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Marijuana is one of the most consumed illegal drug in the world.

Marijuana smokers start at a very young age and starting at a very young age marijuana can opens a lot of doors to different drugs and start health issues. Marijuana is mostly consumed by 12 and 25 year old .For example 98% of high school teens have tried marijuana and 55% of teens are still using or have become addicts. Many people believe that marijuana isnt a drug and that its alright to be abusing weed all the time. I believe marijuana is a stepping stone to start consuming other drugs. Should marijuana become legalize? No marijuana shouldnt be legalized. Marijuana can be a less harmful compared to other drugs, but when it isnt doing its job anymore like ,such as easing the pain, thats when people start going on a different path. Marijuana is the steeping stone to start abusing other drugs. I dont know why marijuana isnt considered a drug if it leads to becoming an addict. Many people believe that marijuana doesnt have major health concerns, but those people are wrong. Marijuana has a lot of major heath risk: For example marijuana affects the brains cannabinoid receptor which influences pleasure, memory, thinking, concentrating, sensory and time, perception ,perception, and coordinated movement. The fact that marijuana affects our cannabionoidcannabinoid receptors makes a marijuana users body function differently thaen to a person who doesnt smoke marijuana. Becoming a marijuana addict can lead to compulsive drug seeking and abuse despite the known harmful effects upon functioning in the context of family, school work and recreational activities. Marijuana can cause mental illnesses especially for users of a young age. Many of the mental health issues are include an increase of anxiety, depression, and schizophrenia. Marijuana has many other health effects on the heart and lungs. When smoking marijuana and getting the high it increases our ones heart rate up to 20-100 percent. There is a 4.8 fold increase of a heart attack. The affects that is it has in the lungs are that they lack the growth of epithelial cells in the lungs and that could lead to cancer. A marijuana smoker has the same chance of getting cancer like as a tobacco smoker. Legalizing marijuana can increase the death of many people and mental illnesses.

Comment [B1]: Repetitive

Comment [B2]: Transition needed

Comment [B3]: Repetitive, use another metaphor Comment [B4]: Sentence seems out of place

Comment [B5]: Use a different phrase

Comment [B6]: Word seems out of place

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