Health, Safety, and Environment For Power Industry

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Health, Safety, and

Environment for Power

Unit 1 Introduction................................................. ................................................................ 1

Unit 2 Why Conserve Energy................................................................................................. 10
Unit 3 Additional Benefits of Energy Conservation...............................................................17
Unit 4 Health Benefits of Energy Efficiency.......................................................................... 22
Unit 5 Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency.............................................................. 27

Unit 6 Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency......................................................................... 31

Unit 7 Safety Issues Related to Power .................................................................................... 36
Unit 8 How to Eliminate Hazards of the Electric Power Industry.......................................... 44
Unit 9 Hazards due to Power plants....................................................................................... 49
Unit 10 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants............................................................... 59

Unit 11 Environmental Impacts of Power Plants....................................................................... 70

Unit 12 Community Resources Impacts of Power Plants............................................................. 79
Unit 13 Other Impacts of power plants....................................................................................... 83
Unit 14 Local Economic Impacts of Power Plants.......................................................................90
Unit 15 Utility Ratepayer Impacts of Power Plants................................................................... 95

Unit 16 Power Generation and Human Health......................................................................... 98

Unit 1


Learning Objectives Introduction

By the end of this unit, you will be
One of the most significant components of the infrastructure,
able to understand:
power, is crucial to the well-being and growth of the economy
● What is Power industry?
at large. There must be sufficient electrical infrastructure
● Types of power in place and being created for the Indian economy to grow
● Apparent power continuously.

● Electric power
India uses a variety of energy sources to produce its electricity,
● Reactive power including traditional ones like coal, lignite, natural gas, oil,
hydropower, and nuclear energy, as well as practical non-
conventional ones like wind, solar, domestic, and agricultural

A major transformation in the Indian electricity sector has

altered the outlook for the industry. India’s continued economic
growth continues to fuel its need for power. The emphasis
placed by the Indian government on reaching “Power for
everyone” has accelerated the country’s capacity growth.

The need for power has grown even more due to the pace of
economic activity, despite a more than 100-fold increase in
power generation since independence. As of July 31, 2022,
India is the third-largest producer and consumer of energy in
the world, with a total installed power capacity of 404.13 GW.

1 Introduction
As of July 31, 2022, India’s installed renewable Over the next ten years, the Adani Group plans to
energy capacity (including hydro) was 161.29 GW, invest $20 billion in the generation of renewable
or 39.91% of the country’s total installed power energy and the manufacturing of its components.
capacity. Estimates place the contribution of solar NTPC has announced that it will invest Rs. 2-2.5
energy at 57.97 GW, followed by wind energy at crore (US$ 0.27-0.34 million) over the following 10
40.89 GW, biomass energy at 10.68 GW, small years to boost the capacity for renewable energy.
hydropower at 4.89 GW, and hydropower at 46.85
GW. India’s energy companies have made Increasing areas of the country are becoming
electrified thanks to initiatives like the Deen
significant advances in the world energy market. Dayal Upadhyay Gram Jyoti Yojana, Integrated
Reliance Industries Ltd. and Indian Oil Corp. Ltd. Power Development Scheme, and Ujwal DISCOM
are ranked third and sixth in the S&P Global Platts Assurance Yojana (IPDS).
Top 250 Global Energy Rankings 2021, respectively.
To speed up the development of clean energy
India placed sixth on the list of nations that technologies, Mission Innovation CleanTech
allocated US$ 90 billion to sustainable Exchange has been formed in India,
energy between 2010 and the second a worldwide project that would
half of 2019. Between April 2000 establish a network of incubators
and March 2022, FDI intake into throughout member nations.
the electricity sector totaled
US$ 15.89 billion, or 2.77% of In the Union Budget 2022–2023,
all FDI into India. Between FY19 the government announced the
and FY23, it is anticipated that issuance of sovereign green
India’s electricity sector will draw bonds, as well as the designation
a 9–9.5 trillion rupee (US$ 128.24– of energy storage technologies
135.37 billion) investment. such as grid-scale battery systems, as
According to the National Infrastructure Pipeline
2019–25, energy sector projects accounted for the Additionally, the government provided Rs. 19,500
largest percentage (24%) of the overall expected crore ($2.57 billion) for a PLI program to promote
capital expenditure of Rs. 111 lakh crore (US$ 1.4 the production of high-efficiency solar modules.
trillion). With investments made along the entire value
chain, India is poised to become a hub for global
Over the past several years, there has been manufacturing. According to the Central Electricity
tremendous growth in investments in the renewable Authority (CEA), India’s electricity needs are
energy sector. In Rajasthan, SJVN Limited plans expected to increase and reach 817 GW by 2030.
to build 10,000 MW of solar power plants and is By 2030, the government aims to install 500 GW of
seeking investments of Rs. 50,000 crore (US$ 6.56 renewable energy capacity.
billion) over the next five years.

2 Introduction
What is the Power Industry? power is expressed in VA and is relevant to utilities.
A circuit is said to have mixed loads when it has a
The power factor, which measures how closely the variety of load types, including a mix of linear and/
waveforms of voltage and current in an electrical or non-linear loads with different characteristics.
circuit are in phase with each other, is the ratio For example, a circuit with a mix of linear and/or
of a load’s actual power to its apparent power. A non-linear loads with distinct characteristics.
circuit with a leading power factor has the current
waveform leading the voltage waveform. CFLs can In the real world, the majority of electrical
create circuits with leading power factors. distribution networks consist of applications with
mixed loads. If all the loads on the circuit had the
A circuit in which the current waveform follows or same load characteristics, some of the harmonics
lags behind the voltage waveform. Transformers that would otherwise be present in the circuit would
and motors are two sources that can provide be nullified by the mixed loads.
electrical circuits with lagging power factors.
To better understand power factor, imagine a horse
Non-Linear Loads: These are loads that pulling a railway car down a railroad
change the initial sine wave shape of track. Due to uneven railroad ties,
the current waveform. This usually the horse has to pull the car off the
happens because the load uses a edge of the track to move it. The
switching action during normal horse pulls the car in a direction
operation. Non-linear loads opposite to its travel, at an
include electric ballasts and angle to the track. The power
switch-mode power supplies, required to move the car forward
which are the main power sources is known as the working or real
used for most modern electronic power. The effort the horse puts out
devices. represents its total (apparent) power.

The energy that is delivered to a load to perform Because of the angle at which the horse is pulling,
work is known as real (or active) power and is not all of the horse’s effort is used to drive the car
measured in Watts. along the track. As the car cannot be driven in that
direction, the horse’s sideways pull represents
Reactive power, also known as non-active power, is reactive power rather than effective power.
the energy that is transmitted to a load but is not
utilized there. Instead, the energy is stored in the The phase angle of the horse’s pull is related to the
load as an electrical or magnetic field. Vars is the power factor, which is defined as the ratio of real
unit of reactive power. (working) power to apparent (total) power. Real
power is the power actually being used. As the
Real power and reactive power together make up horse is directed closer to the center of the track,
the apparent power. Utilities are obligated to supply the angle of the sideways pull decreases, and the
both real and reactive power (i.e., apparent power) value of the horse’s real power approaches the
to the loads on the distribution network. Apparent value of the apparent power. Consequently, the
3 Introduction
power factor, defined as the ratio of real power to Therefore, in theory, high power factor (HPF) and
apparent power, approaches 1. As the power factor low power factor (LPF) devices should consume
approaches 1, the non-working power, also known the same amount of energy and have an equivalent
as reactive power, decreases. effect on greenhouse gas emissions for a given
Does Higher Energy Use Accompany Reduced
Power Factor? What Connection Exists Between a Device’s Power
Factor and the Grid’s Power Factor?
The relationship between power factor and energy
consumption is a common misconception that Power companies are more concerned with the
often confuses discussions on power factor. Some power factor of the overall grid and the branch AC
people mistakenly believe that a decrease in power circuits it contains than with the power factors
factor leads to a corresponding increase in energy of individual devices connected to the system.
consumption. For example, they may believe that To improve the power factor of the grid, utility
a 25-watt compact fluorescent lamp (CFL) with companies can choose to install power factor
a power factor of 0.5 consumes twice as much correction devices at grid substations or user
electricity as a 25-watt CFL with a power factor of locations or restrict the amount of load that can be
1.0. This is incorrect. Both CFLs consume the same connected to devices with a low power factor.
25W of power at the device. This misconception
likely arises because the current increases The Low Power Factor (LPF) and its Impact Inductive
proportionally as the power factor decreases. loads, which include electric motors, transformers,
However, since the utility needs to meet the current and high-intensity discharge lighting, account for
demands of the connected load, this has significant a significant amount of energy used in industrial
effects on capacity. The CFL with a power factor complexes and are the main source of low power
of 0.5 will require twice as much current as the factor. Inductive loads require an electric current to
CFL with a power factor of 1.0, but this additional generate a magnetic field, and the magnetic field
current is stored in the device as an electric or does the necessary work, unlike resistive loads that
magnetic field and delivered back to the grid to be generate heat by consuming kilowatts.
used by other loads.
An inductive device’s total power requirements
consist of the following components:

● Real power (measured in kilowatts, kW)

● Reactive power, caused by the magnetizing

current and representing non-working power
(measured in kilovars, kVAR)

As a result of the reactive power needed by inductive

loads, the apparent power (expressed in kilovolt-
amps, kVA) in your distribution system increases.
When both reactive power and apparent power rise,

4 Introduction
the power factor decreases. Therefore, low power factor results in higher kVA
ratings for machines. Consequently, electrical
Problems with Low Power Factor The main equipment with a high kVA rating is more
disadvantages of low power factor in our electrical expensive and bulkier.
system are as follows:
● Increased Transmission Line Costs Due to
● Large electrical equipment with a high kVA rating Larger Conductor Sizes
and size.
At low power factor, the conductor needs to
● Increased transmission line costs due to larger carry a higher current to transmit a fixed amount
conductor sizes. of power at a constant voltage. The conductor’s

● High transmission loss, resulting in inefficiency. cross-sectional size is closely related to its
current-carrying capability. Therefore, larger
● Poorly regulated voltage.
conductor size transmission lines are required to
● Penalties imposed by energy service providers carry high current.
● High Transmission Loss, Resulting in Inefficiency
● Large Electrical Equipment with a High kVA
Copper losses increase as a function of the square
Rating and Size
of the line current. The line current depends on
Most electrical machinery, such as alternators, the circuit’s power factor. By combining these
transformers, switchgears, etc., is rated in kVA. relationships, it can be concluded that copper
However, it is evident from the calculation below losses are inversely proportional to the square
that power factor and kVA ratings for electrical of the power factor. Consequently, low power
equipment are inversely related. factor leads to increased line current and copper
losses. As a result, the power system operates
Example: kVA = kW / Cos inefficiently.

Figure No 1.1: High Transmission Loss

5 Introduction
● Poorly Regulated Voltage voltage decreases may occur. Excessive voltage
fluctuations can cause overheating in motors,
Low power factor causes electrical equipment
heating lamps, and other inductive equipment,
to be burdened by high line current. Alternators,
resulting in premature failure.
transformers, transmission lines, etc., experience
a higher voltage drop due to the high current at
low power factor.
Types of Power

The power system revolves around three essential

This results in less voltage available at the
equipment supply end, leading to poor voltage
regulation. Additional regulation equipment,
● Current
such as voltage regulators, needs to be installed
to maintain the receiving end voltage within the ● Voltage
acceptable range. ● Frequency

● Penalties Imposed by Energy Service Providers As it influences voltage, current, and frequency,
(DISCOM) power quality is a significant issue in the power
Consumers with a low power factor (below system. A key factor in improving the quality of
0.9) are penalized in their electricity bills by the supplied power is the power factor. A load with a
electrical power supply company. Therefore, unity power factor is efficient and can significantly
low power factor poses challenges in electrical reduce costs. Due to this, most utility companies
power systems. To operate the electrical system call for a reduction in reactive power. The power
efficiently and economically, efforts should be factor will increase as the demand for reactive
made to enhance the power factor closer to unity. power declines.

What Makes Your Power Factor Better? There are three types of power:

The following are some advantages of raising your ● Apparent power

low power factor: ● Active power

● Reactive power
● Reduced Utility Costs: Electric utilities need to
accommodate the reactive power component
caused by inductive loads and low power factor
by improving their generating and transmission
capacity. Customers with power factors below
0.95 typically pay penalty fees to utilities. By
raising your power factor, you can avoid these
additional charges.

● Increased Branch Capacity: Failure to fix the

power factor leads to power losses in the
Figure No 1.2: Types of Power
distribution system. As power losses increase,

6 Introduction
Apparent Power Pt2 + Pr2 = Pa

Apparent power refers to the overall power being What distinguishes apparent power from active
transferred. Instead of being completely absorbed power?
and utilized, some of the electrical power sent to
a load in an AC system (such as motors, lights, Apparent power represents the total amount of
computers, cooling systems, etc.) may be reflected power required to operate a computer, illuminate
back to the power source. This occurs when the a lightbulb, or power a production system. Active
load does not fully absorb the power sent to it by power, also known as real power, refers to the
the power company. The product of voltage and power that is actually used by a specific load. If
current (V * I) is used to calculate the “apparent not all the available power is utilized, active power
power,” which represents the total power flowing. is less than apparent power. This distinction is
For example, with a voltage of 208 volts and a significant because customers are billed for active
current of 5 amps, the apparent power is 1040VA electricity, which is what power providers supply.
(VA stands for volt-amps, the unit of apparent The power factor is the ratio of active power to
power). See how intelligent rack PDUs apparent power, and it ranges between 0.0
can estimate your power needs on and 1.0.
their own.
Electric Power
How does apparent power
compare to reactive and active Electric power is the term

power? used to describe the rate at

which work is being performed
A common term for apparent in an electrical circuit. In other
power in an AC circuit is the sum words, electric power is defined
of the root mean square (rms) voltage as the rate of energy transfer. Power
and rms current. When the impedance is is generated by generators or can be
purely resistive, the apparent power and the active provided by electrical batteries. It produces a low-
power are the same. However, when reactance is entropy energy form that can be transmitted over
present, the apparent power exceeds the active long distances and can be transformed into various
power. types of energy, including motion and heat energy.

Reactive power, denoted by the symbol VAR (volt- There are two different types of electric power:
amperes reactive), is the vector difference between AC power and DC power. The classification of
apparent power and active power. Reactive power power depends on the type of current. The unit of
is the energy stored in an inductor or capacitor measurement for electric power is the joule, which
and subsequently released as a magnetic field or is obtained by multiplying the power in kilowatts by
electrostatic field. The following equation holds the duration in hours for which the equipment will
true for a complex AC circuit, where Pa represents run. The electric meter is used to measure the total
apparent power, Pt represents true power, and Pr energy consumed by powered equipment.
represents reactive power:
7 Introduction
The equation below provides the calculation for Reactive power refers to the energy initially stored
electric power. and then released as either an electrostatic field
or a magnetic field, depending on whether it is an
Electrical Power= inductor or a capacitor.

Work done in a electrical current/Time Q = V I Sinθ is the formula used to calculate reactive
power, where it can be positive (+ve) for inductive
P=Vlt/t=VI=IR =V /R2 2
loads and negative (-ve) for capacitive loads. The
unit used to measure reactive power is Volt-Ampere
Where T is the time in seconds, V is the voltage in Reactive (VAR), with 1 VAR equaling 1V x 1A.
volts, I is the current in amperes, R is the resistance
provided by the powered devices, and P is the Simply put, reactive power is the amount of
power measured in watts. magnetic or electric field created by 1A x 1V in an
inductor or capacitor.
Electric Power Unit
Reactive Power Formulas:
Watt is the name of the electrical
power unit. ● Q = V I Sinθ

● Reactive Power = √ (Apparent

If, V= 1volts, I= 1ampere and P=
Power^2 – True power^2)
● VAR = √ (VA^2 – P^2)
As a result, a circuit is said to ● kVAR = √ (kVA^2 – kW^2)
have spent one watt of powerif
it produces one ampere of current Apparent, Active, and Reactive
when a potential difference of one Power Relationship
volt is placed across it. The kilowatt
(kW), which is a larger unit of electrical power, is These types of power are interconnected because
typically employed in power systems. apparent power consists of both active and
reactive power. The following equation explains the
1kW= 100W relationship:

Reactive Power S2 = P2 + Q2

Also known as “Useless Power” or “Wattless Where:

Power,” reactive power is the energy that continually
oscillates between the source and the load (Q). Apparent Power = S
Reactive power is defined as power that is absorbed
by the load and then returned due to its reactive Real or Active Power = P
Reactive Power = Q

8 Introduction
We can also calculate active and reactive power using the phase angle or phase difference between current
and voltage, if provided:

P = S cosθ

Q = S sinθ


● India utilizes a variety of energy sources, including coal, lignite, natural gas, oil, hydropower, nuclear energy,
wind, solar, and domestic and agricultural waste, to produce electricity.

● Renewable energy sector investments have experienced significant growth in recent years. For example,
in Rajasthan, SJVN Limited plans to build 10,000 MW of solar power plants, seeking investments of Rs.
50,000 crore (US$ 6.56 billion) over the next five years.

● Power factor measures the phase alignment between the voltage waveform and the current waveform in
an electrical circuit. It represents the ratio of a load’s actual power to its apparent power.

● Leading power factor circuits have the current waveform leading the voltage waveform. CFLs can create
circuits with leading power factors.

● In theory, HPF (High Power Factor) and LPF (Low Power Factor) devices should use the same amount of
energy and have an equivalent effect on greenhouse gas emissions for a given wattage.

● Reactive power required by inductive loads leads to an increase in perceived power (expressed in kilovolt
amps, or kVA) in the distribution system. However, both reactive and apparent power rising causes a
decrease in power factor.

● At low power factor, conductors need to carry higher current to transmit the same amount of power at a
constant voltage. Therefore, larger conductor sizes are required for high current transmission lines.

● Consumers maintaining a low power factor (below 0.9) are penalized in their electricity bills by the power
supply company. Thus, low power factor poses challenges in electrical power systems.

● Power quality is a significant issue in the power system as it affects voltage, current, and frequency. Power
factor is a key factor in improving power supply quality.

● Apparent power represents the total power flowing. In an AC system, a portion of electrical power sent to
a load (such as computers, motors, lights, cooling systems) may be reflected back to the power source
instead of being fully absorbed and utilized.

● Electric power is the rate at which work is completed in an electrical circuit, defined as the rate of energy
transfer. Generators and electrical batteries can generate electricity.

● Reactive power refers to the energy that continually oscillates between the source and the load (Q). It is
only absorbed and then returned to the load due to its reactive characteristics.

9 Introduction
Unit 2

Why Conserve Energy

Learning Objectives Introduction

By the end of this unit, you will be
Energy drives everything in the present world we live in
able to understand:
today. We produce and consume more energy than ever as a
● Environmental protection
global civilization, and that need is only increasing. However,
● Significantly lower utility costs the amount of energy that can be produced has physical,
● Increase the value of your geographical, and economic constraints, despite our efforts
investment. to meet the demand.

● Boost the value of your property

Additionally, greenhouse gas emissions from various energy
production methods, such as the use of fossil fuels for
electricity generation, are accumulating in the atmosphere
and could have an impact on the climate. This is particularly
true for fossil fuels like natural gas.

Focusing on energy conservation is one strategy to address

the problems associated with the world’s ever-growing energy
needs. There has been a lot of recent discussion about this
concept in the news, on social media, and in academic
circles. How can you contribute? But what exactly is energy

Definition and Explanation of Energy Conservation

Energy conservation is defined as “the prevention of wasteful

use of energy, especially to ensure its continuous supply.”
It is important to remember this definition, as the term has

10 Why Conserve Energy

another definition in physics: “the principle by which switch them off completely. Many appliances and
the total energy remains constant in a system not equipment should be unplugged or turned off when
subject to external influence.” not in use, even though reducing heat rather than
turning them off may be preferable in certain cases
Reducing Consumption where maintaining warmth is necessary.

Energy conservation involves conserving energy When leaving a room, turning off the ceiling fan or air
rather than eliminating it because energy cannot conditioner can contribute to energy conservation,
be created or destroyed. One of the most effective as can turning off the television when no one is
ways to save energy is by reducing the usage of watching.
appliances that consume a lot of heat or energy.
Even when turned off, appliances such as
Heating a house or an office requires a significant televisions, stereos, laptops, and other electronic
amount of energy, and even a small decrease in devices that remain plugged in still draw power from
temperature can result in energy savings equivalent the electrical grid. To reduce energy consumption,
to removing several cars from the road. ensure that these electrical devices
The same applies to water heating: are completely unplugged and not
over time, using cold water for connected to any power source
tasks like washing dishes or when not in use.
clothes can save a significant
amount of energy. Replacement and Improved
Lowering the heat in your shower
is another option to save energy. Replacing old devices with more
This doesn’t mean you have to take energy-efficient models is one
a cold shower. Even when taking a way to practice energy efficiency and
hot shower, reducing the temperature to a achieve energy conservation. While certain
comfortable level can reduce the energy required appliances and goods are essential, switching to
to heat the water. Additionally, cutting your shower energy-efficient models can result in significant
time by just two minutes can lead to further energy energy savings.
For example, investing in Energy Star-certified
Opting for a bath instead of a shower can also washers and dryers or switching from a standard
reduce daily water consumption by ten gallons showerhead to a low-flow one that uses less heated
since an average shower uses about five gallons of water can make a difference. When purchasing
water per minute. a new car, consider an electric vehicle or an eco-
friendlier option like a hybrid or small economy car.
Off-Loading and Unplugging Additionally, installing solar-powered heat pumps
and water heaters in your home can be considered.
Some devices continue to consume energy even
when not in use, so it is sometimes better to

11 Why Conserve Energy

Whether it’s making small changes or significant can result in significant GHG emission reductions,
replacements, every new habit aimed at conserving considering that a significant portion of household
energy can have a substantial impact on both the GHG emissions are linked to electricity use.
environment and your finances over an extended
period of time. Due to the way power is produced, the money
you save by installing energy-efficient measures
Own Up to It typically translates immediately into lower GHG
emissions. For instance, more than 20% of the
Taking Responsibility Performing tasks manually typical electricity cost goes towards lighting. By
instead of relying on machines can save energy. switching out your incandescent lightbulbs for
This could involve using a hand saw instead of an Energy Star certified CFL bulbs, you can use 75%
electric one, walking or cycling whenever possible, less electricity to light your home.
or using a push mower instead of a gas lawnmower.
If just one incandescent lightbulb were switched
Doing things, yourself can result in significant out for a CFL bulb in every American home, it
energy savings over time. For example, would save enough electricity each year
think about the amount of fuel and to power three million houses. This
energy you can save by walking or would reduce annual emissions by
biking to work or the grocery store the same amount as removing
instead of driving. 800,000 cars from the road each
year. Additionally, reduced
Protection mercury emissions from CFL
bulbs help the environment by
It’s normal to wonder precisely addressing a developing issue in
how the electricity use in your both freshwater and marine areas.
home affects greenhouse gas (GHG)
emissions. In contrast to the simple combustion of Significantly Lower Utility Costs
fossil fuels that takes place when we drive, we are
sometimes unaware of the emissions that result By reducing energy use in your house, you can save
from our regular use of electricity. money, improve our energy security, and lessen the
pollution caused by non-renewable energy sources.
However, employing energy-efficient methods
in one’s house can have a big impact on the The first step towards building a small renewable
environment. In 2016, the domestic sector in the energy system, such as a solar electric system or
United States was responsible for around 19% of small wind turbine, to generate your own electricity
the nation’s GHG emissions. Specifically, electricity is to reduce your electrical demands. This enables
consumption accounted for 69% of residential you to purchase smaller and less expensive
emissions, with direct fossil fuel burning for home equipment.
heating accounting for the remaining 32%. It is
obvious that home energy efficiency measures

12 Why Conserve Energy

Start by checking your utility bill. On average, but they do have a lot of potential savings. Income
around 1000 kWh are consumed nationwide each tax credits for energy efficiency, rebate schemes,
month. Even greater savings can be attained if you and immediate electricity bill savings are some of
use less. Here are numerous strategies to lower the ways that energy efficiency can reduce costs.
your home’s electricity usage:
To calculate your savings with the greatest degree
● Appliances and electronics: Invest in energy- of accuracy, you’ll need an energy efficiency
saving devices and use them properly. calculator. Federal tax credits are unconditionally
more financially advantageous than a refund of the
● Reduce: “Vampire loads” (electricity used while
same value since they are directly deducted from
gadgets are not in use) by using an improved
total tax liabilities.
power strip.

