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Subject Taught: Philippine Politics and Governance Grade Level: 11

Date: 05/19/2022 Strand: GAS
Time: 3:00 – 4:00 PM Section: A
Content Standard: Demonstrate an understanding of elections and political and civil society and social
Performance Standard: Analyze the interactions between state and society.

I. Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learners will be able to:
1. Determine the nature of election and political party in the Philippines.
2. Demonstrate the relevance of election in our society.
3. State importance of election.

II. Subject Matter:


References: Philippine Politics and Governance 2020, ADM Modules Department of Education
Materials: Manila paper, pentel pen and printed modules
Visual Aids: Power Point Presentation

III. Procedure:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Greetings, prayer, checking of attendance, classroom rules.

“Good Afternoon Class.” “Good Afternoon Ma’am”

“Please stand for a prayer.”
“Thank you, you may now take your seats.” (The students stand for a prayer)
“Miss secretary, may I know who is absent today?” “None Ma’am.”
“Okay, very good.”
“How are you today class?” “We’re fine Ma’am.”
“Before anything else, I would like to present to you
1. Do not remove your facemask when you are inside the
2. Maintain 1meter physical distancing.
3. Observe cleanliness inside the classroom.
4. Avoid borrowing and lending your personal things like
ballpen or pencil to your classmate or friends.
5. Listen attentively to your teacher.
6. Raise your right hand when you are going to say
7. Be respectful to everyone at all times.
8. Follow all the instruction in all learning activity.

“Do you have any additional rules do you want to add? “None Ma’am.”
Or any questions about our house rules?
1. Review

“Yesterday we discussed the three (3) branches of the

government.” “The three branches of the government are
“What are the three branches of the government?” Executive branch, Legislative branch, and Judiciary

“Very good.”
“What are the compositions and functions of each “The Executive branch composes of president and
branch?” vice-president, they enforce law. The Legislative
branch composes of the senates and the
representatives, they make laws. And the judicial
branch composes of supreme court headed by the
chief justice, they interpret laws.
“Remember class that every branch of the government has
its own roles and functions. The Executive and Legislative
branch are elected by the people, while the judicial branch
is appointed by the President of the Philippines with the
Commission on Appointment. I hope that everybody “Yes, Ma’am.”
understands our previous lesson.”

2. Motivation:
“Class, before we proceed to our new topic, I would like
you to watch and listen to a music video that I’m going to
show you. If in case you know the song, I would like you to
sing it with me. Later, I’m going to ask some questions
regarding the idea you get from the song.” (Students attentively listen to the song)
(A music is played)
Music by: Louie Ocampo
Lyrics: Joey Ayala
“The message of the song tells us that during
“Okay class, what do you think is the message of the song?” election time there are a lot of candidates with
different platform, so we the Filipino people think
wisely who are we going to vote, that at the end of
the day we, the Filipino people will win.”
“Very well said.”
“Now class, what is the implication of the song to you as a “This implies that in every election our vote as a
Filipino citizen?” Filipino citizen determines our future and the future
of our country.”

“Does everyone of us who are qualified to vote have the “Yes, those who are qualified to vote have the right
right to exercise our right to vote? Why or why not?” to vote, we have to exercise our right, because the
future of our nation is in our hand, we have to vote
wisely to those political candidates who will be our
country’s leaders.””

“Brilliant idea. Because today we our going to discuss the

election and political parties in the Philippines.”

“Before we go on with our lesson, I would like you to know
our learning objective today. Today our lesson will focus
1. Determining the nature of election and political party in
the Philippines.
2. Demonstrating the relevance of election in our society.
3. Stating the importance of election.

“A while ago, I presented to you the song titled Sana

Naman Taumbayan by Louie Ocampo, wherein, the
message of the song addresses to the Filipino people who
will vote for our leaders in our nation, that voting wisely is
important because our future and the future also of our
country will depend on us. That this also tell us at the end
of the day, we, the Filipino people will win during election
in choosing our leaders.” “Suffrage is the right and obligation to vote.”

“We are talking about voting. What is the meaning of “Election It is the means by which the people
suffrage? choose their officials for definite and fixed periods
and to whom they entrust, for the time being as
“Very good.” their representatives, the exercise of powers of
“What is the meaning of the word election? government.”

“The rules governing election in the Philippines are

as follows:
“Excellent.” ●The supervision of the elections in the Philippines
“What are the rules governing election in the Philippines?” is under the charge of the Commission on election
●In the process of supervising the conducts of
elections, the COMELEC is guided by the rules
governing elections as stated in the provisions of
Republic Act. No. 7166.
●Elections on Campaign period – campaign for
President, Vice President and Senators is 90 days
before the election and 45 days before the day of
election for members of House of Representatives.
●Filing od Certificate of candidacy – the certificate
of an individual running for national and local
elections is required to be filed at the office of the
COMELEC not later than the day prior to the
beginning of the campaign period.
●Precincts and Polling Places – every barangay is
required to have at least one lection precinct, with
each precinct having not more than 300 voters.
●Registration of voters – it is held on the 5 th
Saturday prior to the day of election for those who
are to reach 18 years of age or before the day of
election and for those qualified to cast their vote
but not included in the list of voters.

