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[Open Overview of Beach City]

[Trans. Ext. Big Donut]


[Trans. Int. Big Donut]

*looking at an empty freezer* This can't be

happening! This has to be a dream! Lars!
Lars! *grabs Lars around his waist* Please tell
me I'm dreaming!

*shakes Steven off* Get off me man, I'm

stocking here!

I'm sorry, Steven. I guess they stopped

making them.

Stopped making them?! Why in the world

would they stop making Cookie Cats?!
Steven They're only the most scrumptious and
delicious ice-cream sandwich ever made!
Don't they have laws for this?!

*kneels to restock a cabinet and sighs* Tough

bits, man. Nobody buys them anymore.
*stocks shelves* I guess they couldn't
compete with "Lion Lickers".

*groans as he walks over to the fridge of "Lion

Lickers"* Not "Lion Lickers"! Nobody likes
them! They don't even look like lions! Kids
these days -- I'll tell ya what!

*chuckles and mocks* Well, if you miss your

wimpy ice cream so much, why don't you
make some with your "magic belly button"?
*laughs and walks away*

That's not how it works, Lars! ...Right?

*reveals a gem at his navel and jiggles his
belly* Oh, sweet Cookie Cats, with your
Steven crunchy cookie outside and your icy creamy
insides... You were too good for this world.
*draws a cookie cat on the freezer with his
finger and kisses it*

Sadie Uh... Steven?

(Steven doesn't reply as he hugs the freezer.)

Sadie Do you want to take the freezer with you?

(Lars leans over and looks at Steven in confusion. Steven nods.)

[Trans. Ext. Beach House]
(Steven hums "Cookie Cat" while running home, carrying the Cookie Cat freezer on his back.)
[Trans. Int. Beach House]

*opens the door of his home* Hey, guys, you

won't believe this!
(Steven is suddenly attacked by a Centipeetle. It roars at him and he screams. A whip then
wraps around it, revealing to be Amethyst's.)
'Sup, Steven? *yanks the Centipeetle off of
(Pearl can be seen fighting off Centipeetles on the Warp Pad, and Garnet is fighting in the

Steven Awesome! What are these things?

*groans and lifts up a Centipeetle* Ugh!

Sorry, Steven. We'll get these Centipeetles
out of your room. We think they were trying to
get into the temple.

Aw. You don't have to get rid of them. They're

really cool.
(The Centipeetle that Pearl is holding spits acid onto the floor, dissolving it into a hole, which
Steven and Pearl look in disgust.)
*poofs a Centipeetle and picks her nose* Um,
you guys? These things don't have gems.

That means there must be a mother

somewhere nearby.

(A Centipeetle sneaks up from beside Garnet, which she quickly punches away.)

We should probably find it before anyone gets


*excitedly* Oh! Oh! Can I come?! Can I?! Can


Steven, until you learn to control the powers

in your gem, we'll take care of protecting
humanity, okay? *snaps the neck of the
Centipeetle she is holding*

Aw, man. *notices a Centipeetle raiding his

Steven fridge* Hey! Get out of there! Go on! Shoo!
Shoo! Aw! They got into everything! Not cool!

(Garnet punches and poofs it. Steven then notices that the fridge is full of Cookie Cats.)

No way. I-it can't be! Wha-where did you get

these?! I thought they stopped making them!
*closes the fridge* Well, we heard that, too,
and since they're your favorite...

Amethyst We went out and stole a bunch.

*grunts at Amethyst* I went back and paid for


The whole thing was my idea. *retracts her

gauntlets back to her gems*

Amethyst It was everyone's idea.

Garnet Not really.

Pearl All that matters is that Steven is happy.

(Steven starts rapping the "Cookie Cat" jingle.)

He's a frozen treat with an all new taste
'Cause he came to this planet from outer
A refugee of an interstellar war
But now he's at your local grocery store

Cookie Cat!
Steven He's a pet for your tummy
Cookie Cat!
He's super duper yummy
Cookie Cat!
He left his family behind
Cookie Caaaaat!

*spoken* Now available at Gurgens off Route


(The Gems burst out in laughter and applause.)

I can't believe you did this. I'm gonna save

these forever!... right after I eat this one.
*tears open the wrapper of a Cookie Cat*
Hello, old friend. *bites into it* Oh, so good!
(Steven's gem begins to glow.) I like to eat the
ears first.

Amethyst Uh, Steven...

Steven Wha-? *lifts his shirt* My gem!

Amethyst Quick, try and summon your weapon!

I don't know how! *panicking* Aaaah, it's
fading! How do I make it come back?!

Pearl Calm down, Steven. Breathe, don't force it.

Amethyst Yeah, and try not to poop yourself either.

Garnet Please, don't.

(Steven's gem's glow fades away, everyone collectively sigh.)

Ah, I was really close that time! Can one of

you just explain how to summon a weapon?

Pearl *singsong voice* Oh, I'll go first!

[Trans. Ext. Hill with a blossoming tree with falling petals]

Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The

petals' dance seems improvised, but it is
being calculated in real time based on the
physical properties of this planet. With hard
work and dedication, you can master the
magical properties of your gem and perform
your own dance! *summons her spear from
her gem* Like so.

(Steven is in awe.)
[Trans. Ext. the Big Donut]

Steven *tosses a bunch of petals in the air* Wuh!

Amethyst Did Pearl tell you the petal thing?

Yeah, I need to practice really hard so I can

dance like a tree... I think.

Listen Steven, all that practice stuff is no fun.

