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The Oscillating Universe Theory

The Oscillating-Universe Theory, on the other hand, contends that the universe
experiences cycles of expansion and contraction. All the matter in the cosmos would eventually
get hotter and brighter, crash together in a phenomenon known as the "Big Crunch," and then a
new Big Bang would take place, creating a new universe. In Oscillating Universe Theory
discusses that the universe is expanding and will contract once all the energy after the Big Bang
is used up. The collapsing of the universe will lead to the formation of a new universe.
The Oscillating Universe Theory states that the universe undergoes periods of
expansion and contraction. Eventually, all the matter in the universe would get hotter and
brighter and eventually collapse together in an event called the “Big Crunch,” then a new Big
Bang would occur resulting in a new universe. According to supporters of this theory, our
universe is now in a period of expansion. This Theory was proposed in the 1920’s as a response
to the prevailing model of an ever-expanding universe. The big bang theory implies that the
universe may end someday. From this implication, the oscillating theory proposed that the
universe currently exists between the big bang and the big crunch, one of the predicted ends of
the universe.
The theory also believes that the current universe is just one of the many series of
universe created by a cycle of big bangs and big crunch. The Oscillating Universe Theory has
been proposed by theoretical physicists to explain the structure of the universe. According to this
hypothesis, this universe is just the most recent of a series that has been continuously produced
and destroyed. The Oscillating Universe Theory suggests that once the universe reverses and
attains the point of singularity, another universe will be born. This is referred to as the Big
Bounce. Tolman theorized that the universe may be first in the cycle and could be a result of a
previous Big Bounce event. Oscillating Universe theory Variant of the ‘Big Bang’ theory in
which it is suggested that the universe passes through successive cycles of expansion and
contraction (or collapse).

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