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1543 CHAMPA ST. SUITE 400 THE ODD FELLOWS HALL DENVER, CO 80202 303.571.1000 FAX: 303.571.1001


Darold W. Killmer David A. Lane* Mari Newman* Sara J. Rich Qusair Mohamedbhai Siddartha Rathoud Lisa R. Sahli

September 27, 2011 Ms. Suzanne A. Fasing Office of the Denver City Attorney Re: Jason Graber Settlement Dear Ms. Fasing: I write to you as counsel for Jason Graber and also as a resident of the City and County of Denver. As you know, we have agreed to a settlement of the Jason Graber matter wherein the City will expend [deleted as confidential] of tax-payer money to end this litigation. Of course, Denver will not admit any wrongdoing by Officer Shawn Miller or the City in this settlement. It is likely that while approving the settlement, the City Council will once again wring its collective hands and cluck its collective tongue and write yet another check to sweep the problem of police brutality under the rug. Having obtained hundreds of thousands of dollars over many years from Denver all involving police brutality/misconduct settlements I am extremely familiar with the process. Given my experience, I believe that I am in a position to offer the City Council some very constructive suggestions on how to help stop this hemorrhaging of tax-payer dollars while at the same time, reducing the number of brutal police carrying guns and badges and abusing their authority on the streets. It is my request that when the Graber settlement is called for consideration by the City Council at its meeting in October, that I be permitted to very briefly address the Council to outline some of my proposals. I would like to do this in an open meeting where the public can see and hear the proposals as opposed to simply sending you a letter to forward to the council. For too long Denver has either ignored the problem or actively hidden it from public view. It is very important that this be part of a public debate on this extremely serious issue and that is why I want to raise this in a public meeting and not simply in a letter which will never see the light of day. It should take no longer than five minutes for me to present my proposal to the counsel.
*Also admitted to practice in California Also admitted to practice in New York Also admitted to practice in Wyoming

Page (2) Thank you for your consideration. Please respond not later than September 30th at 5:00 p.m. I trust you will forward this request to your clients all of whom are members of the City Council. Sincerely,

David A. Lane

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