Whenever I need to summon my weapon, it
Amethyst just happens. *summons her whip and breaks
a nearby garbage container in two* See?
Didn't try at all.

(Steven scratches his head.)

*runs outside and drops trash bag* Aaah!


[Trans. Ext. top of Crystal Temple near light house]

So I'm supposed to work really hard and not

try at all at the same time?

Garnet Yes.
(Steven already never listens and stands here with his silence.)

Or... you could link your mind with the energy

of all existing matter. Channeling the
Garnet collective power of the universe through your
gem, which results in... *summons her
gauntlets* At least that's my way of doin' it.

[Trans. Int. Beach House kitchen]

I think my best bet is to recreate what

happened the last time my gem glowed. So...
*points as he directs the Gems* Garnet and
Amethyst were here. Pearl was next to the
fridge. Hmm. Amethyst, I think your arms
were crossed?

Amethyst Okay, your majesty. *crosses arms*

And Pearl, your foot was like this. *tilts one of

her feet slightly*

Pearl I don't think it works this way, Steven.

And Garnet, uh... *squishes and moves her

face upward* Yeah. *retrieved the half-eaten
Cookie Cat from before from the fridge* Then
Steven I took a bite of this Cookie Cat. Oh, wait! I
sang the song first. *rapping in off-key* Uh,
he's a frozen treat, all new taste, interstellar
war, now available at Gurgens-

(Nothing happens.)

Awww, it was funnier last time. *lifts his shirt

Steven to see his gem and sigh* Maybe I'm not a real
Crystal Gem.

*bends down next to Steven* Don't be silly,

Steven. Of course you are.

And you're fun to have around, even if your

gem is useless. (Pearl gets angry at
Amethyst.) I mean... you're one of us, Steven.
We're not the Crystal Gems without you!

Garnet *nods*

Yeah, even if I don't have powers, I've still

Steven got... Cookie Cat! *takes a bite* Mmm, so
(Steven’s gem begins to glow again, and a shield materializes in front of him. The Gems
collectively gasp.)
Pearl *amazed* Steven, it's a shield!

Steven ... Whoa, what?! I get a shield?! Oh... YEAH!

(Steven accidentally launches his shield which ricochets all around the room, before smashing
into Steven's TV. Amethyst bursts out laughing while Pearl groans in disappointment.)
Huh? Cookie Cat! I summon my weapon by
eating ice cream!

*picks up the wrapper on the floor* What's in

these things?
(The house begins to rumble. Silhouettes of Centipeetles can be seen outside the window.
Steven's shield also disappears, leaving a dent in the TV.)

Steven What was that?

[Trans. Ext. Crystal Temple]

(he Gems run out of the house and see a Centipeetle, biggest of all, crawling up the temple.)

Garnet It's the Mother! *leaps towards it*

Pearl Stay in the house, Steven!

Steven No way! I'm coming, too!

(Steven goes back to grab several Cookie Cats and the Cookie Cat freezer. Garnet begins her
assault at the Centipeetle Mother. The battle descends towards the beach, as the Crystal
Gems brace themselves for battle. The Centipeetle Mother sprays a stream of acid towards
them, which they dodge out of the way and take refuge behind a broken hand statue of the
temple on the beach. The Centipeetle Mother continues spraying acid, dealing considerable
damage to the hand statue as it begins to melt.)
We could really use Steven's shield right
about now!

*chucks pebble at Mother* Hey! *plants the

freezer into the ground* Leave them alone!

Garnet, Pearl & Amethyst Steven, no!

Cookie Cat Crystal combo powers, activate!

*eats a Cookie Cat and lifts his shirt*

(The Centipeetle Mother stares maniacally as nothing happens.)

Uh-oh. Aaaah! *retreats a distance away with

the freezer*

We need to save Steven! *dodges an attack

from the Centipeetle Mother's tail pincers*

Amethyst Can we save ourselves first?!

Goodbye, my friends. *eats several Cookie
Cats as he weeps, his stomach rumbles and
Steven still nothing happens* Why isn't it working?
*dodges a spray of acid from the Centipeetle

Garnet Steven!

(Garnet grabs hold of the Centipeetle Mother's pincers, drawing her attention. Steven notices
the Cookie Cat freezer destroyed from the acid attack and gasps in horror.
No... Oh, no, no, no, no, no! *slowly* Cookie
Cat, he's a pet for your tummy. Cookie Cat,
Steven he's super duper yummy! *picks up the
freezer aggressively* Cookie Cat, he left his
family behind! COOKIE CAAAT!
(He chucks the freezer at the Centipeetle Mother's back, electrocuting her and causing her to
screech in pain.)

Steven Now available... nowhere.

Amethyst YES!

Garnet Gems, weapons!

(The Gems summon their weapons and burst out of cover from the hand statue.)

Garnet Let's do it.

(The Gems charge and attack the Centipeetle Mother altogether, defeating it for good. A gem
falls from it and Garnet bubbles it away.)
Farewell, sweet Cookie Cats. *buries a
Cookie Cat wrapper in the ground* I'll always
remember the time we spent together.
*stomach rumbles* Shh... Hush now.

Amethyst Are you crying?

Steven Only a little!

Well, I guess your powers don't come from ice


Of course they don't come from ice cream.

Pearl Don't worry, Steven, I'm sure some day you'll
figure out how to activate your gem.

Garnet Yes, in your own Steven-y way.

I'm okay, guys. I just- *stomach rumbles* Ugh,

I think I ate too many Cookie Cats.
(The Gems start laughing, and Steven laughs anxiously in return. The star iris zooms in on
Steven, as he bends over and retches, ending the episode.)

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