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Assalamualaikum. Good afternoon. My name is Most. Merina Yeasmin.

Id number is
1905897. MBA in Human Resource Management.
I have done a thesis on exploring gender issues and challenges faced by female bank
employees in workplace and family with the support of my supervisor Rafia Akhtar mam
prof. Dept of management and co-supervisor Md. Mostafizur Rahman sir associate
professor dept of management.

In this modern competitive age women are actively participating in the workplace and
career progression. But they are struggling to gain fairness in the workforce. Gender related
problems are frequently concerned matters and females continue to face significant barriers
in the attainment of decent work through out their working lives. In 1979 Cain said that
women are mostly reliant on men and most of power and control of resources are
controlled by men rather than female. In 2008 Kadyrkulova said that female want to reach
top management but they face more barriers to become leader, especially in male
dominated leadership roles. Women's identification as employees with family
responsibilities influence negatively on their participation.
The objectives of study were i) To gain knowledge about the problems and challenges faced
by working women in various public and private banks in Rangpur city and ii) To identify the
problems of those female bank employees in their family.

The population of my study were 185 female bank employees from some corporate branch
office of different public and private banks in Rangpur city. From these 60 female bank
employees were selected as research sample through using simple random sampling method.
A structured questionnaire was used for field survey. Five point Likert scale was used in the
questionnaire. To analyse the data Microsoft Excel software was used. To identify the
problem through ranking Garret ranking technique was used.

In this table we can see the challenges faced by female bank employees in workplace. The
highest facing problem is management of overtime period. In this problem statement 36.67
percent respondents are strongly agree and another 33.33 percent respondents are agree.
Second highest facing problem is problems regarding leave facilities. In this problem we can
see that 28.33% respondents are strongly agree and 30% respondents are agree. Another most
facing problem is lack of separate hygienic toilet facilities. 30% respondents are strongly
agree and another 33.33% respondents are agree with this problem.

In this table we can see overall ranking of the challenges relating to workplace using garret
ranking technique. The lowest average score displays highest problem and highest average
score presents lowest facing problem. Here lowest average scores are 70.28 for management
of overtime period, 71.38 for leave facilities, 71.42 for lack of separate hygienic toilet
facilities. That means these lowest average score problem are happening with highest
frequency. Again highest average scores are 81.28 for sexual harassment, 78.72 for economic
insecurity, 77.57 for conflicts in decision making due to gender in workplace. So we can say
that these are the lowest facing problem by the respondents.

This table shows challenges faced by female bank employees in family. Highest facing
problem is long working hours. Almost 50% respondents are strongly agree and 45% are
agree with this problem. Another highest facing problem is problems in balancing job and
household work. Here 31.67% are strongly agree and 38.33% are agree. Third most facing
problem is working outside hampers child rearing. 35% respondents are strongly agree and
28.33% are agree with this problem statement.

This table shows the rank orders of challenges faced by the female bank employees in family
using garret ranking technique. Here lowest average scores are 61.55 for long working hours,
64.90 for problems in balancing job and household work, 66.50 for working outside hampers
child rearing. These problems are mostly appearing to the respondents. Again highest average
scores are 77.98 for pressure from family to leave the job, 77 for problems regarding decision
making in the family, 75.27 for security problems. These are the lowest facing problems by
the respondents.

Several coping strategies must be implemented by authority and government such as reducing
overtime period, constructing separated hygienic toilet, developing day care facilities in every
branch of banks which might ensure better childcare and reduce the tension of working
mothers, adequate maternity leaves in every banks. Area based job posting should be
arranged by enacting protective laws in order to ensure their proper development. Family
awareness’ programme should be thrown so that family as well as their husband will allow
women to be self-reliant. A very fruitful and constructive way can be developed by enforcing
proper laws so that women feel safe while they are outside from home. Different kind of
banking schema and loans should be launched for future proofing their children and family.

Thank you. Assalamualaikum.

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