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This week you will be able to apply the different uses shown in

the unit 2 and also apply the vocabulary.

Write 10 sentences about yourself using pharasal verbs in the

vocabulary unit

1. He comes across as a serious individual, always composed and thoughtful.

2. His honesty is evident in every interaction; he never hesitates to speak the truth.

3. He is known for his kindness and is always ready to lend a helping hand.

4. Whenever someone is in need, he steps up and offers his assistance without


5. Despite his kindness, he can be quite proud and reluctant to ask for help himself.

6. He takes pride in his work and always strives for excellence.

7. When facing challenges, he holds on to his principles and never compromises on

his values.

8. People look up to him as a role model due to his integrity and strong moral


9. His reserved nature adds to his serious demeanor, but it doesn't stop him from

being friendly and approachable.

10. He finds joy in helping others and believes that small acts of kindness can make a

significant difference.
Look at the situations pictures and make sentences about what

would you du adn wouldn`t do

If I found a wallet on the Street, try to find the owner

If I found a wallet on the Street, spend the money

If I accidentally a parked car with mi car, wait for the owner to return

If I accidentally a parked car with mi car, drive away

If I was invited to a costume party, make an excuse and not go

If I was invited to a costume party, wear a silly hat

Write a paragraph about what you would do if you won a

completion to go anywhere in the world

If a person won a grant to travel anywhere in the world, their excitement would be
palpable. First, they would meticulously plan out their trip, researching information on the
most exotic and thrilling destinations. After packing their bags, they would embark on an
adventure full of discoveries and new experiences. During their journey, they would
immerse themselves in different cultures, making new friends and learning about local
traditions. They would also face challenges and push themselves beyond their limits while
adapting to unfamiliar environments. Encountering breathtaking places, they would
capture memories in photographs and dive into the natural beauty the world has to offer.
By the end of the trip, they would return home with a heart filled with gratitude and a
mind enriched by the experiences lived. This journey would completely change them,
turning them into a more open, understanding, and brave individual, willing to face any
challenge life throws their way with a smile on their face and the desire to explore even
more of the world around them.

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