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School/ Department Name: Post- Training Form
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Training Details
Name of Training: Governing Ourselves
Date of Training: Venue:
Name of Trainer:

Evaluate Section: Attempt all the questions

Question 1: Choose the best answer: (__/2 Marks)

1. What is the main purpose of a government?

a) To provide entertainment b) To ensure equal c) To maintain law and

distribution of wealth order

2. Which branch of government is responsible for making and passing laws?

a) Executive branch b) Judicial branch c) b) Legislature Branch

Question 2: State whether it’s True/False. (__/2 Marks)

True False
1. The Head of the Government is Prime Minister.

2. The Local Government is the highest level of the Government. True False

Question 3: Differentiate between the power of Tehsil Council and Union Council. (__/2 Marks)
Tehsil Union Union Council

Question 4: Answer the following questions: (__/6 Marks)

1. List down the purposes of government.

2. List the functions of the legislative branch.

3. Define the term ‘Election’ and ‘Electorate’

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