● Lighting: Invest in energy-efficient products, use

In recent years, federal tax incentives for energy-
them wisely, and increase the amount of natural
efficient purchases have been introduced.
light in your home by installing skylights and
Homeowners qualified for federal income tax
energy-efficient windows.
credits if they bought energy-efficient products in
● Electric space cooling and heating: Invest in and 2015 or 2016. Depending on the item, the credit
manage energy-efficient electric systems. could be up to 10% of the purchase price (up to
$500) or a set sum between $50 and $300.
● Use energy-efficient: Windows in your home
and incorporate passive solar design principles.
The greatest available tax credit of $500 was
Properly insulate and air-seal your home.
provided for the renovation of insulation, roofing,
● Choose an energy-efficient: Non-electric heating
windows, doors, and skylights. Eligible products
included anything from central air conditioning
● Electric water heating: Invest in a heat pump systems to biomass burners.
water heater with the Energy Star label and
maintain it properly.

● Reduce the number of “always on” appliances:

If your home has a smart meter, examine your
consumption at 3 AM and ensure it is somewhat
less than what you use at 7 o’clock. If it isn’t, you
might have “vampire loads.”

● Look for equipment that can be turned off or that

you don’t use (like VCRs): You may also consider
getting rid of that additional refrigerator.

Increase the Value of Your Investment

Energy efficiency investments don’t have the

potential for financial gains or direct cash payouts,

13 Why Conserve Energy

Additionally, there are state rebate programs with This premium also accounts for the higher standard
a greater selection of goods with rebates that of living that eco-friendly home improvements can
range from $10 for CFL lightbulbs to $1,000 for bring to their owners, including better health and
major equipment. Rebates can be received through more comfortable living conditions.
bill credits, discounts, or instant, online, or mail-in
refunds for purchasing and installation costs made As a result, investing in domestic energy efficiency
in the current fiscal year. pays out financially through both immediate
monthly savings and potential future rewards
Last but not least, once energy-efficient products from selling the home. According to Remodelling
are installed, they can immediately and significantly Magazine’s 2016 Cost vs. Value Report, renovation
lower utility bills. Energy-efficient appliances like of attic insulation was the most profitable energy-
refrigerators and air conditioners will automatically efficiency improvement for houses in the United
save you money because they use less energy, States
lose less energy to waste, or do both. Consumers
effectively receive an “implicit return” on their During an attic insulation project, the attic floor is
investments in energy efficiency because savings air-sealed to prevent conditioned air from escaping
accumulate passively throughout the course of the into the attic, and fiberglass loose-fill insulation is
product’s lifetime. added until the desired level of insulation is reached.
Homeowners, on average, realized a 116.9% return
Boost the Value of Your Property on their attic insulation renovation costs when they
sold their homes.
Due to the current emphasis on environmental
awareness, energy-efficient homes are selling The average cost of an energy-efficient insulation
for more money on the housing market. Energy- job is $1,268. Therefore, replacing the insulation in
efficient modifications result in lower power bills your attic will increase the value of your property
and fewer maintenance costs, making green homes by an average of $1,482. Naturally, the profitability
more expensive. of attic insulation upgrades depends on the climate
where you reside. Resale profits for these initiatives
were found to be highest in the New England,
Pacific, and West South Central areas.

14 Why Conserve Energy

Figure No 2.1: Regional on Attic Insulation

Even if other common domestic energy efficiency initiatives don’t always offer a favorable return on
investment, they can nonetheless increase the market value of your home by a sizable amount relative to
their initial installation costs.

For instance, when you sell your home, you can recoup 75 to 83% of the installation costs if you engage in
improvements that increase sealing and insulation, such as new roofing, doors, and siding. A high-efficiency
HVAC system replacement can increase the overall value of your property by up to 71% of the initial cost.

Sealing and insulation improvements can help lower the cost of replacing your HVAC system by reducing the
required size of the heating or cooling unit. Overall, even though the ROI of energy-efficient modifications may
not always exceed 100% and be favourable, the money you save on electricity bills while residing there might
tilt the scales in your favour financially.


● Energy drives everything in the present world we live in today. We produce and consume more energy than
ever as a global civilization, and that need is only increasing.

● The amount of energy that can be produced has physical, geographical, and economic constraints, despite
our ability to increase it to meet the demand.

● The definition of energy conservation is “the prevention of the wasteful use of energy, especially to ensure
its continuous supply.”

● Energy conservation involves conserving energy rather than eradicating it because energy cannot be
created or destroyed. One of the most efficient ways to save energy is by turning down appliances that
consume a lot of heat or energy.

15 Why Conserve Energy

● Since some devices utilize energy even when not in use, it is sometimes preferable to switch them off
entirely. Many appliances and equipment should be unplugged or switched off when not in use, even
though reducing heat is sometimes preferable to turning them off (because areas need to be warm to
some extent).

● One strategy for practicing energy efficiency and achieving energy conservation is to replace some devices
with more energy-efficient models. While certain appliances and goods must be used regularly, switching
to energy-efficient models can result in significant energy savings.

● Doing things yourself can lead to significant energy savings over time. For example, consider the amount of
petrol and energy you would save by walking or riding a bike to work or the grocery store instead of driving.

● It’s normal to wonder precisely how electricity use in your home affects greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
Unlike the simple combustion of fossil fuels that occurs when we drive, we are sometimes unaware of the
emissions resulting from our regular use of electricity.

● If just one incandescent lightbulb were switched out for a CFL bulb, every American home would save
enough electricity each year to power three million houses. This would reduce annual emissions by the
same amount as removing 800,000 cars from the road each year.

● Energy efficiency investments may not offer financial gains or direct cash payouts, but they have significant
potential for savings. Income tax credits for energy efficiency, rebate schemes, and immediate electricity
bill savings are some ways that energy efficiency can reduce costs.

● The greatest available tax credit of $500 was provided for the renovation of insulation, roofing, windows,
doors, and skylights. Eligible products included anything from central air conditioning systems to biomass

● Due to the current emphasis on environmental awareness, energy-efficient homes are selling for more
money on the housing market. Energy-efficient modifications result in lower power bills and reduced
maintenance costs, making green homes more expensive.

● The average cost of an energy-efficient insulation job is $1,268. Therefore, replacing the insulation in your
attic will increase the value of your property by an average of $1,482. The profitability of attic insulation
upgrades depends on the climate where you reside, with the highest resale profits found in the New England,
Pacific, and West South-Central areas.

16 Why Conserve Energy

Unit 3

Additional Benefits of
Energy Conservation
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
The fact that the definition of energy conservation in
able to understand:
general use appears before the explanation of energy
● Improve the quality of your life
conservation in physics is evidence of how significant the
● Tips for saving energy make it concept is in day-to-day living. Nowadays, the definition
simple to save costs. of energy conservation primarily focuses on measures

● Earn increased profits from your to prevent unnecessary energy use in the environment

efforts in energy efficiency. due to the problems currently associated with energy
consumption and its restrictions.
● Put up barriers against rising
electricity rates
The reduction or elimination of wasteful or undesirable
energy use is known as energy conservation. There is a
finite amount of energy on Earth, and energy regeneration
can take a long time. Therefore, preserving energy is
unquestionably necessary.

Most importantly, energy conservation can be achieved

by using less energy or using fewer services. In reality, all
forms of energy have an impact on the environment, as
the Earth is affected by energy from all natural sources.

For instance, a tree commonly burns when struck by

lightning because of the released energy. The type and
amount of energy used determine the extent of the
impact. Energy conservation through the use of natural
energy is one of the simplest ways to reduce pollution
and protect the planet.
17 Additional benefits of energy conservation
Energy conservation could lead to increased accounting for 75% of all benefits when given
financial resources, improved environmental a monetary value. This ratio is determined by
outcomes, and enhancements to personal, comparing the value of saved medical costs and
national, and environmental security. Direct energy energy savings to the overall cost of installing
consumers, such as individuals and businesses, insulation and more energy-efficient heaters.
may need to practice energy conservation to lower
energy costs and improve financial security. Tips for Saving Energy to Make Cost
Savings Simple
Users in the commercial and industrial sectors may
wish to increase productivity as it optimizes their When it comes to your home or business, energy
advantages. There are numerous ways to conserve costs are often considered an essential expense,
energy, and while some rely on energy-efficient and the misconception is that the only way to lower
items and practices, most involve avoiding the use utility bills is by investing in expensive upgrades.
of energy-consuming appliances whenever However, with a few straightforward energy-saving
suggestions, you can reduce your utility expenses
possible. Here are some straightforward through simple behavioural changes,
approaches that can help you reduce quick purchases, or straightforward
your energy consumption and repairs.
operate more efficiently.
Change your habits to
Improve the Standard conserve energy in winter
of Living You Have and summer. The core of
behavioural changes is energy
Energy efficiency benefits not conservation, meaning that
only your finances but also the any actions requiring the use of
environment and the quality of life in domestic equipment should only be
your home. Optimizing domestic energy carried out in emergencies. For example,
use improves living conditions while providing you can line dry your clothing instead of using a
significant health benefits. Energy-saving measures clothes dryer, which is the most energy-consuming
result in improved heat retention, leading to warmer appliance in homes.
and drier interior temperatures in winter.
Reducing energy waste is another energy-saving
A new heating and cooling system can also technique. Carelessness, such as failing to switch
enhance airflow in your home and reduce the off lights or leaving the heating on while away
buildup of airborne contaminants. Energy efficiency from home, is a common cause of energy waste.
is a comprehensive investment that you should Electronics that are not completely turned off are
consider for your comfort and health, even if you often left in standby mode in modern houses,
aren’t concerned about your energy expenditures. resulting in waste.

The cost-benefit ratio of energy-efficient interior This is especially true for older audio equipment,
environments is above 4 to 1, with health benefits which can increase your annual electricity costs by
18 Additional benefits of energy conservation
an additional $67 if kept plugged in and in standby lifetime can fully offset the initial cost and provide
mode. While television designs have improved in homeowners with a return on their investment.
recent years to be more energy-efficient, they still
have the ability to reduce waste. Investing in energy efficiency today is justified as
the nominal prices of home fuels are expected to
Heating and cooling systems left on when no one is increase over the next few decades due to rising
home are the worst energy wasters. Depending on production costs.
the length and severity of the summer and winter
seasons in your area, these unnecessary costs You can make a range of energy-efficient
can add up to several hundred dollars per year. improvements to your home, from simple changes
Temperature regulation should be the primary focus like changing your light bulbs to more involved
of your behavioural modifications as it accounts for tasks like caulking air leaks and replacing windows.
roughly half of your utility costs.
Energy efficiency is known to be a cost-effective
Some habits, such as watching television while you investment, although the precise savings vary
sleep, regularly vacuuming your home, or depending on the upgrade. More extensive
momentarily leaving the refrigerator house upgrades will yield bigger
door open while deciding what savings over time as the cost
to eat, have little impact on a and difficulty of the upgrade are
household’s overall energy use. directly correlated with the gross
However, over time, excessive energy savings.
waste can accumulate and
affect your finances as well as Additionally, Combining
the environment. In the long run, compatible upgrades into a
it would be more cost-effective to “whole-house” strategy can result
replace home appliances and devices in savings that are disproportionately
with more energy-efficient models than higher than their combined original costs.
focusing on minor behavioural changes that result According to estimates from the Department
in annual savings of less than $1. of Energy, making multiple energy-efficient
modifications to indoor temperature control could
Earn Increased Profits from Your Energy cut your electricity costs by as much as 30%.
Efficiency Efforts
Put Up Barriers Against Rising Electricity
The United States Department of Energy estimates Rates
that implementing energy efficiency measures in
a typical home can reduce annual utility expenses Household electricity prices charged by utilities
by more than $2,200, which is a savings of 25%. tend to fluctuate on a seasonal and annual basis,
While energy efficiency may be more expensive in but they have been steadily increasing over the past
the short term compared to conventional options, ten years. It is likely that this trend will continue in
the savings on power bills over the product’s the foreseeable future.

19 Additional benefits of energy conservation

Improving the energy efficiency of your home not only helps you save money on your monthly power bills but
also protects you financially from the effects of sudden and unexpected spikes in energy prices that may
occur in the coming years.

The shifting economics, customer preferences, and regulations to address climate change and local
environmental toxins are driving the increased deployment of various distributed energy resources within
the US electricity system. The potential for reforming the design of electricity rates based on cost-causal
principles has gained attention to improve the overall fairness and efficiency of the system. Distributed
energy resources have allowed energy users and third parties not affiliated with utilities to play a larger role
in reshaping system costs. Dynamic pricing, which involves changing energy rates across time and location
to reflect the costs of providing power to consumers under specific market conditions and grid operations,
is one method that can be used to move towards a more widespread implementation of cost-causal rate
design. However, dynamic pricing has not been widely adopted, especially for residential customers. The
constraints preventing widespread residential dynamic pricing are examined, with a focus on technological,
financial, and political issues.

It has been hypothesized that a transition toward more dynamic pricing can lead to welfare improvements over
volumetric rates by achieving cost-causality and more equitable and efficient outcomes. However, dynamic
pricing alone may not fully recover fixed costs or appropriately attribute positive and negative externalities
associated with energy distribution. Designing electricity tariffs requires careful consideration of various
factors, making it a combination of art and science.


● The definition of energy conservation nowadays focuses mostly on measures to prevent the unnecessary
use of energy in the environment due to the problems currently linked with energy consumption and its
associated restrictions.

● Users in the commercial and industrial sectors may wish to boost productivity as it optimizes their
advantages. What energy conservation techniques are there? There are numerous ways to conserve energy.

● Energy-saving measures in place can lead to warmer and drier interior temperatures in the winter due to
improved heat retention.

● The cost-benefit ratio of energy-efficient interior environments is above 4 to 1, with health benefits
accounting for 75% of all benefits when given a monetary value.

● When it comes to your home or business, energy costs are frequently considered an essential expense,
and the misconception is that the only way to lower your utility bills is by investing in expensive upgrades.
This misconception, however, is untrue; with a few straightforward energy-saving suggestions, you can
lower your utility expenses with easy behavioral changes, quick purchases, or straightforward repairs.

● Reduce energy waste to save money as another energy-saving technique. Carelessness, such as failing to
switch off the lights or leaving the heating on while away from home, is a common cause of energy waste.

20 Additional benefits of energy conservation

● Heating and cooling systems that are left on when no one is home are the worst energy wasters. Depending
on the length and severity of the summer and winter seasons in your area, these unnecessary costs can
total several hundred dollars per year.

● According to the U.S. Department of Energy, energy efficiency measures can save the average home 25%
on utility costs, or more than $2,200 annually. When compared to conventional options, energy efficiency
is frequently more expensive in the short term; however, power bill savings over the product’s lifetime can
fully cover the initial cost premium and provide homeowners with an implicit return on their investment.

● Energy efficiency is well known to be a cost-effective investment, albeit the precise savings vary depending
on the upgrade. More extensive house upgrades will yield bigger savings over time as the cost and difficulty
of the upgrade are directly correlated with the gross energy savings.

● Increased deployment of a wide variety of distributed energy resources in the U.S. electricity system is
being pushed by rapidly evolving economics, consumer preferences, and legislation to address climate
change and local environmental contaminants.

● Dynamic pricing, which alters energy rates across time and location to reflect the costs of providing power
to consumers under certain market conditions and grid operation conditions, is one method to move
toward broader implementation of cost-causal rate design.

● It is suggested that a shift toward more dynamic pricing can result in a welfare enhancement over volumetric
rates because it can lead to outcomes that are more equitable and efficient by fulfilling the goal of cost-

21 Additional benefits of energy conservation

Unit 4

Health Benefits of Energy

Learning Objectives Introduction

By the end of this unit, you will be

Increasing energy efficiency can not only save money
able to understand:
and energy, but it also helps avoid and alleviate a variety
● Wellness and good health
of serious health problems, including respiratory and
● Energy efficiency, health, and cardiovascular ailments. When we invest in energy
eradication of poverty efficiency, we can simultaneously reduce energy expenses

● Building energy efficiency’s and improve the health of the neighbourhood.

Pollutants created when fossil fuels are burned contribute
● Air quality and temperature
to the development of cancer, chronic lower respiratory
diseases, cardiovascular disease, and stroke, which are
the top four causes of mortality in the United States.

● It is a well-established fact that the combustion of

fossil fuels produces fine particulate matter and
nitrogen oxides, both of which contribute to major
respiratory health problems, including lung cancer,
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and asthma.

● Increasing energy efficiency lowers both the demand

for energy and the requirement to create additional
generation, which reduces harmful emissions and
their negative health impacts caused by electricity
generation using fossil fuels.

● This decreased requirement for generation not only

helps save lives but also cuts down on the number of
days wasted at work or school.
22 Health Benefits of Energy Efficiency
At the moment, coal accounts for 64% of the Therefore, advances in energy efficiency that target
electric generation that takes place within the fuel poverty have the potential to increase mental
Midwest. Energy efficiency is currently the most well-being. It is possible that the effect that energy
cost-effective method for lowering emissions while efficiency has on mental health could be improved
we wait for the generation mix to shift to a portfolio by combining it with financial support mechanisms
of cleaner energy sources. and robust community engagement.

Wellness and Good Health Energy Efficiency, Health, and

Eradication of Poverty
Measures that increase energy efficiency have the
potential to enhance good physical and mental It is generally agreed upon that a household is said
health by primarily contributing to the development to be living in fuel poverty if it spends more than
of healthy indoor living environments. These a predetermined percentage of its annual income
indoor living settings can have air temperatures, (often 10%) on energy bills. This definition is based
humidity levels, and noise levels that are healthy, on the fact that the percentage varies from country
and they can also have higher air quality. to country. The fact that such a substantial
It is primarily via the creation of amount of money was spent on energy
healthy indoor living environments would appear to indicate that it
that energy efficiency measures was difficult to afford sufficient
may support good physical levels of comfort. It is commonly
and mental health. These accepted that a household is
indoor living environments can considered to be living in fuel
have healthy air temperatures, poverty if it spends more than
humidity levels, noise levels, and a predetermined percentage of
better air quality. its annual income (usually 10%)
on energy costs. The fact that such a
According to the World Health Organization significant amount of money was spent on
(WHO), air pollution is the leading preventable energy would tend to indicate that it was difficult to
cause of death worldwide, accounting for around 3 afford appropriate levels of comfort.
million deaths annually. This makes air pollution a
serious environmental danger. Fuel poverty is characterized by a combination
of low income, low home quality, and high energy
The implementation of energy efficiency measures expenditures. This is the most common cause of
that improve both indoor and outdoor air quality fuel poverty. The lack of access to affordable fuel
has the potential to have a significant influence is also significantly linked to less-than-ideal states
on public health on a worldwide scale. Recent of both physical and mental health.
findings indicate that both prolonged temperature
discomfort and fuel poverty have a deleterious The retrofitting of low-income housing with
influence on mental health (anxiety, stress, and energy efficiency measures can provide a solution
depression). that ultimately makes the cost of comfort more
23 Health Benefits of Energy Efficiency
Several countries that are members of the IEA, with energy efficiency upgrades.
including the United States of America, the
United Kingdom, Ireland, and New Zealand, have To this day, studies have shown that energy
implemented energy efficiency programs that have efficiency retrofitting projects for low-income
had positive outcomes in their efforts to combat houses result in the greatest benefits, with health
fuel poverty. These countries include Australia, improvements accounting for as much as 75
Ireland, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom. percent of the total return on investment for these
Several nations who are members of the IEA, types of interventions. To this day, energy efficiency
including Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the United retrofitting programs for low-income homes
States of America, and the United Kingdom, have have been shown to yield the largest advantages,
implemented energy efficiency programs that have with health gains accounting for as much as 75
had positive outcomes in their efforts to combat percent of the total return on investment for these
fuel poverty. interventions.

Heat Smart program families with low Fuel poverty has been shown to have a
to moderate incomes experienced significant correlation with less-than-
significantly higher monetized ideal mental health, in part due to
benefits following the retrofitting, the increased financial strain that
amounting to USD 519 per year, comes from having to deal with
in comparison to USD 183 for high energy bills and debt.
families with higher incomes. In addition to this, there
is extensive evidence that
Free retrofit programs for low- indicates a correlation between
income households, support fuel poverty and sub-optimal
payments for fuel costs, and grant physical health. Fuel poverty is
programs for expenses associated significantly connected with sub-
with energy efficiency upgrades are optimal mental health, in part because of
some of the policies that are implemented by the financial stress of coping with high energy bills
governments in an effort to alleviate the effects of and debt. In addition, fuel poverty is substantially
fuel poverty. Other policies that are implemented associated with sub-optimal physical health.
include social tariffs (subsidies) on energy prices,
grant programs to cover the costs associated with There is evidence to suggest that implementing
energy efficiency upgrades, support payments for energy efficiency measures in low-income
fuel costs, and free retrofit programs for low-income dwellings can have a measurable influence on
households. To alleviate the effects of fuel poverty, boosting mental well-being (such as happiness and
governments implement a variety of policies, such the ability to cope) and preventing mental disorders
as social tariffs (subsidies) on energy prices, grant like schizophrenia and bipolar disorder (e.g., anxiety
programs to cover the costs associated with energy and borderline depression). There is evidence that
efficiency upgrades, free retrofit programs for low- implementing energy efficiency measures in low-
income households, support payments for fuel income houses can have a measurable impact on
costs, and grant programs for expenses associated enhancing mental well-being (such as happiness
24 Health Benefits of Energy Efficiency
and the ability to cope) and preventing mental energy efficiency can assist in lowering the rates
diseases (e.g., anxiety and borderline depression). of excess winter mortality in cold climates, while
in hot climates, they can help minimize the risk of
Energy Efficiency’s Effects on Buildings dehydration and the poor health implications that
can result from it.
In spite of the fact that energy efficiency measures
in a variety of industries have the potential to The positive effects that energy-efficient buildings
offer gains in well-being and health and well- have on people’s health can be felt in their private
being, efforts targeting buildings are typically homes as well as their places of employment.
far simpler to verify. One of the goals of energy According to the findings of a study conducted in
efficiency retrofits in buildings (such as insulation Singapore, employees who work in buildings that
retrofits and weatherization programs) is to create are efficient in terms of energy use are less likely
circumstances that enable improved occupant to experience headaches, fatigue, headaches, or
health and well-being. Achieving this goal is skin irritations. Enhancing the workers’ medical
especially important for population groups that conditions health of workers could, in turn, have
are more susceptible to negative health effects. major ramifications for the amount of work that
Creating circumstances that enable enhanced gets done in the workplace.
occupant health and well-being is one of the goals
of energy efficiency retrofits in buildings (such as Air Quality and Temperature
insulation retrofits and weatherization programs),
and this goal is especially important for vulnerable It is feasible for changes in insulation, heating, and
population groups. ventilation systems to have a good influence on
air quality, hence lowering the risk of respiratory
One of the potential benefits that could result from diseases, allergic reactions, and cardiovascular
making efforts to increase energy efficiency is an disorders. These risks can all be reduced by
improvement in one’s physical health. This could improving air quality. It is possible for improvements
include a reduction in the symptoms of respiratory in insulation, heating, and ventilation systems to
and cardiovascular problems, arthritis, rheumatism, have a beneficial effect on air quality, hence lowering
and allergies, as well as a reduction in the number the risk of respiratory diseases, cardiovascular
of injuries sustained. Improved physical health, disorders, and allergic reactions. They also bring
including reduced symptoms of respiratory and about improvements in mental health that are both
cardiovascular problems, rheumatism, arthritis, large and consistent.
and allergies, as well as fewer injuries, is one of
the potential benefits that could result from taking
efforts to increase energy efficiency.