“He or she must be:

“Very good.” 1. A citizen (male/female) of the Philippines.
“Now, what are the qualification of voters that might 2. Not otherwise disqualified by the law.
exercise the right of suffrage?” 3. At least eighteen (18) years of age, and
4. Have resided in the Philippines for at least one (1)
year and in the place where he/she proposes to
vote for at least six (6) months preceding the

“Awesome.” “A person who are disqualified to vote is;

‘If there is a qualification on voter, who are disqualified to 1. Any person found to be not normal mental
vote according to the law?” condition.
2. Who has been found guilty of committing a crime
involving disloyalty to the state (rebellion and
treason), except after 5 years from completion of
his sentence.
3. Any person who has been sentenced for prison
term of not less than one year, except after 5 years
from completion of his sentence.”

“The type of election are:

“Very well said.” 1. General election-held for the purpose of electing
“Now, what are the types of election?” national and local officials simultaneously.
2. National election-conducted to elect the
President, Vice President, and senators.
3. Local Election-held for the purpose of selecting
officials in the Region, provinces, cities, and
4. Special election-held on a date different from
that of regular election.”

“A political party is defined as an organized and

“Very good.” presumably durable association, either of
“What is the meaning of political party?” individuals or of distinguishable groups of
individuals, which endeavors to place its members
in governmental offices for the purpose og bringing
about the adoption of favored political policies or

“The major types of political party system are:

“Excellent.” 1. One party system- An open system of the one-
What are the major types of political party system?” part variety exists in those jurisdictions in which a
particular party is so much stronger than any of its
nominal competitors that it almost invariably
successful in winning control of the government.
2. Bi or two-party system- The earmaker of two-
party system is their existence of two major parties
which are so strongly supported that one on the
other ordinarily emerges as the victor in elections
and consequently gains mastery of the government.
3. Multiparty system- are featured by the presence
of a fairly large number of parties with compete
with one another on relatively equal term.”

“Brilliant answers.”
“In Vatican City, when a pope dies or resigns, the
governance of the catholic church passes to the cardinals.
cardinals are bishops and Vatican officials from all over the
world, personally chosen by the pope, recognizable by their
distinctive red vestments. Their primary responsibility is to
elect a new pope. It is said that not only in the fields of
politics the election is present, it also presents in the
religious field or sectors where in they have also conducted
an election when the religious leaders ended his term.”
1. Registration of voters

“Now, we are going to have an activity.”

Tier 1: (PICTOpinion)
You are going to arrange the picture according to the 2. Filing of candidacy
sequence of event before and after election day.

Tier 2:(Mind Mapping)

You are going to make a mind map regarding the concept 3.Campaign period
of election and political party in the Philippines.

Tier 3: (Make Sense)

You are going to answer the following questions and 4. Election day
discuss in 1 – 2 paragraphs in front of the class.
1. Cite an example of a political party in our municipality of
Silvino Lubos, and discuss how their platform influence
their actions and advocacies?

2.What do you think is the best political party that can be 5. Proclamation of winning candidate
applied in Silvino Lubos? And why?

RUBRICS FOR – Pictopinion, Concept Mapping, and

Category 10 8 6 4 2
Excellent Very good Average Needs Unacceptable
Ideas This paper is This paper The writer is Topic is not Yet, the
clear and is mostly beginning to well-defined paper has no Mind Mapping:
focused. focused define the and/or there clear sense of
Relevant and has topic, even are too many purpose or (Answers may vary)
details and some though topics. central
quotes details and development is theme.
enrich the quotes. still basic or
central general.
Organization The Paper (and The Sentences The writing
organization paragraphs) organization within the lacks a clear
enhances are mostly structure is paragraphs sense of
and organized, strong enough make sense but direction.
showcases in order, to move the the order of
the central and make reader through paragraphs
ideas of the sense to the text does not.
theme. the reader. without so
Presentation The form The format The writer The writer The reader (Answers may vary)
and only has message is message is only receives a
presentation few understandable understandable garbled
of the text mistakes in this format. occasionally, message due
enhances and is and paper is to problems
the ability generally messily relating to
for the easy to written. the
reader to read and presentation
understand pleasing to of the text
and connect the eye’ and is not
with the type.
the work
output very
“Based on the activity you have done what comes into your “Based on our activity, election is a formal group
mind about the word election?” decision-making process by which a population
chooses an individual or multiple individual to hold
a public office.”

