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Performance Task no. 4


Once upon a time, in a village, there was a talented

artist named Jaydee. He was known for his intricate drawings
that could fascinate anyone who laid their eyes on them. One
day, while Jaydee was wandering through the forest, he
stumbled upon an old and mysterious pencil. As soon as he
picked up the mysterious pencil, he felt an unusual energy,
coursing through his veins. When he reached his studio, he
immediately began to draw. With the pencil in his hand, he
felt like he was in a magical world, and the world was his
canvas. His drawings were no longer just a drawing, they
were living things. A stroke of his pencil would bring a
scene to life, making it real with a vibrant colors and
wonderful details. The pencil was like a wand, and Jaydee
felt like a wizard, casting spells with each stroke. His
drawings were so realistic, It felt like you could just walk
into them. The magical pencil had transformed Jaydee, and
his art was never the same again. Jaydee’s art become his
reality and reality become his art.

But as the time passed, Jaydee was trapped on his own

pencil, unable to paint anything but the same scene over and
over again. He was a bird with a broken wings that could not
fly, a tree struck by lightning that could not grow. His
mind was stormy sea, unable to find calm waters. He felt
like a puppet controlled by his own realistic vision, unable
to break free and create something new because of the
magical pencil. As the time went on, Jaydee began to

recognize that the magic of a pencil was not what made his
art great. It was his own creativity and imaginations that
brought his drawings to life. The pencil was a simple tool,
even though a unique one, but it was his own talent that
truly made his art special.

From that moment, Jaydee put down the magical pencil

and picked up ordinary ones, And it made him free, realizing
that he did not need a special tool to create beauty, but
only passion and talent. His art continued to thrive, and he
became known as one of the greatest artist of his time.


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