In colder climates, increases in energy efficiency

can help reduce the rates of excess winter mortality,
while in warmer areas, they can help reduce the
risk of dehydration and the negative effects on
health that can arise from it. Improvements in
25 Health Benefits of Energy Efficiency
The term “thermal quality” describes whether or not the temperature inside is suitable for human habitation
and safe. Although the majority of data refers to the effects of being in cold places, being overheated can
also be harmful to one’s health because it causes dehydration.

It has been demonstrated that retrofit programs for energy efficiency that involve the installation of insulation
make it possible for inhabitants to raise the temperature of the indoor air to levels that are healthy. The
temperature of the workplace has a significant bearing on the levels of comfort and productivity enjoyed by
workers there.

All of these methods, but ventilation in particular, play a role in lowering the amount of wetness that may be
found indoors, as well as the buildup of mold that is linked with that dampness, which exacerbates a wide
variety of health concerns.


● Increasing energy efficiency can not only save money and energy, but it also helps avoid and alleviate
a variety of problems of a grave nature with one’s health, including ailments of the respiratory and
cardiovascular systems.

● Increasing energy efficiency lowers both the demand for energy and the requirement to create additional
generation, which in turn reduces the amount of harmful emissions and bad health impacts caused by the
generation of electricity using fossil fuels.

● It is primarily via the creation of healthy indoor living environments that energy efficiency measures
may support good physical and mental health. These indoor living environments can have healthy air
temperatures, humidity levels, noise levels, and better air quality.

● Fuel poverty is characterized by a combination of low income, low home quality, and high energy
expenditures. This is the most common cause of fuel poverty. The lack of access to affordable fuel is also
significantly linked to less-than-ideal states of both physical and mental health.

● Several nations who are members of the IEA, including Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the United States
of America, and the United Kingdom, have implemented energy efficiency programs that have had positive
outcomes in their efforts to combat fuel poverty.

● Fuel poverty is significantly connected with sub-optimal mental health, in part because of the financial
stress of coping with high energy bills and debt. In addition, fuel poverty is substantially associated with
sub-optimal physical health.

● The positive effects that energy-efficient buildings have on people’s health can be felt in their private homes
as well as their places of employment.

● The term “thermal quality” describes whether or not the temperature inside is suitable for human habitation
and safe. Although the majority of data refers to the effects of being in cold places, being overheated can
also be harmful to one’s health because it causes dehydration.

26 Health Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Unit 5

Environmental Benefits of
Energy Efficiency
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
Due to typical power plants burning fossil fuels, which
able to understand:
contribute to air pollution and generate greenhouse
● Why is energy conservation
gases, one of the most important things that can be done
crucial for the environment?
to combat climate change is to decrease the amount of
● Energy efficiency enables you energy that is used.
to save money and protect the
environment. Homes and other energy-efficient buildings are also better
● How green residential practices, prepared to transition to renewable energy sources, which
such as energy efficiency, benefit do not emit harmful emissions. Energy consumption is
the environment crucial for progress.

Even though there are numerous advantages to using

more energy, we are also becoming more conscious of
the drawbacks. We observe these negative effects both
globally and locally in the form of climate change (and
its associated effects) and the degradation of local
environments, such as poor air quality, deteriorating
soils (which can, in some cases, result in desertification),
resource depletion (such as water), and noise pollution.

On the other hand, more efficient use of energy throughout

the entire supply and demand chain may mitigate some
of the unfavourable consequences of energy use while
maintaining a constant rate of economic expansion. In
addition to this, customers, as end-users of energy, often

27 Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency

have to pay higher operational costs as a direct The generated power is then sent into the utility
result of inefficient energy use. Increased energy system after the steam rotates a turbine. Burning
efficiency leads to a decrease in operational costs fossil fuels for power also results in greenhouse
and an increase in profitability at the corporate or gas emissions that contribute to global warming.
business level. The reduction of energy imports Coal or natural gas is predominantly used to
resulting from increased energy efficiency at produce utility-scale electricity in the US, while
the national level relieves stress on the national nuclear power plants account for another portion.
currency and makes a greater quantity of valuable
energy resources available for others to use. This, All the electricity production accounts for almost
in turn, allows more energy-intensive activities to a third of the carbon dioxide emissions associated
contribute to the overall economic well-being of the with US energy use, making it the single largest
population as a whole. source of GHG emissions in the nation. As your
home’s energy efficiency increases, your demand
Reducing the negative environmental effects of for electricity decreases, reducing your reliance on
energy use is the primary way that improved energy carbon-intensive power plants. This, in turn, helps
efficiency benefits society as a whole. the environment by lowering carbon
Last but not least, the world’s key dioxide emissions.
energy sources (mostly fossil
The importance of energy cannot be
fuels) are limited and will overstated in our modern world.
eventually run out. They are We utilize energy to illuminate
essential natural resources for our homes, power machines
our lives and economies. and industrial equipment, prepare
food, create music, operate various
However, their increased consumption appliances, and much more.
in recent years has brought the
depletion closer, intensifying the strain on However, consuming an excessive
nations dependent on importing fossil fuels due to amount of energy is not only wasteful but also
their decreased availability and rising costs. Proper harmful to the health of the ecosystem. Fortunately,
utilization of these resources and maximizing the there are numerous methods to reduce our energy
benefits obtained from each unit of energy used are consumption while still enjoying the benefits
essential for sustainable future development. of energy. As the energy industry continues to
experience robust growth, a significant amount of
Why is Energy Conservation Crucial for waste is being discharged into the environment.
the Environment?
Burning coal and other fossil fuels is a common
The majority of energy produced in the United method of energy production; however, this method
States today is generated in thermal power plants, results in the emission of various gases and
which heat water and create steam using nuclear particulate matter into the environment.
fuel, biofuels, or fossil fuels such as coal and
natural gas.

28 Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency

If we do not take action to control the levels of homeowner can save $4.50 for every dollar they
these pollutants, they have the potential to harm spend on energy.
the environment and impact our health. Energy
conservation is one of the most effective ways Given the continuously rising costs of essential
to reduce our collective carbon footprint. The services, it makes sense that people would want
household level is the best place to start when it to save as much money as possible. Energy
comes to energy conservation. conservation can be a significant aid in achieving
this goal. Start by investing in energy-efficient
Installing energy-efficient appliances can help an appliances, heating systems, and light bulbs.
average household reduce its energy consumption
by up to thirty percent. This can save you anywhere from 25 to 30 percent
on your monthly energy expenses. It is also
Energy Efficiency Enables Saving important to evaluate different energy tariffs and
Money and Protecting the Environment switch between them. Most fixed energy deals have
a duration of approximately three years, and if you
To support your efforts as an informed do not take action when they expire, you
energy consumer, there are energy may be automatically moved to the
incentive programs at the local, company’s standard tariff, which
state, and federal levels. The is not always the most affordable
most well-known program is option. Switching your energy
energy star, initiated by the provider can save you up to
united states Environmental £390 per year on your energy
Protection Agency (EPA) in expenses.
1992 to promote energy-efficient
consumer goods and address How Do Green Residential
climate change. Practices, Such as
Energy Efficiency, Benefit the
Energy star accreditation for energy efficiency now Environment?
covers residential and commercial structures as
well as industrial facilities. It is the most successful With energy efficiency measures, you can
voluntary energy conservation program in history successfully reduce your own greenhouse gas
in terms of both economic rewards and reduced emissions (carbon footprint) by decreasing the
emissions. Energy star has helped households amount of electricity your utility needs to provide.
and businesses save money on energy bills and In addition to the direct financial and environmental
significantly reduce emissions. benefits, combining energy efficiency with other
“green” activities can yield even more advantages.
The energy star program saved consumers $31
billion on energy costs in 2014, which is equivalent For example, you can use the money saved on your
to the annual GHG emissions of 38 million electricity bills to charge electric cars, which helps
houses and 5% of the nation’s overall electricity reduce both petrol and overall electricity expenses.
demand. With the help of Energy star, the average Owners of solar panels can also generate larger net

29 Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency

metering credit surpluses, further reducing their annual energy costs.

Implementing energy-efficient practices at home has become an increasing priority among energy-conscious
homeowners and renters due to the range of benefits. There is often a connection between the energy sector
and habitat fragmentation, which can result in the displacement of animals from their natural habitats.

Activities such as dam construction, deforestation, and coal mining contribute to the destruction of natural
habitats. Conserving energy can make a significant impact in addressing the issue of disappearing habitats.
Utilizing natural resources in a way that causes minimal damage to natural habitats is an excellent starting

Energy-saving regulations frequently address these concerns at the policy level to protect natural environments.


● Due to the burning of fossil fuels by typical power plants, which contribute to air pollution and generate
greenhouse gases, one of the most important steps to combat climate change is to decrease energy

● However, more efficient utilization of energy throughout the supply-demand chain can help mitigate the
negative effects of energy use while maintaining economic growth. Moreover, inefficient energy use often
results in higher operating costs for the end-user.

● Thermal power plants, using nuclear fuel, biofuels, or fossil fuels like coal and natural gas, currently produce
the majority of energy in the United States.

● The importance of energy in our modern world cannot be overstated, as it is used for illuminating homes,
powering machines and industrial equipment, food preparation, music production, running various
appliances, and more.

● Switching energy providers can potentially save you up to £390 per year on energy expenses.

● Implementing energy-efficient practices at home is increasingly prioritized by energy-conscious

homeowners and renters due to the range of benefits.

● The construction of dams, deforestation, and coal mining are activities that contribute to the destruction of
natural habitats. Conserving energy can significantly address the issue of disappearing habitats.

30 Environmental Benefits of Energy Efficiency

Unit 6

Multiple Impacts of
Energy Efficiency
Learning Objectives
Energy efficiency has numerous positive effects on
By the end of this unit, you will be
the environment, which are discussed further below. It
able to understand:
has a significant impact on reducing greenhouse gas
● Emissions of greenhouse gases
emissions, including both direct emissions from the
● Management of resources and
combustion or use of fossil fuels and indirect emissions
reductions resulting from electricity production. Direct
● Increasing household emissions occur when fossil fuels are burned, while
discretionary income through indirect emissions reductions happen during electricity
energy efficiency generation. In addition to reducing energy consumption
and greenhouse gas emissions, research has revealed
● Energy costs have an impact
various other areas where energy efficiency offers
on efficiency and disposable
undeniable advantages. Although the importance
assigned to these benefits may vary among different
countries, most of these benefits are relevant to both IEA
member and non-member countries.

Efficient energy use is increasingly recognized as a

crucial factor in achieving a wide range of outcomes
that contribute to improved wealth and welfare. These
outcomes include goals that are understandable to the
general public and policymakers alike, as both groups
seek to see them realized. However, a systematic analysis
of these broader effects of energy efficiency has yet to
be conducted, partly due to a lack of essential data and
established methods for estimating the scope and scale
of these effects.
31 Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency
Consequently, the understanding of how much If all cost-effective energy efficiency measures
energy efficiency can boost economic and social based on currently available technology were
growth remains limited, and it is often inadequately implemented worldwide, it would lead to a peak
considered, if at all, in national policy decision- in energy-related greenhouse gas emissions by
making processes. By enhancing analytical 2020 and a decline before 2040. These findings
capabilities in both the public and commercial were part of the modeling performed in Energy
sectors to better assess the full range of outcomes Efficiency 2018 (released in 2018). According to
achievable through energy efficiency, one can the Efficient World Scenario (EWS) described in
improve the ability to communicate its value to the the report, energy efficiency could reduce annual
economy and society. This change will not only energy-related emissions by 3.5 Gt CO2-eq (12%)
enhance the compared to 2017 levels. This reduction would
represent more than 40% of the emission reductions
ability to communicate the value of energy efficiency required to comply with the Paris Agreement. Thus,
but also provide a foundation for economic analysis energy efficiency is indispensable for achieving
of policy options. global climate targets, in addition to other initiatives
involving renewable energy.
Emissions of Greenhouse
Gases Resource Management
and Effectiveness
Energy efficiency is one of the
most crucial means by which the Improving material efficiency,
world can meet energy service which aims to provide the same
demands while simultaneously level of material service while
reducing energy consumption. using fewer materials, is one
This factor plays a significant role strategy for mitigating the impact
in most of the IPCC’s scenarios aimed of rising material demand on energy
at limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees demand.
Celsius (IPCC, 2018).
Efficiency promotion can occur throughout the
In 2017, greenhouse gas emissions from energy production value chain and during the use phase in
use increased by 1.4%, reaching a total of over various ways, including:
32.5 gigatonnes of CO2 equivalent (Gt CO2-eq).
This was the first increase since 2014 and resulted ● Reducing the overall weight of products while
from sustained global economic development maintaining functionality (lightweighting).
leading to increased use of carbon-intensive fuels.
● Minimizing waste during the manufacturing
If efficiency improvements had not been made
since 2000, emissions in 2017 would have been
● Exploring new applications for scrap metal that
approximately 4 Gt CO2-eq higher. In other words,
do not require remelting.
without efficiency’s restraining effect on emissions
growth, they would have been 12% higher. ● Reusing and recycling product components and
increasing their durability.
32 Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency
● Incorporating technologically advanced product While recent attention has been focused narrowly
components. on rebound effects, there has been a decrease in
studying and addressing the broader and varied
Recycling products and reducing the demand benefits of energy efficiency. Our aim is to highlight
for energy-intensive commodities can help lower the ongoing economic benefits resulting from
energy demand. For example, producing metals like increased energy efficiency in the residential sector.
steel, aluminum, and copper from recycled scrap
requires 60-90% less energy than manufacturing Governments worldwide are committed to
them from metal ores. promoting energy efficiency, but public support
often focuses on low-income families facing
Increasing Household Discretionary energy poverty. However, governments pursue
Income through Energy Efficiency multiple goals, and energy efficiency is expected to
yield significant carbon emissions reductions and
Household disposable income refers to the sustainable economic growth.
remaining income after deductions for taxes, fees,
and social security payments. By reducing energy To explore the wider implications of promoting
use through energy-efficient measures in homes energy efficiency in domestic energy use, a UK
and vehicles, customers can avoid additional CGE model is employed. The findings indicate
spending on energy for gasoline, electricity, natural that higher energy efficiency not only increases
gas, and other fuels. This leads to an increase in household incomes but also leads to GDP and
disposable income. overall economic activity growth, surpassing
the benefits directly associated with efficiency
Energy efficiency improvements can also reduce improvements.
operating and maintenance expenses, further
increasing discretionary income. For instance, Greater increases in energy efficiency are more
investing in longer-lasting LED lightbulbs reduces likely to result in economic expansion and returns,
the frequency of replacement and the overall while diminishing reliance on public budgets to
resources consumed during the bulb’s lifespan. fund efficiency improvements gradually reduces
the advantages.

33 Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency

Energy Costs and their Impact on Efficiency and Disposable Income

In 2017, energy costs for homes increased in various countries. For instance, in the United Kingdom (UK),
the proportion of total expenditures devoted to energy rose from 4.9% in 2016 to 5.3% in 2017, signifying a
significant year-over-year increase. However, the increase in expenditures would have been much higher if
not for energy efficiency advancements.

Figure No 6.1: Impact on Efficiency

Cumulative efficiency improvements achieved since 2000 saved UK households an average of over $300 USD
in 2017, equivalent to nearly 20% of their annual energy expenditure. German homeowners saved an average
of over $370 USD per household, mainly from reduced gas consumption.

In Japan, energy savings from households, both at home and in transportation, contributed equally to an
overall financial improvement of around $300 USD. Consequently, Japan’s monthly energy expenditures were
26% lower than they would have been without energy efficiency improvements.

If the world were to implement currently available cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities, households
globally could save $201 billion USD in avoided expenditure on fuels like electricity and gas by 2040.
Additionally, $365 billion USD could be saved in avoided expenditure on transportation fuels. These estimates
demonstrate the direct and indirect effects of energy prices on household disposable income. Average
savings per person on energy bills in 2017, resulting from efficiency advancements since 2000, were also


● The environment is positively impacted in a variety of ways by energy efficiency. It has a significant impact
on lowering greenhouse gas emissions, both the direct emissions caused by the combustion or use of

34 Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency

fossil fuels and the indirect emissions reductions brought about by the production of electricity

● Energy efficiency is rapidly being recognized as an important factor in generating a wide variety of outcomes
that support the pursuit of aims to improve wealth and welfare. These are objectives that the general public
and policymakers both understand and desire to accomplish.

● Strengthening capacity in both the public and private sectors to better assess the full range of outcomes
of energy efficiency can improve the ability to communicate the value that energy efficiency can deliver for
the economy and society. This will enhance the basis for economic analysis of policy options as well as
the ability to communicate the value of energy efficiency.

● According to our Efficient World Scenario (EWS), energy efficiency could deliver a reduction in annual
energy-related emissions of 3.5 Gt CO2-eq (12%) compared to 2017 levels. This would account for more
than 40% of the abatement required to align with the Paris Agreement.

● Improving material efficiency, which involves providing the same level of material service despite a lower
overall supply of materials, is one strategy for mitigating the effect that the rise in demand for materials
will have on energy demand.

● Energy demand can be lowered by recycling products and reducing the demand for commodities that
require a lot of energy to produce. It takes between 60 and 90 percent less energy to produce metals like
steel, aluminum, and copper from recycled scrap than from initial manufacturing using metal ores.

● The capacity for energy efficiency improvements to cut operating and maintenance expenses can also
increase discretionary income.

● Investing in an LED lightbulb with a longer life implies that you will need to replace the lightbulb less
frequently, resulting in fewer resources being consumed throughout the bulb’s lifespan.

● Governments work toward a variety of goals, and energy efficiency is anticipated to result in significant
carbon emissions reductions as well as sustainable economic growth.

● In 2017, the cost of energy for homes rose in several countries. For example, the proportion of total
expenditures devoted to energy in the United Kingdom (UK) increased from 4.9% in 2016 to 5.3% in 2017,
representing a significant year-over-year increase.

● The increase in expenditures may have been much higher if it had not been for the advances in energy

● The energy savings made by Japanese households, both at home and in their cars, equally contributed to
an overall improvement in their financial situation, which was around USD 300 higher.

● As a result of these cost reductions, Japan’s monthly energy expenditures were 26% cheaper than they
would have been without improving energy efficiency.

● By implementing cost-effective energy efficiency opportunities that are currently available, global
households in the year 2040 could save a total of USD 201 billion in avoided expenditure on fuels such as
electricity and gas, as well as USD 365 billion in avoided expenditure on transport fuels.

35 Multiple Impacts of Energy Efficiency

Unit 7

Safety Issues Related to

Power Plant
Learning Objectives Introduction

By the end of this unit, you will be There is perhaps no other hazard that we encounter in
able to understand: our day-to-day lives, whether it is at home, at school, or
● Renewable energy sources and at work, that is quite as hazardous and unforgiving as
nuclear power electricity. It is impossible to fathom what life would be
● Common risks in the renewable like without electricity, but despite its invisibility, its effects
energy industry can be devastating, including death, disfigurement, and
● Work safety: renewable energy
vs. Fossil fuels
The development of humanity over the past few millennia
could not have occurred without the energy that has been
contributed. According to the United Nations, “energy is
crucial to practically every major concern and opportunity
that the globe faces today.” This statement is absolutely

However, despite the fact that energy provides us with a

vast array of advantages, it is not without its drawbacks.
There are three different ways in which the generation
of energy can have a harmful influence on both human
health and the environment. The first issue is air pollution,
which is responsible for the untimely deaths of millions
of people around the world each year.

The majority of those deaths can be attributed to the

combustion of fossil fuels as well as biomass, which
includes wood, dung, and charcoal.
36 Safety Issues Related to Power
The second possibility is accidents. This category The presence of electricity poses an even greater
includes accidents that occur during the mining risk of danger in the construction industry, where
and extraction of fuels, such as coal, uranium, rare temporary electrical installations and electricity
metals, oil, and gas. It also encompasses mishaps supplies are used. As a result, stringent standard
that happen during the transportation of raw engineering practices are required in this sector.
materials and infrastructure, the construction of
power plants, or the maintenance of those facilities. What exactly is a jolt of electricity?

The third factor is greenhouse gas emissions. The An electrical shock is the unpleasant feeling that
primary contributor to the generation of greenhouse a person experiences when an electrical current
gases, which are the fundamental cause of climate travels through their body. An electric shock occurs
change, is the burning of fossil fuels. By the year when any part of the body completes an electrical
2020, fossil fuels and industry were responsible for circuit by touching a live wire and an electrical
91 percent of the total CO2 emissions worldwide. ground, or by touching a live wire and another wire
at a different voltage. Either of these scenarios will
There is no energy source that is devoid of result in the person being shocked.
any risk. They all have negative effects
on human health in the short term, Renewable Energy Sources
either as a result of air pollution and Nuclear Power
or accidents. Additionally, each
of these factors contributes Now let’s examine the relative
to the overall warming of the threats to our short-term health
planet, but their contributions posed by each source of climate
to each other are different in change before considering the
significant ways. long-term effects. We can’t solely
rely on the overall number of deaths
In the near term, fossil fuels pose the caused by each source because it wouldn’t
highest risk, as they are the most polluting and be fair. Fossil fuels still dominate the worldwide
responsible for the greatest amount of greenhouse electricity mix, so it is expected that they would be
gas emissions per unit of energy. This indicates responsible for the highest number of fatalities.
that low-carbon energy sources are also the safest.
Instead, we evaluate them based on the estimated
From the standpoint of human health and climate number of deaths they cause for every kilowatt-hour
change, it is less important whether we transition to of electricity generated. The unit of measurement
nuclear power or renewable energy. What is more for this is the terawatt-hour, where one terawatt-
important is that we stop relying on fossil fuels as hour is equivalent to the amount of electricity used
our primary source of energy. in a single year by about 150,000 residents of the
European Union.
Why should we be concerned about the safety of
electrical currents? This includes deaths caused by air pollution as
well as mishaps that take place in the supply chain.
37 Safety Issues Related to Power
The globe faces the risk of a sharp decline in the Despite the contribution of nuclear power and
usage of nuclear power in rich economies, which the rapid growth of renewable energy sources,
may result in billions of tons of additional carbon CO2 emissions associated with the energy sector
emissions. This could have a negative impact on reached an all-time high in 2018. This happened
the environment. This is due to the fact that the because the demand for electricity grew faster
future of nuclear power in many different countries than the development of low-carbon power supply.
is uncertain. Due to safety concerns and other
issues, some nations have chosen not to utilize Common Risks in the Renewable Energy
nuclear power. However, the majority of other Industry
countries still believe nuclear power has a place in
their energy transitions; however, they are not doing The renewable energy sector faces a range of
enough to realize their ambitions. challenges, including tariffs, opposition from the
fossil fuel industry, and the vulnerability of supply
In 2018, there were 452 operating nuclear reactors chains for rare earth elements.
that generated 2,700 TWh of electricity, contributing
to the nuclear power sector’s share of By the end of 2017, the global capacity of
the global total electricity supply of renewable energy generation reached
10%. As a result, nuclear power is 2,179 gigawatts (GW), an increase
now the second-largest source of 167 GW from 2016. This
of electricity produced with represents an annual growth
low levels of carbon dioxide. rate of approximately 8.3
In developed economies, percent, which is comparable
nuclear power has been the to the average growth rate over
primary source of low-carbon the previous seven years.
electricity for a long time, providing
18% of total supply in 2018. In The proportion of electricity supply
developing economies, fossil fuels coming from renewable sources in the
remain the primary source of low-carbon electricity. United States has increased to around 25 percent
However, the nuclear industry is experiencing a since 2008, following rapid expansion in wind and
significant decline. solar power capacity in recent years. It is projected
to reach 30 percent by 2022.
Despite adding a total of 11.2 gigawatts of new
nuclear capacity to electrical networks worldwide in In 2017, solar photovoltaics (PV) experienced a 32
2018, the largest increase since 1990, the majority percent increase, followed by a 10 percent increase
of these additions were built in China and Russia. in wind energy. Between 2010 and 2017, the cost
Nuclear power has prevented approximately 55 Gt of electricity generated by solar panels fell by 73%,
of CO2 emissions over the past 50 years, which while the cost of onshore wind power decreased by
is almost equivalent to two years’ worth of CO2 about 25%.
emissions related to global energy use.

