ طائرانہ جائزہ‬I got a bird’s eye view of the city from the airplane.
4. A black sheep: ‫ غدار‬/‫ کالی بھیڑ‬Zain is a black sheep among us.
5. A bolt from the blue: ‫ نا گہانی آفت‬Untimely death of her mother proved for her a
bolt from the blue.
6. To lick the dust: ‫شرمندگی اٹھانا‬ The proud man at last lick the dust.
7. To nip in the bud: ‫ جڑ سے اکھاڑنا‬Nip the evil in the bud.
8. A dark horse: ‫ چھپا رستم‬Waleed proves to be a dark horse in the general elections.
9. Pass away: ‫ فوت ہو جانا‬/‫ مر جانا‬My uncle passed away last month.
10. A gala day: ‫ جشن کا دن‬/‫ میلے کا دن‬August 14, is a gala day in the history of
11. Turn a deaf ear to: ‫ توجہ نہ دینا‬/‫ کان نہ دھرنا‬He turned a deaf ear to rumours.
12. Turn down: ‫ رد کرنا‬He offered me a job but I turned it down.
13. A man of letters: ‫ پڑھا لکھا شخص‬Adil is a man of letters.
14. Under a cloud: ‫مصیبت میں‬/‫زیر عتاب‬e made a fraud and he is under a cloud now-a-
15. A narrow escape: ‫ بال بال بچ جانا‬Abid had a narrow escape from a road accident.
16. A red letter day: ‫ یوم مسرت‬/‫خوشی کا دن‬ The day I was awarded with the degree is
a red letter day for me.
17. Above boa rd: ‫سچا‬/‫ واضح‬All his dealings are above board.
18. Add fuel to fire:‫جلتی پر تیل ڈالنا‬ He is in rage; don’t add fuel to fire by calling him a
19. Cut down: ‫ کمی کرنا‬I had to cut down my expenditures this month.
20. Look after: ‫ دیکھ بھال کرنا‬The mother looks after her child.
21. All and sundry: ‫خاص و عام‬ Saima invited all and sundry to her birthday party.
22. Alpha and omega: ‫ اول و آخر‬Alpha and omega of Islam is that Allah is one.
23. A fair weather friend: ‫ مطلبی دوست‬We should aware of the fair weather friends.
24. Set in: ‫ آغاز ہونا‬/‫شروع ہونا‬ The winter has set in.
25. Beat about the bush: ‫ ادھرادھرکی باتیں کرنا‬Do not beat about the bush and get to
the point.
26. At large: ‫ آزاد‬His killers are still at large.
27. At sixes and sevens: ‫ منتشرحالت میں‬/‫ تتربتر‬The boys were at sixes and sevens when
the teacher entered the class room.
28. At the eleventh hour: ‫ آخری لمحوں میں‬Our hockey team won the match at eleventh
29. Flesh and blood: ‫ قریبی رشتہ دار‬He realized that the person is his own flesh and
30. By leaps and bounds: ‫ دن دگنی رات چوگنی‬Pakistan will make progress by leaps and
31. Bad blood: ‫ رنجش ہونا‬There is no bad blood between them.
32. Bag baggage: ‫ بوریا بستر‬The guest arrived with bag and baggage.
33. Break through: ‫ اہم پیش رفت‬Computer is an important breakthrough in scientific
34. In cold blood: ‫ بے رحمی سے‬/‫ بے دردی سے‬The terrorists killed children in cold
35. Broken reed: ‫ ناقابل اعتبار شخص‬You cannot rely Zain as he is a broken reed.
36. Blow out: ‫ پھونک مار کر بجھانا‬He blew out the candle.
37. Bosom friend: ‫ جگری دوست‬Tahir and Ali are bosom friends.
38. Call in: ‫ بال بھیجنا‬/‫ پیغام بھیجنا‬/‫ بالنا‬The mother went to the window and called the
children in for dinner.
39. Lose one’s temper: ‫آپے سے باہر ہونا‬ I lost my temper and gave him a blow.
40. Bread and butter: ‫ روزگار‬/‫ آمدن کے ذرائع‬Teaching is her only bread and butter.
41. Break down: )‫ خراب ہونا (مشین وغیرہ کا‬My car broke down and I walked home.
42. Break into: ‫ زبردستی گھسنا‬/‫ نقب لگانا‬The thief broke into the house and looted
millions of Jewellery.
