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Academic Calendar Events 2023-2024:

Wednesday, August 9, 2023(Book Lovers Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Reading Marathon Activity:

Set aside dedicated time for a reading marathon where students and teachers read silently in classrooms
or designated reading areas. This can help create a calm and focused atmosphere, fostering a love for

2) Book Swap or Book Donation Drive:

Encourage students to bring in books they've already read and are willing to exchange with their peers.
This promotes sharing and introduces them to new genres and authors. Alternatively, organize a book
donation drive to collect books for underprivileged children or local libraries.

3) Book Fair:

Set up a mini book fair in the school, showcasing a variety of books from different genres and authors.
This provides an opportunity for students to explore new books and make their own selections.

Monday, August 14, 2023(Independence Day)

Activity Ideas:

1) Cultural Performances:

Organize cultural performances that showcase Pakistan's rich heritage through music, dance, skits, and
poetry recitations. Students can celebrate the diversity of their country's cultures and traditions

2) Inter-School Competitions:

Collaborate with other schools for friendly competitions like debates, quizzes, or sports events that
celebrate the spirit of independence.

3) Civic Awareness Workshops:

Host workshops that educate students about their civic responsibilities, citizenship, and the importance
of contributing positively to their country.

Saturday, August 19, 2023(World Humanitarian Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Documentary Screening:

Show documentaries or short films that highlight the challenges faced by people in crisis situations and
the work of humanitarian organizations. This can spark discussions about the importance of empathy
and action.

2) Humanitarian-themed Art Exhibition:

Encourage students to create artwork that reflects humanitarian themes such as empathy, kindness, and
supporting others in need. Display the art around the school to inspire reflection and conversation.

3) Fundraising Activities:

Host fundraising events such as bake sales, charity walks, or donation drives to support a humanitarian
cause or organization. This allows students to actively contribute to a greater cause.

Friday, September 8, 2023(International Literacy Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Literacy Workshops:

Arrange workshops that focus on enhancing reading and writing skills. These can include creative
writing, poetry, and storytelling workshops.

2) Writing Contests:

Organize writing contests with themes related to literacy, education, and the importance of reading. This
encourages students to express themselves creatively.

3) Library Activities:

Collaborate with the school library to organize quizzes, treasure hunts, or scavenger hunts that promote
the use of library resources.

Thursday, September 21,2023(World Gratitude Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Gratitude Circle:

Start the day with a gratitude circle where students and teachers take turns sharing something they are
grateful for. This sets a positive tone for the day.

2) Thank-You Cards:

Provide materials for students to create thank-you cards for teachers, staff, or their peers. These cards
can express gratitude for their contributions and support.

3) Gratitude Tree:

Create a "gratitude tree" where students can hang leaves or paper ornaments with messages of
gratitude. This visual representation of thankfulness can be displayed prominently.
Wednesday, September 27, 2023(Eid Milad-un-Nabi ‫( ﷺ‬12th Rabil-ul-Awal):

Activity Ideas:

1) Naat Khwani:

Arrange for students to perform or listen to naats that praise the Prophet and convey his teachings.

2) Good Deeds Challenge:

Launch a "Good Deeds Challenge" where students commit to performing acts of kindness and charity
throughout the week leading up to Eid Milad un Nabi

3) Poetry Recitation:

Encourage students to write and recite poetry that honors the Prophet and his teachings. This can be
done individually or as a group activity.

Thursday, October 5 ,2023 (World Teachers Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Teacher Appreciation Assembly:

Organize a special assembly where students express their gratitude through speeches, poems, and
performances dedicated to teachers.

2) Teacher Swap Day:

Allow students to step into the shoes of teachers for a portion of the day. This gives students a glimpse
into the teaching role and fosters empathy.

3) Classroom Decorations:

Have students decorate their classrooms with posters, banners, and artwork expressing their
appreciation for their teachers.

Thursday, November 9 ,2023 (Youm e Iqbal):

Activity Ideas:

1) Poetry Recitation:

Organize poetry recitation sessions where students can recite or perform Iqbal's famous poems. This
allows them to connect with his ideas and themes.

2) Essay and Speech Competitions:

Hold competitions where students can write essays or deliver speeches about the life, philosophy, and
impact of Allama Iqbal.
3) Quotations Wall:

Decorate a designated area with Iqbal's quotes and verses, sparking conversations about his thoughts
on various topics.