38 Safety Issues Related to Power

The renewable energy market is thriving, but it is The Controversial Fight Over Green Energy in
not without risks. Here are some of the dangers the Politics
sector will face as it develops and matures in the
coming years. According to calculations made by Oil Change
International, the United States spends
Those Inconvenient Tariffs approximately $37.5 billion annually on subsidies
for fossil fuels. In contrast, the direct subsidies, tax
The remarkable expansion of solar energy in refunds, and other incentives provided by American
the United States clearly demonstrates that taxpayers to the renewable energy industry support
advancements in deployment are closely tied to the sector’s research efforts, business operations,
cost improvements. The astonishing growth of and electricity generation. These subsidies have
solar energy in the United States indicates that solar impeded the growth of renewable energy, while the
is in competition with other low-cost fuel sources. fossil fuel industry has used its influence to spread
misinformation about climate change. Researchers
Therefore, even a slight increase in module prices claim that the business has been aware of the
can lead utilities, homeowners, and companies to dangers of global warming since the 1970s, but it
choose alternative electricity generation options. has funded campaigns to discredit both renewable
This risk is substantial for the domestic renewable energy and climate change. Despite widespread
energy industry due to these tariffs. When the price scientific agreement, climate action in
of hardware increases as a result of higher import
duties, certain projects may never be completed, Congress remains a highly politicized subject,
which negatively impacts employment growth and making the transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean
economic investment. This represents a missed renewable energy more challenging.
opportunity to expand the United States’ economy.
Since the unveiling of the Green New Deal proposal
It is anticipated that the United States will continue on February 7, sponsored by Rep. Alexandria
to import between 80 and 90 percent of its solar Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and Sen. Ed Markey, this
cells and modules. However, due to the higher costs conflict has taken center stage. The non-binding
resulting from tariffs, some utility-scale projects plan aims for “100% of the United States’ power
may be cancelled or delayed for budgetary reasons, consumption [to] be met through clean, renewable,
and solar energy may become unaffordable for a and emission-free energy sources.”
significant number of households, which would
drive up prices for ratepayers. According to current projections, nuclear and coal
energy production will drastically decline, and
renewable energy will make up approximately 31%
of the nation’s energy supply by 2050. However,
the contentious plan recommends an expedited
timeline: net-zero global emissions by 2050 and
global reductions in greenhouse gas emissions
from human sources of 40 to 60 percent from 2010
levels by 2030.
39 Safety Issues Related to Power
While opposition to the proposal is unlikely to hinder characteristics. The term “rare earth” is misleading
the expansion of renewable energy generation, since rare earth metals are actually abundant
it may prompt closer examination of market in the Earth’s crust. They are typically found in
developments. On the other hand, widespread combination with other elements rather than in
acceptance of the concept can stimulate rapid concentrated form.
expansion that exceeds current risk management
measures. How Do Rare Earth Elements Function?

Availability of Rare Earth Metals The majority of rare earth elements are used as
magnets and catalysts in conventional and low-
Critical and rare metals are essential for sustainable carbon technology. Additionally, rare earth elements
energy technologies like solar panels and electric have significant applications in the creation of high-
cars. Proper functioning of solar panels requires performance electronics, glass, and specific metal
tellurium, one of the rarest elements on Earth. The alloys.
current demand for rare metals does not raise
concerns about their availability. However, a Neodymium (Nd) and samarium (Sm) alloys are
few countries produce the majority of particularly useful for producing strong
the world’s critical materials. magnets that can withstand high
temperatures. These properties
China alone mines 93% of the make them perfect for a variety of
world’s rare earth elements. If a mission-critical electronics and
natural disaster were to impact defence applications.
China’s ports, it would have
repercussions for world trade Work Safety: Renewable
and the global economy. There Energy vs Fossil Fuels
are 17 silvery-white soft heavy metals
collectively referred to as rare earth elements What distinguishes the safety risks in the fossil
(REEs), also known as rare earth metals, rare earth fuel and renewable energy sectors? It’s crucial to
oxides, or lanthanides. remember that the main safety issues in every
industry are electrical currents and fall dangers.
The 17 different types of rare earth elements include Constrained spaces in workplaces and power
lanthanum (La), cerium (Ce), praseodymium (Pr), plants are also dangerous. Each industry also has
samarium (Sm), europium (Eu), holmium (Ho), its own set of difficulties.
neodymium (Nd), promethium (Pm), gadolinium
(Gd), thulium (Tm), terbium (Tb), dysprosium (Dy), Workers in the solar business don’t always face
erbium (Er), scandium (Sc), and yttrium (Y). the same difficulties as those in the coal industry.
Different processes are used in these situations. As
Despite not belonging to the lanthanide family, a result, solar has a much lower mortality rate per
scandium and yttrium are included as end terawatt-hour than coal. However, despite the fact
users because they share mineral resources that the renewable energy industry may be safer,
with lanthanides and possess similar chemical daily workplace risks can still exist.
40 Safety Issues Related to Power
Typical Risks in the Renewable Energy Sector People who work on wind turbines must exercise
the greatest degree of caution because many of
Workers in the renewable energy industry frequently them are about 250 feet tall. Fall arrest devices are
face general problems that employees in related essential because of this. Workers without them
sectors also face. Nevertheless, clean energy are prone to sustaining fatal injuries.
alternatives like wind face unique difficulties that
raise the dangers to mechanics and operators. Electrical Currents
Threats still exist in this sector.
The purpose of renewable energy is to generate
Here are some to think about: electricity. Therefore, electrical injuries such as
burns and shocks are a possibility for workers.
Misuse of Machinery Electrical currents might be a serious problem,
but that isn’t just a problem for the clean power
Renewable energy uses specialized machinery industry.
and technologies like geothermal pumps and
wind turbines. Workers must be Confined Spaces
knowledgeable on how to install
photovoltaic modules, for Operators in renewable energy
instance, as they are a necessary facilities might encounter
component of solar energy constrained spaces. Workers
systems. This job calls for must take the necessary
specialized knowledge. safety precautions to prevent
Anyone who abuses equipment damage because the generation
puts themselves at risk for injury. of various energy sources involves
That holds true for any industry, but the use of potentially harmful
it is particularly true for those who chemicals and gases.
work with specialty parts. If not, workers
risk suffering from burns, exposure to poisonous Additionally, it’s critical to use caution during
chemicals, and other hazards. production. OSHA warns that the lack of oxygen
in confined spaces can lead to problems including
Fall Risks asphyxiation. Managers must therefore conduct
checks in advance to safeguard employees.
Both those who work with fossil fuels and those in Due to the internal maintenance and operation
the renewable energy sector are at risk of falling. requirements of the turbines, these issues are
Alongside solar energy, it has the most rapid job especially prevalent in the wind industry.
growth. However, when it comes to falls, wind can
possibly be the most hazardous industry.

41 Safety Issues Related to Power


● There is perhaps no other hazard that we encounter in our day-to-day lives, whether at home, school, or
work, that is as hazardous and unforgiving as electricity. It is impossible to fathom life without electricity,
but despite its invisibility, its effects can be devastating, including death, disfigurement, and incapacity.

● The majority of those deaths can be attributed to the combustion of fossil fuels as well as biomass, which
includes wood, dung, and charcoal.

● There is no energy source devoid of any risk. They all have negative effects on human health in the short
term, either as a result of air pollution or accidents. Additionally, each of these factors contributes differently
to the overall warming of the planet.

● When electrical current flows through the human body, the result is a sensation known as an electrical

● Let’s examine the relative threats to our short-term health posed by each source of climate change before
considering the long-term effects.

● We can’t just look at the overall number of deaths caused by each source because it wouldn’t be fair. Fossil
fuels still make up the majority of our worldwide electricity mix, so it makes sense that they would be
responsible for the greatest number of fatalities.

● Due to concerns about safety and other issues, some nations have chosen not to utilize nuclear power.
However, the majority of other countries still believe nuclear power has a place in their energy transitions;
however, they are not doing enough to realize their ambitions.

● The market for renewable energy is thriving. However, there is no lack of danger associated with it in any
way. The following are the dangers that the sector will face as it develops and becomes more mature over
the next few years.

● Solar is in competition with other low-cost fuel sources; therefore, even the smallest increase in the price of
modules can lead homeowners, utilities, and companies to choose an alternative for electricity generation.

● The rise of renewable energy has been restricted by these subsidies, while the fossil fuel sector has
simultaneously used its power to disseminate false information about climate change.

● Despite widespread scientific agreement, climate action in Congress remains a highly politicized subject,
making the transition from dirty fossil fuels to clean renewable energy more difficult.

● Since rare earth metals are prevalent in the Earth’s crust, the phrase “rare earth” is misleading. Most of the
time, they are discovered with other elements rather than in large, concentrated quantities on their own.

● Neodymium (Nd) and samarium (Sm) alloys can produce strong magnets that can endure high temperatures,
making them perfect for a variety of mission-critical electronics and defense applications.

● It’s crucial to remember that the main safety issues in every industry are electrical currents and fall hazards.
Constrained spaces in workplaces and power plants are also dangerous. Each industry also has its own
set of difficulties.

42 Safety Issues Related to Power

● Workers in the renewable energy industry frequently face general problems that employees in related
sectors also face. Nevertheless, clean energy alternatives like wind face unique difficulties that increase
the dangers for mechanics and operators. Threats still exist in this sector.

● Renewable energy uses specialized machinery and technologies like geothermal pumps and wind turbines.
Workers must be knowledgeable about how to install photovoltaic modules, for instance, as they are a
necessary component of solar energy systems. This job calls for specialized knowledge.

● People who work on wind turbines must exercise the greatest degree of caution because many of them
are about 250 feet tall. Fall arrest devices are essential because of this. Workers without them are prone
to sustaining fatal injuries.

43 Safety Issues Related to Power

Unit 8

How to Eliminate Hazards

of the Electric Power Industry
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
It appears that mishaps involving electricity are
able to understand:
caused by a combination of three likely causes: faulty
● Put the hierarchy of controls into
equipment and/or installation, unsafe workplaces due to
practice to reduce risk
environmental factors, and unsafe work behaviours.
● Bring the expanded osha
standard for the power In other words, all three of these factors can lead to
generation industry into effect electrical mishaps. People have a variety of options
● Activate the 5s system: where available to shield themselves from the dangers
everything goes, everyone knows associated with electricity. Some of the measures
included in this category are safe work procedures,
insulation, guarding, grounding, and the use of electrical
protective devices.

● The dangers associated with electric utilities can be

as varied as the sources from which they obtain their
energy. However, regardless of whether the facility
uses fossil fuels or renewable energy, the following
four issues are responsible for the majority of injuries
and fatalities that occur annually: electrocution

● Falls

● Places with limited spaces (engulfment)

● Accidents like explosions and fires.

44 How to Eliminate Hazards of the Electric Power Industry

The number of electrical injuries that did not result through clear and evident signage, specialized
in death reached 2,480 in 2015, the highest amount machine training, and other forms of instruction.
since 2009. Working in the power production
● Administrative controls are a method of
industry results in the death of 17 people each
limiting an employee’s exposure to a hazard
year. In 2015, the number of electrical injuries that
by implementing specific regulations, such
did not result in death reached its highest amount
as turning off equipment before performing
since 2009.

● Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) refers to the

Put the Hierarchy of Controls into
use of protective clothing and equipment to limit
Practice to Reduce Risk
the number of injuries sustained by employees

The National Fire Prevention Agency updated the in hazardous occurrences. Examples of PPE

Hierarchy of Controls included in earlier editions of include arc-rated clothes and fall harnesses.

NFPA 70E by adding new information in the 2018

It is essential to keep in mind that PPE is the last
edition. Although compliance with the 70E standard
line of defence in the hierarchy. It serves as a
is not mandated by law, it is widely
protective measure against the typical
regarded as the gold standard for
dangers present in a power plant.
safe workplace procedures within
OSHA. These are the controls:
The first five phases focus on
eliminating the potential for the
● The elimination of a fall
danger to materialize, while the
hazard involves lowering a
sixth step takes into account the
power control station from
worst-case scenario, where the
its elevated platform to the
hazard is still present and there is
ground below. This guarantees
a chance, it may harm the worker. It
the elimination of the hazard.
works to reduce the risk.
● Substitution refers to the process of
exchanging a high risk for a less severe one. For
Getting rid of a hazard may not be achievable at a
instance, instead of painting the floor, you could
power plant or substation, or doing so may create
use textured floor tape to reduce the likelihood of
more problems than it solves. Nevertheless, it is
someone slipping and falling.
important to make an effort.
● Employing physical barriers that prevent workers
from coming into contact with hazards is an Bring the Expanded OSHA Standard
example of engineering controls. Examples of for the Power Generation Industry into
this include machine guards, railings, and locked- effect.
out machines.
The precise regulations that apply to the power
● Awareness refers to the process of imparting
generation business are outlined in 29 CFR
knowledge to employees to empower them
to make safe decisions. This can be achieved

45 How to Eliminate Hazards of the Electric Power Industry

Lockout/Tagout: of the appropriate size and color while fulfilling
the necessary durability standards.
● Any industry that generates power should
● Arc Flashes pose an exceedingly high risk,
prioritize the implementation of a LO/TO
especially when considering the incredibly high
(Lockout/Tagout) procedure to reduce the risk of
currents that a person working in the power
electrocution. Specific guidelines for LO/TO can
generation industry may come into contact with.
be found in section 1910.269 of the code (d).
OSHA mandates the installation of the following
● The LO/TO procedures can be found in 1910.147, extra arc flash precautions to increase worker
and OSHA has made it clear that any facility safety:
that follows those processes will be regarded
» When a worker is at risk of being exposed to an
as meeting the standards of paragraph (d) of
arc flash, the personal protective equipment
1910.269. This information can be found in the
(PPE) used to protect them, including fall
OSHA standard. However, specific importance
protection devices, must not melt or ignite
is placed on the information that applies to
when exposed to the maximum potential heat
tags because a significant portion of
energy that a specific hazard is capable
equipment cannot be de-energized
of producing. This regulation can be
and locked out. If an energy
found in 1910.269(g)(2)(ii).
isolating device cannot be locked
out, the employer’s program
must use a tagout system
instead. This requirement Workers on the ground
can be found in 1910.269(d) as well as those working at
(2)(ii)(A). higher positions are vulnerable
● Tagout devices are required to to fall hazards. The provision of
provide a warning against hazardous 1910.269(g)(2)(ii) comes into play if
conditions if the machine or equipment an employee is working with their boots
is energized and must include a legend along the lifted off the ground and is in danger of being
lines of “Do Not Start, Do Not Open, Do Not Close, exposed to a fire or arc flash.
Do Not Energize, Do Not Operate.” This provision
can be found in 1910.269(d)(3)(ii)(F). The standard for fall protection equipment states
that it “shall be capable of passing a drop test
● Lockout devices and tagout devices must be able
equivalent to 4000 lbs following exposure to an
to withstand the environment to which they are
electric arc with heat energy of 40 plus or minus 5
exposed for the maximum predicted duration.
cal/cm².” When boots are on the ground, utilizing
This requirement can be found in 1910.269(d)(3)
PathFinder floor tape can help reduce sliding
and falls by offering additional traction in areas
● When it comes to creating tags that comply with where falls could occur. The tape is designed to fit
these standards, a DuraLabel printer can be a precisely into the nooks and crannies of the floor,
very helpful piece of equipment. In particular, the preventing sliding and falls in potentially hazardous
Toro and the Kodiak are able to generate labels areas.

46 How to Eliminate Hazards of the Electric Power Industry

Places with Limited Spaces

The OSHA requirements for entering confined spaces are practically the same for both the power generation
industry and the industry standard. According to the standard, any facility that complies with the general
standard found in 1910.146 will also be considered in compliance with the confined spaces standard found
in 1910.269.

Activate the 5S System: Where Everything Goes, Everyone Knows

The 5S system is a Japanese method that aims to improve the safety of an industrial space like a warehouse
or power plant while increasing the efficiency of work. For the purpose of this piece, we will focus on the
second S, which is “Set in Order.” While it is beneficial to explore the complete system, we will keep it brief. This
section’s objective is to “organize, arrange, and identify everything in a work area as well as throughout the
facility.” At times, this objective is referred to as “Systemize,” and at other times, it is referred to as “Simplify.”

The primary goal of the “Set in Order” program for the power generation industry is to eliminate the temptation
to “just do it quickly” in situations where obtaining personal protective equipment (PPE) is challenging. The
act of reaching out to flick a switch is a simple action that may be done spontaneously. However, if a worker
crosses an arc flash limited approach boundary to perform this activity, they may be putting their life in

Instead of allowing the temptation to persist, it is much better to have a rack of shotgun sticks or face shields
right next to the hazard, clearly labeled and easily accessible. This is a much better alternative. The “Set in
Order” program encourages healthy and safe work habits among employees.

If all workers in a facility are aware that face shields with the appropriate rating are always kept in the locker
with green identifying labels, there is a decreased chance of accidentally picking up PPE that is not suitable for
the hazard. Additionally, it promotes the habit of putting equipment away in the correct location. By including
these three strategies in the safety manual for your power plant, you will move closer to achieving your safety
objectives and reducing injuries.


● Electrical accidents are typically caused by a combination of three factors: faulty equipment and/or
installation, unsafe workplace environments, and unsafe work habits. In other words, all three factors
contribute to electrical accidents.

● People have various options for protecting themselves from electrical dangers, including insulation,
guarding, grounding, electrical protective devices, and safe work procedures.

● The National Fire Prevention Agency updates the Hierarchy of Controls in the 2018 edition of NFPA 70E,
incorporating new information.

47 How to Eliminate Hazards of the Electric Power Industry

● Engineering controls involve using physical barriers to prevent workers from encountering hazards, such
as machine guards, railings, and locked-out machines.

● If an energy isolating device cannot be locked out, employers must use a tagout system instead.

● Fall protection equipment must pass a drop test equivalent to 4000 lbs after exposure to an electric arc
with heat energy of 40 plus or minus 5 cal/cm².

● The OSHA requirements for confined spaces are similar for both the power generation industry and the
industry standard.

● The 5S system, a Japanese strategy, improves safety and productivity in warehouses and power plants.

● The primary goal of the “Set in Order” program in the power generation industry is to eliminate the temptation
to prioritize speed over obtaining personal protective equipment (PPE).

● Ensuring employees are aware that face shields with the appropriate rating are always stored in lockers
with green identifying labels reduces the chance of accidentally using unsuitable PPE.

48 How to Eliminate Hazards of the Electric Power Industry

Unit 9

Hazards due to Power

Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
A thermal power station that burns coal is responsible
able to understand:
for producing around 93,918.38 megawatts of India’s
● Electrical hazards total energy output. This type of power plant converts the
chemical energy in coal into electrical energy that can be
● Boiler hazards
● Chemical hazards
The company operates a coal-fueled thermal power
plant with a capacity of 2 x 300 MW, which is propelled
by steam. The plant generates electricity by expanding
and increasing the steam level within the boilers. The
turbines are then coupled to the generators, converting
mechanical energy into electrical energy. Finally, the
steam is released into the atmosphere. The process
involves multiple steps and procedures for operating and
handling equipment, which can involve risky behaviours
and hazardous working conditions. These actions and
conditions can lead to equipment failures, interruptions
in plant operations, accidents, injuries, property and
environmental damages, and other issues. Conducting a
quantitative risk assessment helps prioritize and address
the more severe and catastrophic risks to safeguard the
plant against such conditions.

49 Hazards due to Power plants

Electricity-generating facilities can range from While deaths from electric shock occur infrequently,
coal-burning plants and wind turbines to nuclear even a single life lost is too many. Risk assessments
power plants and hydroelectric dams. Each type should consider this information, emphasizing the
has its own set of potential dangers. Power plants, importance of mitigating electrical risks.
especially coal-fired ones, have historically been
hazardous environments for employees, with risks Electrical risks can result in death or personal injury
including fires, explosions, and respiratory health from following:
problems. Safety measures have reduced the
number of fatalities over time, but the coal mining ● Electric shock
industry and coal-burning factories still pose ● Electric burns
dangers to workers.
● Electrical explosions and arcing

An example of a coal-fired power plant incident

Electric explosion refers to a fire or explosion caused
occurred in March 2015 at an Xcel Energy-owned
by electrical energy that results in death or injury.
plant in Burnsville, Minnesota. A fire and explosion in
It can occur in various stages of electrical
a coal bin resulted in one employee being
energy generation, transmission,
hospitalized and three firefighters
transformation, provision,
injured. The highly flammable
rectification, conversion,
nature of coal dust highlights
conduction, distribution, control,
the need for regular monitoring
storage, measurement, or
and watering of stored coal to
use. The Electricity at Work
prevent such incidents.
Regulations 1989 apply to work
activities conducted in proximity
Explosions pose a significant risk
to electrical systems, where there
in coal power plants due to coal
is a potential risk. Incidents do occur.
dust, hydrogen, and other gases. It is
crucial to extinguish all potential ignition
As a result, the scope of the law extends beyond
sources to prevent combustion. Although Xcel
electricians and electrical engineers to include
Energy took measures to respond to the explosion
mechanical engineers, construction workers,
at their plant, they were unable to prevent the
production staff, and office employees. It applies
to any work activities that could potentially expose
employees to electrical hazards.
Electrical Hazards
Electrical hazard threats include, for example:
Electricity is inherently dangerous and has the
potential to cause harm, but when appropriately
● Burns and electric shock from contact with live
controlled, the risk is significantly reduced. However,
electrical risks can have severe consequences,
including loss of life or life-altering injuries. ● Fires caused by defective wiring

● Excessive circuit load

50 Hazards due to Power plants

● Exposed electrical components How to Avoid Incidents with Electrical Hazards?

● Burns or electrocution due to lack of personal

The solution lies in implementing safe places, safe
protective equipment (PPE)
systems, and safe people. Safe Systems refers to
● Explosions and fires caused by combustible and
safe work methods, which start with identifying
explosive substances
individuals responsible for specific tasks related to
● Contact with overhead power lines electricity.

● Exposure to electricity and water

This organizational model is known as the Duty
Holder structure, and its level of organization
Why Aren’t There More Fatalities Related to the
depends on the size of the company and the amount
use of Electricity if it is so Dangerous?
of work it handles. Compliance with the Electricity

There is undoubtedly underreporting of electrical at Work Regulations 1989 requires regulation

events. Many individuals have stories of narrow relevant to the company and its activities for those

escapes from electrocution incidents involving responsible for monitoring electrical safety. Many

electricity. businesses are required to implement

Electrical Safety Rules, supported by
Electric shock and arc flash are two processes to ensure employees
significant hazards associated have sufficient information to
with electricity use. In some comply safely.
cases, the root cause is not
accurately identified, and Certain job activities, such

it may go unrecognized that as electrical Permit to Work,

electricity was the initial source of Sanction for Test, or Limitation

a serious consequence. However, the of Access, are governed by safety

relatively low fatality rate resulting from documents that should be in place for

contact with electricity can be attributed use when necessary.

to effective electrical safety management systems.