43. Look forward to: ‫اشتیاق ہونا‬/‫ منتظر ہونا‬I’m really looking forward to your visit.
44. Make out: ‫ کام چاللینا‬I think I can make out with this hammer.
45. Give and take: ‫ لین دین کرنا‬We reached an agreement after many hours of
bargaining and give and take.
46. Break off: ‫الگ کرنا‬/‫ ٹوٹ جانا‬Her tooth broke off.
47. Break out: ‫ پھوٹ پڑنا‬Cholera broke out in the town and perished many people.
48. Bring out: ‫شائع کرنا باہر النا‬/ The crisis broke out the best in her.
49. A far cry: ‫ بالکل مختلف ہونا‬Islamabad is a far cry from the village where Alia
grew up.
50. Go through: ‫ چھان بین کرنا‬You should go through the matter personally.
51. Write down: ‫ تحریر کرنا‬The angel wrote down the names of those who love Allah.
52. Bring to book: ‫ جواب طلب کرنا‬He brought the servant to book for his carelessness.
53. Burning question: ‫ اہم مسئلہ‬Terrorism is today’s burning question.
54. By fits and starts: ‫ بے قاعدگی سے‬You cannot pass the examination if you work by fits
and starts.
55. Get rid of: ‫ چھٹکارہ پانا‬Get rid of these old shoes.
56. Fall out: ‫گرنا‬/‫جھرنا‬/‫جھگڑنا‬/‫ لڑنا‬We fell out over a trivial question.
57. By hook or by crook: ‫ جائز وناجائزطریقہ سے‬He wants to win the elections by hook or
by crook.
58. Call a spade a spade: ‫کھری کھری سنانا‬/‫ کلمہ حق کہنا‬It is hard to call a spade a spade
before a cruel king.
59. Call for: ‫تقاضاکرنا‬ Success calls for hard work.
60. Look down upon: ‫سمجھنا‬/‫ حقیر جاننا‬He always looks down upon the poor.
61. Break in: ‫گفتگو میں مداخلت کرنا‬/‫ بات کاٹنا‬Her husband always break in.
62. Call off: ‫ ملتوی کرنا‬They called off the meeting.
63. Carry on: ‫ جاری رکھنا‬You are doing well, carry on your work.
64. Carry out: ‫ تعمیل کرنا‬Carry out my orders.
65. Run short of: ‫ ختم ہو جانا‬She was coming from a party when her car ran short of fuel.
66. Cut off: ‫ کاٹ کر الگ کرنا‬The gardener cut off the branches of the plant in
67. Come across: ‫اچانک مالقات ہونا‬He came across Ali at the corridor.
68. Come by: ‫ اچانک مل جانا‬Do you ever come by any old book?
69. Come of: ‫ سے تعلق ہونا‬She comes of a noble family.
70. A white elephant: ‫ ایسی چیز جس کی خریداری مہنگی پڑے‬Honda 125 is a white
elephant for me.
71. A rotten egg: ‫گندی مچھلی‬/‫ برا شخص‬That guy is a real rotten egg.
72. From hand to mouth: ‫ بمشکل گزر بسر کرنا‬She lived her life from hand to mouth.
73. Come round: ‫ اتفاق کرنا‬He came round to our point of view.
74. Consist of: ‫ پر مشتمل ہونا‬The cricket team consists of eleven players.
75. Heart and soul: ‫ دل و جان سے‬I am with you from heart and soul.
76. Get over: ‫ قابو پانا‬He got over his shyness.
77. Cut a sorry figure: ‫ شرمندگی اٹھانا‬She could not perform well, so she had to cut a
sorry figure on the stage.
78. Cut out ‫ نکال دینا‬/‫ختم کرنا‬ Cut out the extra text.
79. Deal in: ‫ کاروبار کرنا‬He deals in shoes business.
80. In a nutshell: ‫مختص ًرا‬/‫مختصر الفاظ میں‬ Just give me the facts in a nutshell.

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