“Very good.”
“How does the current automated electoral system in the “It is highly technical equipped. It is easy as we back
Philippines facilitate the conduct of credible elections?” to traditional electoral system. From a “ladderized”
transmission of election return via the different
canvassing levels, from Municipal Board of
Canvassers (MBOC), the result was transmitted to
Provincial Board of canvassers (PBOC) then, it was
also transmitted to National Board of canvassers

“What a brilliant answer.”

“Now, I will present to you a short video clip. And after that (Students watch attentively to the video)
will ask question regarding the video that I am going to
(A video clip was played) “For us to take our responsibility as a Filipino
citizen, that we have to choose the right leader
“Why is it important to have a certain election in our where in our future depend on who we are going to
society? vote.”

“Very good.”
“Election are device for filling a government office
B. ABSTRACTION through choices made by the electorate, a
“From our recent discussion what is the meaning of the designate body of qualified people.”
word election?”

“First, the COMELEC are in charge in the supervision

of election. Second, elections on Campaign period.
“Excellent answer.” Third, filling od Certificate of candidacy. Fourth,
“Now, what are the rules governing election in the Precincts and Polling Places. Last, Registration of
Philippines?” voters.

“He or she must be:

1. A citizen (male/female) of the Philippines.
“Very good.” 2. Not otherwise disqualified by the law.
“Who are qualified to vote? 3. At least eighteen (18) years of age, and
4. Have resided in the Philippines for at least one (1)
year and in the place where he/she proposes to
vote for at least six (6) months preceding the

“A person who are disqualified to vote is;

“Absolutely correct.” 1. Any person found to be not normal mental
“And who are disqualified to vote?” condition.
2. Who has been found guilty of committing a crime
involving disloyalty to the state (rebellion and
treason), except after 5 years from completion of
his sentence.
3. Any person who has been sentenced for prison
term of not less than one year, except after 5 years
from completion of his sentence.”

“The types of election are:

1. General election
“Very good.” 2. National election
“What are the types of election?” 3. Local election
4. Special election

“Political party consist of a group of people who

join hands to contest the election in country.”
“Yes, correct.”
“From our discussion, how will you understand the word
political party?” “The major types of political party system are:
1. One-party system
“Brilliant answer.” 2. Bi or two-party system
“And what are the major types of political party system?” 3. Multiparty system

C. APPLICATION “National Unity Party (NUP), because their platform

“If you were given a chance to join the political party in the is focused on economic development and
next coming election which political party you would like to strengthening foreign affairs that secure the rights
be associated with? And why? of every Filipino people.”

“I will change it into a more simple way of choosing

“Awesome.” a candidate by voting a party where the candidate
“If there would be a change in the Philippine Electoral is affiliated and not representing candidacy alone.”
System based on the present rule, what could be that rule
that you would like to change? And why?


TEST I: TRUE OR FALSE. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if otherwise.
_____1. An election is a formal group decision-making process by which a population chooses an individual or
individual to hold a public office.
_____2. The 2016 election was the first national election that utilized an automated election system.
_____3. Suffrage is the right and obligation to vote of qualified citizens in the election of public officers.
_____4. NAMFREL enforces and administers all laws and regulations relative to the conduct of election.
_____5. A political party is a group of people who seeks position through the process of elections.

TEST II: MULTIPLE CHOICE: Write only the letter of the correct answer.
6. It is a formal decision-making process by which the citizens of the country vote and select certain officials to
hold public office.
A. Amendments C. Plebiscite
B. Election D. Suffrage
7. The existing electoral system in the Philippines was stablished under what constitution?
A. Constitution 1935 C. Constitution 1973
B. Constitution 1943 D. Constitution 1987
8. This commission is empowered to supervise every aspect of campaigns and elections in the country.
9. The following countries are example of multiparty system EXCEPT one.
A. Indonesia C. South Korea
B. North Korea D. Sweden

10. What article of the constitution is related to the right of every Filipino to vote?
A. Article III C. Article V
B. Article IV D. Article VI

1. true 2. false 3. true 4. false 5. true
6. B 7. D 8. A 9. B 10. D

“Your task will be:

1. In every election here in our municipality, it is habitually been done that in every political party has its own
“SIDAY”. You are going to make “POLITIKANTA” or “SIDAY” that are related to the election that happens in
our municipality. A “SIDAY” that you observed in our municipality of Silvino Lubos during election day.

2. The group will be divided into three (3). You will compose a lyric and adopt rhyme or tune to a known song
or favorite song on that composition.

Output will be rated using the following criteria:

Content (related to the topic) – 10 points
Posture/Voice Quality - 5 points
Clarity/Informative - 5 points
Total 20 points



1 A. Lesson Proper
2 Process
3 Process
4 House rules
5 Process
6 Activity 1
7 Activity 1
8 Activity 1
9 Assignment/Analysis/Application

Prepared By: Checked by:


Teacher-II SHS Coordinator
Date signed: _______________________ Date signed: __________________________
Approved by:


Date signed: ____________________

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