Conduct Assessments of Electrical Hazards

The United Kingdom adheres to strict electrical

To ensure worker safety, safe systems of work
standards, most of which are voluntary but enforced
should include risk assessments, method
by the government. While this is a positive situation,
descriptions, and standard operating procedures.
it can also lead to complacency.
Those working with high energy systems, whether

Over time, as electrical hazard regulations have high or low voltage, face a significant risk of arc

improved and safety levels have increased, people flash and arc explosion, which should be evaluated

have developed a complacent attitude towards based on the severity of the situation.

them. Additionally, businesses may view electricity

Working inside electrical panels or any job involving
management as an area to cut expenses, which
live working requires a detailed risk assessment. It’s
can create hazardous circumstances for everyone
important to note that safety equipment provided
51 Hazards due to Power plants
to individuals must comply with regulation 4(4) of Maintenance should be performed in accordance
the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989. with Regulation 4(2) of the Electricity at Work
Regulations 1989 if electrical systems and
Train Competent Workers equipment can deteriorate and introduce risks. The
frequency of maintenance should be determined
Under the Safe People initiative, only qualified by the Duty Holder, considering industry
individuals are allowed to perform maintenance recommendations, previous data, and auditing
or installation work on or near electrical systems. results, while ensuring it is sufficient to prevent
Competence is determined not only by the required potential hazards.
knowledge and experience tests mandated by
Regulation 16 of the Electricity at Work Regulations The Health and Safety Executive recognizes
1989 but also by a person’s skill level, knowledge, inspection and testing as a recognized method for
attitude, training, and experience. It is dangerous assessing maintenance program effectiveness.
for companies to assume that an electrician can However, other systems, such as robust planned
perform all duties, as this may lead to legal jeopardy preventative maintenance, may be suitable
if something goes wrong. alternatives to inspection and testing in certain
circumstances. Customization of electrical safety
It is strongly recommended to have a recorded management systems is recommended to align
competency evaluation system and formal with the company’s service offering, management
appointments for clearly defined roles. Training structure, and personnel.
certificates are just one component of this process,
and the training provided to employees must be It is crucial to note that Electrical Safety UK provides
relevant to their specific tasks. The goal is to avoid knowledge, resources, and options to ensure
violations of Regulation 16 of the Electricity at Work compliance, improve financial viability, and support
Regulations 1989. business growth. Visit their website for further
information on electrical safety management,
Implement High Standards of Electrical Safety electrical system studies, competency evaluation,
Management and training assistance and advice.

Safe Places are built on carefully designed electrical

systems, including inherited and older systems. The
Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 mandate that
all systems must be constructed to prevent, as far
as practically feasible, any risks. This requirement
must be met at all times.

Electrical systems should be correctly designed

by knowledgeable individuals following safe work
methods. Proper operation of these systems is
essential to protect users from potential electrical
52 Hazards due to Power plants
Boiler Hazards When developing a safety program for boilers
or combustion equipment, several other factors
According to the National Board of Boiler and need to be considered, such as OSHA compliance
Pressure Vessel Inspectors (NBBI), there were issues, operator licensing requirements, and state
1,477 documented power boiler incidents between or municipal jurisdictional inspection requirements.
1999 and 2003. Among these accidents, 143 people Legal compliance issues encompass training
were injured, and 26 people lost their lives. records, proof of interlock, valve tightness testing,
and lock-out/tag-out. These are just some of the
Operator error or inadequate maintenance was factors that require careful consideration.
the leading cause of injuries, while burner failure
caused the second most fatalities. Additionally, it is important to have comprehensive
start-up and shutdown processes that are
Although power boilers accounted for only around straightforward and concise. Alongside training,
16 percent of all accidents, they were responsible for ensuring regular maintenance and testing of
over 76 percent of boiler-related deaths and nearly safety equipment is the most effective method for
58 percent of injuries. When considering preventing power boiler accidents.
all types of boilers, including power
boilers, steam heating boilers, A survey conducted in September
and water heating boilers, power 2004 revealed that 17 percent of
boilers were involved in only boiler operators did not perform
about 16 percent of the total yearly safety interlock testing.
incidents that occurred. Interlocks are instruments
wired into boilers to ensure their
In the same way that good secure state before operation.
operator training is one of the most Depending on the dimensions
effective methods to decrease the and construction of the apparatus,
risk of electrical hazards, it is also one of interlocks can function as switches or
the best ways to minimize the risk of power boiler transmitters. Examples of fuel train-related
accidents. According to the code established by devices include flame detectors, low fire proving
the American Society of Mechanical Engineers switches for light-offs, proof of closure switches
(ASME), training consists of three important and on fuel valves, high steam pressure burner cut-out
separate components. switches, high and low water cut-offs, auxiliary low
water cut-offs, furnace pressure switches, and fuel
These components include increasing employees’ oil temperature switches.
and operators’ awareness of potential dangers,
providing employees and operators with basic Regular interlock safety testing of the most
knowledge about their operations, and offering critical components and systems is mandated
information about components and equipment. by nationally recognized safety standards.
The ASME boiler code recommends conducting Documentation demonstrating testing should
simulations of upset or event drills to fulfill this final include a comprehensive description of all safety
requirement. components and their current state. Testing can
53 Hazards due to Power plants
sometimes uncover evident safety violations, such limited instrumentation to operate it successfully.
as bypassed components, in addition to identifying Since codes cannot be applied retroactively,
failed components that need replacement. Only individuals can be found at various points along
individuals with expertise and training should this continuum.
conduct this testing.
Chemical Hazards
The ASME, NFPA, and NBBI are the organizations
primarily responsible for establishing requirements A significant number of personnel in power plants
for the safe construction, operation, and frequently come into contact with potentially
maintenance of boiler systems. Each organization harmful compounds, including oxidizers, solvents,
produces regulations and standards relevant and corrosives (acids and bases). It is safe to
to their respective specialties. The NFPA codes assume that thousands of accidents and injuries
address fire and fuel-related issues, while the ASME occur every year due to exposure to hazardous
and NBBI regulations primarily focus on pressure compounds in the workplace, although there is no
vessels and watersides. exact record of the actual number of accidents and
injuries resulting from such exposure.
Flue gas analyzers should be installed
at most larger facilities. Our findings It is also plausible to claim that
indicate that approximately the cost associated with injuries
one-third of all boiler and caused by these chemical
combustion-related accidents exposures is much higher
are caused by poor fuel-to-air than the cost of preventing or
mixes. at least reducing their impact.

Having a device to detect faults does This is because the cost of treating
not grant permission to adjust burner these injuries is significantly higher.
settings, as resetting fuel-to-air ratios
requires an exceptionally skilled and knowledgeable Both the Occupational Safety and Health
person. Burner adjustment by inexperienced Administration (OSHA) and the American National
individuals is inherently dangerous. Standards Institute (ANSI) are responsible for
developing and enforcing most of the training and
Instances have been observed where unusual safety regulations related to injuries caused by
incidents occurred, jeopardizing the health of hazardous chemical exposure.
boiler operators. Operating a highly instrumented
and code-compliant piece of equipment can be Since 1998, electric power plants using coal or oil
accomplished by an individual under pressure, have been required to estimate and report their
even if they are not particularly skilled. However, annual releases of harmful chemicals. These
the reverse is not true. It takes someone with a high substances are recorded in the Toxics Release
level of expertise, minimal stress, and an ancient Inventory (TRI) issued by the US Environmental
piece of equipment with manual procedures and Protection Agency (EPA).

54 Hazards due to Power plants

This article identifies the most significant toxic Inventory of Toxic Releases
substances for the electric utility industry and
develops quantitative estimates of the toxic Section 313 of the Emergency Planning and
emissions that must be reported to the TRI for a Community Right-to-Know Act established the TRI
sample coal-fired power station. It also examines in 1986. Its objective was to inform the public about
important factors influencing the quantity and the presence and release of hazardous chemicals
nature of hazardous emissions for specific power in their communities. The Pollution Prevention Act
plants. According to a nationwide prediction, the of 1990 expanded the TRI’s mandate to include
size of releases from the electric utility sector reporting on waste management and pollution
will exceed those from the manufacturing sectors prevention activities.
currently filing reports with the TRI. Community-
level risk communication initiatives will be crucial TRI reports currently summarize the on-site and
in interpreting and providing context for these off-site releases and transfers of each reportable
releases. chemical, along with the amounts transported for
recycling, energy recovery, and waste treatment.
Emergency showers, face washes, and eyewashes
are part of the equipment provided, even A facility is required to submit a TRI report if it
though OSHA regulations do not specify the “manufactures,” “processes,” or “otherwise utilizes”
acceptable equipment for drenching. The use of more than 25,000 pounds of any listed chemical
this equipment quickly mitigates the potentially during the reporting year, or if it “otherwise utilizes”
harmful consequences of exposure to hazardous more than 10,000 pounds of any listed chemical
elements by saturating the affected body parts with annually, and has the equivalent of 10 or more
a substantial amount of water, which dilutes and full-time employees. “Manufactured” refers to
flushes away the harmful substances. a dangerous chemical being made, prepared,
compounded, or imported, including inadvertent
Standard Z358.1-2004, released by the American manufacturing as a byproduct or impurity.
National Standards Institute (ANSI), includes design “Processed” refers to a chemical being prepared
criteria governing the construction, installation, and after manufacturing for distribution in commerce.
maintenance of safety showers and washes. Since A chemical that is not synthesized or processed is
the restrictions are fairly broad and ambiguous, it is considered to have been “otherwise used.”
essentially up to the employer to determine when
and where potential exposure to chemical risks
may occur and the type of safety gear that should
be available in case of an emergency.

Employers are also responsible for educating their

workers on the proper operation of emergency
equipment and ensuring that such equipment is
regularly inspected and maintained satisfactorily.

55 Hazards due to Power plants

According to recent TRI statistics, the industries likely to be “manufactured” or used in other ways at
that release the most hazardous substances electric power plants.
nationwide are the chemical sector (SIC 28) and
the primary metals industry (SIC 33). The most Chemicals Produced Through Combustion
commonly released TRI chemicals are methanol,
zinc compounds, and ammonia. TRI considers the combustion process to
“manufacture” new chemicals from the trace
While the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) is crucial, constituents in the coal or oil used for electricity
it primarily addresses the quantity of chemical generation, even though electric utilities do not
releases and does not examine the impacts or consider themselves as chemical manufacturing
implications of such releases on humans or the businesses.
environment. When attempting to determine which
facilities and industries produce the highest total These produced chemicals include metal
emissions, pounds per year of each specified compounds in fly ash, bottom ash, and particulate
chemical released into the environment are stack emissions, as well as the trace organics
reported. EPCRA Section 313 does not found in various combustion flue gas
address whether or to what extent TRI streams. The EPA considers any
emissions represent environmental time a chemical substance in
or health problems, so it is up fuel is transformed into a
to individual communities to different chemical compound
assess the significance of in the combustion gas or
reported releases. residual particles as incidental
manufacturing. For example,
Regarding Power Plants if any zinc present in coal is
transformed into zinc oxide
The Transportation Research (ZnO), it is considered coincidental
Institute has created seven new industrial manufacture.
categories, one of which consists of electric utilities
that use coal or oil. These newly added facilities are Inorganic TRI compounds that can be produced
required to submit their TRI emissions reports for during combustion include sulfuric acid aerosol,
the calendar year 1998 by July 1, 1999. The EPA will hydrogen fluoride aerosol, and hydrochloric acid
compile, analyze, and make any newly discovered aerosol. HCl and HF are created and released as
TRI data public after one year. Therefore, the 1998 gases from the chlorides and fluorides in the fuel.
inventory is unlikely to be made public until 2000.
Some of the TRI compounds relevant to the electric Sulfuric acid is produced in the flue gas stream
utility industry were identified through background through the reaction of sulfur trioxide with water
investigations by the EPA, as these compounds are vapor, depending on the dew-point temperature,
and is released either as an aerosol or as a gas.

56 Hazards due to Power plants


● A thermal power plant that burns coal contributes around 93,918.38 megawatts to India’s total energy
output. It converts the chemical energy in coal into usable electrical energy.

● The operation of a thermal power plant involves various stages and processes, which can involve unsafe
acts and conditions while operating and handling equipment.

● Electricity-generating facilities can include coal-burning plants, wind turbines, nuclear power plants, and
hydroelectric dams.

● The frequency of coal soaking at the Burnsville plant is unclear, but once a fire started, the company shut
down nearby coal-fired boilers to prevent further damage.

● Electricity is potentially dangerous, but if properly controlled, the risk of harm is reduced. However, electrical
risks can have severe consequences, ranging from lethal to life-altering.

● The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989 apply to work activities near electrical systems where there is
potential risk. Incidents involving electricity do occur, and underreporting is common.

● The United Kingdom has stringent electrical standards, primarily voluntary but strictly enforced by the
government, which can sometimes lead to complacency.

● To avoid incidents with electrical hazards, implementing safe places, safe systems, and safe practices
is essential. Safe systems refer to safe work methods and involve identifying responsible individuals for
specific electrical tasks.

● Working inside electrical panels and any job involving live working require detailed risk assessments.
Safety equipment provided to people must comply with the Electricity at Work Regulations 1989.

● Companies should not assume that an electrician can handle all duties, as this can lead to legal issues if
something goes wrong.

● Effective management of electrical safety, including careful design and proper operation of electrical
systems, creates safe places and protects users from potential dangers.

● Electrical safety management will vary for each employer, and it’s crucial to find an appropriate fit for the

● Power boilers account for a smaller percentage of accidents but are responsible for a significant portion
of boiler-related deaths and injuries.

● When developing a safety program for boilers or combustion equipment, legal compliance issues such
as training records, interlock proof, valve testing, lock-out/tag-out compliance, operator licensing, and
jurisdictional inspection requirements must be considered.

● Interlocks are wired into boilers to ensure they are in a secure state before operation.

● Testing documentation should include a comprehensive description of safety components and their
current condition.

57 Hazards due to Power plants

● Flue gas analyzers should be installed at larger locations as poor fuel-to-air mixes contribute to a significant
number of boiler and combustion-related accidents.

● The cost of injuries caused by chemical exposures is higher than the cost of prevention or mitigation.

● Electric power plants using coal or oil have been required to report their annual releases of harmful
chemicals since 1998, recorded in the Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) issued by the US Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA).

● Emergency equipment, such as showers and eyewashes, quickly mitigate the harmful effects of exposure to
hazardous substances by saturating affected body parts with water to dilute and flush away the chemicals.

● TRI reports summarize on-site and off-site releases and transfers of reportable chemicals, including
amounts transported for recycling, energy recovery, and waste treatment.TRI includes gases and vapours
when defining an aerosol. Therefore, all gaseous HCl and H2SO4 emissions for power plants are reportable
TRI releases if the thresholds are exceeded.

58 Hazards due to Power plants

Unit 10

Natural Resources
Impacts of Power Plants
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
Even though electricity is a clean and relatively low-risk
able to understand:
form of energy, its production and transmission still
● Identify air
have an impact on the surrounding environment. Nearly
● Global climate all types of electric power plants have some degree of
● Water quantity impact on the ecosystem, but the magnitude of these
impacts varies.
● Water quality

The environmental impacts of electricity production and

transmission in the United States are regulated by federal
and state laws. The Clean Air Act, for instance, sets
regulations for air pollutant emissions from most power

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible

for administering the Clean Air Act and establishing
emission regulations for power plants through programs
like the Acid Rain Program.

The Clean Air Act has played a vital role in reducing

emissions of significant air pollutants in the United
States. Both the construction and day-to-day operations
of power plants can impact the surrounding ecosystem.

These impacts, often referred to as consequences or

impacts, can be temporary or permanent depending on

59 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants

the circumstances. Power plants and their auxiliary of contaminants, and the volume of water used
components, such as natural gas pipelines, water must be taken into account.
intakes and discharge systems, coal delivery and
storage systems, transmission lines, and waste Power plants generate various types of solid waste
disposal sites, consume water resources, occupy that require proper management. Coal combustion
land space, and in many cases, emit pollutants into produces ash as a solid waste byproduct, while
the air. Additionally, power plants and their auxiliary nuclear power plants produce low-level radioactive
components can affect both current and potential waste in the form of spent nuclear fuel rods.
future uses of neighbouring land parcels.
Power facilities that use steam or water for cooling
Some structures at coal-fired power plants are purposes are often required to filter and purify the
quite tall, with exhaust stacks reaching even water before discharging it into surface waters.
greater heights. The height of the plant may raise The filtered solids become a byproduct that needs
safety concerns for nearby aircraft and have visual appropriate disposal. Cooling towers are frequently
impacts on neighbouring landowners. used to lower the temperature of the cooling water.

If a power plant is constructed on When warm air from the cooling tower
“greenfield” land, which refers is released into the atmosphere,
to undeveloped land mostly it carries significant amounts of
covered in vegetation, it can water vapor, sometimes totalling
affect the soils, existing land millions of gallons per day. This
use, and wildlife on the site. lost water vapor, which can be
collected locally, constitutes
The combustion of fuels in fossil a significant portion of the
fuel-fired and biomass-fired power power plant’s overall water usage.
plants produces hot air or steam, Certain characteristics of power
which is essential for powering the turbines plant construction and operation may
that generate electricity. Nuclear power plants use lead to adverse consequences for the surrounding
nuclear fission to generate steam for the same community.
Even with well-organized construction, neighbouring
Fuel combustion results in the production of landowners and residents may perceive power
exhaust gases and various byproducts, some of plants as unsightly and disruptive, which can affect
which are air pollutants. To generate steam, large the community’s aesthetics and economic activity.
volumes of water must be drawn from nearby
rivers, lakes, or subterranean water aquifers, and Providing essential community services such
subsequently treated. as law enforcement, fire protection, emergency
medical treatment, and traffic control may become
In certain cases, the water may need to be more expensive in the future.
discharged from the plant. Factors such as the
temperature of the discharged water, the presence
60 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants
Additional requirements may be imposed on the The vast majority of air pollutants created by power
municipal water supply, wastewater treatment plants have been recognized and are currently
capacity, and solid waste management systems, subject to regulation by environmental regulatory
with the possibility of increased demands. Coal- authorities at both the state and federal levels.
fired power plants require efficient, reliable, and Public exposure to air emissions (air pollution)
sustainable methods of coal delivery, typically by rail from a power plant is regulated by the United States
or barge. Construction activities and transportation, Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) primarily
especially of large items, may impact road or rail through two sets of standards:
traffic in the surrounding area.
● The National Ambient Air Quality Standards
During construction, there may be increased noise (NAAQS) for significant “criteria” air pollutants,
in the surrounding areas, and operational power including lead and sulfur dioxide (SO2), nitrogen
plants can also generate noise and vibration. oxides (NOx), carbon monoxide (CO), and ozone
Cooling towers of operating power plants can (O3).The Mercury and Air Toxics Standards for
contribute to the formation of fog and rime ice. Children and Schools (Pb).

● The National Emissions Standards

Considering the space occupied by
for Hazardous Air Pollutants
a power plant and its operations,
(NESHAP) for hazardous elements
it is important to assess
such as mercury (Hg) or cadmium
the compatibility with the
(Cd) and compounds such as
surrounding land use.
acetaldehyde (CH3CHO) or
hydrochloric acid (H2SO4), all
There is also the potential for
of which are frequently referred
positive effects on the community,
to collectively as HAPs.
such as job creation for local
residents and the procurement of
The Department of Natural Resources
goods and services from local sources,
of Wisconsin is in charge of enforcing the
which can generate additional revenue streams
NAAQS for criterion pollutants and the NESHAP for
for the area. Increased local tax revenue or state
hazardous air pollutants.
contributions to local governments can occur as
Permits for new and existing facilities are available
through the air pollution control permit program run
Air by the Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
(DNR). The purpose of obtaining a “construction
The atmosphere is influenced by natural resources.
permit” and performing “air dispersion modelling”
Operational power plants that burn fossil fuels like
in the case of a planned new power plant is to
oil, coal, or natural gas release air pollutants into the
verify that the plant will be able to comply with air
environment. In order to mitigate these emissions,
pollution standards before it is built and put into
the plant must be equipped with pollution control

61 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants

Existing plants are required to get operation permits, that occurs in the atmosphere and results in the
which require them to establish emission limits and formation of small particles that are based on
establish standards for monitoring and reporting. nitrates and sulfates.
Acid precipitation, sometimes known as “acid rain,”
can be harmful to flora and can acidify lakes if it is The majority of the Department of Natural
produced when SO2 is present in the atmosphere. Resources’ (DNR) efforts to lessen the impact of
fine particle pollution are centered on the continual
Acidic environments make it difficult for some management of NOX and SO2 pollutants. Mercury
species to reproduce, and in extreme situations, (abbreviated as Hg) is found in trace amounts
these species can even become extinct. Ozone is naturally occurring in the environment. The amount
formed by a combination of nitrogen oxides (NOX) of this pollutant that is found in the air and water
and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). has significantly increased as a result of human
Smog is made up of a number of different
components, one of which is ozone, which is linked The largest source of mercury pollution comes
to negative impacts on respiratory health as well as from power plants that burn coal for fuel. Mercury
other aspects of the environment. Dust and smaller is extremely fugitive and has been shown to
particles with a maximum particle diameter of 10 circumnavigate the globe via the atmosphere,
microns are included in the category of “particulate where it is repeatedly deposited and then re-emitted
matter,” or PM (PM10). back into the atmosphere.

To measure one millimetre, one millimetre is Rain, snow, and surface runoff all contribute to the
equivalent to one thousand microns. In addition deposition of mercury in the world’s lakes and rivers.
to the PM10 emission guidelines, the federal Mercury is a contaminant that has repercussions
government also has standards for PM2.5, which on a global scale; nevertheless, there are also
refer to extremely small particles with a dimension substantial concerns regarding the impacts that
ranging from 2.5 millimetres to 10 microns. mercury emissions from power plants have locally.

It has been demonstrated that small particles are

responsible for respiratory difficulties due to the
fact that they are able to travel further into the
lungs than larger particulates. Since 1999, the
DNR has been conducting statewide monitoring
of PM2.5. Combustion sources are responsible for
the emission of only a negligible amount of fine
particles directly into the atmosphere.

Emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide

from power plants that run on coal or natural gas are
a more major cause for concern. These chemicals
are a component of an intricate chemical reaction
62 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants
Mercury, once it has been deposited in waterways, Both the DNR and the EPA enforce regulations on
is susceptible to being converted by bacteria into mercury emissions from coal-fired power stations
methylmercury, which is then readily available in an effort to cut down on the accumulation
for consumption by fish and other species. The of mercury in the environment (also known as
consumption of seafood that has been tainted with bioaccumulation). Even though there is a negligible
mercury is the major route by which humans are danger of mercury poisoning from direct inhalation
exposed to this element. of mercury that originates from power plant
emissions, it is still important to understand the
Consuming mercury can cause harm to the sensitive environmental resources located in the
nervous system, which is especially dangerous for vicinity and how they might be impacted by the
developing features and toddlers. At this time, the emissions from the power plant. For instance, the
Department of Natural Resources of Wisconsin has plant should be situated a significant distance
established “safe-eating” criteria for mercury in fish away from any areas that have been classified as
consumption for the majority of the state’s lakes wilderness, such as national forests, because the
and streams ( ecology of these areas, as well as the public’s
consumption). ability to utilize and enjoy them, could
be negatively impacted by air
Due to increasing mercury pollution.
levels in some sport fish,
the Department of Natural The federal emissions
Resources in Wisconsin standards are based on health
has issued “special advice” effects research. It is common
on the consumption of fish practice to make the utilization
from particular lakes, streams, of the most effective emission
and stream segments. This control technology a prerequisite
information may be accessed on the for plant operation to reduce the
DNR website. amount of pollutants that are discharged
into the atmosphere.
Both the fish consumption guidelines and the special
advice document include the recommendations to Despite emissions from a power plant complying
avoid or limit the intake of specific sport fish. These with air emission guidelines, those who are more
suggestions may be found in both documents. susceptible to the effects of pollution may not be
sufficiently protected. When there is a rise in the
The primary recipients of these suggestions are
women of reproductive age, nursing moms, and levels of air pollution in a region, people who are
children under the age of 15. Efforts are being already susceptible to its effects, such as the
made to control mercury emissions produced by elderly, the sick, and the very young, may begin to
power stations that use fossil fuels. It is likely that develop health difficulties.
some combinations of emission control technology
may allow for a decrease in mercury emissions of
between 70 and 90 percent or more.
63 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants
Global Climate In Wisconsin, the repercussions of climate
change may include warmer and drier summers,
The earth’s ability to retain heat from the sun is overall higher temperatures, more severe storms,
directly related to the levels of “greenhouse gases” decreased water levels in the Great Lakes and
in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases act like other lakes and streams, increased heat stress and
a blanket, trapping heat and contributing to the mortality, changes in local ecosystems and species
Earth’s temperature that sustains life. populations, effects on crop yield, increased forest
fires, reduced winter snowfall and ice cover, and
The three primary greenhouse gases impacted other severe weather events.
by human activities are carbon dioxide (CO2),
methane (CH4), and nitrous oxide (N2O). Significant The United States Environmental Protection Agency
amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) are emitted when (EPA) has classified greenhouse gases (GHGs) as
fossil fuels like coal or natural gas are used as fuel. air pollutants, and power plants must obtain an air
permit from the Department of Natural Resources
Since the industrial revolution when fossil fuels (DNR). The EPA is currently developing separate
started being widely used, carbon dioxide guidelines for controlling greenhouse
levels in the atmosphere have risen by gas emissions from existing and new
more than 30 percent, with about power plants.
half of this increase occurring
already. The pace of increase There is growing global
has accelerated since 2000. agreement with the findings of
the Intergovernmental Panel
Scientists have found that the rise on Climate Change (IPCC) that
in greenhouse gas concentrations GHG emissions need to be reduced,
has led to overall warming of the although the means to achieve this
planet and is expected to cause further reduction are still a subject of debate.
warming and various climate changes in
the near future. One potential solution being researched is
capturing carbon dioxide from exhaust stacks and
There is evidence that increasing levels of carbon storing it underground in geological formations.
dioxide and other chemicals contributing to global The identification of suitable underground
warming are having adverse effects on human formations and addressing the significant financial
health and the environment in many locations costs associated with this approach are ongoing
worldwide. These effects include rising sea levels, challenges.
melting glaciers and polar ice caps, altered weather
patterns, shifting ocean currents, extended Another strategy under consideration is the
geographic ranges of insect-borne diseases, and establishment of new forest cover, which can absorb
impacts on agriculture. carbon dioxide and sequester carbon, offsetting
CO2 emissions. However, it is unlikely that planting
trees alone can sufficiently reduce greenhouse

64 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants

gas levels in the atmosphere, especially within the The heat generated in the towers through either
necessary timeframe to mitigate climate change. direct contact with air or a separate source of water
results in the evaporation of large amounts of water
Reducing driving is a third strategy for lowering into the atmosphere. The water that evaporates is
greenhouse gas emissions, along with improving lost to local ecosystems, either through the flow of
energy efficiency in industrial, commercial, and water in a stream or the groundwater aquifer in the
residential settings and generating electricity area.
from renewable resources such as wind and solar
power. Short-term closed-loop biomass power A decrease in the base flow of a stream can have
plant technologies are also viable options. negative effects on the form of the stream, habitat,
aquatic plant and animal populations and species,
Conservation methods and the use of renewable as well as the promotion of growth of algal blooms
energy resources are being researched, including and invasive aquatic plants. Lakes are susceptible
methods for removing CO2 from the air. Their to the same kinds of problems.
feasibility, viability, and practicality are subjects of
ongoing study and evaluation. The DNR is empowered to impose restrictions on
the use of consumptive water in power plants. If
Water Quantity the water is utilized to produce steam for steam
turbines or to cool the steam so that it can be
Numerous power plants use groundwater aquifers, reused in the system, then the system would be
municipal water systems, adjacent lakes and rivers, more efficient.
and other water sources for their water supply.
Surface water is frequently utilized for the cooling Aquifers that are located deep underground
of plants, whereas groundwater is frequently used are frequently mined for water. The extraction
for the processing of plants. In the process of of significant amounts of groundwater through
running a power plant, condensing the steam that pumping produces a “cone of depression” in the
is produced frequently requires the utilization of ground around the well, causing the water table
cooling towers. to drop for some distance between the well and
the affected area. This may impact the viability
of resources in the area that are dependent on
groundwater, such as lakes, wetlands, springs, and

In power plants, surfaces constructed of concrete

and asphalt, as well as parking lots that are
impervious to water, are used instead of soils
and subsoils that are permeable to water. The
area available for groundwater seepage and
other sources of groundwater replenishment is
reduced as a result. When rainwater is captured,
its energy needs to be drained away so that it can
65 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants
be absorbed by the aquifer beneath the surface. If as a result of the addition of heat, acids, or salts.
it were to be redirected to surface waters, the lost However, this is not always the case. Larger water
water might have a negative impact on the local bodies or streams may be able to absorb more of
aquifers responsible for maintaining stream base- this altered water due to their size and volume or
flow, springs, and wetland habitats. Additionally, it because their water already includes solutes that
could have a negative impact on the groundwater can mitigate the effects of the added chemicals.
supply utilized by the power plant. Modeling and calculating their level of capability
would be necessary to accomplish this. Pollution
The Department of Natural Resources keeps an and other contaminants dumped into surface
eye on the amount of water used by large power water from power plants might result in detrimental
plants and has the authority to impose permission effects on the water’s quality.
requirements for the plant’s use of surface water
in order to protect both the surface water and the “Some-through cooling” is utilized in a few power
biological variety during periods of drought or plants. In the process known as “once-through
drought-like conditions due to the scorching cooling,” cooling water is withdrawn from a
heat and naturally low levels of water. lake or river and used to condense the
steam before it is recycled through
In addition to this, there is the plant.
a procedure for obtaining
permits for high-capacity The water used for cooling
wells that impose restrictions absorbs heat from the steam
on the extraction and use of that is being produced, and it
water from aquifers serving is then discharged back into
municipal water systems the lake or river at a higher
in the surrounding area. This temperature than before. The
permission process does not offer warming of the lake or river at
any protection for the productivity of the discharge point may be one of the
non-municipal wells. impacts of this technique. This warming may have
an effect on temperature-sensitive plants and fish,
Water Quality as well as on microbial activities and chemical and
physical reactions occurring in the water.
The water used in the generation of electricity
must be discharged or disposed of somewhere. Discharged process water with temperatures higher
Streams or lakes, as well as local municipal sewer than the ambient water can alter the composition
systems that ultimately empty into streams or of the local fishery, as well as the communities of
lakes, are examples of several types of discharge aquatic macroinvertebrates (bugs) and aquatic
destinations. plant communities, even when cooling towers are
used instead of once-through cooling. Pollutants
In order to handle the discharge, sewer treatment in surface water can be ingested by aquatic
systems or surface waterways must be able to organisms, leading to the contamination of fish and
accept water whose composition has been altered the spread of illness. The water produced by power
66 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants
plants must first be cleaned, filtered, and processed After a power station has been built on a site,
before it can be released into the environment. there is a potential for problems caused by the
uncontrolled flow of stormwater. Surface water can
It needs to be relatively neutral and should transport be contaminated with a wide variety of pollutants
as little heat or freshly dissolved material as if water runs off from sources such as rooftops,
possible. Even after treatment, there is a possibility parking lots, coal piles, and other areas.
that the discharge water from the power plant will
contain trace amounts of contaminants such as The standards for stormwater imposed by the DNR
mercury. include the creation and execution of a stormwater
management plan with the objective of reducing
The Department of Natural Resources (DNR) the amount of pollutants and excess rainwater
controls discharges into state waters through discharged from the site.
the Wisconsin Pollution Discharge Elimination
System (WPDES) permits. These permits regulate The layout of the power plant should reduce the
and restrict the amount of heat and dissolved or amount of soil erosion, sedimentation, and pollutant
suspended elements that power plants transfer that occurs during storms.
release into the atmosphere. Through its permitting processes, the
Department of Natural Resources
Visit the Department of Natural (DNR) regulates the amounts and
Resources website at http://dnr. quality of stormwater runoff at to construction sites and after
read more about the WPDES construction is complete
program. ( h t t p : // d n r. w i . g o v / t o p i c /
Large tracts of land are often
reduced to their natural state as a Pollutants in the air released from
result of power plant construction. If power plants can also have a negative
building sites are not properly managed, the soil impact on surface waters. The deposition of
and any associated nutrients or pollutants may be nitrogen compounds from the air can speed up or
swept away during storm events or spring thaws cause the eutrophication process in lakes. This can
and carried into lakes, streams, and wetlands in the lead to the growth of enormous blooms of algae,
surrounding area. which can reduce the amount of oxygen in the
water, ultimately resulting in the death of aquatic
Optimal management methods for erosion control species.
can reduce the amount of silt and contaminants
that would otherwise be swept away from the Acid deposition is an issue in water bodies that
site. An erosion management strategy for the are inherently more acidic and is created by
construction site can help reduce the potential power plants that release airborne pollutants
for sedimentation, soil erosion, and the transfer of into the atmosphere. This description applies to
pollutants during and after storm events. a significant number of lakes located in northern
Wisconsin. Acid deposition can lead to a reduction
67 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants
in the number of aquatic plants and microbes, which, in turn, can have an impact on the numbers and diversity
of fish species.

The atmosphere is another potential source of mercury deposits. The formation of methyl mercury as a result
of excessive mercury deposits in some types of lakes has resulted in advisories regarding the ingestion of


● The environmental impacts of electricity production and transmission in the United States are regulated
by federal and state statutes. The Clean Air Act, in particular, sets regulations for air pollutant emissions
from power plants.

● The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) administers the Clean Air Act and establishes emission
regulations for power plants through programs like the Acid Rain Program.

● Power plants have a significant footprint on the ground, limiting alternative land use options. The presence
of power plants can also impact the current and future uses of adjacent land parcels.

● Combustion of fuel in power plants results in the production of exhaust gases and various byproducts,
including air pollutants. Large amounts of water are required for generating steam and cooling purposes,
often sourced from nearby rivers, lakes, or underground aquifers.

● Power facilities are typically required to filter and purify water before releasing it into surface waters.
The filtered solids must be properly disposed of, and cooling towers are commonly used to lower the
temperature of the water used for cooling.

● The evaporation of water in cooling towers constitutes a significant portion of a power plant’s overall water

● The construction and operation of a power plant can have adverse effects on the surrounding community.

● Coal-fired power plants rely on effective, reliable, and sustainable methods of coal delivery, typically by rail
or barge. Construction activities and transportation of supplies may impact road or rail traffic in the vicinity.

● There is also the potential for beneficial effects on the community, such as job creation for local residents
and the purchase of goods and services from the local area, resulting in additional revenue streams for the

● The amount of money collected through local taxes or contributed by the state to various local governments
would increase.

● The atmosphere is influenced by natural resources. Operational power plants that burn fossil fuels like
coal, oil, or natural gas release air pollutants into the environment. To mitigate these emissions, the plant
must be equipped with pollution control technology.

68 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants

● Existing plants are required to obtain operation permits, which establish emission limits and standards
for monitoring and reporting. Acid precipitation, commonly known as “acid rain,” can harm vegetation and
acidify lakes, particularly when SO2 is present in the atmosphere.

● Emissions of nitrogen oxides and sulfur dioxide from coal or natural gas power plants are a significant
concern. These chemicals participate in complex atmospheric chemical reactions, resulting in the
formation of small particles composed of nitrates and sulfates.

● Mercury deposition in lakes and rivers is influenced by rain, snow, and surface runoff. Mercury is a global
contaminant with wide-ranging impacts, but local concerns also exist regarding mercury emissions from
power plants.

● Efforts are being made to control mercury emissions from fossil fuel-fired power plants. Certain
combinations of emission control technologies may potentially reduce mercury emissions by 70 to 90
percent or more.

● According to scientists, increased greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations have led to global warming and
are expected to induce further warming and climate changes in the future.

● There is a growing consensus among people worldwide regarding the findings of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that GHG emissions need to be reduced. However, the means to achieve
this reduction are still subject to debate.

● The heat generated in cooling towers can be dissipated through direct contact with air or a separate water
source. Cooling towers release large amounts of water into the atmosphere through evaporation. The
water that evaporates is lost to local ecosystems, either through stream flow or groundwater recharge in
the area.

● The Department of Natural Resources monitors water usage by large power plants and has the authority to
impose restrictions on the plant’s use of surface water, especially during periods of drought or low water
levels, to protect both the surface water and biodiversity.

● The water used in electricity generation needs to be discharged or treated before being released. Streams,
lakes, and local municipal sewer systems that ultimately empty into streams or lakes are common
discharge destinations.

● Pollutants in surface water can be ingested by aquatic organisms, leading to fish contamination and the
spread of illness. Power plant wastewater must undergo cleaning, filtering, and processing before being
released into the environment.

● Acid deposition is a concern for naturally acidic water bodies and is caused by power plants emitting
airborne pollutants into the atmosphere.

69 Natural Resources Impacts of Power Plants

Unit 11

Environmental Impacts
of Power Plants
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
A power plant that primarily generates electricity through
able to understand:
steam is called a thermal power station. Water is heated
● Wetlands
until it becomes steam, which then drives a steam turbine,
● Land and soil powering an electrical generator.
● Vegetation
This process, known as the Rankine cycle, involves
● Wildlife
recycling the steam after it passes through the turbine,
condenses in the condenser, and returns to the heating
location. The various types of fossil fuel resources
commonly used to heat water in thermal power plants
contribute to the wide range of possible designs for these

Figure No 11.1: Energy Power Plants

70 Environmental impacts of Power Plants

Some people prefer to use the term “energy EIAs are distinct in that they do not require
center” instead of “power plant” because these adherence to a predetermined environmental
facilities convert different forms of thermal energy outcome. Instead, they demand that decision-
into electrical energy. In addition to electricity makers consider environmental values when
production, certain thermal power plants are making decisions and support those decisions
designed to generate heat energy for applications with thorough environmental studies and public
such as water desalination and district heating in input regarding potential environmental impacts.
industrial settings.
Thermal power stations that rely on fossil fuels are
responsible for a significant portion of global man- Wetlands are areas where the soil is fully covered by
made CO2 emissions. Numerous broad initiatives water, or where water is present at or near the soil’s
are underway to reduce these emissions. surface throughout the year or for varying periods
during the year, including the growth season.
The energy efficiency of a conventional thermal
power plant, measured as the percentage Hydrology, which refers to the degree of
of energy that can be sold relative to water saturation, plays a significant
the total heating value of the fuel role in the development of soil and
used, typically ranges between the types of plant and animal
33 and 48 percent. communities found in wetland
environments. Wetland settings
What is EIA Exactly? can support both aquatic and
terrestrial organisms. The
An Environmental Impact prolonged presence of water
Assessment (EIA) is an evaluation creates favorable conditions for
of the potential effects that a proposed the growth of plants with specialized
project may have on the surrounding adaptations (hydrophytes) and leads to the
environment. This assessment considers formation of wetland-specific soils (hydric soils).
ecological, social, and economic factors.
Wetlands come in various forms, each serving
When deciding whether to proceed with a project, important functions. These functions include
decision-makers must consider various factors, runoff storage, sediment and pollutant filtration,
including potential environmental impacts. groundwater recharge, spawning grounds for
According to the International Association for wildlife and certain fish species, and habitat for
Impact Assessment (IAIA), an environmental various animals.
impact assessment is “the process of identifying,
predicting, evaluating, and mitigating the The construction of large-scale power plants often
biophysical, social, and other relevant effects of involves the leveling, dredging, or filling of wetland
development proposals prior to major decisions areas. Even if a marsh is not drained or filled,
being taken and commitments being made.” construction activities near wetlands can cause
various forms of damage.
71 Environmental impacts of Power Plants
For example: Land and Soil

● Heavy machinery can destroy wetland vegetation, The amount of land required for different types and
especially when it grows on mounds. configurations of power plants varies significantly.
● Wetland soils, particularly highly organic soils, are Coal-fired power stations, for example, need land
prone to compaction, which increases runoff and not only for boilers and turbines but also for coal
reduces the water storage capacity of wetlands. storage piles, rail links, and ash landfills.

● Construction of roadways leading to power

Nuclear power stations may require designated
plants through wetlands can alter the flow of
areas for specialist dry cask storage. Natural gas-
water, resulting in irreparable harm to wetland
fired plants generally require less space than coal
soils and vegetation.
or nuclear plants but still require a substantial
natural gas supply line and occasionally a sizable
These and other disturbances caused by power
oil storage tank as backup fuel.
plants can significantly impact the functional value
of wetland ecosystems. Effects may
If a power plant generates steam for sale
include the extinction of wetland
to other businesses (cogeneration),
plant species, a decrease in species
a significant steam pipeline must
diversity, loss of habitat critical
be established, extending from
for certain animal species,
the power plant to the steam
proliferation of non-native
species, and changes in
the hydrological regime of
If expansion is anticipated in
the foreseeable future, the land
area for an existing power plant
In general, when selecting locations
must be sufficient to accommodate
for power plant construction, sites
additional facilities. Power plants
without wetlands or those with minimal
proposed in communities where they may be
potential to cause damage to wetlands are
perceived as out of place often seek to purchase
preferred. Locations with significant amounts of
additional land as a buffer.
high-quality wetlands are less desirable due to the
risk of negative impacts on wetland ecosystems.
Buffer areas surrounding power plants prevent new
neighbors from establishing close proximity to the
It is important to avoid any adverse effects on
plant. These buffers help reduce visual and noise
wetland areas, and activities that affect wetlands
impacts by increasing the distance between the
are regulated by the Department of Natural
plant and surrounding homes.
Resources (DNR) and the United States Army Corps
of Engineers. Engineers must obtain permits for
In Wisconsin, nuclear power facilities are separated
such activities
from surrounding communities by large acreages,
acting as a buffer for the plants. Increasing the
distance between power plants and ecologically
72 Environmental impacts of Power Plants
significant natural ecosystems may require the use less harmful alternatives.
of buffer land.
If additional buffer land is included, it would result
in a larger land area for power plant construction. Power plants can have two primary types of impacts
Preserving buffer land in its natural state can have on vegetation:
positive conservation impacts. Excavation and
earth-moving activities may be necessary if the ● Direct impacts occur when vegetation is removed
plant is constructed on uneven terrain, which could or damaged during construction.
lead to soil erosion and sedimentation in nearby ● Indirect effects result from the power plant’s
lakes or wetlands. contribution to air and surface water pollution,
affecting flora and fauna.
Appropriate soil management may involve
dispersing or relocating soil to another area. The types of plant communities present in a
For construction sites larger than one acre, particular location are largely influenced by factors:
the Department of Natural Resources requires
commercial businesses to have an authorized soil ● The quality and fertility of the soil
erosion management plan to regulate erosion.
● The relative elevations and slopes

Pollutants in the land environment can take the form ● The availability of moisture
of solids, liquids, or gases, negatively affecting soil ● The amount of solar radiation
quality, mineral content, and the biological balance
● The nature and level of disturbance that occurs
of soil organisms. Soil pollution can result from
in the area
factors such as urbanization, improper farming
practices, industrial waste dumping, and domestic Constructing a new power plant can affect
waste. vegetation communities by destroying or altering
one or more of these characteristics, weakening
To prevent soil contamination, it is crucial to reduce the communities (e.g., shading, diverting runoff,
waste generation at its source, eliminate waste reducing water availability).
whenever possible, and substitute toxic items with

73 Environmental impacts of Power Plants

If vegetation on the power plant site is removed or compromised, surrounding vegetation communities may
also be harmed. The loss of rare, unique, or locally significant vegetation can impact nearby plant communities
by reducing the contribution of the affected vegetation to the seed or gene pool.

Figure No 11.2: Air Pollution Cycle

Construction disruptions can also introduce or promote the spread of non-native plant species, encroaching
on neighboring natural plant communities.

Power plants releasing air pollutants and water vapor in the form of fog can disrupt the development and
survival of specific plant communities. Some pollutants are toxic themselves, while others facilitate the
spread of diseases that damage or kill plants.

However, contaminants can also act as fertilizers, providing nutrients to plants. Cooling tower fog, for
example, can alter humidity levels, giving certain plants a competitive advantage in utilizing humidity or
resisting fungal diseases.

Surface water vegetation may be negatively affected by the construction of water intake or discharge facilities,
water removal for power plant processes, or the type of wastewater discharged into water bodies, leading to
vegetation loss. Research on coal-burning power plant emissions revealed their impact on specific chemical
and physical characteristics of the soil.

Polluted areas showed significantly increased bulk density and decreased porosity compared to control
sites. The soil pH in polluted areas tended to be alkaline, and pollution levels correlated with increased
74 Environmental impacts of Power Plants
organic carbon content. Emissions from thermal environment created by construction disturbances,
power plants also caused notable increases in new structures, and landscaping. However, species
soil sulphate and Sulphur, as well as exchangeable that were entirely dependent on their natural habitat
calcium, while total nitrogen levels decreased before it was altered may struggle to survive or may
significantly. be forced to leave the area.

The reduction in total nitrogen showed a positive Migratory species that rely on their original habitat
correlation with the amount of mineralized for reproduction, feeding, or resting will need to find
nitrogen. Concentrations of total and organic new locations to carry out these functions. Birds
Sulphur, exchangeable potassium, and accessible may also be at risk of colliding with tall power plant
phosphorus in the soil did not differ significantly. towers or newly installed power lines.

Soil parameters such as exchangeable Ca2+ and K+ The construction or operation of a power plant can
and ambient SO2 concentrations and soil SO42—S impact fish, mussels, and other aquatic species
content were significantly positively correlated with in surface water bodies and streams, especially if
dust fall rate. Trace element values, such water intake or discharge facilities are
as manganese, iron, copper, lead, and built and used, or if barge unloading
nickel, were significantly higher in areas are disturbed. Dredging of
areas closer to thermal power barge unloading areas can also
plants. have an impact. Aquatic species
like fish can be drawn into
Wildlife water intake systems. Runoff
from coal piles and coal dust
Changes to vegetation can cause can be problematic if it contains
a cascade of negative effects on acids and dissolved hazardous
wildlife. When their natural habitat and metals, which can then be deposited
food sources are destroyed or degraded, in surface water. Loss of feeding, resting,
resident and migratory species can be negatively or reproductive environments can compromise the
affected. The vegetation itself or the organisms ability of river or lake species to survive.
that rely on it, such as insects, birds, mammals, can
be a source of food for wildlife. Species Under Protection

Nesting and den places may be damaged during the The United States Fish and Wildlife Service and
construction of a new power plant. The construction the Department of Natural Resources (DNR) have
process may drive away some wildlife species while designated several species of plants, mammals,
attracting others. Habitat destruction may occur reptiles, birds, insects, crustaceans, and fish as
for species living in prairies or woodlands, while the “endangered” or “threatened.” These species have
habitat for “edge species” and “generalists” may be small populations and are particularly vulnerable to
created. habitat disruption or destruction. The DNR monitors
endangered or threatened species and their natural
Edge species and generalist species can thrive in the communities closely.
75 Environmental impacts of Power Plants
These species have relatively small populations, sacred areas as sensitive and vulnerable resources
which makes them particularly susceptible to because they are all classified as “historic
the disruption or destruction of their habitat. The properties.” Other types of historic properties
Department of Natural Resources closely monitors include cultural areas.
natural communities and species designated as
endangered or threatened. The national and state Historic Preservation
Acts are laws that both the federal and state
Additionally, Wisconsin lists “special concern” governments must comply with. These laws aim
species. These species are hypothesized to have to preserve historic archaeological sites, cultural
potential issues with their abundance or distribution, areas, and sacred locations significant to Native
although it has not been demonstrated yet. The American communities.
primary goal of this list is to raise awareness about
these particular species before they become The utilization of these resources, which are
vulnerable or endangered. becoming increasingly scarce, is crucial for
educating about the past. Some of them also hold
The vast majority of these species are religious significance. Disturbing the soil
actively tracked. If a local population or employing heavy equipment during
of a listed species were to power plant construction can
decline or disappear, it would potentially harm these resources
be considered a “taking” under in the following ways:
the law. Therefore, the power
plant developer’s application ● Unearthing them by
must adhere to the agency’s attempting to excavate.
regulatory standards to prevent ● Splintering or crushing them
or minimize harm to these species. into pieces.
As part of the regulatory processes,
● Dispersing them throughout the
the developer is required to communicate
subsoil, making it impossible to determine their
with DNR Endangered Resources employees and
follow DNR’s directions to:
● Leaving them vulnerable to damage caused by
● Determine if there are any protected species or erosion or weather conditions due to tree felling
species of particular concern in the area. and clearance.

