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12/20/21, 10:18 PM https://mme.speak-up.


PI2 03 1  
CLICK Exercises 

Which set of adjectives are in the correct order. 

1 They lived in a white small brick Scottish amazing castle.

an amazing small white Scottish brick castle.

an Scottish amazing small white brick castle.
a white small brick Scottish amazing castle.

2 My new car is a red modern Japanese vehicle.

red modern Japanese vehicle.

Japanese modern red vehicle.
modern red Japanese vehicle.

3 The city is

a large modern exciting place.

a modern exciting large place.
an exciting large modern place.

4 She married a

young handsome intelligent man.

handsome intelligent young man.
intelligent young handsome man. 1/2
12/20/21, 10:18 PM

5 We'll never forget that wedding dress she was


fantastic white long

fantastic long white
white fantastic long

6 It was

a shabby small awful hotel.

an awful shabby small hotel.
an awful small shabby hotel. 2/2

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