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MECE 411: Heat & Mass Transfer

Tutorial Sheet 5: Radiation Heat Transfer

1. Consider a hemispherical furnace of diameter D = 5 m with a flat base. The dome of

the furnace is black, and the base has an emissivity of 0.7. The base and the dome of
the furnace are maintained at uniform temperatures of 400 and 1000 K,
respectively. Determine the net rate of radiation heat transfer from the dome to the
base surface during steady operation. Answer: 759 kW

2. Two very long concentric cylinders of diameters D1 = 0.35 m and D2 = 0.5 m are
maintained at uniform temperatures of T1 = 950 K and T2 = 500 K and have

emissivities = 1 and = 0.55, respectively. Determine the net rate of radiation

heat transfer between the two cylinders per unit length of the cylinders. Answer:
29.81 kW

3. Consider two rectangular surfaces

perpendicular to each other with a
common edge which is 1.6 m long. The
horizontal surface is 0.8 m wide and the
vertical surface is 1.2 m high. The
horizontal surface has an emissivity of
0.75 and is maintained at 400K. The
vertical surface is black and is maintained at 550 K. The back sides of the surfaces are
insulated. The surrounding surfaces are at 290 K, and can be considered to have an
emissivity of 0.85. Determine the net rate of radiation heat transfers between the
two surfaces, and between the horizontal surface and the surroundings.
Answer: 1245 W, 725

4. Consider a long semi-cylindrical duct of diameter 1.0 m. Heat is supplied from the
base surface, which is black, at a rate of 1200 W/m2, while the side surface with an
emissivity of 0.4 are is maintained at 650 K. Neglecting the end effects, determine
the temperature of the base surface. Answer: 684.8 K
5. A thin aluminum sheet with on both sides is placed between two very
large parallel plates, which are maintained at uniform temperatures T1 = 900 K and

T2 = 650 K and have emissivities = 0.51 and = 0.80, respectively. Determine the
net rate of radiation heat transfer between the two plates per unit surface area of
the plates and compare the result with that without the shield. Answer: 1857 W/m2,
12,035 W/m2.

6. A furnace is shaped like a long equilateral triangular

duct, as shown in Figuge. The width of each side is 1
m. The base surface has an emissivity of 0.7 and is
maintained at a uniform temperature of 600 K. The
heated left-side surface closely approximates a
blackbody at 1000 K. The right-side surface is well
insulated. Determine the rate at which heat must be
supplied to the heated side externally per unit length of the duct in order to
maintain these operating conditions. Answer: 28.0 kW

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