● Safeguard these species throughout the entire ● Facilitating access for vandals to the sites.
construction and operation of the power plant.
In Wisconsin, the primary responsibility for
Sites Important in History and Archaeology preserving historic and archaeological resources
lies with the WHS. It manages a database that
The Wisconsin Historical Society (WHS) considers contains records of known “historic properties” in
historic archaeological sites, buildings, burial the state.
grounds, cultural areas, and Native American

76 Environmental impacts of Power Plants

A comprehensive search should be conducted through this inventory to identify any historic, cultural,
or archaeological sites that may be impacted by a construction project. If any are discovered, the PSC is
required to consult with the WHS and implement its recommendations or mandate the developer to follow
them, aiming to avoid, reduce, or mitigate potential impacts.

Depending on the circumstances, archaeological surveys conducted by trained professionals may be

necessary to assess the value, location, and geographic extent of the resources.

Under the National Historic Preservation Act, the relevant federal agency must engage with the WHS to
determine if the project is of federal interest. This federal law is more stringent and may involve fieldwork
such as archaeological surveys to identify any undiscovered resources that could be impacted.

Sometimes, no archaeological or historic resources are found in the database, but an archaeological site may
be discovered during the actual work. In such cases, the project developer is obligated to halt development
at that location and inform both the WHS and the PSC. The project must adhere to the guidelines provided by
the WHS to effectively manage or minimize potential consequences on the archaeological site.


● A thermal power station refers to a power plant where the primary generator is operated by steam. Water
is heated to produce steam, which drives a steam turbine that powers an electrical generator.

● Thermal power stations running on fossil fuels contribute significantly to man-made CO2 emissions
released globally. Various efforts are being made to reduce these emissions.

● An environmental impact assessment (EIA) evaluates the potential effects of a proposed project on the
environment, including ecological, social, and economic factors.

● Wetlands are areas where water covers or is present near the soil surface for various durations throughout
the year. They play important roles, such as runoff storage, groundwater recharge, sediment and pollutant
filtration, wildlife spawning grounds, and habitat for various species.

● Power plants can negatively impact the functional values of wetland ecosystems through disturbances
and other activities.

● Different types and configurations of power plants require varying amounts of land. Coal-fired power
stations, for example, need land for boilers, turbines, coal storage piles, rail links, and ash landfills.

● Buffer land surrounding nuclear power facilities in Wisconsin separates them from nearby communities,
acting as a protective zone. Increasing the distance between power plants and ecologically significant
ecosystems may necessitate the use of buffer land.

● If a power plant is constructed on uneven terrain, significant earth-moving and excavation activities may be
required, potentially leading to soil erosion and sedimentation in adjacent lakes or wetlands.

● Soil pollution is contributed to by urbanization, inappropriate farming practices, industrial waste dumping,

77 Environmental impacts of Power Plants

and domestic garbage. Preventive measures include reducing garbage production, waste elimination, and
replacing toxic items with less harmful alternatives.

● Clearing or weakening vegetation on a power plant site can impact surrounding vegetation communities.
Loss of the affected vegetation’s contribution to the seed or gene pool can influence nearby vegetation
communities, particularly if the affected vegetation is rare, distinctive, or locally important.

● Construction of water intake or discharge facilities, water removal for power plant processes, or the
discharge of wastewater into water bodies can adversely affect vegetation in surface waters, potentially
leading to its loss.

● Changes to vegetation can have a cascading negative effect on wildlife, impacting their habitat and food
sources. Resident and migratory species may be affected, including those that directly consume vegetation
or organisms that rely on vegetation.

● Migratory species dependent on the original habitat for activities such as reproduction, feeding, or resting
would need to find alternative locations. Collisions with power plant towers or new power lines can also
be a risk for birds.

● Various species of plants, birds, mammals, reptiles, insects, crustaceans, and fish are designated as
“endangered” or “threatened” by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service or the Department of Natural
Resources (DNR).

● The majority of these species are actively monitored, and if a listed species experiences a decline or loss
in a local population, it is considered a “taking” under the law. The power plant developer

● would then be required to comply with regulatory requirements to mitigate adverse effects on the species.

● The national and state Historic Preservation Acts are laws that both the federal government and state
governments must comply with. These laws aim to preserve historic and archaeological sites, cultural
areas, and sacred locations important to native american communities.

78 Environmental impacts of Power Plants

Unit 12

Community Resources
Impacts of Power Plants
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
Conventional energy sources like coal, gas, and oil have
able to understand:
played a significant role in improving a country’s economy.
● Wetlands
However, their negative impacts on the environment have
● Land use compatibility necessitated their regulated use and shifted our focus
● Agriculture towards renewable energy resources.

● Recreation
Renewable energy sources have the potential to address
● Property values environmental, social, and economic issues. They are
considered environmentally friendly as they produce little
to no exhaust or toxic gases, such as carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, and sulfur dioxide.

Renewable energy is expected to become a crucial power

source in the near future because these resources can
be utilized repeatedly to generate energy. Wind energy,
for example, has the lowest water usage, the lowest
relative greenhouse gas emissions, and positive social
outcomes. It is among the renewable energy sources
with the greatest potential for continued use, following
hydropower, photovoltaics, and geothermal energy.

Since renewable resources are considered clean energy

sources, they have the potential to contribute to reducing
the greenhouse effect and mitigating global warming.

79 Community Resources Impacts of Power Plants

The appropriate utilization of renewable energy possible, residents of the area should participate in
systems can lead to various benefits, including the site search operations and application review
increased local employment, job creation, consumer process of the Public Service Commission (PSC) to
choice, improved health, enhanced living standards, ensure their concerns are taken into consideration.
social cohesion, income development, demographic
impacts, and community development. These The placement of a power plant in a community has
benefits can be achieved simultaneously. various implications that are of interest or concern
to the community.
Seasonal variations can cause fluctuations in
power production from wind and hydroelectric Developers can gather concerns regarding a
facilities, requiring specific design and planning that proposed power plant in the community by:
can be facilitated by advancements in computer
technology. ● Taking notes on questions posed by residents
and authorities during public meetings and
Despite the significant benefits of renewable private conversations.
energy, there are also drawbacks. One ● Seeking feedback from the public
drawback is the variation in output and listening to their responses.
caused by seasonal changes.
● Exploring public groups
that have expressed opposition
Land Use Compatibility
or support for the use of a
specific site.
Industrial lands or abandoned
lands are considered more
Some properties, known as
compatible with power plant
“brownfield” locations, may be
construction, while residential areas
contaminated due to previous
in cities or suburbs are often seen as
industrial or commercial activities.
less suitable due to wildlife concerns.
Even if the community intends to use the land for
an industrial facility, the fact that the power plant
Open rural areas like farmland or old deserted
developer can clean up the site before construction
farm fields, despite their potential impact on the
and still build the plant in a cost-effective manner
surroundings, are generally considered suitable
may be seen as a benefit by the community.

Developers can consult local land use laws and plans

to identify locations where a power plant would be
Farmland, particularly prime farmland with extremely
more compatible with current and projected land
fertile soil, is a valuable resource. Constructing
uses. It is preferred to have existing natural gas
power plant infrastructure on local farmland would
pipelines, railroad lines, electric transmission lines,
permanently remove those fields from agricultural
and sufficient water supply either on-site or nearby
use and production, potentially impacting the
for the construction of a power plant, depending
farm’s financial viability and society as a whole. At
on the type of plant being considered. Whenever

80 Community Resources Impacts of Power Plants

the very least, agricultural land located beyond the However, by incorporating better land management
property boundaries of the proposed power plant practices and habitat restoration into the overall
may be temporarily impacted by the development management and design plan of a power plant site,
of auxiliary facilities such as natural gas or water it is possible to effectively promote recreation if
pipelines, or electricity transmission lines. executed correctly.

The “Environmental Impacts of Transmission Lines” Property Values

pamphlet published by the PSC explains the various
ways in which a transmission line might affect the The impact that the construction and ongoing
environment. The presence of a transmission line operation of power plants have on real estate prices
can impact farm fields and fieldwork, with further of properties adjacent to or in close proximity has
potential adverse effects on agriculture. been a subject of debate for many years. The
concerns include a perceived decline in value,
The mist or salts created by water vapor from the negative associations with being near what
cooling systems and air pollutants from an active is typically considered a local undesirable land
power plant stack may be deposited and use, and the potential adverse effects on
affect crop production or quality in the health.
area. There is also the possibility
that a power plant will emit noise There have been only a limited
or light, potentially causing number of scientific studies
problems for farm families and conducted on the potential
reducing the output of animals influence of power plants on
used on local farms. property values in nearby areas.
Attitude surveys often indicate
Recreation that a significant proportion of
respondents, if given the choice,
Lands, whether public or private, designated would prefer not to live in close proximity
specifically for recreational purposes, are known to power plants.
as recreation zones. These areas comprise natural
spaces with trails, parks, hunting grounds, and However, the actual value of a piece of real estate
other lands allocated for recreational use. is determined by various factors, some desirable
and others not. These factors include the property’s
If a power station were to be constructed in a location in relation to schools and the quality of
location currently used for recreation, the site’s those schools, the attractiveness of the house
recreational value would be permanently lost or and yard, and the convenience of proximity to
altered. It could also be negatively affected by employment opportunities and other neighborhood
factors amenities.

such as noise, obstructed views, or other aesthetic Due to the complexity of accounting for all these
features that diminish the enjoyment of leisure variables, the research findings have not been
activities. conclusive. The limited studies conducted thus far

81 Community Resources Impacts of Power Plants

have not found a clear and consistent association between the location of power plants and decreased
property values.

To address this matter appropriately, further research is required. There may be concerns regarding
environmental justice if the operation of a power plant leads to decreased property values or an increase in
illness prevalence. Individuals with lower incomes can be compelled to live in circumstances that make them
more vulnerable to the effects of power plants on the local community.


● Conventional energy sources such as coal, gas, and oil contribute significantly to a country’s economic

● However, their negative environmental impacts have led us to use these resources more responsibly and
shift towards renewable energy sources.

● Wind power generation is recognized for its low water use, minimal greenhouse gas emissions, and positive
social effects. It is considered one of the renewable energy sources with the greatest potential for future
use, following hydropower, photovoltaics, and geothermal energy.

● Seasonal fluctuations in output are common for wind and hydroelectric power plants, necessitating special
design and considerations facilitated by advancements in computer technology.

● Industrial or abandoned lands are often deemed more suitable for power plant construction, while
residential areas in cities or suburbs may be less compatible due to wildlife concerns.

● The placement of a power plant in a community has various implications that are of interest or concern to
the residents.

● Farmland, especially prime farmland with rich soils, is a valuable resource. Constructing power plant
infrastructure on such farmlands permanently removes them from agricultural use, impacting the farm’s
economic viability and the overall community.

● Emissions and pollutants from operating power plants, including the mist and salts from cooling towers,
can potentially affect nearby crops’ yield and quality.

● Recreation zones, comprising parks, hunting grounds, natural areas with paths, and other designated
lands, are set aside for recreational purposes. Building a power plant in such areas can diminish or alter
their recreational value due to factors like noise, obstructed views, or aesthetic disturbances.

● Limited scientific studies have examined the influence of power plants on nearby property values, and
conclusive findings have not been reached due to the complexity of accounting for all variables.

● Additional research is necessary to comprehensively address the potential impact of power plants on
property values. Environmental justice concerns may arise if decreased property values or increased health
issues disproportionately affect lower-income individuals

82 Community Resources Impacts of Power Plants

Unit 13

Other Impacts of
Power Plants
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
Emissions from power plants have far-reaching effects
able to understand:
and can contribute to long-range air pollution. The
● Future development
European Union implemented the Large Combustion
● Air space Plants Directive 2001/80/EC (referred to as the “LCPD”)
● Fog and ice and the Industrial Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU to
reduce the impact of these pollutants across Europe.
● Noise

● Fugitive dust In the United Kingdom, these European controls on power

plants are enforced through the Environmental Permitting
(England and Wales) Regulations 2010, specifically
Schedule 15, the Large Combustion Plants Regulations
(Northern Ireland) Regulations 2003, and the Large
Combustion Plants (Scotland) Regulations 2002.

Combustion plants built after 1987 must adhere to

LPCD emission restrictions. Older power plants that
commenced operations before 1987 can either comply
with the LPCD limitations through participation in the
National Emissions Reduction Plan (NERP) or continue
operating for a specified period.

The Large Combustion Plants (National Emissions

Reduction Plan) Regulations 2007 introduced NERP in the
United Kingdom. This allows existing large combustion
plants to trade their annual allowances for sulfur dioxide

83 Other Impacts of Power Plants

(SO2), nitrogen oxides (NOx), and particulate is crucial, regardless of whether the airport is a
matter (dust) with other participating plants. The public facility or a private landing strip.
plan became operational on January 1, 2008.
maintain safety, tall power plant structures should
Future Development be constructed away from runway alignments and
aircraft approach pathways, where planes descend
The construction of a new power plant can create in altitude and make turns to approach the runway
opportunities for long-term economic growth in safely.
the community. Steam production can benefit
neighboring facilities by providing them with steam Federal standards impose height restrictions
for industrial processes or heating purposes. on constructions near airports for public safety.
Compliance with these regulations requires an
Ash generated during power plant operations examination of potential interference by power
can serve as a source for building materials. The plant structures in coordination with the Wisconsin
presence of a new power plant can act as an anchor Department of Transportation and the Federal
for the construction of new commercial and Aviation Administration (FAA).
industrial properties in the surrounding
area, both in terms of aesthetics and Local governments often establish
practicality. height restriction zoning for areas
near public airport approaches.
However, the construction of a new Additional regulations may apply to
power plant may slow down or halt landfills connected to power plants
the development of new homes in close proximity to airports.
in the vicinity. It could also impact
plans for retail stores, entertainment Minimizing or mitigating the risk of
venues, recreational areas, and dining hazards to aircraft involves identifying
establishments. potential safety concerns and positioning power
plant infrastructure at a greater distance from
Proper local zoning and comprehensive land use existing private or public airstrips or airports, or in
management planning can help guide power plant a rural setting offset from runway approach routes.
designers to select sites that offer the greatest
benefits to the community while minimizing In cases where structures need to be positioned
adverse effects on the environment and future closer, efforts may be made to lower their heights,
local development. bury transmission lines, install lights and other
attention-attracting fixtures at appropriate heights
Air Space on the structures, or utilize other suitable measures.

Power plant structures such as transmission The presence of a power plant in the area may
towers, exhaust stacks, and wind turbines can pose impose new restrictions on the location of potential
a threat to airplanes during takeoff or landing due new runways or the expansion options available to
to their height. Ensuring passenger and crew safety airports.

84 Other Impacts of Power Plants

Fog and Ice there is a possibility of ground fog.

In fossil fuel power plants, the turbines are turned Fog has the potential to change the growing
by steam. Once the steam is used, it must be environment for crops in agricultural fields by either
condensed, and the water must be recycled back lowering the air temperature over the cropland or
into the system. In the state of Wisconsin, cooling depositing calcium salts. If the temperatures are
is often accomplished with water obtained from a low enough and ground fog is present, rime ice can
nearby body of surface water or stream. form on buildings, trees, and ground surfaces. The
sight of rime ice can be pleasing to the eye, but
The water used for cooling then absorbs some fog and ice on the highways can create dangerous
heat from the surroundings before undergoing a driving conditions.
process known as “once-through cooling,” in which
it is either returned to the original lake or stream Noise
(which warms the lake or stream) or is cooled by
exposure to the air or by adding more cold water to Residents who live nearby, as well as visitors to
it in “cooling towers.” adjacent parks or other recreational
sites, medical facilities, schools, and
Typically operating at rates ranging daycares, are especially concerned
from tens of thousands to about the noise coming from a
hundreds of millions of liters neighboring power plant.
per hour, cooling towers
release warm, humid air into The same amount of noise
the surrounding environment. If but at a different frequency
the air around the cooling towers might have quite different effects.
is cooler than the air discharged Lower frequencies are typically
from the towers, a vapor plume will experienced as vibration or have an
be produced. Depending on its height, effect on structures similar to vibration.
the plume may obstruct local visibility and can Residents living nearby may find intense vibration
frequently be observed from several miles away. to be a nuisance, and it may even cause damage to
surrounding structures.
If a substantial number of people notice a plume
and do not want it to block their views from Major sources of noise emanating from power plant
their homes, places of business, or places of operations may include, for example, fuel handling
employment, the plume is likely to be regarded as equipment, air compressors, air separators, steam
an aesthetic nuisance. A plume will likely be seen generators, steam turbine generators, cooling
as an aesthetic annoyance if it occurs frequently or towers, and rooftop ventilation fans. This is the
for extended periods of time and is seen by many case for a power plant that burns coal or biomass
people. A cooling tower plume can extend below for fuel.
the height of the cooling towers or even touch the
ground close to the power station when certain The lack of speed controls in the plant’s fans can

weather conditions are present. When this occurs, result in “tonal” noise, which refers to sounds

85 Other Impacts of Power Plants

centered on a specific frequency range. It has been This establishes benchmarks for measuring impact.
demonstrated that humans are more affected by Following this, measurements are carried out at the
tonal noise than by other noises, particularly at lower same sites while the power plant is functioning.
overall noise levels. Hence, special suppressor The presence of the plant is responsible for the
devices may be required. discernible change in decibel levels. During the
time the facility was being built, there would be
Due to the constant uncoupling and coupling of noise because construction equipment was being
cars, unloading of fuel, and departure of the train, used.
delivery trains can be exceptionally loud. The noise
levels would be increased by the use of trucks Pavement breaking would produce noise levels
to transport fuel in or ash out of the facility. The of roughly 70 decibels (dB), heavy trucks would
turbines, air intakes, and cooling towers of natural produce noise levels of up to 85 dB, and air and
gas-fired combined cycle power plants all contribute steam line blow-offs would produce noise levels of
to the plant’s overall level of ambient noise. up to 125 DB. Some of this noise could dissipate
depending on the distance between the source and
Noise is produced by combustion turbine plants the property line of the power plant.
due to the functioning of the turbines and the air
handling facilities. Diesel fuel is sometimes used There are numerous strategies to reduce
as a backup fuel in natural gas-fired facilities. The construction noise. Mufflers for diesel engines
vehicles that supply the diesel fuel would contribute need to be maintained in good condition. Major
to the noise levels in the area. construction work may only be done during the
hours of 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m., Monday through
Numerous locations presently assess noise levels Friday. Nighttime construction operations could be
(ambient sound) on the site and in the surrounding restricted to those that are reasonably quiet, such
area either before a power plant is built or when as indoor labor. Ordinances that limit excessively
it is not functioning to determine the noise effect loud and obnoxious noise are frequently enacted
that will be caused by the power plant once it is by local towns. The presence of intervening terrain
operational. features such as trees can either completely block
or attenuate sounds.

The further away you are from the source, the less
noise you will hear. If there are no barriers in the way,
the decibel level of the noise coming from a source
will drop by approximately 6 for each doubling of
the distance.

Fugitive Dust

Dust carried away from a construction or industrial

site or farm area by the wind is known as fugitive
dust. The dust can become an annoyance in

86 Other Impacts of Power Plants

neighboring neighborhoods, an irritation tothe skin and lungs, or an obstruction to vision on neighboring

When exposed dirt or other airborne particles are blown around during the construction of a power plant,
fugitive dust is produced. Fugitive dust becomes a nuisance when the ground is being cleared and graded,
as well as when delivery trucks and other vehicles and equipment pass along dirt or gravel paths inside the
construction zone.

It is necessary to prevent the dust, and the standard method for doing so involves washing unpaved roads with
water and stabilizing areas of exposed soil. Power stations that burn coal can produce significant amounts
of fugitive dust. Coal dust can be blown onto neighboring homes from coal storage piles, coal handling
facilities, or empty coal train carriages as they depart the power station.

There is also the possibility of coal ash being dispersed into the air by trucks transporting the ash off the site.
Many residents who live in close proximity to power plant facilities have expressed concern regarding the
possibility of dust drifting into their yards, soiling their homes, vehicles, clothes that are hung outside, and
lawn furniture.

When rain falls over dust, it can cause the dust to emit corrosive acids. People who travel in cars may need to
clean the windshields of their vehicles each morning before leaving their houses. Inhalation of fugitive dust
is another potential health hazard.

There are further approaches that can be taken to reduce the amount of fugitive dust produced by power
plants. It is common practice to employ bulldozers to compact fuel piles and then apply a chemical surfactant
to build a hard crust on the surface of the fuel piles, making them resistant to wind. Coal or other biomass
fuels may be stored inside a structure. The fuel handling system may also be covered and equipped with
“baghouse” filters to reduce dust buildup. If all of these facilities were located on the power plant property in
areas further away from the surrounding neighborhoods, the distance that dust would have to travel would
increase, reducing the likelihood of dust blowing into those neighborhoods.

Ashes transported in trucks are required to be covered or otherwise treated to make them more stable and
less susceptible to being blown around by the wind. Tanker trucks might drive off the property with fly ash,
which refers to the lighter-weight ash collected on its route to the exhaust stack.

The DNR uses rules for obtaining an air permit to restrict fugitive dust. Additionally, the DNR investigates
complaints regarding fugitive dust and is willing to examine samples of alleged damage caused by coal dust.


● Emissions from power plants have far-reaching effects and are a potential source of long-range air pollution.

● The Large Combustion Plants Directive 2001/80/EC (often known as the “LCPD”) and the Industrial
87 Other Impacts of Power Plants
Emissions Directive 2010/75/EU were both enacted by the European Union with the intention of lowering
the impact that these pollutants have across the continent.

● The construction of a new power plant may open up prospects for the community’s long-term economic
growth. The production of steam may open up prospects for neighboring facilities, as these facilities may
be able to utilize the steam to perform industrial work or generate heat.

● A community can receive assistance in directing a power plant developer to a site that will provide the
greatest benefit to the community while simultaneously minimizing any negative impacts on environmental
justice or any adverse impacts on any future local development by having appropriate local zoning and a
good comprehensive land use management plan.

● The degree of risk that is posed can be maintained by constructing tall power plant structures in areas
that are not in the way of runway alignments and aircraft approach pathways, in which planes descend in
altitude and make turns in order to get closer to the runway in a secure manner, height as well as velocity.

● Attempts may be made to lower the heights of structures, bury transmission lines, install lights and other
fixtures, or mount gadgets designed to attract attention at the proper heights on the structures if they need
to be positioned closer.

● Typically operating at rates that range from tens of thousands to hundreds of millions of liters per hour,
cooling towers release warm, humid air into the surrounding environment.

● The sight of rime ice can be pleasing to the eye, but fog and ice on the highways can create dangerous
driving conditions.

● The lack of speed controls in the plant’s fans can result in “tonal” noise, which refers to sounds that are
centered on a specific frequency range.

● Humans are affected more by tonal noise than they are by other noises, particularly at lower overall noise
levels; hence, special suppressor devices may be required.

● Noise is produced by combustion turbine plants due to the functioning of the turbines and the air handling
facilities. Diesel fuel is sometimes used as a backup fuel in natural gas-fired facilities. The vehicles that
supply the diesel fuel would contribute to the noise levels in the area.

● Operations during nighttime construction could be restricted to those that are reasonably quiet, such as
labor inside.

● Local towns frequently enact ordinances that limit excessively loud and obnoxious noise. The presence of
intervening terrain features such as trees can either completely block or attenuate sounds.

