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Hbtovca baceagund ok Adminiotahive

Acoddng to DieuyJn England

u e endo no4tbig o admnitrahve
and wo h to ena notbing abaut t

dde hau duua ard to i+ ou

Mai Hand othuu oed of hu u'ew haF

Adminioahve dih ouhsn hod aluody moda
herwau unto
Adminiohbahve juwtia
DicLu hangd hiu uieo laten 2 oadd
Porlbiamunt had onkuvud uast- udiud
autheu ty en admBnrn raHve bodues anol
hang, thu wa Adminutative Jaw-o a i g

Expla thu Funch "Droit Admiibtahtt

CAdminotahve daud) and ormpau + th
Pula ot da Jn Engard

Johodu chon to th otudy s thu lao sh Hu

ConbthtuHon I n hù book hu acu
h Oad Ad mnu thalive aw bicsmu Inoianifany
Sao corth d oi
shun we oropau Pul o
Adminin bart.
Aportrom ha duweloprmont
LOrd Hewest's booE Ne dus pothom
esbestd thu dargoU a6 dlkgatd Jugiolahion
and one Hu bütioh 6ut to abpotrt th
Donogh mgu CommiHtre shrch ougqe
t o hetoo detu a oeluc Commi++e on
Atatutory Jnsbumuta
Commi+tee poblbhed iu >uporF n 1932

Statutay Jnshurnunt Ad, 1946 1gwe

GOLOn Pr0cddrgs Act, 1944 dndiviua
+hi otbl taun
betteu 1otrokon agaunut
h Exeeuui ve

A b o ecuhve Pawen toa thu ovt

+o appointanO CommiHee o aSS

on t h o b a i o
mburdl &ngsnes Adt" Jan

in 19S8

dual wtth tha protudwd to b falUswed u

traHve body an aqNuy
eu ey aad minu
0.S A
haugh thu augin o Ad mnintative Jau
>Can ba oud baoak n 1+839
oti ih H pauning o4 Commuia Ac oh 189-
+hat touk a dalinite ohabo
Authovatahve itings i'Ke onto Comporative
Admiootaive law t 1911) et

A opial Com mittee appornted un 933

ibant ob Roocoe Paund.C1a33).
Atany Gentalu mmittce PapartCIa39)
Paiwe thu d f a n thu enadroun6
Adminntative Pvo cadiss A ,19t16

Pulo and proudurus pauidid u t h Ac

ohould fouauably fallew ed oy al adnin1htadiv
CaQunoe) 2 bodu es
thu a c of agenie w'
6 guashud
sthurw ioe
tlotoru of Ring 2 adminibtatard Tollawo
phurna shich ua may Carmpuhoraive thun,
ula o Jaw
Puuung hu puUOd Eot
hdia lom pany
and ateBn'tbh ruqm
toeu madu to rnany Acb,
Jneua Gauennrnuntal
Madu oytem otaudid with otage
A,1866-undan aouag
ueun u oitated o asuantig

alawing Oeruey o enaokrnunt to enlarg

ha Pauoe aEcuAve authoties
Bom bay fart tuut At l8q
The opum At C1878)
Th Eb1aiue Ac (18 84
Thu Aun A (18 +0)
Cam pane Act t19sO) eke,
S r a b udiual Con bol dtovtted wi+h
h establto hmun c duprumu (aut &b
Calcuudta, Bembay Madras
a y eraotmunt un
feld o hiah, labaun,
Pubuc oaery e woU Madu n
tq 4 hun Jndia b comu Jodupardu
Modoun 0ysfe
Modsun oystem otated wth enoctrmunt
ConHtuHioh ok Jndua
Estoblohmunt oh &upum Cout at Neuw Delbi
philoooph e
Hh ConHtuowelhava ptate dnuinagad J
UUattd nu duman t6n
eh 98w th Jn thu
Sod'a economic 2 pauH cas feds
Ant 3 hi wnt biþ 2 Contral o marerua
T UT c tha odey ohauld
rnotb 00
diotiburd as bu+ to
0ub-ovwe h Common
ood ehu Commu nity 2 cconomic
ahouud not zuul t ncunrotan eh dibtibution
J t h hard oh fe Indd wealth
tbi carn aoicchve e elharo DBate
fan h
NaD Admin radive Andes hawe boun ada
nd nunbun of Adminiotrahve tibunals have
bun ltab Ihud
Prawran ov mady un gntHtution U}A 322226s
ernpawung C 2 Hc n ndia to Joou Wont,
a- Conuhtuhona rumudses

thù tehve Pau o audicad anral o

Adminibhd Hve a o n n ndor
enubto PIL mw
Lekbalb?n,2812 Camu
Paluamnt duinus lokpal
+huu ohal biesta6ubhud, tov hu pUpa
emap Jngu vies s-usbid-o omplaui
madu undu thp Ad
an JosHtuHon to b Calud th tekpad.

sbesi ve d otated huy

to pautd fan thi estabubhment ef thu hu4tu-
en Lsbpal o Jnguuu toto dilugaions
Ca b Hsn ag aunst u t n pubue
Conneded thuuwith an nwduntal
for a ey
otais Jd Induo, LoRayukta JnstHthot
eeehvely& efFicdenty opUaH
eftreru sho

90e to all thax

dochagrg they funchiaru,
sench 0yotem 4

DrortAd minbraiff
) runh admnu traive Jao had' ooma dffo
fcau fom Engih Puls of Jau, a was
gen bDrc
DcL Jobodu chion to thi otudy ethu (onsfituhon
n 1885
hod foud on tuo peoul autes
OThu Govt'o opeaaahto ond
cLgauu t+ th Jndividual sughtpv' vrlcg es
undan ocbaration oh paweu, +had kp
hu Gouenn munt
etruad fru from thu
uodicHen tHu
Weght us
d0un o admibibrabn
Puls oh proAdiusdfalaued by Cowt we
not alewed ay t»bunals
D r c OaJd, hud a s no protechion to
Od nay UU,n undh otem

( Coun seil d 'etat

Thd b lsuundl oh o t a
jaurdid by Napalan ad 1799
Jt J Suprumu Adminh traive o ob
J 4 ha tutrto ouberd nates adminitaive
CaLrt Calud Counsec de per froturd
CCaunb ob psuects
th g adud coatay and (onulahve
Com peien

h a j ex rcuve u a as
presidirq affi
huy haue oested by Compehh ve exarminatior
aun duO quen
ofscsal tasoing
+ducd ib uwubdichHon baud on docnnes
d l o an aduoen to thu Gout
h d) dwelopid a opint o ndapandand
h a boud e n to exceul-e b udaunnt
Acc.+o Parm o19o0 an agg-v ewed dt n
eho iccw ves no > a l som qao , moy go

into appia+to Canse) d'ekaf

JurundUon dinputr b/w dhan ptab
mathen o duartoun
dmd pî'nay appoiotmunt 4
achsn e qovt
Abbia No aPP1a om hghut C9un sel

b þ0o id uBu
Ave mu»aunual de tat
A C u n t o potrck h ei naht

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