Friday, November 10 ,2023 (World Science Day for Peace and Development):

Activity Ideas:

1) Science Fair:

Host a science fair where students can showcase their scientific projects and innovations that contribute
to peace and sustainable development.

2) Documentary Screenings:

Show documentaries or short films that highlight scientific innovations and advancements that have led
to positive social and environmental changes.

3) Workshops on Sustainable Solutions:

Conduct workshops on topics such as renewable energy, climate change mitigation, and sustainable
agriculture, emphasizing how science can contribute to development.

Monday, December 4 ,2023 (Sindhi Culture Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Traditional Attire Day:

Encourage students and staff to dress in traditional Sindhi clothing, such as ajrak, Sindhi topi, and
traditional dresses, to showcase the cultural identity.

2) Cultural Performances:

Organize music, dance, and theatrical performances that highlight traditional Sindhi songs, dances, and

3) Sindhi Poetry Recitation:

Organize a poetry recitation competition featuring famous Sindhi poets' works, allowing students to
appreciate the language's poetic beauty.
Thursday, January 4,2024(World Braille Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Braille Workshops:

Conduct workshops to introduce students to Braille. Provide them with basic Braille charts and teach
them how to write their names or short messages in Braille.

2) Guest Speaker:

Invite a guest speaker who is visually impaired and proficient in Braille. They can share their experiences,
challenges, and successes, offering valuable insights into the importance of Braille literacy.

3) Braille Challenges:

Organize challenges where students can solve puzzles or answer questions using Braille. This encourages
them to interact with Braille and promotes learning through play.

Wednesday, January 24,2024 (International Day of Education):

Activity Ideas:

1) Education Awareness Campaign:

Launch an awareness campaign within the school to highlight the significance of education, its impact
on individuals and society, and the need for equitable access to education.

2) Student-led Workshops:

Encourage students to lead workshops on various topics, sharing their knowledge and skills with their

3) Guest Speaker Talks:

Invite educators, experts, or community leaders to speak about the importance of education, innovative
teaching methods, and the future of learning.

Monday, February 5,2024 (Kashmir Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Moment of Silence:

Observe a moment of silence in honor of those affected by the conflict in Kashmir, reflecting on the
importance of peace and understanding.

2) Guest Speaker:

Invite experts, scholars, or individuals with firsthand experience to speak about the history, culture, and
human rights situation in Kashmir.
3) Peace-building Workshops:

Conduct workshops focused on conflict resolution, empathy, and building bridges of understanding
between diverse communities.

Friday, March 1, 2024(Zero Discrimination Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Inclusive Workshops:

Organize workshops that focus on empathy, understanding, and embracing diversity. These workshops
can help students recognize unconscious biases and learn ways to counter discrimination.

2) Storytelling Circle:

Set up a storytelling circle where students and teachers share personal stories related to discrimination,
inclusion, or instances where they've stood up against bias.

3) Awareness Campaign:

Launch an awareness campaign throughout the school to educate students about the importance of zero
discrimination. Use posters, banners, and informational displays to spread messages of inclusivity and

Friday, March 8,2024 (International Women’s Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Inspirational Talks:

Invite accomplished women from various fields to share their experiences, challenges, and success
stories, inspiring students to pursue their goals.

2) Workshops on Empowerment:

Conduct workshops that focus on building self-confidence, leadership skills, and empowering girls to
break stereotypes.

3) Gender Bias Awareness:

Facilitate discussions and workshops on identifying and addressing unconscious gender biases and
Monday, April 22,2024 (Earth Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Environmental Workshops:

Conduct workshops on topics like recycling, waste reduction, energy conservation, and sustainable

2) Tree Planting:

Organize a tree-planting event where students can plant trees on school grounds or in the local
community to promote reforestation.

3) Green Pledges:

Have students and staff make individual pledges to adopt eco-friendly habits, such as using less plastic,
conserving water, or reducing carbon footprint.

Wednesday, May 1 ,2024 (International Labor Day):

Activity Ideas:

1) Workers' Appreciation Event:

Organize an event to appreciate the school's support staff, including janitors, security personnel,
administrative staff, and cafeteria workers.

2) Labor Rights Discussions:

Facilitate discussions about labor rights, fair wages, workplace equality, and the challenges faced by
workers in different industries.

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