● Dust carried away from an industrial or construction site or farm area by the wind is known as fugitive dust.
The dust can become an annoyance in neighboring neighborhoods, an irritation to the skin and lungs, or an
obstruction to vision on neighboring streets.

● There are further approaches that can be taken to reduce the amount of fugitive dust produced by power
plants. It is common practice to employ bulldozers to compact fuel piles and then apply a chemical
surfactant to build a hard crust on the surface of the fuel piles so that they are resistant to wind.

88 Other Impacts of Power Plants

● The rules for obtaining an air permit are what the DNR uses to restrict fugitive dust. Additionally, the DNR
investigates complaints regarding fugitive dust and is willing to examine samples of alleged damage
caused by coal dust.

89 Other Impacts of Power Plants

Unit 14

Local Economic
Impacts of Power Plants
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
It is possible for a new power plant to deliver economic
able to understand:
benefits to the surrounding community, particularly during
● Community services
the construction phase, by creating new employment and
● Revenue sharing businesses in the area. The increase in both permanent
● Solid waste management and temporary jobs would lead to an increase in the
amount of money spent within the community.
● Traffic safety

● Electric transmission or
distribution changes

Figure No 14.1: Nuclear Community

The developer of the power plant could make numerous

purchases of various goods and services in the
surrounding area. It is possible that new dwellings will be
developed for power plant workers who stay permanently.
The new revenue generated by local companies would
cause an increase in the amount of money circulated
throughout the community.

90 Local Economic Impacts of Power Plants

A potential additional economic gain could result Revenue Sharing
from the sale of by-products produced by power
plants. If the correct procedures are followed, the In a system of shared revenue, local governments
by-products of coal combustion, such as sulfur and and counties that host power plants are eligible to
ash compounds, could be standardized, packaged, receive payments. Municipalities, towns, villages,
and sold to produce fertilizer or local paving and counties that have been recently impacted
materials. In addition to being utilized to turn the receive an annual payment depending on the plant’s
turbines, the steam from a “cogeneration” power production and power generation capabilities.
plant can be sold to a nearby company that would
use it for heating or industrial processes like paper These yearly payments start the year after the plant
production or vegetable packaging. If a new power becomes eligible for taxation and are intended
plant can also act as a new or better steam source to compensate the municipality or county for the
for a local industry, it is possible for that industry to possibility of incurring additional costs for providing
become more energy efficient and lower the space for a power plant.

amount of air pollution it emits. The Solid Waste Management

local community may receive some
indirect financial benefits as a The type of power plant and the
result of that industry becoming fuel it burns both influence the
more successful. amount and composition of the
waste it produces. Examples
Community Services of waste products generated
by power plants include sludge,
A projected power plant may ash, and office trash. Waste from
require the provision of services by the office can be produced by any
the surrounding towns, which could type of plant and can often be recycled
drive up the costs incurred by the local in the immediate area.
government. Examples of services that may be
provided by the community include water treatment, Contractors frequently remove sludge-based
water supplies, fire protection, emergency medical wastes from other industrial processes, such as
response, security and policing, and snow shoveling. water purification, off the property. Any facility that
generates steam to power turbines will be required
An increase in the number of school-aged kids to to have water purification and other water treatment
serve, more people using local libraries or other systems in place.
community services, or costs for new roads,
improvements to existing roads, sewage or water The developer of the power plant may have
expansions, and greater trash collection are some specific site-specific opportunities to reduce the
examples of indirect costs for a community. amount and concentration of liquid or solid wastes
produced, as well as options to recycle or reuse
those wastes. These opportunities could exist.

91 Local Economic Impacts of Power Plants

Potential customers for the trash include local Sometimes the installation of temporary traffic
businesses or businesses willing to relocate close limits or alterations to the roads is necessary due
by due to the profitability of the quantity of raw to the delivery of exceptionally heavy and large
materials the power plant would produce. The equipment on specialized semi-trailer vehicles with
power plant would produce these basic materials. multiple axles. These rigs are necessary for the
One example is a maker of wallboard that uses production of large wind turbines and blades, as
gypsum, a by-product of sulfur emissions control at well as for the production of larger components for
coal-fired power plants. Gypsum is produced when coal-, biomass-, or natural gas-fired power plants.
these Some components may be shipped via rail.

plants remove sulfur from the air. A coal-fired plant In addition, automobile traffic in the vicinity of
needs a landfill site to meet the criteria of the DNR affected railroad crossings may experience delays
for ash disposal. or rerouting issues. It is anticipated that the volume
of traffic will decrease after the facility has been
Some facilities may have landfills on their premises, built and put into operation.
while other plants would require the
services of an off-site dump. The There is still the possibility of
location of the landfill may have problems arising from the routine
additional effects, such as and frequent delivery of fuel and
constraints on land use and their supplies by train or truck, as well
consequences, implications as from trucks transporting ash
on storm-water discharges, and other pollutants away from
leachate control, and the ability the plant.
to protect groundwater and
surface water. When coal is brought by rail, it is
unloaded by car, and sometimes the
If the landfill site is planned to be situated coal cars need to be disconnected and
some distance away from the plant, trucking routes then put back together again. If all of this operation
and dust control systems may need to be modified cannot take place on the power plant site, there may
to prevent negative effects during hauling. be disruptions to the flow of local traffic caused by
the blocking of train crossings while coal is being
Traffic Safety delivered.

The construction of a power plant may result in Electric Transmission or Distribution

an increase in the number of workers and truck Changes
deliveries commuting in and around the area. The
rise in traffic could lead to an increase in both the There is a possibility that modifications to the local
severity and frequency of congestion and accidents electric distribution system may be required, which
on the roads. may result in additional inconvenient or costly
effects for the local distribution utilities. If the

92 Local Economic Impacts of Power Plants

transmission utility and distribution utility are not the same business, they will typically come to a fair cost-
sharing arrangement for distribution upgrades.

Wind farms and other landscape-scale power plants, including solar farms and hydroelectric dams, are
built with very large components utilizing massive cranes. There may be brief interruptions in the electric
distribution or a rerouting of the local power supply while the distribution lines are being shut down to allow
a large crane to move between turbine locations. There is also the possibility of circumstances in which
local distribution lines may need to be shut down to make room for the delivery of major components to the
location of a fossil fuel power plant.


● It is possible for a new power plant to deliver economic benefits to the surrounding community, particularly
during the construction phase, by creating new employment and businesses in the area.

● The increase in both temporary and permanent jobs would lead to an increase in the amount of money
spent within the community.

● A potential additional economic gain could result from the sale of by-products produced by power plants.

● If the correct procedures are followed, the by-products of coal combustion, such as ash and sulfur
compounds, could be standardized and sold to offer local paving materials, wallboard ingredients, or

● The provision of water supplies, water treatment, fire protection, security and policing, emergency medical
response, and snow shoveling are all examples of services that may be provided by the community.

● The type of power plant and the fuel it burns both influence the amount and composition of the waste it

● Sludge, ash, and office trash are all examples of waste products generated by power plants. Wastes from
the office could be produced by any type of plant and can frequently be recycled in the immediate area.

● Local industries or industries willing to locate nearby due to the profitability of the volume of raw materials
that the power plant would create could be potential users of the wastes. These raw materials would be
created by the power plant.

● Additional storm-water controls would have to be installed if there is a plan to site the landfill on the
property of the power station. This would be necessary to prevent the contamination of ground or surface
water bodies.

● The construction of a power plant may result in an increase in the number of workers and truck deliveries
that commute in and around the area. The rise in traffic could lead to an increase in both the severity and
frequency of congestion and accidents on the roads.

● When coal is brought by rail, it is unloaded by car, and sometimes the coal cars need to be disconnected
and then put back together again.

93 Local Economic Impacts of Power Plants

● In the event that all of this operation cannot take place on the power plant site, there may be disruptions to
the flow of local traffic caused by the blocking of train crossings while coal is being delivered.

● Wind farms and other landscape-scale power plants, including solar farms and hydroelectric dams, are
built with very large components utilizing massive cranes.

● During the time when the distribution lines are being shut down to allow a large crane to travel between
turbine sites, there may be brief interruptions in the local electric distribution or a rerouting of the local
power supply.

94 Local Economic Impacts of Power Plants

Unit 15

Utility Ratepayer Impacts

of Power Plants
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
The ratepayer impact measure test is a measurement that
able to understand:
determines how changes in utility income and operational
● Electric supply reliability
costs caused by the program will affect customer bills or
● Rate impacts rates.

There will be a decrease in rates if the change in program

revenues is greater than the change in utility costs. On the
other hand, rates or bills will go up if the utility’s revenues
following the implementation of the program are less than
the sum of the expenses the utility expended throughout
the implementation process.

This test reveals both the direction and magnitude of the

anticipated change in the monthly bills of customers as
well as the rate levels.

Figure No 15.1: Pros and Cons

95 Utility Ratepayer Impacts of Power Plants

Electric Supply Reliability

To connect a new power plant to the existing electrical transmission system, the existing transmission
facilities may need to be upgraded or replaced, or an entirely new transmission line or substation may need
to be built.

These changes might lead to new land-use limitations being imposed on certain properties and rights-of-way
in specific locations. Further modifications on various transmission lines or substations may be required to
ensure the new power source works in harmony with the rest of the transmission system.

The pamphlet titled “Environmental Impacts of Transmission Lines,” published by the PSC, explores potential
environmental and social concerns regarding the installation of electric transmission lines.

Rate Impacts

If a public utility decides to build a power plant, the cost of finding a suitable location for it and constructing
it will likely be taken into account when determining the rates that consumers are charged for their electricity.
The estimated cost of the plant is examined to determine its ability to sustain cost-competitiveness within
the industry and its short- and long-term implications on customer rates. In general, locations for power
plants that require fewer resources to construct or yield a lower cost of electrical power delivered are more
desired. If a corporation that is not a utility intends to establish a power plant, the Commission may not
take into consideration other potential sources of supply, engineering considerations, or economic reasons
associated with the company.

Figure No 15.2: Rate Impacts

96 Utility Ratepayer Impacts of Power Plants

These types of plants are referred to as “merchant” plants. In such cases, the rates charged in power purchase
agreements can reflect the investment made by the corporation to construct the plant.

The fees paid by the receiving distribution utility as part of its power purchase agreement are expected to be
passed on to the utility’s customers.


● The ratepayer impact measure test determines how changes in utility revenues and operational costs
caused by the program affect customer bills or rates.

● Connecting a new power plant to the existing electrical transmission system may require upgrading or
replacing existing transmission facilities or building entirely new ones.

● If a public utility constructs a power plant, the cost of finding a suitable location and constructing it is
factored into customer rates.

● The estimated cost of the plant is analyzed to determine its short- and long-term effects on customer rates
and its cost-competitiveness within the industry.

● Locations for power plants requiring fewer resources or yielding a lower cost of electrical power delivered
are preferred.

● The Commission may not consider other factors associated with a non-utility corporation when establishing
a power plant.

● “Merchant” plants reflect the investment made by corporations and can affect the rates in power purchase

● The fees in power purchase agreements are passed on to the receiving distribution utility’s customers.

97 Utility Ratepayer Impacts of Power Plants

Unit 16

Power Generation and

Human Health
Learning Objectives Introduction
By the end of this unit, you will be
The generation of electricity through the use of renewable
able to understand:
sources can help nations move closer to sustainable
● Carbon dioxide
development. This can be accomplished through a more
● Gasification efficient utilization of renewable resources, with the goals
● Combined heat and power of solving socioeconomic challenges and ensuring the
security of clean food and energy. The current energy
● Conclusion
landscape is witnessing a significant uptick in the
proportion of newly installed power generation capacity
fueled by renewable energy sources. In recent years,
there has been a major increase in the use of renewable
energy technology for power generation, accelerated by
the installation of various facilities across the country.

One such country is India, where the development of

technology to use fuel obtained from biomass is a
prioritized policy question. India has a disproportionately
high number of villages, many of which still lack access
to any type of electricity. As a result, approximately 289
million people in India do not have access to traditional
electricity, making it imperative to consider the potential
use of energy derived from biofuels. It is of utmost
importance that any recommended system for off-
grid power generation is economically feasible and not
reliant on traditional fuels. However, given the current
state of affairs, financial considerations appear to be the
98 Power Generation and Human Health
most compelling case for exploring gasification each year for power generation, which could
technology. support approximately 25 GW of added capacity.

In many contexts, the gasification of biomass There is a potential to generate around 18,000 MW
can provide an economically viable system, of power from various types of woody biomass
provided sufficient biomass feedstock is readily and agricultural leftovers, but India currently has
and abundantly available. This is a prerequisite a total installed capacity of only 2,559 MW for
for the process. Research has been conducted on biomass-generated power. The United States has
biomass gasifier projects in India for decentralized the capacity to produce an additional 20 gigawatts
electricity supply, along with financial analysis of of electricity from biomass sources’ residues.
these plants.
The annual production of biomass across the world
Data from 2005 shows that the global average is estimated to be approximately 146 billion metric
power consumption per person is 733 units, tons, accounting for 35 percent of the main energy
whereas India has already installed 150,000 MW consumed. The Government of India has devised
of renewable energy capacity, aiming for plans to develop green areas, provide
massively dispersed power generation employment opportunities for rural
to electrify rural areas. In most residents, and steer the economy
countries, various types of biomass in a socioeconomic direction
fuels are easily accessible in by utilizing a wide variety of
large quantities. However, the policy tools and incentives.
situation regarding biomass Over the next decade, India
in India differs significantly aims to increase employment
from that in more developed by 10 million people, with the
countries. Agriculture continues to biomass gasification sector alone
play a significant role in India’s overall projected to offer 900,000 employment
economy, resulting in a large supply of opportunities by 2025. This includes
agricultural residue in the country. approximately 300,000 jobs in the manufacturing
sector and 600,000 jobs in the operational and fuel
The total biomass reserve for the 2010-11 fiscal supply sectors combined, essential for achieving
year is anticipated to be somewhat higher than 700 India’s aspiration of sustainable development.
million tons, with a possibility of reaching 1,127
million tons by the 2024-25 fiscal year. Currently, Carbon Dioxide
biomass contributes to 32 percent of all the primary
energy used in India. The production of electricity, which is almost
entirely dependent on fossil fuels, is responsible for
Approximately 565 million tons of biomass approximately one-quarter of the total emissions of
resources are estimated to be available in India carbon dioxide (CO2), the gas primarily responsible
annually, considering both agricultural residues for global warming.
and forest residues. An additional 189 million tons
of surplus biomass resources are made accessible
99 Power Generation and Human Health
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides the most in-depth analysis and up-to-date
data on the origins of CO2 and its effects in relation to the progression of global warming.

The full implications and effects of increases in CO2 are not yet fully understood, although ongoing studies
by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and others aim to shed more light on this matter.
As part of the power generation life cycle, research is being conducted to explore various technologies for
carbon capture and storage, as well as other measures to reduce CO2 emissions.

When compared to other fuel sources, coal-fired power plants have a greater tendency to be the major producers
of carbon dioxide emissions. As a direct result, power producers are exploring innovative technologies such
as integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) systems that incorporate CO2 sequestration to mitigate
these emissions.

Non-fossil fuel-based technologies, when analyzed on a life cycle basis, exhibit significantly lower carbon
dioxide (CO2) emissions, and in certain cases, there are no emissions at all during the power generation
phase itself.

Figure No 16.1: Primary Energy Sources


Gasification is a two-step process that ultimately results in power generation. The first step is the actual
gasification, a type of pyrolysis, where the solid fuel is heated in an oxygen-deficient environment, preventing

The end product is a burnable gas, which leads to the next stage of the process. Combustion takes place
in a physically separate location from the gasification process. The combustion process can occur in a gas
turbine, combustion engine, or boiler.

100 Power Generation and Human Health

This technology is still under development, and Stirling engines, also known as indirectly heated
there have been numerous technical challenges gas engines, operate based on the cyclical
along the way. Essent, at its Amercentrale power compression and expansion of gas. These engines
station in the Netherlands, is currently commercially can use air, helium, or hydrogen as the working
operating a gasifier. medium. Stirling engines enable energy generation
in a closed cycle and have the advantage of being
This gasifier utilizes scrap wood as fuel, producing able to utilize heat from various sources to power
gas that is then piped into a combined heat and the system. The engine can be driven by almost any
power boiler with a capacity of 600 MWe.
heat source, provided it has a flue gas temperature
Combined Heat and Power of around one thousand degrees Celsius and low
levels of particles and ash.
Cogeneration, also known as CHP generation, is
frequently employed to enhance overall energy Stirling plants typically have electrical capacities
production efficiency. Combined heat and power ranging from 1 to 100 kW, with energy production
plants (CHPs) are projected to continue playing efficiencies falling in the range of 12% to 30%.
a key role in heat and electricity production in Another application of CHP, called Organic Ranking
the near future. Biomass energy cogeneration Cycle (ORC), utilizes biomass and has been
becomes possible when heat recovery systems successful in its deployment.
are connected to existing or newly constructed
biomass combustion or co-combustion boilers. ORC is a type of decentralized cogeneration
This allows biomass and other fuels to be burned technology that offers advanced features. The
simultaneously in the boilers. Cogeneration energy generation mode aligns well with the
systems that use biomass for heating commercial typical energy demand structure in Europe, which
or residential spaces achieve overall efficiencies consists of 75% heat and 25% electricity, providing
ranging from 70 to 90 percent, depending on the a significant advantage for this technology.
specific application. Typically, recovered heat
is utilized in Stirling engines, which generate ORC systems are widely used in Europe’s bioenergy
electricity. industry, mainly due to their effective operation at
partial loads and reduced operating expenses.

Currently, there are over 150 operational ORC

plants in Europe, with the majority built in Germany.
This is largely attributed to Germany’s energy
policies, particularly the laws promoting the use of
renewable energy sources.

A significant portion of the heat supplied to district

heating networks originates from solid biomass-
based ORC cogeneration units powered by solid

101 Power Generation and Human Health

Conclusion factors is typically the willingness of actors to bear
the costs of learning them, as well as the possibility
Generating power using combined heat and power of finding niche markets.
(CHP) is widely regarded as a method for improving
the overall efficiency of energy systems. The key Given the potential advantages, there appears to be
benefit of CHP is that it enables the production of a strong social imperative for further research and
heat and electricity with a significantly lower amount development, as well as a reduction in associated
of fuel input compared to separate generation in costs. In an environment where biomass markets
individual plants. are not well developed and the costs of transporting
biomass are high, heat generation from biomass
The combined heat and power generated from heavily relies on the readily available resources in
biomass is therefore an alternative that combines the immediate area.
effective energy technology with a climate-
neutral, renewable fuel. This chapter analyzes and This can result in the selection of technologies that
discusses several system elements of bioenergy are less efficient from the point of view of a higher-
systems, including CHP systems. level system; for example, high electrical
efficiencies might be given less weight
Gasification-based technologies, than high thermal efficiencies.
such as biomass combined heat However, it is quite likely that
and power (biomass CHP), have biomass markets will emerge,
the potential to become more and in the same manner, other
prominent in the future. The feedstock options will be
most common biomass CHP traded to a greater extent over
technology used today relies on longer distances, biomass will also
direct combustion and the steam be traded more extensively.
This pattern has already begun to emerge;
The primary advantage offered by combined for example, wood pellets are currently being
heat and power systems based on gasification shipped from Canada to European countries. This
is the prospect of higher biomass-to-electricity type of development can be further accelerated
conversion efficiency compared to conventional by innovations in pretreatment procedures such
options. According to the findings of numerous as torrefaction and pyrolysis, both of which
studies, once BIGCC technology has reached improve energy density and, consequently, reduce
its full potential, it will be a cost-competitive transportation costs.
alternative that also boasts superior environmental
performance. Large-scale biomass CHP facilities can also benefit
from improved opportunities for cost-effective
However, the technology has been hindered biomass delivery. The overall efficiency of biomass
by excessively expensive technology costs, combined heat and power plants (CHP) tends
preventing wider deployment. When it comes to increase with larger scales, while the specific
to new technologies, one of the most important investment cost tends to decrease. Conversely,
102 Power Generation and Human Health
large cogeneration power plants require a The idea of a future scenario in which biomass
significant amount of heat. resources are limited, and as a result, cannot be
used for all purposes without restrictions, raises the
One way to expand the possibilities for large-scale question of which industries and for what purposes
plants is by establishing heat connections between a finite amount of biomass should be utilized.
various district heating systems. However, the
costs associated with such expansions are often The primary options are to either use biomass for
substantial. Even though biomass can be sold on the generation of heat and power in stationary
a global scale, it is essential to recognize that if energy systems or convert biomass into liquid or
strong constraints on greenhouse gas emissions gaseous fuels for use in the transportation sector.
are implemented globally in the future, biomass will Both of these options are viable and important
be subject to limitations as a resource. alternatives.

Therefore, even though the use of biomass within a As regional and local circumstances and incentives
closed system has the potential to have no impact favor different solutions, the most likely future
on climate change, not all biomass scenario will undoubtedly involve a
applications offer the same level combination of these various
of benefits when viewed from a choices. However, it is certain that
systems perspective. Different this will be the case.
allocations of biomass
resources are linked to varying Despite this, it might be helpful
degrees of environmental and to gain an understanding of
economic effectiveness. general patterns by determining
the factors that motivate
In studies of energy systems that individuals to choose one
look into the future, this aspect should alternative over another. Although
be taken into consideration, irrespective of this finding depends on several variables,
the system level being researched (such as plant a substantial body of research suggests that
level, the global energy system, etc.). biomass is put to better use in the generation of
heat and power than as a biofuel for vehicles.
It is important to note that the findings regarding
the environmental performance of a particular The losses experienced when biomass is
application of biomass will vary greatly depending transformed into fuels that are liquid or gaseous
on whether it is assumed that the use of biomass and suitable for use in automobiles are the main
will affect other alternative uses of biomass or cause of this. On the other hand, the transportation
whether it is assumed that the increased demand sector has a very high willingness to pay for fuel,
will be met by an increased supply of biomass. and high oil prices may encourage a larger scale
Both of these hypotheses should be taken into of solid fuel to transportation fuel conversion.
consideration. However, in the future, there will be an increased

103 Power Generation and Human Health

demand for energy services as well as high ambitions regarding the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
This will put significant stress on the efficient utilization of biomass and increase the demand for high exergy
energy carriers such as electricity.

In this light, the characteristics of combined heat and power systems that use biomass in general, and
alternatives for such systems that combine high electrical efficiency with biomass in particular, appear to be


● The generation of electricity using renewable sources is crucial for sustainable development, aiming to
achieve clean food and energy security while addressing socioeconomic issues.

● Off-grid power generation systems should be economically feasible and not rely on traditional fuels.

● Access to various biomass fuels is abundant in most countries, although the situation differs in India
compared to more developed nations.

● Global biomass production is estimated to be around 146 billion metric tons annually, accounting for 35
percent of the consumed primary energy.

● Electricity production, heavily reliant on fossil fuels, contributes significantly to carbon dioxide (CO2)
emissions and global warming.

● Non-fossil fuel-based technologies show lower CO2 emissions and even emission-free power generation
during their life cycle analysis.

● Gasification, a two-step process involving pyrolysis, is used for power generation.

● Combined heat and power (CHP), also known as cogeneration, improves overall energy system efficiency
by producing heat and electricity simultaneously with less fuel input.

● Stirling engines, indirectly heated gas engines, utilize cyclical compression and expansion of gases (such
as air, helium, or hydrogen) as the working medium.

● Research, development, and cost reduction are crucial for exploiting the potential advantages of CHP and
biomass utilization.

● Availability of biomass resources in the immediate area plays a significant role in heat generation from
biomass, especially in underdeveloped biomass markets with high transportation costs.

● Large-scale biomass CHP facilities benefit from cost-effective biomass delivery.

● The environmental performance of biomass applications varies depending on assumptions about the
impact on alternative biomass uses and the supply-demand balance.

● Future scenarios will likely involve a combination of different biomass utilization options, influenced by
local and regional circumstances and incentives.

104 Power Generation and Human Health

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